Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10

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FYI: Baez is still being investigated further by the Florida Law Bar: If the committee finds probable cause, the complaint will be escalated to the disciplinary process.

Another bar complaint involving Baez's former public relations firm, Press Corps Media, has also been filed, but details of the complaint are not known.

Article in the Time-Stamped Media Thread!

FYI: The videos & transcripts from the deposition with Annie D are posted in the Time-Stamped Thread!

Interesting deposition...thanks Angel for the post....There are a few things I find strange in this case:
1) the body would have been found long before it was if the policeman would have done his job properly back in August

2) If there wasn't the storm in Florida, again they would have been able to find the body

3) Had Annie let Casey speak she might have spilled the beans about what really happened and this all wouldn't be necessary.

If everything has its perfect timing even if we don't know it or understand it, this case has seen more than it's share of delays for sure.

Annie has confirmed to me that CA & GA know exactly what happened to Caylee and are trying to deter "the real motif" by keeping the Zenaida story alive even though they barely mentioned her after they asked everyone if they knew her. The motif.....the grandmother was dead on....KC hated CA more than she loved Caylee....period. By the way...CA set a great example about not lying to her she is quite the fib teller!
During his trough or low of the year, Aries, Mr. Baez came under harder closer scrutiny. In May, Mars has been on his Saturn opposite his Sun and Mercury. These afflictions bring turmoil and strife from the hit on Saturn and aggression, hostility and competition from the hits on Sun-Mercury. Trouble comes from acting on impulse or on impressions. Legal plans and strategy must be closely held. Rather a full hand to suffer at the same time, Saturn on ones Mars. Having both Mars on Saturn and Saturn on Mars means defeat, pure and simple. Executive decisions are needed not rash changes coming from vacillation and panic.

There's more! If you order four, you get Mercury opposite your Venus-Neptune conjunction and Pluto square your Uranus~exact! Jupiter and Neptune are traveling in opposition to your Moon. In short, your life is turned on its head. The Mercury transit will bring out facts heretofore hidden, creating scandal. The Baez Uranus is in the law Sign, Libra and is being challenged again by governmental authority, Pluto in Capricorn. Serious.

Mr. Baez is very savvy about silencing his clients but look what has been happening instead. The Anthonys have been taking it to the air waves for weeks. What's a fellow to do? There is far too much detailed work to even consider a holiday. He will have to draw the black out curtains and bend himself to the task, white noise running in the background.
DO WE KNOW HOW THIS SCANDAL (oops sorry bout caps)will affect the case? And the challenge by g a will they uncover the $ question? What about the lawyer with the back problem,is it for real? Or is he trying to get away from c&g? Sounds like we are in for some news that we all wondering about. Can your charts tell us anymore without the astro speak, TYIA Cases/May28Hearing046.jpg

The South Node of the Moon rises conjunct Significator, Moon in Leo and this does not promise honest representations, nor does the Fixed Star Procyon at the ASC. Furthermore, Mars is square that Fixed Star and the rising degree. Mercury of the prisoner is backstroking toward a critical degree in Taurus that is never quite reached because Mercury turns direct on May 30.

As we leave this event and move into June, Mars hits the lunar node of Prisoner & her team in square to the transit node and to the strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena. Much energy is poured into new tactics and Prisoner (node to node square) is down to one last shredded nerve. Food taken in does not want to stay down.

There is a Meridian Parallel between the Sun and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, that is, they are equidistant from the House 10 Cusp. Sun is in the document Sign of II and should shine light on what is now withheld in Prosecution's custody. The Moon as she moves into House 2 and then opposes the Jupiter-Neptune infirmary tape acts to bring that secret item to light also.

I've moved this over from an earlier page in the thread, in case the date and the chart have been forgotten or never seen.
Tuba in reading food taken in doesn't want to stay down. the thought came to mind that this doesn't necessarily mean literally food. that it could mean "food for thought" or whatever the defense is trying to "feed" to the public or to the judge.
On our AstroCalendar is a chart corresponding to the moment our prisoner was first arrested on 16 July. Now we are under a New Moon that took place dead bang upon the accused at that event. This means, as the Sun transits the arrested party's House this month, we will see more and more of her as a defendant, as a prisoner, as a criminal because current transits bring her, the arrest, and subsequent developments together.

