Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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Good luck with school Neptunian .. have a great day..
thank you DreamWeaver .. thought I did that map right. orlando ex. airport is right. now to find my map. dont know if i saved that one. after she told me I did it wrong. o well do another one. lol

MommaD and Dreamweaver, the pings came from the Orlando INTERNATIONAL Airport, not the Orlando EX Airport (see below link). The direction of the OIA is WEST SOUTH WEST of the Hopespring address.

Thanks to both of you for your assistance.

MommaD and Dreamweaver, the pings came from the Orlando INTERNATIONAL Airport, not the Orlando EX Airport (see below link). The direction of the OIA is WEST SOUTH WEST of the Hopespring address.

Soulscape and MommaD,
I am so sorry.
I too checked and found that channel 9, WFTV, Aug. 14, 2008, said that the pings came from the Orlando INTERNATIONAL airport.

But, Blanchard Park, where the bloggers searched, is 9.8 miles north of the Hopespring address and west of the Orlando Ex. airport.
And, I have a strong feeling about the Orlando Ex. area.

Still, the Orlando INTERNATIONAL airport is 9.6 miles south of Hopespring address.

Thank you both for all the hard work you do,
OK, guys, if we go with my "Moon transit theory...

The next time the Moon will be hitting the sensitive spots involved will be when it is in Virgo, starting late August 31st, going through the wee early hours of September 1st.

So, let's see if anything develops around these dates.


Soulscape, I noticed at the beginning that Casey and Caylee have discord in their relationship. Besides hard angles between their planets, basic sign energy is off. Caylee: Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Leo rise. Fire and Air. Casey: Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon. Lots of Water. I read last night that when pregnant, Casey did not want to keep Caylee. Also, she allegedly denied the pregnancy for a long time -according to her uncle. I haven't looked closely at their synastry chart, but did note the closest aspects between the two were harsh. For those who are new to astrology, most families share compatible signs and aspects. It's almost uncanny to see how these repeat throughout generations in families.

Anyway, what Soulscape has written about natal promise is VERY important. No event unless it is promised. The combination of Venus Mars and Pluto in Caylee's horoscope, all in hard angles is a serious one. Mars and Venus are the essence of male and female - so we have these combining in a harsh way. Add Pluto's force to it, and I would watch carefully for (I hate to say it) - sexual assault. I haven't been able, really, to bring myself to write about it, as this is a worst case scenario. Caylee's Mars(Taurus) and Venus(Virgo) by sign are debilitated. Which means that the planets are uneasy - have difficulty expressing themselves properly or in a healthy way. Mars is in Venus's sign. Venus is in Mercury's. This weakens them, and is yet another testimony of this energy manifesting in a difficult way. Another thing I noticed is that 12 HS Saturn (debilitated in Leo) is square Mars in this chart, so is connected to this planetary combination. More bad news. I have seen this (Mars, Saturn, Pluto - 12th house connections) in at least three physical abuse situations. The cases I am talking about involved blunt trauma, bruises. Anyway, I don't want to frighten anyone with all of this. Many, many people have these combinations in their charts - and things don't work out badly. This energy gets used in different ways - one way could be employment a sex crime investigator, etc.. SO MUCH depends on what the environment is, and how the person chooses to use the energy. With children - they depend on us to keep them safe - there isn't choice yet:( Moon (mother) is connected as well to Caylee's Ven-Mar-Pluto configuration. Moon is in quincunx aspect to Mars in her chart. Quincunx is a difficult aspect, it means that something must be adjusted - but it is difficult to put your finger on this. Crisis and transformation is also connected with the quincunx.


Around the time of Caylee's disappearance, this natal promise was "activated" by transitting Uranus (sudden events). Uranus moves slowly, and was squaring (challenging) Pluto (force), also was semisquare Mars(violence). Transitting Uranus was also quincunx prog. Asc., from Caylee's 8th house. Also, transitting Mars, the trigger, moved to conjunct Caylee's progressed Sun (life force) and Ascendant (body, immediate environment) and to trine natal Pluto - which, again is activating that natal promise. I fear there might have been a sudden struggle, and if so, Caylee fought. I have seen hard Venus - Pluto connections in the charts of very strong women, the sad thing is, usually bad circumstances are what brings out this strenght. Last thing I see is transitting Neptune opposite Caylee's progressed Asc. which is clouding this situation.

All of these hard transits occurred against the backdrop of uneasy progressions in Caylee's chart that I already described:( It was an extremely difficult time for Caylee, and the transits didn't help.

... The washed knife (Mars Neptune) in the car is alarming.


THANK YOU for your awesome analysis, I concur with you 1000%.

