Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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This image was released by the State Attorney's Office on Dec. 9, 2009 amid 40 pages of evidence. (STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE)


New Casey Anthony case discovery released
Click here to see the documents>>>

Casey Anthony and Caylee Marie Anthony pictures released Dec. 9, 2009,0,6454542.photogallery

READ IT: Casey Anthony case evidence released on Dec. 9, 2009,0,4879608.acrobat

READ IT: Casey Anthony case evidence released on Dec. 9, 2009,0,5403897.acrobat

READ IT: Casey Anthony case evidence released on Dec. 9, 2009,0,5928186.acrobat

READ IT: Casey Anthony case documents released Dec. 9, 2009,0,6452475.acrobat

PDF: Photos: Casey and Caylee With Guitar

PDF: Read Report on How High the Water Was Where Caylee Was Found

PDF: Scripts From Orlando TV Station 9_12401-12413.pdf

PDF: Wage Records And Police Reports Case Against Casey 12/09/2009
New Photos Of Caylee, Casey 1-37

Timestamped: November 10, 2009 2:39PM
PDF: 1 Pages 1-10

Timestamped: 08/24/09 9:33:34AM & 10/10/08 12:28PM
PDF: 2 Pages 1-12

Timestamped: 9/30/09 12:00:04PM & 7/27/08 12:01PM (The Phone call Casey made to Lee from Jail 9:57PM * More times in this document included!)
PDF: 3 Pages 1-13
IMAGES: New Images Of Casey With Caylee 1-7





*Added them all in case any pgs are missing or someone can't open a link from any site...just in case!
STATE'S MOTION: Motion--State of Florida's; for Protective Order Regarding Recording of Interview with Joe Jordan

STATE'S MOTION: Motion to Compel--State of Florida's Second; Reciprocal Discovery and Motion for Discovery Schedule

FYI: TruTV (formerly Court TV) will be covering the hearing tomorrow starting at 9AM!

Elgine Wilson Furlow, etc.\FDCT\MFL\2008\20080326_0000887.MFL.htm/qx

I'm glad to see this document stating they can't make heads or tails out of this guy's documents: "The amended complaint, though several pages longer than the original complaint, is no more coherent."

I couldn't make out much of his filings here :waitasec: :

I thought I was the only one who couldn't read his writing or understand his ramblings. Apparently, he's done this sort of thing for years, and can't decide which name he prefers. :innocent: Not that's it's a crime to have used several names, but ......

This guy has way too much time on his hands. Would love to have the skinny on his natal chart, but I somehow believe it would be a huge waste of time. Imagine all the court time he's wasted already.

Angel, thanks for Casey's Christmas Wish video. The picture of her in the electric chair with Christmas lights is priceless.
Just so we can all recap while waiting for today's hearing. (A thousand thank you's to Tuba!)

Due to computer upgrades and loss of shortcuts, it took me this long to get the chart to you. Sorry.

Now that both Uranus and Neptune are direct in motion (at time of hearing), their mutual reception can be fully exercised and realised. When one or both mutual reception planets are in apparent backward motion, this represents reluctance on the part of one or both to take part in the natural exchange which would automatically benefit both.

Although an inconjunct is appropriate when monies are owed in the form of restitution, it is very odd that the death penalty attorney is inconjunct Uranus. This is like slipping the knot or breaking an engagement. Nevertheless, the Moon is sharply inconjunct or quincunx Uranus! Note that (left hand margin) the Libran Moon is at solstice point to Prisoner's own Jupiter, so she has an inner sense that Andrea L. can & will rescue her.




George and Cindy Anthony wait for court hearing to begin on Friday

:furious: KC cries when they talk about not getting to see her family, but couldn't crack a tear when Caylee's remains were discussed! :furious:

JA was no doubt being a voice for Caylee today! He showed what to expect from the SA come the trial.

Was KC finally realizing what to expect come the trial or was she just feeling sorry for herself?
His words were very strong, describing Caylee's possible last thoughts when she was looking into her own mothers eyes while KC was murdering her!

FYI: Listen to the tapes from the hearing can hear Baez & AL whispering to KC!!!! When the hearing was over, Fox still had sound going, they were discussing that they couldn't control or figure out why the mikes were picking up them whispering to each other!!! :wink:

I'll listen closely over the weekend to transcribe what I can from them talking. I'll let you know if I catch anything that may be helpful to our wonderful astrologers!!!

