Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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But think about it. Jose IS an Hispanic, and apparently one of a very few who have handled such a high profile case as this one. There may be some favoritism there, IF in fact, he is able to have this moved to a locale where a majority of the jury could be Hispanic. I am not saying it WILL happen, just that it could...people are fickle, and their loyalty often sways their opinions, don't you think?

I agree with you, this has been and always will be a defense tactic...I don't know...maybe they're taught this in Law School?

One of the lawyers on JVM, who is a long time defense lawyer in Miami, spoke about her take on the trial possibly being moved there. She mentioned that there is a high population there and so much crime that KC would have a fair trial because it is very possible, that no one has even paid any attention to this one. If the trial takes place there, even better because once the verdict comes in there will be no retrial based on a bias juror pool. We don't want to DRAG this over again. Also, IF Baez is using this to rally new clients and with his "own" playing field he must also be aware of how family oriented Hispanics are. I say go for it

All angles Cardinal and critical, 0°! The Moon rules the day (Monday) and also signifies the prisoner, confined in House 12. She inflames the opposition.

Mercury is stationary for the filing of the motion and as Mercury retreats, there will be changes in scheduling, a change of mind about a legal matter, reversed decisions. Baez himself is at the degree of the Node of the Moon and thus a casualty. There will be tragedy and catastrophe. Since Mercury disposits both planets in H. 12 and also rules the cusp of the House, prisoner changes her mind.

This chart describes fraught circumstances about which we are kept dark, outside the facts. Moon is moving to oppose Uranus "fairly soon" and we will learn more. The Full Moon falls in the House of Murder on the evil Fixed Star, Serpentis~a terror to society is how this star is known.

All angles Cardinal and critical, 0°! The Moon rules the day (Monday) and also signifies the prisoner, confined in House 12. She inflames the opposition.

Mercury is stationary for the filing of the motion and as Mercury retreats, there will be changes in scheduling, a change of mind about a legal matter, reversed decisions. Baez himself is at the degree of the Node of the Moon and thus a casualty. There will be tragedy and catastrophe. Since Mercury disposits both planets in H. 12 and also rules the cusp of the House, prisoner changes her mind.

This chart describes fraught circumstances about which we are kept dark, outside the facts. Moon is moving to oppose Uranus "fairly soon" and we will learn more. The Full Moon falls in the House of Murder on the evil Fixed Star, Serpentis~a terror to society is how this star is known.

Miami judges are more harsh than in Orlando? Hell freezes over and KC tells the truth before trial? KC kills Baez or herself? So interesting.
Off topic for a quick moment:

The State is already spending a fortune on this case prosecution wise. They are also going to have to participate in paying ?something? toward KC's defense according to the fee schedule allowed by the State regardless of how 'high-profile' her defense team & experts may be.
In an effort to NOT give the defense any excuse for an appeal should she be convicted, Judge Stickland has only 2 choices I can see.
1. move the whole trial to another town ( VERY COSTLY )
2. bring the 'out of town' jurors in to Orlando ( LESS COSTLY )
Miami judges are more harsh than in Orlando? Hell freezes over and KC tells the truth before trial? KC kills Baez or herself? So interesting.

That is what I was there any indicator that points to what exactly she will change her mind about? Is the plea sounding good to her now? Thanks for your charts btw!
I really do not withhold information when I interpret the chart. If I knew more, I would put it out there. We know the prisoner listens to a radio in her cell. She may have heard that the jails in Miami do not compare well to her present housing. We have heard it, why would she not? Mr. Baez would not share her priority and would try to convince her that what matters is a fair trial and a favorable verdict, not discomfort in a particular facility. It is her life that is at stake. This is the ground for a wrangling match between the two of them. One thing we do know and it has oft be said, she lives from moment to moment, so she is concentrating on her security and comfort right now as only a fool would. Put that in one tray of the scale and the charges she leveled at the guards in Orange County on the other tray. No matter how it tips, she loses.
Agree Tuba, there must be 'some' sort of security' she feels in Orlando (HER town) outside of jail provisions. A change of venue may make her feel as though she's not in she 'thinks' in her usual delusional way.
And everyone feeds her megalomania. I see it when she is seated at the defense table in court. If you want to "get along with" the prisoner, you have to give her outrageous strokes and indulge her and reassure her. They should bring this to a halt and require her to "get along with" them!
Off topic for a quick moment:

1. move the whole trial to another town ( VERY COSTLY )
2. bring the 'out of town' jurors in to Orlando ( LESS COSTLY )

*snipped by me....
Bill Shaffer? (spelling) talked about this yesterday with Kathy Belich, (I like listening to him.)
He said the judge would not favor moving the jurors, that their comfort will be placed above cost. I cannot find the link atm but will keep looking....
But think about it. Jose IS an Hispanic, and apparently one of a very few who have handled such a high profile case as this one. There may be some favoritism there, IF in fact, he is able to have this moved to a locale where a majority of the jury could be Hispanic. I am not saying it WILL happen, just that it could...people are fickle, and their loyalty often sways their opinions, don't you think?

