Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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respectfully snipped


That certainly wasn't what I wanted to hear, but I am no way surprised. I just want to believe that precious Caylee is still alive.

As a mother, I cannot fathom acting one way toward your child around people and then acting a different way in private. How exhausting it would be. Not to mention, poor Caylee must have been terribly confused! She must have been so scared to be alone with KC. That thought saddens me even more.

Thank you again for sharing your enlightening knowledge.

quoting myself, how weird is that! I am just wondering, Soulscape. Regarding Caylee's natal promise, IF she is found ALIVE, could this natal promise be explained by past harm from KC or maybe harm from whoever has Caylee BECAUSE KC was the one who gave her away. As I am reading my words I realize that I am trying EVERYTHING not to believe Caylee is dead, and I am not even related to the Anthony family. This revelation is humbling to me because I have felt SOOOO much anger toward the grandparents. I can understand now why they are acting the way they are. I don't condone their lies and secretcy, but I understand. Have a good day SS:)
Lovejac pointed me in the direction of this fascinating thread. Housemouse, thanks for sharing your time and talents on this matter. It's a long thread, so I am still reading, but it is incredibly interesting.

My youngest sister is quite the student of astrology. I have learned a lot from her, but I can only get so far with it before my stupid starts to show!
Good afternoon housemouse! What does this mean to the case? Unfortunately, this weekend was very busy and I didn't get a chance to get your reading recommendation. I should probably just order on-line. I have been searching, without much success, to find KC birth time. I wish I knew of someone here to ask. anywhoo, have a great day!

It doesn't mean anything much, Lovejac. I am interested in the way the transiting moon seems to coincide with news and events in this case.

Mercury = news/communication
Venus = young women/girls (money, things of value)
Pluto is involved with Casey's chart, as it is squaring her sun right now, and Pluto has an association with hidden/cruelty/garbage/death.

Also, the moon is in Gemini, which is associated with Mercury, so we get back to news/communication again.

So, today we have news about the sudden unusual disappearance of Caylee (Moon is also trining Neptune (disappearance, and in a wide square with Uranus (sudden, unusual) and a dumpster (Pluto/garbage/etc.)

Just an interesting astrological observation. On some other forum, I read about women's clothing, including underwear being found... I wonder if that will play into the dumpster info?
Hi MommaD,

I went to Google Earth & plugged in Hopespring Drive Orlando FL (the Anthony house) and Orlando International Airport. It seems to me the Airport is southwest of the Anthony house. I know with Google Earth you can create paths of an exact mileage but I don't know how to do that.

Does anyone reading this thread know how to work with Google Earth? If so, could you plot out 4.5 to 5 miles WEST NORTH WEST of Anthony house and circle that area, then go down in opposite direction to 4.5 to 5 miles EAST SOUTH EAST of Anthony home and circle that area --- and attach the image to this thread?

I know it's a long shot --- but ....


Gonna do my best to assist in your request... hope the link pastes properly. This is the link from Windows LIVE MAPS and is capable of being 3-D if you have it dowloaded on your computer. It appears to be approximately a 12 minute drive from Hopespring to the Airport main entrance off Beeline/Beachline Expwy. Airport is West South West of Hopespring.

As the Crow Flies (drawing a straight line from Hopespring to Airport) looks like about 2.5 -3 miles based on the 'ruler' measuring thingie on the map. Please note, the map will show both Longitiude and Latitude of the house street and the Airport location if you place you mouse over the markings on the map.

Appreciate all you and others are acting upon to bring this innocent child home. GOD SPEED, United States__&rtop=0~0~0&encType=1
Gonna do my best to assist in your request... hope the link pastes properly. This is the link from Windows LIVE MAPS and is capable of being 3-D if you have it dowloaded on your computer. It appears to be approximately a 12 minute drive from Hopespring to the Airport main entrance off Beeline/Beachline Expwy. Airport is West South West of Hopespring.

As the Crow Flys (drawing a straight line from Hopespring to Airport) looks like about 2.5 -3 miles based on the 'ruler' measuring thingie on the map. Please note, the map will show both Longitiude and Latitude of the house street and the Airport location if you place you mouse over the markings on the map.

