Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Angel Who Cares, You are a pillar of information, Thank You!
Because of when the news organizations reported today's meeting, I think it safe to say this conference began at 10 or 10:30 a.m. Judge Strickland does have a preference for 10. Actually, a lot was accomplished in a very short time! If anyone knows different, please post.
Tuba The hearing was very short according to the length of the raw video court lasted only 5:57 minutes...though they re-edited the first video of it from this morning! When I watched the one from this morning it lasted aprox. 9 minutes. All they did was edit out the part, when Strickland left the room to look at his calendar, to schedule the status hearing. He was only out of the room for a very brief couple of minutes.

I think your time is very close, but I will keep checking the dockets to see if they enter a time for the meeting today! It isn't there the last time I checked. All that was added was that Local6/WKMG is also fighting for the release of the jail video of KC!
Criminal Case Docket Updated!

Docket Date---Defendant-------------------------Docket Entry

P.S. If you missed the un-edited video from this morning they all chatted while Strickland was out of the room....they were talking about the Clearwater court house facilities! Baez asked about parking availability. The lady SA attorney (sorry I forget her name right now! LOL) just went there on vacation & mentioned that the jail is right across the street too!

I wonder if this is looking like where they all would like to move the case to!:waitasec: It sure sounded that way when they all were talking. JMHO

Another silly tidbit that was edited out: The DA also asked, if having the status hearing in January, would cut into Baez watching American Idol! :biggrin:

Tuba, SS & all you don't want to miss watching this video!
WFTV ANALYST: Analyst Bill Sheaffer On Casey Trial Date Change 12:39
WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer talked about Casey's murder trial date being changed. (07/07/09)

I'm glad I watched it early before it was edited. The Orlando Sentinel and Local Channel 6 are intervenors but there should be others. I saw Kathi B. interview of Bill Shaeffer and share her feeling that it was an imposition to ask the court to change the calendar due to other voluntary employment. As Kathi said, that was known in advance. And Shaeffer made clear that a Federal Court would never tolerate such a demand. I did the chart for this morning and will be posting it soon.
Tuba I look forward to your chart this evening! :blowkiss:
Thanks so much for taking the time to do one, knowing how busy you are with the Lindsey Baum case & others!

:rose: All of you are truly are amazing & are so very appreciated by all of us! :rose:

Tuba from what I understand from the chart, the media's motion's will end up being successful in having the jail video tape released. Am I correct with what I am reading?
I know that other charts have shown that it will be released & we just need to be patient, but does this chart show that it may be released soon now? TIA

I'm not surprised the chart shows many conflicts, with the date of the status hearing Jan. 21st, with as many motions AL plans to file after Labor Day. From what the legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said in his interview, with Belich from WFTV, there will be many, many more to come before the trial. This I'm sure will cause many delay's, along with AL claiming to only be available on Thursday's & Friday's. I wonder how many times she can try to rule over the judge & his schedule before he puts his foot down with her!
The defense will keep trying to throw as many motions as possible in hopes one will stick to the wall! JMHO

Again Thanks so much for doing a chart for today's meeting with the Judge! :blowkiss:

One way or another, the public will see the infirmary video of Prisoner's reaction to the news of 11 December. The media arguments have always looked absolutely brilliant in the charts. On May 28, a hearing on the topic, media participation was a 7°II Sun. From this, we knew their contribution would be as radiant as the summer Sun, when we were privileged to hear and read their position papers. The Sun is back in House 11 again, as it was on May 28 and supported closely by Saturn. Venus has entered media II, rules the judge and afflicts Defense. Its solstice point will be eclipsed on 21 July. The other planet signifying Judge Strickland, Mars, is also favorable to release, Uranus. Uranus breaks out, frees and liberates. Mars rules the House of publication of all sorts and also, the law.

But if the arguments from news organizations should meet with disfavour and an adverse ruling, the tape will out despite that and that was the analysis from the beginning of this controversy.

I would like to read the judge's order granting intervenor status, wouldn't you? Although I'm sure it is very brief.

Thank you for the chart and the wonderful analysis. I, personally, have been very interested in viewing the tape from the beginning. I am fascinated by the nuances of human behavior, and what they reveal. Although the description from the Prison Guards was very enlightening (I always love a good book and my own imagination to bring it to life), it is never the same as actually witnessing it oneself. I knew from the charts that we would, at some point, see the tape. I have to admit though, that sooner, rather than later, suits me better!

I am wondering- Do you think this new chink with AL, is the early stages of her escape?

TIA... and thanks to all of you amazing Sleuths, who make this Forum, a preferred daily read, for many of us. I don't say much, but I am here often to read and digest your incredible insights and revelations!

