Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Projecting ahead to the January court date set on our eclipse, Tuesday the 7th of July, here is the event horoscope, which does not promise forward motion. The planet of vexation and surprise rises. That would be the now familiar Uranus. The judge is interested in what's going on behind the scenes and in the jail. Prosecution very strenuously wants to get on with it: Moon is in Aries trine and disposited by Mars in Leo. Prosecution says, "Something is clogging the engine of this case!" (Retrograde Mars) Aspects between Saturn and Pluto are the worst there are, more so when afflictive. We have that here but Saturn is exalted in Libra and therefore, accorded respect and honor. In fact, with Mutable Sign Pisces on the ASC, the court defers to her, flows along due to contingencies and follows a line that is expedient under the circumstances. Up to a point but this just broke it.

Projecting ahead to the January court date set on our eclipse, Tuesday the 7th of July, here is the event horoscope, which does not promise forward motion. The planet of vexation and surprise rises. That would be the now familiar Uranus. The judge is interested in what's going on behind the scenes and in the jail. Prosecution very strenuously wants to get on with it: Moon is in Aries trine and disposited by Mars in Leo. Prosecution says, "Something is clogging the engine of this case!" (Retrograde Mars) Aspects between Saturn and Pluto are the worst there are, more so when afflictive. We have that here but Saturn is exalted in Libra and therefore, accorded respect and honor. In fact, with Mutable Sign Pisces on the ASC, the court defers to her, flows along due to contingencies and follows a line that is expedient under the circumstances. Up to a point but this just broke it.

That's probably exactly why I saw annoyance from the prosecution towards JB. Seriously, how long do they need to try and find avenues to get her off? these lawyers from the defense know the truth? I am really curious about that
More pressure today for the prisoner, who is pushed to make yet another weighty decision. Both Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn are exactly square her lifetime Decision Point at 1°18' Aries.

If she is persisting in her redirect to Jesse G. as culprit, that posture will collapse in a heap and not only due to the pings. There is simply no evidence against him. He is only one of a number of the "usual suspects" * who comprise a line-up the defense will place under shadow. Prisoner seized upon him because she knew she would have support from her mother, who dislikes Jesse intensely. Defense has no burden to prove any one of these associates guilty, merely to raise reasonable doubt Prisoner is the killer by bringing in other possible perpetrators.

The Sun is already squaring Prisoner's Venus today, whereas Cindy has the favor of a positive Venus transit to her Mercury. There is a flying angle of betrayal and treachery in the heavens. Everyday as we approach July 7, it tightens to become exact then. It is Mars in Taurus square Neptune in Aquarius. There have been so many treacheries in this case that it is hard to conceive of an act or statement that would strike the prisoner as unique in that way. But there it is and it lifts the corner on some of her darkest deeds because the solstice point of transiting Neptune is her Pluto.

Also very much affected by today's Mercury - Pluto opposition is George because both planets square his Saturn in Libra. Since that Saturn is the solstice point of Prisoner's Sun, she may feel betrayed by her father not only for past testimony but some act he commits now. And then, we are all aware that he knows the truth. She must be aware of that too, despite his t.v. protests of her innocence. He did come at her like an angry bull and demand answers when she was out on bail. He is fronting now, trying to save her hide and she knows it.

*Zenaida Gonzalez, Amy H., Ricardo M., Annie D., and also Roy Kronk.

Bold and red by me. you think George could be helping the prosecution behind the scenes?
George's mentality is law and order. He is in horror at what the prisoner has done. He is also lost and lonely and I don't believe he finds comfort anywhere. The rebuffs from groups and individuals dealing with missing children were blows he has not recovered from. Those efforts he was making were at least a worthy outlet. Particularly because he is alone, he doesn't want to be in his daughter's bad books but he is making a break for independence this month. The eclipse on July 7 was within an ace of his Uranus and the coming solar eclipse is on the composite Sun of Cindy and George as a married couple. That Sun was always conjunct Uranus. It looks like the end for them.
George's mentality is law and order. He is in horror at what the prisoner has done. He is also lost and lonely and I don't believe he finds comfort anywhere. The rebuffs from groups and individuals dealing with missing children were blows he has not recovered from. Those efforts he was making were at least a worthy outlet. Particularly because he is alone, he doesn't want to be in his daughter's bad books but he is making a break for independence this month. The eclipse on July 7 was within an ace of his Uranus and the coming solar eclipse is on the composite Sun of Cindy and George as a married couple. That Sun was always conjunct Uranus. It looks like the end for them.

Thank you Tuba. If getting justice for little Caylee means "the end for them" then so be it. Caylee deserves nothing less. I hope George will do the right thing. I truly believe if he gets away from Cindy, he will seek justice for his beloved granddaughter.
Thanks Tuba! :rose:

I really believe that if GA breaks away from CA, that more people would be willing to work with him in finding missing kids! At least I pray that is the case, but I don't think it will happen until he stands up for Caylee. If he speaks out on her behalf I think more would be willing to work with him.

He would need to break away from KF's though for this to happen too!
They are a bad apple for him, if this is what he want's to do in honor of Caylee's memory. No one would want to be involved with him if he dosen't get away from them along with CA too! She is the one that most people have so many harsh feelings for. She has damaged their reputation so much, with all of the lies & giving the wrong hairbrush to LE, washing of KC's jeans from the car, cleaning out the car, & I'm sure many things we don't even know about yet! JMHO!

