Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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NEWS has been added- complete stories in our
Astrology-Casey Caylee TimeStamped Media,Doc Links*NO DISCUSSIONS*
(scroll down on the page)

***Amy H. attny files objection to request for phone records

***The A's have been dropped from the agenda for the Melanie Ilene Rieger's Memorial Conference next month due to threats. :clap:


***Cindy tells WKMG she canceled on Oprah Winfrey because of integrity. She texed the message!

***Baez: How Casey Anthony Could Go Free - interview

ps: can't wait for Angel Who Cares (with stealth Wings I hope) to fly back in to town....she is missed BIG TIME!!! Nobody does it better.:thumb::heart::star2:
I agree,i really really miss her

I agree with you all, Angel Who Cares is dearly missed and is so on top of everything: she does a wonderful job of keeping us updated on a daily basis. She will be returning the first week of May. Hope she is having a wonderful, relaxing vacation. She deserves it!:clap:
NEWS has been added- complete stories in our
Astrology-Casey Caylee TimeStamped Media,Doc Links*NO DISCUSSIONS*
(scroll down on the page)

***Amy H. attny files objection to request for phone records

***The A's have been dropped from the agenda for the Melanie Ilene Rieger's Memorial Conference next month due to threats. :clap:


***Cindy tells WKMG she canceled on Oprah Winfrey because of integrity. She texed the message!

***Baez: How Casey Anthony Could Go Free - interview

ps: can't wait for Angel Who Cares (with stealth Wings I hope) to fly back in to town....she is missed BIG TIME!!! Nobody does it better.:thumb::heart::star2:

bumping since I made these entries late last evening. Don't want anyone to miss out on the latest news.
Sorry about that Fifth....didn't see the article at first
Sorry about that Fifth....didn't see the article at first

No apologies necessary. Your input is important. Suppose I overlooked that story? Thanks for your participation!

I've been trying to keep up with the TIME-STAMPED Thread our Angel Who Cares normally maintains, but it's obvious in her Holiday absence, she cannot be replaced. Like I said earlier, no one person does it better then our ANGEL! :star1:
Handwriting Expert Analyzes Casey Anthony’s Writing

Just in case anyone is interested in the handwriting experts opinion:

Also, I would like to ask our wonderful astros about the new news regarding the need for the analysis specialists on weapons and the tool marking expert and a Veterinarian that have been added to the Prosecution. What are to expect in the next doc dump, is it referring to the shovel, the tape any thoughts?
The Anthonys as a unit and their impact are charted on page 9 just previous to this page. On July 21-22, there is a solar eclipse on the Sun of the couple's composite chart. This casts a shadow on their reputation as the Sun is found in their House 10, public standing and rep. They will be further jarred by the proximity of Uranus, 2.5° away. Uranus, you will note on the chart, rules their daughter.

Todd M., headlight among cross examiners, has natal Mars eclipsed that same day as has been discussed earlier. What's hotter than the 4th of July? The 21st of July, apparently!
The Anthonys as a unit and their impact are charted on page 9 just previous to this page. On July 21-22, there is a solar eclipse on the Sun of the couple's composite chart. This casts a shadow on their reputation as the Sun is found in their House 10, public standing and rep. They will be further jarred by the proximity of Uranus, 2.5° away. Uranus, you will note on the chart, rules their daughter.

Todd M., headlight among cross examiners, has natal Mars eclipsed that same day as has been discussed earlier. What's hotter than the 4th of July? The 21st of July, apparently!

Just a comment that I didn't realize an even darker shadow could be cast on the Anthony's reputation than the one they have thus far cast on themselves.

Also, is it possible to gain any insight into the possibility of Mr. Conway continuing on as their attorney after those dreadful depositions?
Yes, it is hard to imagine but there it is. As for Brad C., I know we have his birthday but I am having trouble finding it. Maybe you can help me look.
In Washington D.C., Brad C. was born 10 September, 1965. Not enough that he was born on a Full Moon, his Moon is conjunct Saturn and his Sun conjunct Uranus and Pluto! Further, his Mars and Neptune are conjunct. He is very much an outer planet person. (Read what Donna Cunningham has to say about this.) His Mercury is lonely but Venus trines Jupiter in Air. Saturn was transiting his Sun-Uranus-Pluto for the depositions. He was so hoping he and his clients would present in a good light and he is dismayed at the negative publicity that followed. His Jupiter in II, which does favor Cindy, is 28:50 of the Sign. When Uranus squares that, the couple will no longer have need of his services. George and he are both Virgos, so there is definite understanding and sympathy between them.

When the Sun transits his Node at the end of May, and Mercury revisits the square of bad judgment shown in the Mars Ingress Chart, his services will be valuable and reporters will interview him.

The South Node of the Moon rises conjunct Significator, Moon in Leo and this does not promise honest representations, nor does the Fixed Star Procyon at the ASC. Furthermore, Mars is square that Fixed Star and the rising degree. Mercury of the prisoner is backstroking toward a critical degree in Taurus that is never quite reached because Mercury turns direct on May 30.