I also saw the Venus/Mars/Pluto as possible sexual assault but did not want to mention it. Up to the point of her disappearance, I don't think the child had been assaulted sexually, but in light of the recent revelations of the docdump stating Casey allowed her to be at adult parties where people were drinking/drugging and letting the baby sleep in beds with adults, I could easily see how that aspect might have played out eventually if the poor child hadn't disappeared.

What you said ***natal promise was "activated" by transiting Uranus (sudden events). Uranus moves slowly, and was squaring (challenging) Pluto (force), also was semisquare Mars(violence). Transitting Uranus was also quincunx prog. Asc., from Caylee's 8th house. Also, transitting Mars, the trigger, moved to conjunct Caylee's progressed Sun (life force) and Ascendant (body, immediate environment) and to trine natal Pluto - which, again is activating that natal promise. ***

In plain English, Folks, Nep has just described a Death aspect if I ever saw one.


Can one of you experts explain to me what something being "promised" means? Thanks!
I agree with this, Soulscape, but didn't put it in the description for two reasons.

First was her age. Cindy also seemed to be her primary caregiver, and George has no history.

Second, I assumed it would potentially be a risk factor in her later years, if she didn't find a way to express these energies in a more productive way.

I also worried that it might make folks speculate about things, and we have no concrete proof. But, now? What on earth was Casey thinking, sleeping in bed with her BF and Caylee?

Dear God, I hope not!


I also saw the Venus/Mars/Pluto as possible sexual assault but did not want to mention it. Up to the point of her disappearance, I don't think the child had been assaulted sexually, but in light of the recent revelations of the docdump stating Casey allowed her to be at adult parties where people were drinking/drugging and letting the baby sleep in beds with adults, I could easily see how that aspect might have played out eventually if the poor child hadn't disappeared.

I agree with this, Soulscape, but didn't put it in the description for two reasons.

First was her age. Cindy also seemed to be her primary caregiver, and George has no history.

Second, I assumed it would potentially be a risk factor in her later years, if she didn't find a way to express these energies in a more productive way.

I also worried that it might make folks speculate about things, and we have no concrete proof. But, now? What on earth was Casey thinking, sleeping in bed with her BF and Caylee?

Dear God, I hope not!

Hi Housemouse,

Well, it certainly looks like you, Nep & me were all on the same page with our hesitation to put our suspicions about the Venus/ Mars/ Pluto hard aspects into print.

I agree with you that it would likely have been a risk factor as she grew up if she was not able to learn how to express those energies in a more productive way. If she hadn't disappeared and Casey would have continued to allow her to sleep in adult beds and attend adult drinking/drugging parties, well, I don't think anyone needs to be an astrologer to see where this might have led....

One thing we'd like to make clear --- and I'm taking the liberty of speaking for Housemouse & Nep as well as myself --- is just because you have a challenging aspect pattern in your chart DOESN'T MEAN it has to manifest in a negative way!!! There are people all over creation with hard aspects and planets in challenging configurations that learn how to apply their energies in healthy, healing, productive, positive ways --- a lot has to do with how you choose to use/ apply the energies. Please don't think if you have a **bad aspects** you are doomed!!

I am reading the LE interview with Casey at Universal. I am so upset that I think I am going to log for the night, watch Nancy Grace, and cry myself to sleep.

It is so hard to see such evil up close, in writing. It scares me. I can't see for the tears in my eyes. Don't read it if you are sensitive, seriously!

Housemouse, I cried myself to sleep last night over this. I then awoke at 2:30 a.m. because I'd had a nightmare about all of this! I woke up all sweaty, so much so that I had to change my jammies and stuff. My head still hurts today. I had an experience as a child that I never speak of and lost somebody very dear who was also a very young child and this hits soo close to home for me.

What really stuck in my head is when Casey says:

"I have been and still am afraid of what has, or may happen to Caylee."

Is this a telling statement?
I am so glad you posted this, Soulscape! It needs to be said on every page here, in my opinion.

Everyone has tough aspects, and everyone has these midpoints, sometimes in our natal charts, and sometimes triggered by transits.

Most of us use these in positive ways. I would guess that some reading here have similar aspects, and are using them positively by trying to help find missing people, or those who are unfortunately victims of crime.

Successful surgeons usually have some difficult aspects involving Mars and Saturn, for example. I would assume that those specializing in female surgery also have some Venus and Pluto involvement.

Hi Housemouse,

Well, it certainly looks like you, Nep & me were all on the same page with our hesitation to put our suspicions about the Venus/ Mars/ Pluto hard aspects into print.