I understand what you're saying, magic-cat and I have no doubt that is JAB's big hope. These things often happen in politics where one's opinion of a given situation seems to fall straight down a party line.

This may not be the best example but it's a recent one: the Miss California brouhaha. From the little I've observed, seems that many, if not most, conservatives feel that modeling lingerie for Victoria's secret or whomever it was, is not the same as posing nude or partially nude because the purpose is to sell lingerie, not to pique prurient interests. On the other hand, many liberals, especially those in favor of gay marriage and including JVM feel this "scandal" isn't persecution for her stance opposing gay marriage but instead "karma coming back to bite her" in JVM's opinion. Other liberals, being quite a bit disingenuous, imo, say it's a totally unrelated matter.

Due to his race baiting, I'm convinced that JAB is a rabid racist and believes the folks in Miami are just as racist as he. He hopes for an all Hispanic jury and envisions a multitude of press conferences spoken in Spanish to win the jury pool's hearts and minds before the trial ever starts. Remember when even CA was going on Spanish language tv shows? If he can get them to like him by "speaking their language" and being one of them, a hero, local boy made good, etc. they're more likely to believe him and not think things through. I disagree with him. I think wherever the trial is held, KC will be convicted, even if the jury is peopled with close relatives of the defense team. Clearly, I have a lot more respect for the residents of Miami-Dade, whether or not they're Hispanic, than does JAB.

Don't forget that the prosecution will be able to use their challenges and the court may even put some people off the panel if they show any racist tendencies. The prosecution will have some good questions lined up to weed out anyone that may be like JAB. Maybe asking what clubs or organizations they belong to; their stance on immigration; or a zillion other things that may help ferret out racism or potential favoritism toward JAB.

Not that I think the trial will be moved, at least not until after Judge Strickland makes a good effort at seating a jury in Orlando. I'm saying that even if it is, I don't think it will make a whit of difference. Besides, IF the trial were moved and IF JAB isn't already off the case due to his lack of qualifications to try a death penalty case or the multitude of pending bar complaints, I think the judge would most certainly enter a gag order as just one of the conditions of the change of venue, thwarting JAB's malicious schemes to a great extent.

To summarize: I appreciate you sharing the story and understand your concern. But don't worry so much. There was enough against KC to get an indictment in October. There's a lot more now. Despite the high price of her team, JAB's inexperience is showing and damaging any chance she may have had for a lesser charge. (I don't think acquittal is even a remote possibility.) So, don't worry so much, k? Caylee will get justice. Everyone is subject to God's justice. And I have no doubt KC will feel the full brunt of man's justice too --- either death penalty or lwop.

Don't worry so much. You're starting to succumb to the defense spin. When you start to worry, start making a list of the evidence. There's way too much. Or start making a list of all the prosecutors who have been on tv saying they've never had so much evidence in a case. And then there's the big one: Our wonderful astros, iirc, have advised us that the stars seem to suggest there will be justice for Caylee. And when have they been wrong?? :)

PS: Anyone heard anything from all those defense experts? Want to bet some of them won't be called by the defense? <wink, wink> ;)
I really do not withhold information when I interpret the chart. If I knew more, I would put it out there. We know the prisoner listens to a radio in her cell. She may have heard that the jails in Miami do not compare well to her present housing. We have heard it, why would she not? Mr. Baez would not share her priority and would try to convince her that what matters is a fair trial and a favorable verdict, not discomfort in a particular facility. It is her life that is at stake. This is the ground for a wrangling match between the two of them. One thing we do know and it has oft be said, she lives from moment to moment, so she is concentrating on her security and comfort right now as only a fool would. Put that in one tray of the scale and the charges she leveled at the guards in Orange County on the other tray. No matter how it tips, she loses.

Tuba, just voicing possible scenerios to KC changing her mind or something tragic happening.