Appreciate all you and others are acting upon to bring this innocent child home. GOD SPEED, United States__&rtop=0~0~0&encType=1

Thanks, Curiouscat!! What I would like to see is approx. 4-5 miles WEST NORTH WEST and EAST SOUTH EAST of Hopespring. (The Airport is WEST SOUTH WEST)

Since Caylee's signifcator was SUN in Cancer, I would expect lowlands, water-ways, etc., but I understand that kind of terrain is all around the Orlando area...

quoting myself, how weird is that! I am just wondering, Soulscape. Regarding Caylee's natal promise, IF she is found ALIVE, could this natal promise be explained by past harm from KC or maybe harm from whoever has Caylee BECAUSE KC was the one who gave her away.

Hi Lovejac,

The concept of Natal Promise is just that -- promise, or potential. No one really knows how it may manifest, only that particular events/ circumstances/ conditions cannot manifest if there is no natal promise. In Caylee's chart, there is the POTENTIAL (natal promise) of harm through, from or by the Mother. Something triggered or set off that natal configuration -- progressions, transits, lunations --- something. Maybe Neptunian can comment on what she sees.

It doesn't help that there are several very troubling interaspects between Caylee's chart and Casey's chart. Even without having a timed birth chart for Casey, there are contacts between the two charts that would be there no matter what time of day Casey was born and they appear sinister, to say the least.

IF Caylee is found alive --- and nothing would make me happier for her to be found alive and well --- any trauma she may have suffered from the person/people who would have had her would be shown in her chart somewhat differently. For example, if a FRIEND of Casey's had her, we would have to determine which planet rules the mother and count 11 houses to find the planet that would signify the friend of the mother, and then look at those aspects.

One thing is for certain in my mind: IF Caylee were to be found alive and well and returned to the mother, and IF the State deemed that Caylee should go back to her mother --- well, I shudder to think what might eventually happen to the poor child, based on the disturbing interaspects between Casey's and Caylee's natal charts....

Just curious here.

Did anyone notice the time the documents appeared online? How's that for timing? I posted this earlier this afternoon....

"I find this timing interesting. The Moon will move, and be in exact opposition to Pluto about 5:52 PM this afternoon. We heard about the document dump at about noon today, when the Moon was squaring Mercury and Venus"
Lots of dates and times in the documents... I am scanning them, but will go back and try to mark down any times that seem important...
I am reading the LE interview with Casey at Universal. I am so upset that I think I am going to log for the night, watch Nancy Grace, and cry myself to sleep.

It is so hard to see such evil up close, in writing. It scares me. I can't see for the tears in my eyes. Don't read it if you are sensitive, seriously!
Ugh - it's too late. I've nearly finished reading them. Lots of birthdates. Did you see the part abt. the kitchen knife in the car? (It was washed.) Wow. I have to go back and read it again to be sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. This is just awful.

Maybe I'll just go to bed.
Gonna do my best to assist in your request... hope the link pastes properly. This is the link from Windows LIVE MAPS and is capable of being 3-D if you have it dowloaded on your computer. It appears to be approximately a 12 minute drive from Hopespring to the Airport main entrance off Beeline/Beachline Expwy. Airport is West South West of Hopespring.

As the Crow Flys (drawing a straight line from Hopespring to Airport) looks like about 2.5 -3 miles based on the 'ruler' measuring thingie on the map. Please note, the map will show both Longitiude and Latitude of the house street and the Airport location if you place you mouse over the markings on the map.

Appreciate all you and others are acting upon to bring this innocent child home. GOD SPEED
Goodness our SN's are toooooo much alike. This could get really confusing for folks,
ok hope this one is bigger and it works. ok worked. so now have the 4.5 miles west north west and hopesprings dr in the middle and then we have the east south east area @ 4.5 miles. gives you idea of area u are interested in . the north addy looks like a apt.complex but has a big water pond around it and alot of bushes. the south area is all woodsy area.. hope this is right this time. the north measurements at the apt. complex is on curry ford rd.