As we leave this event and move into June, Mars hits the lunar node of Prisoner & her team in square to the transit node and to the strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena. Much energy is poured into new tactics and Prisoner (node to node square) is down to one last shredded nerve. Food taken in does not want to stay down.

There is a Meridian Parallel between the Sun and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, that is, they are equidistant from the House 10 Cusp. Sun is in the document Sign of II and should shine light on what is now withheld in Prosecution's custody. The Moon as she moves into House 2 and then opposes the Jupiter-Neptune infirmary tape acts to bring that secret item to light also.
Yes, it is hard to imagine but there it is. As for Brad C., I know we have his birthday but I am having trouble finding it. Maybe you can help me look.

Sorry with late response, Tuba, but I work night shift and home computer internet is not working properly...otherwise, I would have been most happy to help look for BC birthday. I'm glad you did not need me to, though, as you would still be waiting.
You guys are most fabulous!!

The South Node of the Moon rises conjunct Significator, Moon in Leo and this does not promise honest representations, nor does the Fixed Star Procyon at the ASC. Furthermore, Mars is square that Fixed Star and the rising degree. Mercury of the prisoner is backstroking toward a critical degree in Taurus that is never quite reached because Mercury turns direct on May 30.

As we leave this event and move into June, Mars hits the lunar node of Prisoner & her team in square to the transit node and to the strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena. Much energy is poured into new tactics and Prisoner (node to node square) is down to one last shredded nerve. Food taken in does not want to stay down.

There is a Meridian Parallel between the Sun and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, that is, they are equidistant from the House 10 Cusp. Sun is in the document Sign of II and should shine light on what is now withheld in Prosecution's custody. The Moon as she moves into House 2 and then opposes the Jupiter-Neptune infirmary tape acts to bring that secret item to light also.

Bolded by question in regard to this is this: is there any way to narrow down what the possible documents might be? I'm particularly interested in the missing diary pages. Or could it be something of a more forensic nature like toxicology on the skull full of hair from the remains?
I'm sure you are right that we will be seeing a spread of documents soon. They have already been delivered to the defense. But, because it was to be included in a document release this winter, the infirmary tape of Prisoner's reaction on December 11 is the subject of the hearing and the analysis. I'm referring to the document Sign of Gemini and whether we will see this tape as document. Legally regarded, a video of a happening documents it. When the private eyes rummaged in the woods and at the house, Jim H. was documenting the project with his camera, even though he did not make a log or memorialise it in words in any other way.

In the chart for the hearing on 28 May, the Sun and Jupiter-Neptune act together as a conjunction because they are in Meridian Parallel. This brings the film record to light. Also, the Sun at 7:22 II is quintile to Uranus, which rules items in the prosecution's possession, H. 8. This shows a creative means of making sure the public sees that infirmary reaction. Who is this ball of sunshine, this friend of the court who legitimately works with documents?
Not to regurgitate the "who's Caylee's father" but I was browsing the web and found this that really astounded me, please forgive me if this was ever previously posted as I still think the father is someone who is married with children alive and older than Casey but what a similarity!!!

Can and was the charts done on Caylee ever reveal a possible astrological sign on the father?
This is my first time posting here. I want to say how informative and valuable I have found the charts and what they reveal. I have been quite amazed and am now a true believer. If it were possible to find Casey's time of birth, would that be of significant help? Thank you for this forum and the ability to become familiar with the ancient aspects of understanding the stars and their alignment, it is truly awe inspiring.
This is my first time posting here. I want to say how informative and valuable I have found the charts and what they reveal. I have been quite amazed and am now a true believer. If it were possible to find Casey's time of birth, would that be of significant help? Thank you for this forum and the ability to become familiar with the ancient aspects of understanding the stars and their alignment, it is truly awe inspiring.

Hi Frigga welcome to this forum, do you mean Casey's or Caylee's birth time? I believe there's a lot of info and charts already posted previously...although I'm not exactly sure if Caylee's birth time has ever been posted....check the forensic calendar for all the amazing charts casted by the astrologer's here.
This is my first time posting here. I want to say how informative and valuable I have found the charts and what they reveal. I have been quite amazed and am now a true believer. If it were possible to find Casey's time of birth, would that be of significant help? Thank you for this forum and the ability to become familiar with the ancient aspects of understanding the stars and their alignment, it is truly awe inspiring.

Hi Frigga welcome to this forum, do you mean Casey's or Caylee's birth time? I believe there's a lot of info and charts already posted previously...although I'm not exactly sure if Caylee's birth time has ever been posted....check the forensic calendar for all the amazing charts casted by the astrologer's here.

Welcome to the Forensic Astrology Forum, Frigga.

We have Caylee Marie Anthony's true time of birth. Please see the August 9, 2008 entry on the Astro Crime Calendar for the chart.

Regarding Casey Anthony, we only have her date and location of birth. I, for one, would love to know the true time of birth, however, not knowing it does not change our astrological observations.

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