What really gets me is it is true that moving the trial would be costly,does she really get to decide that...after all she is a prisoner accused of killing her child. I don't think she will be the final decider of that. I realize Baez main concern is winning the case and KC's main concern is being found not guilty wherever the trial takes place but I think there is a much greater power to be considered here, really nothing has gone her way since all this happened except maybe her first action. She probably thought her child would be a number in the missing children files and that would be that, she would go on with her life minus her responsibility and her parents would get over it, she would get attention from everyone (all 300 people she texted telling them her daughter is missing) and come out the poor mother who lost her child.
That was my first gut when this started of what she thought would happen. I think it won't matter where the trial will be because it will be where the judge says it will be...
No offense taken Magic Cat. Sorry if I came off kind of crabby in my reply. :)

As far as Jose being the only Hispanic attorney to handle a case of this magnitude......I chuckle at that everytime I hear it. I guess it slipped his mind that the former US Attorney General, ALBERTO GONZALEZ, is Hispanic. I would say having to deal with legal matters concerning the entire US would be a little bit more of a big deal than dealing with Casey Anthony (except in her mind of course). :)

Great point and one that I expect to see repeated in the media much more often if JAB continues his offensive, insulting race baiting. I suspect a very big media backlash about it citing other attorneys and other big cases along with Mr. Gonzalez and other high profile Hispanics. You know, the kind of folks that are high profile because of their accomplishments, not because of a random legal case they have mishandled from day 31. :)
I agree with you, this has been and always will be a defense tactic...I don't know...maybe they're taught this in Law School?

One of the lawyers on JVM, who is a long time defense lawyer in Miami, spoke about her take on the trial possibly being moved there. She mentioned that there is a high population there and so much crime that KC would have a fair trial because it is very possible, that no one has even paid any attention to this one. If the trial takes place there, even better because once the verdict comes in there will be no retrial based on a bias juror pool. We don't want to DRAG this over again. Also, IF Baez is using this to rally new clients and with his "own" playing field he must also be aware of how family oriented Hispanics are. I say go for it

Also, as I've mentioned in another thread, the "shock value" of the evidence has been softened with time with those familiar with the details of the case. magic-cat isn't the only one who has mentioned concerns. People that are unfamiliar with the case will get the full figurative slap from the shock of 31 days of partying, never reporting, decomp in the trunk, etc. etc. etc. etc.

All angles Cardinal and critical, 0°! The Moon rules the day (Monday) and also signifies the prisoner, confined in House 12. She inflames the opposition.

Mercury is stationary for the filing of the motion and as Mercury retreats, there will be changes in scheduling, a change of mind about a legal matter, reversed decisions. Baez himself is at the degree of the Node of the Moon and thus a casualty. There will be tragedy and catastrophe. Since Mercury disposits both planets in H. 12 and also rules the cusp of the House, prisoner changes her mind.

This chart describes fraught circumstances about which we are kept dark, outside the facts. Moon is moving to oppose Uranus "fairly soon" and we will learn more. The Full Moon falls in the House of Murder on the evil Fixed Star, Serpentis~a terror to society is how this star is known.

Another ps to my superlong post from a little bit ago:

"Yeah. What Tuba said." :)

Thanks Tuba and all the great astros here! Made my whole day. :)
Last night on NG was stated that KC has found a possible new person to pin her daughters death on...Roy Cronk of course. Apparently Leonard Padilla has said that Roy knew where the body was in August from his sister? and that he was waiting for the woods to dry up to go in there to find her. I haven't heard about this sister story before...maybe I missed that awhile back. The defense is speculating that the body was moved during the time KC was in couldn't have been the ferocious rain that lifted or drifted the body from one place to the next???:doh:

NEWS: WE know...the nanny did it!

Meanwhile Thursday, CNN announced that Anthony&#8217;s parents, George and Cindy Anthony, will appear on its &#8220;Larry King Live&#8221; show on Wednesday. King will ask the questions.
There is a rivalry in Leonard's mind between these two bounty hunters. Leonard's heart was in his shoes after the Econ River searches failed. He is determined Kronk receive no credit for his instincts. Roy Kronk explains what he thought and what he did very simply and he is credible. Those blue beads hanging from the tree in Blanchard Park misled Leonard. His heart was in the right place. Now he needs to give Kronk well deserved credit, not only for his instincts but for his persistence.
Has any of the super-astros done a chart on KC and/or CA for Mother's Day?
In the chart for the change of venue motion filed on 4 May, the Moon's latitude was 3° South and I failed to provide it, although commenting on it. The Moon had also passed over Saturn, so Baez was constricting his own movement, rather unlike him. The Moon applies to the opposition of Uranus, a jolt coming. He is well aware that he is under scrutiny and as a Libran, he does not like it. One thing you don't want to do is gain weight when you're trying to pass through the eye of the needle. He is finding this difficult.
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