Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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Can any of our astrosleuths tell us what the stars see for G&C on LkL grrrrrrrrrrr makes me mad they are still getting face time,and $$$$$$ off their murdered grandbaby ,to help the killer get off
Can any of our astrosleuths tell us what the stars see for G&C on LkL grrrrrrrrrrr makes me mad they are still getting face time,and $$$$$$ off their murdered grandbaby ,to help the killer get off

It's funny you should ask. Here's what major PR firms think of their behaviour and what they should be doing when speaking to the public and why Nejame could no longer be their lawyer.

Casey Anthony: George, Cindy are public-relations flops,0,4012840.column
SO Perhaps this this wont help their cause,bet they put on a sweet face, kinder gentler,better acting skills ,oops sorry got carried away
Today is a relatively GOOD day for the prisoner and from that, I take it she approves of the jail house denial that she acted out when the death penalty notice was served and that she is gratified by everything her parents didn't say on Larry King. The Sun is favorable to her Mercury, the Moon favors her Jupiter and Mars is on her Venus.
Just b/c someone may perceive someone as "barely speaking English", does not mean that they cannot perfectly understand the language. Often times with ANYONE with English as a second language they will still have a very strong accent from their native language.

I highly doubt the prosecutors nor the judge would let anyone sit a jury that did not completely understand the magnitude of this case afterall Casey's life will be on the line. I don't think being Hispanic or not will have anything to do with this case nor should it have.

You are probably correct with your assessment, and it's very logical.

I don't think "understanding English" will be a factor is Casey's trial. I believe Baez is looking down the road and hoping to expand his firm with more and more Hispanic clients later, after Casey.

Look at that, the legal analyst and the reporter talked about the defense going to the media again complaining about the publicity! Too much! This attorney is getting himself lots of free advertising everytime he speaks on TV, not matter if it's good or bad, people are going to recognize him. :rolleyes:
It's funny you should ask. Here's what major PR firms think of their behaviour and what they should be doing when speaking to the public and why Nejame could no longer be their lawyer.

Casey Anthony: George, Cindy are public-relations flops,0,4012840.column

Thanks for the link, Oldsoul. Not that we needed to be told the As are a public relations nightmare, but it's nice to have our opinions confirmed by experts in the field.

Obviously, Cindy is going to say and do what she wants, much like a certain prisoner.

About a change of venue, it's not up to Casey to decide where it should be, but she certainly could be the one pressing for it, thus her defense team must request it on her behalf. She's the boss, remember? :wink:
Kaitland, I think you follow this case closely and I know you are busy but the Web Sleuths are noticing your absence and they worry about you. Could you just check in to say "HI" to us? Of course, maybe something really is wrong and if that is the case, forgive me for pestering you.
Here's my question....from the NG interview with Lenamon regarding his recommendation to Baez about the strategy of defense, he says that he told Baez he should approach it as an act of insanity. Now why after Lenamon has done his research on this case would he possibly recommend this type of plea if he hadn't come to the conclusion along with the defense that she actually did participate or actually kill her own daughter and how they would be able to salvage her life to a lesser sentence or psychiatric care as opposed to death or life in prison. If KC was innocent, for argument sake, Lenamon and her defense would NEVER even discuss this as an option. In my opinion, what we would should have heard from his interview was something like this "I am continuing on this case because this girl did not commit this crime and Baez and myself will prove her innocence.",0,2785821.story
In other news today...the OTHER interview with the A's on Larry King last night. Their usual pathetic attempt to "save face" and claim KC's innocence. LK asked a very simple question "did you ask your daughter what happened" They answer with " we really didn't get a chance to talk to her ..I mean really talk to her because she has been in prison and everything is taped" WHAT! I'm speechless...
FYI: Full Interview from Larry King is posted in the Caylee Time-Stamped Thread from last night. Along with a "Lemamon Statement Regarding Current Casey Anthony Representation" CFNEWS13 posted today! Some very interesting video reports are posted too!