A BIG thank you to Angel Who Cares for always getting the necessary information into all of the Astrologists capable hands! You are all dedicated and inspiring! TYA
Tuba I have been looking for the any of the orders from yesterday's meeting to be posted. I am another one that would like to read the order granting intervenor status ot any of them for that matter.:yes: I keep hoping that WFTV will get them posted since they were the only news outlet at this meeting yesterday. :wink:

Of course....with hopes that one of them have a time stamp on them for you & SS, to have, for any possible charts that may be helpful now or in the future too! :blowkiss:

Is it me or is the prosecution clearly annoyed with Baez? After watching the video, it seems to me that A) This trial is going to take forever to get going and B) I could clearly see Baez not happy about having to go to his client and tell the brat that she has to stay in jail for another 8 months since he has been convincing her that it will all end soon and she will be found not guilty. The body language speaks volumes in that room.
It was in the chart but I'm embarrassed that I didn't study Jose B. during the tape of their meeting, except for a few moments when he was chatting with his colleagues. I will look at it again. Mars was atop the chart and afflicting Andrea L., who was oblivious to how she was received. I'm glad you read it in the body language. I was focused on Judge Strickland and he gave nothing away but the planets tell us he was not best pleased.
It's interesting that AL has a book coming out in January 2010. Won't be doing much book signing I would imagine unless the publisher released the book prior to the trial. Wonder if the book is entirely finished?
It's interesting that AL has a book coming out in January 2010. Won't be doing much book signing I would imagine unless the publisher released the book prior to the trial. Wonder if the book is entirely finished?

What better publicity could she ask for than to have her book released just when she will be in the news daily regarding the "many" motions that she wants to "schedule to her liking." Once that book hits the racks, Judge Strickland may hit the roof if she crys that she is only available 2 days per week for his event!!! One can only hope!!

Thank you, Tuba, for your constant updates on this case. I read almost daily, but haven't chimed in for a little while now. Keep up the great work....I appreciate you....and everyone else who contributes! Thanks...:clap:
Yes, convenient timing, Virtual Truth.

Angel is wondering if the prisoner isn't somewhat stir crazy and contemplating a long stretch before the action in January. If you are claustrophobic while at liberty, you have a stronger chance, naturally, of going stir crazy. The markers for claustrophobia are Mercury afflicting Uranus, along with certain accents in Aquarius and from Neptune. The prisoner has the exact square of Mercury to Uranus for life, positioned 90° from one another in her natal chart. Because her Mercury was retrograde until age eleven, by progression it is "right back where we started from" (love that song). Of course her aspect is hugely worsened by the Sign placement of Uranus in will-to-freedom Sagittarius and of Mercury in confinement Pisces.

Prisoner cannot even climb the walls. There's no light at the top. What she can do is gnash, or for a change, grind her teeth. Since she has Mars conjunct Uranus, its a dot on the card that she is doing just that.
Maybe KC is upset because Ms. Lyon's has seriously cut into KC's Miami beachtime. JB caters to KC's Pisces (fantasyland) and Ms. Lyon's brings in a reality check. Wonder if they tossed a coin to see who would have to tell her?
I want to go on record saying I do not believe the prisoner would have confessed to her BFF when they were together during the late summer when she was out on bail. If Annie was in the mood to listen, KC would have given her some new "confiding" jig and sold her blind. Annie spared herself the insult.

During the bail period, Mercury was running with Mars. KC was Mars when she called 911 over the lawn protesters. Mercury was conjunct. Inducement to err and to lie, as though Prisoner needs incentivising. We didn't lose our big chance to hear the truth about what KC did.
I was wondering if maybe Linda Baden is going to step out of the picture?
lolipop, Linda K.-B.'s forte is ripping up the forensic science of Prosecution's evidence. Todd Macaluso has that expertise too but he is under tremendous stress from the solar eclipse which occurs 21 July. The eclipse is on his Mars.

Right now the north node of the Moon is going over Prisoner's Lilith. The Dark Moon Lilith in her horoscope, that is. Such a transit brings events connected to the beckoning Lilith, who then denies, rejects, refuses to perform as advertised. Lilith is manifesting at her fullest potential now, all things Lilith are emphasized in the extreme for the prisoner. She is the Dark Moon of betrayal, she demoralizes and debases. Crime committed deliberately is her purview. Lilith dishonours the susceptible, who are under compulsion from her seductive force. It would be appropriate for the prisoner's consciousness of guilt, captured on the infirmary tape, to be seen while the node is in Aquarius of technology and television. Soon the transiting node will leave Aquarius for Capricorn. I hope we can see the tape before that happens.
I want to go on record saying I do not believe the prisoner would have confessed to her BFF when they were together during the late summer when she was out on bail. If Annie was in the mood to listen, KC would have given her some new "confiding" jig and sold her blind. Annie spared herself the insult.

During the bail period, Mercury was running with Mars. KC was Mars when she called 911 over the lawn protesters. Mercury was conjunct. Inducement to err and to lie, as though Prisoner needs incentivising. We didn't lose our big chance to hear the truth about what KC did.


Might I agree. I still think in perp's mind she was not only freeing herself, but a martyr by saving her child from her own personal hell. Be it short sighted and naive, she may still feel it was the only and the most positive choice. Horrid as it may be. She had to "sort of tell" someone she felt close to, it was cleansing. Then, wisely, lawyers forbid any further consultation. She still does not know?
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