To All that are having a hard time dealing with this case. I understand how hard it is to know the things people in this world are capable of but it happens. If it wasn't for ppl like us to help the victim in anyway we can no matter how small or how big they need us. someone somewhere might see, find , or do something that will bring a victim home or have a voice for the victim. And that should warm our hearts. Its sad but happy too .. please Don't Give Up.. God Bless To All.. jmo
Hi. I am new to this board after lurking here for several weeks.
Hi MommaD,

I went to Google Earth & plugged in Hopespring Drive Orlando FL (the Anthony house) and Orlando International Airport. It seems to me the Airport is southwest of the Anthony house. I know with Google Earth you can create paths of an exact mileage but I don't know how to do that.

Does anyone reading this thread know how to work with Google Earth? If so, could you plot out 4.5 to 5 miles WEST NORTH WEST of Anthony house and circle that area, then go down in opposite direction to 4.5 to 5 miles EAST SOUTH EAST of Anthony home and circle that area --- and attach the image to this thread?

I know it's a long shot --- but ....


There are several airports in the Orlando area.
The Orlando Ex. airport is north of the Hopespring address.
The Orlando Int'l airport is south of the Hopespring address.
Could this make a difference in the mapping area?
I think the Orlando Ex. airport is where the 'pings' were heard.

Thanks for all the wonderful work you all are doing.

Hi. I am new to this board after lurking here for several weeks.

There are several airports in the Orlando area.
The Orlando Ex. airport is north of the Hopespring address.
The Orlando Int'l airport is south of the Hopespring address.
Could this make a difference in the mapping area?
I think the Orlando Ex. airport is where the 'pings' were heard.

Thanks for all the wonderful work you all are doing.


thank you DreamWeaver .. thought I did that map right. orlando ex. airport is right. now to find my map. dont know if i saved that one. after she told me I did it wrong. o well do another one. lol
Soulscape - I have done a map I hope it is correct. it seems the west north west is at the orlando ex. airport ,, this is where le were talking about the pings. the area with measurements seems to be around Lake Underhill.. its one of the lakes at airport.

now if you go the 4.5 miles east south east - it goes to large area of woods and small water spots along beach line expwy.. If I zoomed in real close I could see 1 road going in the woods.. I sure wish the anthony family would ask tes to come search those 2 areas..

p.s. I am not very good at doing maps and esp. linking them.. but love playing with them. jmo
"The Stars don't Lie. People Lie, but the Stars DON'T Lie"

Casey Where Is Caylee?

All I post is IMO

Here is the map of lake underhill and lake underhill park

thank you DreamWeaver .. thought I did that map right. orlando ex. airport is right. now to find my map. dont know if i saved that one. after she told me I did it wrong. o well do another one. lol

MommaD & DreamWeaver --- am I understanding you correctly? Are you both saying that WEST NORTH WEST is the Orlando Ex Airport where the pings came from??

The #3 Phone Call to LE chart indicated Caylee to be approx. 4.5 miles WEST NORTH WEST / EAST SOUTH EAST (could go in either direction) of her home (Hopespring).

Sickening thud in stomach,
oh my soulscape ss but you have a pm from me. you left..
Hi Lovejac,

The concept of Natal Promise is just that -- promise, or potential. No one really knows how it may manifest, only that particular events/ circumstances/ conditions cannot manifest if there is no natal promise. In Caylee's chart, there is the POTENTIAL (natal promise) of harm through, from or by the Mother. Something triggered or set off that natal configuration -- progressions, transits, lunations --- something. Maybe Neptunian can comment on what she sees.

It doesn't help that there are several very troubling interaspects between Caylee's chart and Casey's chart. Even without having a timed birth chart for Casey, there are contacts between the two charts that would be there no matter what time of day Casey was born and they appear sinister, to say the least.

IF Caylee is found alive --- and nothing would make me happier for her to be found alive and well --- any trauma she may have suffered from the person/people who would have had her would be shown in her chart somewhat differently. For example, if a FRIEND of Casey's had her, we would have to determine which planet rules the mother and count 11 houses to find the planet that would signify the friend of the mother, and then look at those aspects.

One thing is for certain in my mind: IF Caylee were to be found alive and well and returned to the mother, and IF the State deemed that Caylee should go back to her mother --- well, I shudder to think what might eventually happen to the poor child, based on the disturbing interaspects between Casey's and Caylee's natal charts....