At the clock time of our present New Moon, Mars was square the arrest Sun & coming from the House of the victim child, meaning serious trouble for the accused emerging to tighten the vise she is in. This trouble relates to the murder itself because Mars and Saturn at the arrest were together in the charges sector.

Mercury is about to station and turn direct, which it does early next Saturday night. It does so from Prisoner's House of hidden matters and the past and it does so in exact sextile to Uranus of the arrest: exposure, deception unmasked.

The Moon of her arrest chart bespoke careful planning, at 8:06 Capricorn opposite Mercury. But she had spent hours and hours with officers, had really spit a bibful and none of her planning was successful; instead, it led to her arrest. The Moon ruling the House of the deceased, 2:36 Cancer a watery grave, was about to condemn her as Mercury 10:21 Cancer in the House of the dead. That would follow with the indictment for capital murder when the opposition became exact.

Moon afflicting Mercury and at the same time aspecting Saturn is the signature of a liar. That is well noted by event astrologer and author, Barbara Watters. Of course, Prisoner also admitting lying because her own statements trapped her. When Mercury turns direct on Saturday, the Sun will make an exact inconjunct to arrest Moon and the prisoner will be forced to make adjustments in her accounts of what happened to her daughter. What she claims now has to be reconciled with past inconsistent statements and forensic evidence but her mistakes make this impossible.

This is like revisiting the major alteration from Sawgrass to Blanchard Park. Neither account of events passes the straight face test but both are now part of the record.

So that is what present time Mars and Sun are doing to her as criminal #08-CF-0015606-O but Saturn wants at turn at her as well. The midpoint of Prisoner's Jupiter-Mercury is 14.5° Pisces and Saturn is opposing that right now from the House of judgment and the authorities. The vise turns.

As we close out the month with the direct of Mercury, Mars will square George and Cindy in their composite chart, Sun of 28:25 Cancer. It is to be hoped that they keep their consternation to themselves.
Tuba - do you think George and Cindy will ever be charged with obstruction or anything else? I think they have known for a very long time what happened to Caylee, yet they continue to spew their lies. TIA!!
I have been wondering something for awhile and wondered if the charts could contain the answer. I will try to make my thoughts clear....

This story the prisoner has told is the most off the wall contrivance one could possibly conceive! I can't help but believe this was not a well thought out plot, (alibi), of a killer but instead an, "Oh carp! I am caught but I put off too long making a plan!" I just can't see her stories any other way. Clearly this is not the best one she coulda thunk up....
Tuba, could it be that the new DP attorney is not going to play games with her and give her the wake up call she so sorely needs?
Tuba does this mean KC's cool. calm behavior will fly out the door for good? It is very telling in a psychological point of view what exactly happens to force KC to let down her fortress of walls, protecting her ego? Has it finally hit her that the lifestyle she traded for more independance has set the stage for her future lifestyle of incarseration? Is kc caving to confusion of not being able to control the circumstances surrounding her case? By your post has me thinking someone is going to pull out a current mental health issue to avoid any ongoing questions that might arise, example KC's depo answers or to avoid the jail house video from being released?
Here's what we know. Prisoner had been trying to figure this out for months last spring, trying on this idea then that idea. But to say she spent time planning is not to say that any of it made the least bit of sense. She has a very afflicted way of thinking: Mercury in Pisces square Mars-Uranus. Extremely tight square. Picture her cutting and pasting little graphics for her website. That is the level of her big strategy. As I've often said, she couldn't plan here way from here to the ladies' room; that's why we have pictures of her in the parking lot.

Expectation and anticipation are part of planning. Despite the expert gamesmanship she crows about in Survivor, she did not see the interrogation coming and was totally unprepared by our standards. But by her own lights, she had put something credible together based on Sawgrass. It didn't survive twelve hours!

