Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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That is very important, salvarenga, as you know. Thank you SO BIG!
Not up on the latest news here as I was in Aruba for three weeks and only had info from NG. Not even sure this could be charted but is DCasey under the potection of LE as he has not yet given his deposition to Morgan. And whatever happened to getting the A's to finish up on their depositions????

We might as well have been in Aruba with you. We have also been kept outside this information. But Morgan & Morgan will be making their demand within the courtroom shortly.
We might as well have been in Aruba with you. We have also been kept outside this information. But Morgan & Morgan will be making their demand within the courtroom shortly.

Thank you Tuba, you're amazing.

Despite the brilliance of the State Attorneys' arguments and briefs, clearly shown in the chart, it is the murder of Caylee, Pluto in House 5, which rules the outcome of this action before the court. The judge will act to protect the integrity of the capital murder trial and depreciate the importance of these other felonies. The State of Florida is angry and impatient to get on with this, however, and may not let the matter rest. (Sun at the end of the Sign: impatient; Mars // the Ascendant: angry.)

It is of interest that the Mercury, agent here, is at the solstice point of the Ascendant of the Infirmary Video Hearing. Therefore the two legal actions are connected. Caylee is all over this chart. See Ascendant, her ASC natal, see House 3, Caylee's Jupiter and Mars is back in Taurus where it was at her birth and in the same House, 9. The degree is different.
Tuba, is there anything in any of the charts that indicate GA MIGHT be getting fed up and finally stand up for Caylee in spite of Cindy? I sooo had hopes pinned on him to be the only one in the family who would step up to the plate for Caylee, but so far I have been sorely disappointed. Was wondering if the tide might be turning, or is he as united with the clan as ever????
The June transits of Venus with Mars as duo in Taurus did not favour George even though he was born in another Earth Sign, Virgo. Instead Venus-Mars afflicted his Mars in Leo and now, his Pluto. George has a chopper on yet the few statements he does make about his daughter seem wholly supportive of her "innocence". We also saw him forced before the bench when transit Pluto squared his law court Saturn in Libra.

Could it be that his real adversary is himself? From Wilson Mizner: "The worst tempered people I've ever met were people who knew they were wrong." We do know that George is repressing a huge glump of doubt about what he is doing and saying and about his daughter because Saturn has been visiting his Sun all the live long year and Saturn means push it down, shove it down under.

For reasons hard to understand, Lee and George and Cindy revere the prisoner. No matter what the circumstances, that is simply abnormal. Maybe if your kid grew up to be Archimedes or the Pope but otherwise, no. Hopespring, the house of twisted wits.

This lunar eclipse we await on July 7 conjoins the Uranus of George, square his Jupiter. Expect further explosions in the ammo dump.
I'm going to keep faith and say that George will eventually stand up for Caylee, he loved that little girl way too much not to.
Hopespring, the house of twisted wits. QUOTE]

( snipped and bolded by me ) OT

When I first read this I saw wistful twits

my eyes are tired and I have a tendency to dyslexic issues when I am tired.

carry on
There are outer world events that Websleuths follow and there are personal events, planetary effects that we feel and that change us. On July 7, the prisoner's Cancer Moon will be eclipsed, removing a woman from the life, bringing significant changes and producing upheaval behind bars. An alteration at cell F-DORML-12.
Prisoner is standing in the rubble of her past and she is forced to look at it. The public will be staring as well. Image, habits come under scrutiny due to this Full Moon eclipse and her personal relations with her team and her family undergo a severe test. She becomes emotionally unmanageable. The New Moon we just experienced on June 22 left her deluded as to her circumstances and relying too much on the outlook, promises and statements of her team. (NM opposite natal Neptune transited by Pluto) Additionally, there is tumult and reorganization within the family and the family home. Just 36' from the critical degree of 16° Cancer, the eclipse presages crisis: anxiety while waiting for matters to change, danger of a snarling attorney-client bite up and the frustration of isolation in a Jail Bubble.

Speaking of microscopically close scrutiny from the public, it is only the Saturn trine to eclipse Moon that restrains view of the infirmary tape because the eclipse itself is one more poke propelling exposure.
Sleuths are curious about Lee, have asked about his current activities. He works and he lives with the parents. We saw him yanking tributes to Caylee from the parking strip in front of Hopespring recently.

Lee's counsel comes to the case with a different perspective because of his background as a prosecutor. In keeping with attorney concessions recently posted, from both Baez and Conway, I want to add this December quote from Thomas Luka: "Again, when this investigation began, we did not know who was responsible for Caylee's disappearance. Mr. Anthony was going under the assumption she was kidnapped."
It seems Judge Strickland will decide to hold the hearing on State's motion on July 7. The important motion is that to accelerate the fraud, forgery, larceny trial. Photographing Bella Vita may be important to Prisoner but not to progress of this prosecution. I think hearing will be held this day because Mercury will be 7° Cancer trine the prisoner's Jupiter and Venus will be 2° II at the solstice point of State's filing of the motions.

June 30 is also a criminal court day that could bring our parties in but the aspects are not as interesting and Prisoner is not as tightly involved.
There are outer world events that Websleuths follow and there are personal events, planetary effects that we feel and that change us. On July 7, the prisoner's Cancer Moon will be eclipsed, removing a woman from the life, bringing significant changes and producing upheaval behind bars. An alteration at cell F-DORML-12.
Prisoner is standing in the rubble of her past and she is forced to look at it. The public will be staring as well. Image, habits come under scrutiny due to this Full Moon eclipse and her personal relations with her team and her family undergo a severe test. She becomes emotionally unmanageable. The New Moon we just experienced on June 22 left her deluded as to her circumstances and relying too much on the outlook, promises and statements of her team. (NM opposite natal Neptune transited by Pluto) Additionally, there is tumult and reorganization within the family and the family home. Just 36' from the critical degree of 16° Cancer, the eclipse presages crisis: anxiety while waiting for matters to change, danger of a snarling attorney-client bite up and the frustration of isolation in a Jail Bubble.

Speaking of microscopically close scrutiny from the public, it is only the Saturn trine to eclipse Moon that restrains view of the infirmary tape because the eclipse itself is one more poke propelling exposure.

could this woman out of her life be Ms. Lyons by chance?
It sounds like we might get to witness KC looking alittle looney, stressed possibly despondant on her upcomming court dates. Thank you all for your work. It is so refreshing visiting here after becomming so discouraged on the Halleigh threads. I wish more could work on this case.
kagey, please take a squint at the General Thread today.
Regarding the effect of the coming lunar eclipse, yes! Anyone hit directly, as the prisoner is with the blot dead bang on her Moon, will feel the influence. As to the events that correspond to an eclipse, they can occur prior to the lunation or some considerable time after the lunation. When you go outside to look at the Moon or the Sun during an eclipse, you have to be patient as the shadowing moves across the heavenly body at glacier rate. Just so, the events foretold by the eclipse take time. Both lunar and solar eclipses have a long aftermath, particularly the Sun's force being blocked. A very long aftermath.
I love this forum too. Tuba and Soulscape are like the Cagney and Lacey of forensic astrology, and Angel always keeps us updated. As many evil doers in the world regarding our babies, there are many more who are protective, loving and searching for the truth of matters. It is obvious that here, people care. That is inspiring. Thanks so much for all you guys do!
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