I would like to know if the A's were expecting the questions that Larry did ask last night. CA, GA, & BC seemed to be fumbling with many of the questions. I am wondering did they think they were only appearing to promote the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation for the most part? They only got the last few minutes to speak about it. GA seemed to be very uncomfortable last night also. CA made quite a few blunders.....when asked if Casey told CA her story as to what happened to Caylee she slipped & said "I believed her" (not exact quote)! Using past tense instead of saying "I believe her!" :eek:

Thanks to all the super astrologers for all of thier hard work on all of the astrology threads!:rose:

Thanks SS I've been worried where Kaitland has been too!:hug: I hope everything is OK with her & her family. Hopefully she's just very busy with work & her family.

Respectfully snipped From Angel who Cares:
I would like to know if the A's were expecting the questions that Larry did ask last night. CA, GA, & BC seemed to be fumbling with many of the questions. I am wondering did they think they were only appearing to promote the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation for the most part? They only got the last few minutes to speak about it. GA seemed to be very uncomfortable last night also. CA made quite a few blunders.....when asked if Casey told CA her story as to what happened to Caylee she slipped & said "I believed her" (not exact quote)! Using past tense instead of saying "I believe her!" :eek:

I heard that too Angel! I thought the same thing.....I agree GA was just not himself at all, I mean even considering the circumstances, he looked awful and spoke like he "knew" what he had to say and that's it. Their lies were very apparent last night.
How it looks from here~Terence L. put the knock on lead counsel and the whole defense team, in public. He refuses to associate himself with what he considers their foolish support of the prisoner's double thumpers. He is a passionate opponent of the death penalty but he placed his own image and rep above the interests of the defendant. He doesn't like the chances of the present defense strategy, considers it a loser but over these many months, when he was a member of the team and when he wasn't, he knows they are going ahead with it. He met the prisoner's obduracy face to face in the jail cell. So he is removing and elevating himself at the expense of the defense case. As oldsoul says, the implications (she did it) of his remarks are obvious. His is the last weight needed to break the wagon. He did this to a fellow attorney and he did this to a defendant while professing to care about saving her life.
How it looks from here~Terence L. put the knock on lead counsel and the whole defense team, in public. He refuses to associate himself with what he considers their foolish support of the prisoner's double thumpers. He is a passionate opponent of the death penalty but he placed his own image and rep above the interests of the defendant. He doesn't like the chances of the present defense strategy, considers it a loser but over these many months, when he was a member of the team and when he wasn't, he knows they are going ahead with it. He met the prisoner's obduracy face to face in the jail cell. So he is removing and elevating himself at the expense of the defense case. As oldsoul says, the implications (she did it) of his remarks are obvious. His is the last weight needed to break the wagon. He did this to a fellow attorney and he did this to a defendant while professing to care about saving her life.

Sounds familiar....remember Mark Nejame..the lawyer representing CA & GA, when lawyers are more concerned with damaging their reputation as a result of representing KC more than public exposure to build their practice..were talking about a strange set of circumstances.
How it looks from here~Terence L. put the knock on lead counsel and the whole defense team, in public. He refuses to associate himself with what he considers their foolish support of the prisoner's double thumpers. He is a passionate opponent of the death penalty but he placed his own image and rep above the interests of the defendant. He doesn't like the chances of the present defense strategy, considers it a loser but over these many months, when he was a member of the team and when he wasn't, he knows they are going ahead with it. He met the prisoner's obduracy face to face in the jail cell. So he is removing and elevating himself at the expense of the defense case. As oldsoul says, the implications (she did it) of his remarks are obvious. His is the last weight needed to break the wagon. He did this to a fellow attorney and he did this to a defendant while professing to care about saving her life.

In his mind do you feel that he may still be trying to save her life by bringing this to her attention. If she hears what he has to say she may realize it is her only way out. She can't be too warm and fuzzy with JB right now.
He had a prolonged interview with the prisoner on October 18 and gained no ground at all. No one else has been persuasive either, not the titchiest bit. Believe me, he "brought it to her attention" face to face.

I do think he will feel relieved when & if a big time DP lawyer is brought onboard but that is the most one can say for him. He has made most unprofessional statements to the detriment of a criminal case and its team of attorneys and experts. He knows well how words are construed by judges, juries, the public. If, as he says now, he was merely trying to explain Prisoner's behavior during the 31 days, he needed to explicitly state that instead of a broad ambiguity. Although her post crime behavior is germane to the case, it is NOT what the case is about, so why would he be focusing on that? Besides, we already have The Ugly Coping explanation of that period, so if that is what he was addressing, he was redundant.