Will the new death penalty addition to her team talk business to her? If Mr. Baez is introducing him on Thursday, he comes in on a Mars - Jupiter (+Neptune) sextile and so, will want to cut through the akamarackers and get to something usable. However, we have viewed Prisoner at the defense table making nice at introductions and who can say whether she will cooperate. So far, she has not.

kagey, what seems to be going on this spring is anxiety and depression but Prisoner is still functioning. Not that the demands on her are heavy. I don't know if she has become totally pessimistic about future freedom but the current confinement has gotten to her. Her mental state cannot be used to avoid release of the video or answering depositions but legal arguments may be. I do know that the public will eventually see the infirmary vid. It is written in the stars. Speaking of stars, Aldebaran will be conjunct the Sun for her hearing Thursday. The combination brings danger from the law and disputes, disgrace and ruin.

The Anthonys did not cooperate in the civil suit and if they continue to flout the law or perjure themselves at trial, I think they will have exhausted the patience of the State of Florida.
Wow! I think you worded your responce right on the mark. Thankyou for the heads up on thurs. I can take my uneasy feelings concerning that day and throw them out the window, and go on about my day. Thank you, Your a peach to answer this for me. <3
Here's what we know. Prisoner had been trying to figure this out for months last spring, trying on this idea then that idea. But to say she spent time planning is not to say that any of it made the least bit of sense. She has a very afflicted way of thinking: Mercury in Pisces square Mars-Uranus. Extremely tight square. Picture her cutting and pasting little graphics for her website. That is the level of her big strategy. As I've often said, she couldn't plan here way from here to the ladies' room; that's why we have pictures of her in the parking lot.

Expectation and anticipation are part of planning. Despite the expert gamesmanship she crows about in Survivor, she did not see the interrogation coming and was totally unprepared by our standards. But by her own lights, she had put something credible together based on Sawgrass. It didn't survive twelve hours!

*Snipped and bolded by me.
I keep forgetting what we are dealing with as it gets more and more rediculous. To think they would actually try to use this as a defense....:waitasec: And her parents seem to be shining the light more and more on how rediculous it really all is.
Last week, the state handed over more discovery to the defense. Is there anything in the recent or upcoming charts that points to when this may be released to the public and what it might contain? I still think the state has some smoking gun they have yet to release.
A controlling individual with no direct access to the prisoner, no way to extract information from her, brow beat her or talk sense into her, Cindy is placed in a frustrating position. As a II, she scans the situation to assess her options.

What she has done is to designate a silhouette as "The Nanny". As evidence piles up that the nanny is not plaintiff Zenaida Gonzalez, Cindy then fills in the silhouette with the fit of the moment~might be Ricardo, might be Amy, might be a Ten, is probably Jesse and on and on. She thinks she has created a conceit of infinite flexibilty by telling the sheriffs that the nanny is anyone who was babysitting Caylee, courtesy of Casey's indentikit. In her interviews at OCSO, she said and repeated that she thought that is what her daughter "meant" by The Nanny.

To explain past factual tangles and any that come up at trial, Cindy walks behind the defendant with a dustpan, collects the mess she makes, sorts it and moulds it to fit the silhouette. She is making a science out of the mechanism of rationalization. I do not want to hear her testimony at trial. Let me not hear that.
DP ATTORNEY suppose to be announced at hearing tomorrow will it happen?
Tuba, I am a great believer in rhyme and reason....the more CA talks, the more she incriminates her's fascinating to me! Let her keep talking......she hardly has any more room for her toes in her mouth!

She thinks the more she talks up a story that people will begin to believe it, she has obviously a great belief that she is so savvy that she can twist and turn stories and use the power of suggestion tactic to cover up guilt... hhmmmm we all know someone else who thinks that works too!!! HOW HOW you condone your own daughter killing her child!!!! It's lucky KC and her brother are still alive!
I would hope the state does not call Cindy to testify and if they have to, I would hope they wait until late in the trial so she is not sitting there raising her hand every two seconds because she does not like the evidence that is being presented. They could hold her to the end and ask one question with a simple yes or no, "Is that you on the 911 call?" No further questions. That could send her right over the edge.
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