Sorry I haven't been here more - school is starting. Even for me! (Lots of science this semester, yay:)

Soulscape, I noticed at the beginning that Casey and Caylee have discord in their relationship. Besides hard angles between their planets, basic sign energy is off. Caylee: Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Leo rise. Fire and Air. Casey: Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon. Lots of Water. I read last night that when pregnant, Casey did not want to keep Caylee. Also, she allegedly denied the pregnancy for a long time -according to her uncle. I haven't looked closely at their synastry chart, but did note the closest aspects between the two were harsh. For those who are new to astrology, most families share compatible signs and aspects. It's almost uncanny to see how these repeat throughout generations in families.

Anyway, what Soulscape has written about natal promise is VERY important. No event unless it is promised. The combination of Venus Mars and Pluto in Caylee's horoscope, all in hard angles is a serious one. Mars and Venus are the essence of male and female - so we have these combining in a harsh way. Add Pluto's force to it, and I would watch carefully for (I hate to say it) - sexual assault. I haven't been able, really, to bring myself to write about it, as this is a worst case scenario. Caylee's Mars(Taurus) and Venus(Virgo) by sign are debilitated. Which means that the planets are uneasy - have difficulty expressing themselves properly or in a healthy way. Mars is in Venus's sign. Venus is in Mercury's. This weakens them, and is yet another testimony of this energy manifesting in a difficult way. Another thing I noticed is that 12 HS Saturn (debilitated in Leo) is square Mars in this chart, so is connected to this planetary combination. More bad news. I have seen this (Mars, Saturn, Pluto - 12th house connections) in at least three physical abuse situations. The cases I am talking about involved blunt trauma, bruises. Anyway, I don't want to frighten anyone with all of this. Many, many people have these combinations in their charts - and things don't work out badly. This energy gets used in different ways - one way could be employment a sex crime investigator, etc.. SO MUCH depends on what the environment is, and how the person chooses to use the energy. With children - they depend on us to keep them safe - there isn't choice yet:( Moon (mother) is connected as well to Caylee's Ven-Mar-Pluto configuration. Moon is in quincunx aspect to Mars in her chart. Quincunx is a difficult aspect, it means that something must be adjusted - but it is difficult to put your finger on this. Crisis and transformation is also connected with the quincunx. Perhaps the other astrologers can explain it better - I have trouble with this aspect, personally.

Around the time of Caylee's disappearance, this natal promise was "activated" by transitting Uranus (sudden events). Uranus moves slowly, and was squaring (challenging) Pluto (force), also was semisquare Mars(violence). Transitting Uranus was also quincunx prog. Asc., from Caylee's 8th house. Also, transitting Mars, the trigger, moved to conjunct Caylee's progressed Sun (life force) and Ascendant (body, immediate environment) and to trine natal Pluto - which, again is activating that natal promise. I fear there might have been a sudden struggle, and if so, Caylee fought. I have seen hard Venus - Pluto connections in the charts of very strong women, the sad thing is, usually bad circumstances are what brings out this strenght. Last thing I see is transitting Neptune opposite Caylee's progressed Asc. which is clouding this situation.

All of these hard transits occurred against the backdrop of uneasy progressions in Caylee's chart that I already described:( It was an extremely difficult time for Caylee, and the transits didn't help.

Well, Ive gone on and on again - repeating myself and what the others have written, so I'll stop. I just keep looking and looking for something that is more positive, more helpful than this, but cannot find it. The washed knife (Mars Neptune) in the car is alarming.
MommaD & DreamWeaver --- am I understanding you correctly? Are you both saying that WEST NORTH WEST is the Orlando Ex Airport where the pings came from??

The #3 Phone Call to LE chart indicated Caylee to be approx. 4.5 miles WEST NORTH WEST / EAST SOUTH EAST (could go in either direction) of her home (Hopespring).

Sickening thud in stomach,

ok checked and no its not the same airport. the one released earlier about pings was the orlando international airport. BUT soulscape the thing is i feel strong about the lake underhill area. that said being it could be the oppisite way then the area around beachline east south east could pick up the tower at the international airport . I found towers in that area where they said the pings were and you have to remember that they are trianglular so could be picked up from 3 sides and one could point to the beachline area that is woodsy..

please share what you think??
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