His entire DP memo was available on-line, so he can hardly retract what he had to say then. The plea for leniency was based on the hypothetical that the prisoner was responsible for the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.
He had a prolonged interview with the prisoner on October 18 and gained no ground at all. No one else has been persuasive either, not the titchiest bit. Believe me, he "brought it to her attention" face to face.

I do think he will feel relieved when & if a big time DP lawyer is brought onboard but that is the most one can say for him. He has made most unprofessional statements to the detriment of a criminal case and its team of attorneys and experts. He knows well how words are construed by judges, juries, the public. If, as he says now, he was merely trying to explain Prisoner's behavior during the 31 days, he needed to explicitly state that instead of a broad ambiguity. Although her post crime behavior is germane to the case, it is NOT what the case is about, so why would he be focusing on that? Besides, we already have The Ugly Coping explanation of that period, so if that is what he was addressing, he was redundant.

His entire DP memo was available on-line, so he can hardly retract what he had to say then. The plea for leniency was based on the hypothetical that the prisoner was responsible for the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.

Also we must keep in mind that he no longer wanted to be on this case unless the defense went with his advice and Baez no longer wanted him on it if he wasn't going to co-operate and go with his advice and Nejame didn't want to represent the A's because they weren't taking his advice......this defense team is all about the win....lots of EGO and self preservation involved here.. lawyers that both went public with their opinions about why they don't want to be a part of this, and in the end my guess and gut will be that there will be a guilty as charged verdict and Baez will be the only one that will completely tarnish his reputation for simply defending a child killer in the manner that he to say the public knows that he knew the truth all along, tried to feed the public the nanny story, completely disregards the life of CAYLEE and then loses the case...integrity versus no morals? I think the public will loathe Baez more than the lawyers who talked and walked! Just a thought
Terence Lenamon blasts Orlando TV coverage of his Nancy Grace appearance

Tuba you made a very valid point before....And here it is.......Lenamon defending himself against the interview with NG that he implied that the defense should have gone with the insanity plea and Baez disagreed with him on he's saying he doesn't see how the public came to the conclusion that he meant that it implies that she is guilty???
Also we must keep in mind that he no longer wanted to be on this case unless the defense went with his advice and Baez no longer wanted him on it if he wasn't going to co-operate and go with his advice and Nejame didn't want to represent the A's because they weren't taking his advice......this defense team is all about the win....lots of EGO and self preservation involved here.. lawyers that both went public with their opinions about why they don't want to be a part of this, and in the end my guess and gut will be that there will be a guilty as charged verdict and Baez will be the only one that will completely tarnish his reputation for simply defending a child killer in the manner that he to say the public knows that he knew the truth all along, tried to feed the public the nanny story, completely disregards the life of CAYLEE and then loses the case...integrity versus no morals? I think the public will loathe Baez more than the lawyers who talked and walked! Just a thought

Isn't it it job of the defense to stand by the client who says she is "not guilty" regardless of what their personal thoughts are to that respect? I think it is the job of both, Mr. Lenamon and Mr. Baez, to "defend" the client for the sake of our justice system. Not that the public will or should think it is ok, but it means that the defense must discount the victim in order to do their job.

My take on the Lenamon statement is that he is sending a message to Baez. Could it be that his leaving the case is part of the Judge Strickland complaint to the Bar? It sounds to me more that he is making public that Baez DID NOT allow him to have "independent" investigation and evaluation of the case in order to advise KC, than that he is protecting his reputation or ego. Perhaps he is very ethical! JMO...
FYI: I posted this in the Caylee Time-Stamped Media Thread, but didn't want you to miss this!

I’ve Been Invited to Be on Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell Tonight
May 14, 2009
I&#8217;ve been invited to be on Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell tonight.

I consider it a privilege to be asked to participate on a show of this quality and I look forward to tonight&#8217;s discussion. Jane Velez-Mitchell is a formidable talent and it&#8217;s an honor to be on her program.


DOES ANY OF THE CHARTS SHOW (or can they tell us) exactly how cayle was killed?
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