I agree with you that it would likely have been a risk factor as she grew up if she was not able to learn how to express those energies in a more productive way. If she hadn't disappeared and Casey would have continued to allow her to sleep in adult beds and attend adult drinking/drugging parties, well, I don't think anyone needs to be an astrologer to see where this might have led....

One thing we'd like to make clear --- and I'm taking the liberty of speaking for Housemouse & Nep as well as myself --- is just because you have a challenging aspect pattern in your chart DOESN'T MEAN it has to manifest in a negative way!!! There are people all over creation with hard aspects and planets in challenging configurations that learn how to apply their energies in healthy, healing, productive, positive ways --- a lot has to do with how you choose to use/ apply the energies. Please don't think if you have a **bad aspects** you are doomed!!

Ok, now. Next big question for us to figure out, and I am not sure I know how to do it.

When will Casey be charged?

And when will she actually go to trial for something other than child neglect?

Or, is that just too tough to figure out from her "unknown birth time" natal chart?
According to the charts you 3 have completed, have any of you determined WHEN Caylee will be found ?

Will her little body never be found ?

I gave up thinking that Caylee was still alive after the first 4 - 5 weeks. I KNOW that her little body housed her soul, and yes she is in a beautiful place, in the arms of the Lord.

What bothers me is the fact that this precious little Princess deserves to be laid to rest, respected, and honored.
To be honest, Lake Erie Princess, I am not sure what to look for in Caylee's chart to see if/when she will be found.

There is a lot of Neptune involvement in her 4th house, and in her 8th house. Pluto is in her 4th house.

That suggests to me, that if she was killed, as seems probable, her body was either placed in water (Neptune) or in a dumpster (Pluto/garbage).

In either case, it is possible that her body will never be found, unfortunately. But, remember, I am just an amateur, although one with lots of years under my belt.

Maybe Soulscape or Neptunian, both of whom use different techniques, will have something to add. I respect their work and feel they can add a lot of information to mine, since we research in different ways.
Soulscape or Neptunian if you can my post, I would appreciate it.

Daily I say prayers to give searchers, and LE the knowledge to locate her little body.
I am so glad you posted this, Soulscape! It needs to be said on every page here, in my opinion.

Everyone has tough aspects, and everyone has these midpoints, sometimes in our natal charts, and sometimes triggered by transits.

Most of us use these in positive ways. I would guess that some reading here have similar aspects, and are using them positively by trying to help find missing people, or those who are unfortunately victims of crime.

Successful surgeons usually have some difficult aspects involving Mars and Saturn, for example. I would assume that those specializing in female surgery also have some Venus and Pluto involvement.

I totally agree with you and Soulscape. Sorry, my message was rash and I should have been a little more thoughtful when posting publically.

Your interp re: Venus and Pluto = female surgery is good. Another outlet for this is garbage disposal/recycling. Pluto for garbage and Venus for beautification and/or the money earned in the business. (LOL, ask me how I know this one, pheeeew!) Could be an intense, powerful love affair. Or powerful wealth, etc.. You say that Mars-Saturn is a surgeon - it is! Also can be a patient person, a military strategist. Mars Saturn, once mastered lends discipline. There are many positive ways for even the most challenging combinations to unfold.

I will try to take care with the things I write. I'm glad we are all here to balance each other!
Soulscape or Neptunian if you can my post, I would appreciate it.

Daily I say prayers to give searchers, and LE the knowledge to locate her little body.

I really don't know how to look for this, but will try. When I first posted here, Housemouse told me to be prepared for not ever knowing, (because of Neptune's influence) and I think this is good advice for all of us. I think prayer helps, though.
Ok, now. Next big question for us to figure out, and I am not sure I know how to do it.

When will Casey be charged?

And when will she actually go to trial for something other than child neglect?

Or, is that just too tough to figure out from her "unknown birth time" natal chart?

Well, Housemouse:) Maybe we should watch the Moon transits with you! You've been right "on it" with this case. I still haven't gotten into Casey's chart as much as I should, it takes me longer than you guys.

Off the cuff, I'd say that it might come down soon, while the Saturn transits are in play. When I looked at her release chart, I clicked on the Sabian Symbols and saw the Asc. was in the degree of "Circular Paths". I don't know much about Sabian Symbols - haven't used them because of the psychic connections - but the Moon's symbol at the moment caught my eye. I wonder if circular paths means she'll soon be right back where she started?

Have a good evening-
I really don't know how to look for this, but will try. When I first posted here, Housemouse told me to be prepared for not ever knowing, (because of Neptune's influence) and I think this is good advice for all of us. I think prayer helps, though.

It's so difficult to even conceive of that beautiful baby girl not ever being found. Prayer does help a great deal! This case has taken a huge toll on so many of us emotionally.
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