There is no doubt in my mind that GA & CA are growing further apart than ever, after watching their body language in the last hearing they were at. Him pulling his arm away from CA not once, but twice that was caught on camera. I can only imagine how many more times he did this. Along with what is going on between the two of them behind closed doors. :shakehead: I'm glad to hear he is finding his independence & pray that when this happens that he will tell LE everything he knows & has been holding back telling. He is stuck between his loss of his granddaughter & the fate of his daughter. KC so deserves this fate......I will never understand how any parent, or anyone for that matter, could harm any child who are gifts from God!

I still wonder why Lee has been MIA for so long now. Work can't be keeping him away & not being there for support for his parents & I wish for Caylee mostly! I can only think he is staying away from home as much as possible in order to keep his sanity.

Do the any charts show what is going on with Lee? TIA I really pray that come the trial, that Caylee has someone from her family on the side of the state against KC! Will we be hearing anything on the civil case or the check fraud case soon. Things have been so quiet with both the criminal & civil cases. Do you see that things will become active soo? TIA

The time for the civil hearing is finally listed in the county clerk records Tuba & SS!

Civil Case Docket Updated!

Docket Date---Docket Entry----------Comments------------------Party
6/30/2009---Notice of Hearing---09/09/2009 3:15pm

7/1/2009---Notice Appearance of Counsel---for Anthony Lazzaro

Thanks Tuba! :rose:

I still wonder why Lee has been MIA for so long now. Work can't be keeping him away & not being there for support for his parents & I wish for Caylee mostly! I can only think he is staying away from home as much as possible in order to keep his sanity.

Do the any charts show what is going on with Lee? TIA I really pray that come the trial, that Caylee has someone from her family on the side of the state against KC! Will we be hearing anything on the civil case or the check fraud case soon. Things have been so quiet with both the criminal & civil cases. Do you see that things will become active soo? TIA


I have been wondering about Lee, also. He is so hard to understand. IMO, he was trying to help LE in the beginning, but by the time Caylee's memorial service came around and his talking to "CMA" I just don't know where he is coming from and if he will help the prosecution during KC's trial? :confused:
You are going to laugh at me, Frigga. When you wondered if "this chink with AL" is the first step toward escape for the prisoner, I thought you were referring to Anthony Lazarro! That's the trouble with initials and acronyms. TonE was in the news because he had lawyered up and was scheduled for deposition again.

Now I realise you must have been referring to Andrea L. Andrea and Todd are both heavyweights, so they cannot fail to make a difference, a difference that favours the prisoner. But the prosecutors are passionate about the case and angry over this murder. They will maintain that charge of emotion and it can carry them to victory. They do have the evidence, we know.

That is funny, and totally understandable.

I was actually thinking that Andrea Lyons might be beginning HER own escape... as in, I thought maybe she might get fed up with Casey and make her own escape from the situation. I find it difficult to see her staying through to the end with all of Casey's nonsense, not to mention someone of her caliber working with Jose Baez. I just find it to be a stretch for my imagination. Any thoughts?

The other "difficulty" surrounding Andrea L. is that she sure must have a set and a half under that dress to go into court with a case of this caliber and request trial date be rescheduled due to her teaching schedule....I would think Judge Strickland might be getting a bit put out by this bunch. I fully expected the trial date to be moved back from October, but not because Ms. L had other fish to fry. MHOO, of course!
When Andrea L. was presented to the court, the rising Moon was conjunct the south node and Mercury was retrograde. She was represented by that Moon and it was also parallel the south node and at the same degree. This is a loss, a casualty. She was also quincunx Pluto in the work sector. The analysis then was that she would not go the distance. The Pluto problem, "I'm needed elsewhere" has already come to the court's attention.

At the last hearing, an informal meeting on a lunar eclipse, Mars was spot on the judge's cusp but parallel Venus, which also ruled him. Thus he was able to maintain cordiality. But Venus was in the media Sign, II. So media and the judge were cooperating in sextiling the release, Uranus, of the infirmary tape. It wasn't just a Mars-Uranus sextile; the media Venus was brought along. If Defense wants to play dodge ball, and they do, they are up against some sportsmen and women who really know how to play.

Defense may want to drag the resolution of this case from here to eternity and to put all sorts of blocks in place: "We don't want this to come out!" "We want a protective order on that:behindbar." "We want this wrongfully obtained evidence totally suppressed." "We don't want this tape released." But the truth will OUT and there are many hands on the conveyor belt.
Oh dear. Since I thought AL was Anthony Lazarro, then "her escape" had to refer to the prisoner. I hope your question is answered. Sometimes when people don't really want to do something after all, they string a bunch of maneuvers together to make it difficult or impossible to proceed. As you imply, that may be going on already. But it may be subconscious resistance.

As for the prisoner's brother, his Moon and his Mars were eclipsed on July 7. Mars was opposite his Mercury giving a troubled mind and many irritants. We don't know the Houses where the eclipse fell but the Moon was the target in both his chart and the prisoner's. The mother in an uproar (Moon conjunct Mars). Now Mars has moved on and is opposing his Venus-Uranus conjunction, more storms but this time with younger women. That would be his sister and his fiancee/significant other. The eclipse coming later this month on the 21st afflicts his Saturn-Pluto conjunction but by square. Some astrologers do not recognise squares from an eclipse, only conjunctions and oppositions. I say they make trouble. All of this is too bad for Lee because it spoils what is usually one of the best times of year for a Scorpio, Cancer.
Has anyone done a chart on the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation yet? Which date would you need, the date it went up online or would we have to wait for the date they qualify as a non-profit foundation? I could see the A's getting involved with fund raising for TES and maybe spinning off from there after the trial but to start a foundation before the child is even found sounds cold to me. Sort of, let's strike while the iron is hot!!!

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