OT: I haven't slept all night, but 1hr...cried all night cause my sister & daughter rudely tricked me while I was getting a haircut. I HAD hair down to my waist & they told the girl to cut it way shorter than I wanted it cut. It's now only about 2" past the top of my shoulders. A cruel mean trick & I'm furious...I have never worn my hair this short EVER!!!
Sorry for the venting...I'm walking around today with a hoodie on cause I can't even stand to look in a mirror. They have been bugging me for yrs that someone my age shouldn't have long hair...I didn't know age had anything to do with someone's length of hair!!!!
Again I apologize....I needed to vent somewhere.... Sorry that it's here! :(

Tuba -

I got these times from a WFTV article ( Here they are just in case you needed them for any charting.

The hearing began on time, at 9:30am, in Orlando and ended at 11:44am.

With the exactness of the times, it made me wonder if perhaps some of their reporters read here.
Quoting eaglemom from today's hearing thread:

Jan 25th pretrial at 10am

Don't know if it is on the Court website yet though.

ETA: Don't get too excited though, pretrial is really nothing, at least here. Not sure about Florida. Pretrial is just defendant stating if they will plead guilty or not guilty and Bench/Judge or jury trial.
I'm sure some of the reporters do read here. How else would they know what to be on the lookout for?

Angel, rest assured, hair does grow back and it's healthy to give it a change of pace. I realize you must feel scalped, but just think of the new hair tricks you can learn with the new shorter cut. Or you can go hat shopping.

Thanks for the pictures from court. I like KC's new hairstyle - covering her face.
Angel, a thousand thank you's to you too! I don't know how you do it all on so many cases everyday, but we would be stranded without you!:blowkiss:
JAshton spoke from 11:29 - 11:39 , 10 minutes compared to the 40 minutes AL spoke.
Not sure its helpful in any way but I kept track just in case.
When the lawyer was describing Caylee's death, KC just sat there. Suddenly, JB leaned over and said something to her, within the minute, she appeared to be "crying", except we couldn't see her face completely as her head was down, her hair and arm in the way. It seems to me that JB must have said, "Make it look like you're upset and make it good". Of course, AL was there to coax her along with subtle nudges and whispers.

Thanks for the links, Angel.
I'm sure some of the reporters do read here. How else would they know what to be on the lookout for?

Angel, rest assured, hair does grow back and it's healthy to give it a change of pace. I realize you must feel scalped, but just think of the new hair tricks you can learn with the new shorter cut. Or you can go hat shopping.

Thanks for the pictures from court. I like KC's new hairstyle - covering her face.


When Jeff A started talking about how Caylee was murdered, KC looked like she was going to explode with anger...right before JB whispered to her. I don't think she'll be winning an academy award anytime soon!!
Yes, she did appear angry, then JB must have reminded her she was supposed to appear sad. It was like she forgot how they schooled her before this and had to be reminded. If it weren't such a terrible crime to a child, KC's reactions after JB's words would be comical. Too bad the news media is playing up the tears angle.

Did the charts mention that KC would put on a show for us?
Tuba or SS,
This link may be helpful with the timestamps that are included in it!

Inside: Live Updates from the Courtroom

ITA with the others above, that KC wasn't crying when JA started his presentation about what Caylee may have seen & went through when KC was murdering her! (The 1st picture in my post#365 is the look she had on her face, before Baez whispered to her!) She only started to cry after Baez whispered into her the video & you'll see that the fake tears don't come until after he does this! IMO She had more reaction to her not having visits due to the video recording of any visits. Both of her flowing of fake tears reminded me of the day of the GJ. No red eyes & no need for a new tissue either. If she wasn't guilty (which I believe she is) there would be a need for more than one tissue! IMO

Does any of your charts reveal this poor acting role on KC's behalf today? TIA

The chart is directly above, remember? The analysis was that she is unstable & getting stir crazy. The dissembling & deceptive quality is a permanent feature and trait of her character, always present. Today you can see it in the Mercury-Neptune semisquare (45°).
The chart is directly above, remember? The analysis was that she is unstable & getting stir crazy. The dissembling & deceptive quality is a permanent feature and trait of her character, always present. Today you can see it in the Mercury-Neptune semisquare (45°).

Your December 11 chart is exactly what happened!
It will be interesting to find out what Venus in Sagittarius, the body language experts, have to say about the reactions from Prisoner in court today. Just as a lay person, what I saw was the turbulence inside this defendant who sees herself as martyr and victim and who is well settled in that role, when she suddenly hears herself portrayed as murdering monster. Not only does it not fit her standard portrayal of her part in this, it turned that on its head. She made fists and threw up her chin. We've seen the fists before in the jail video. No need to be a body language expert to interpret those gestures!
It will be interesting to find out what Venus in Sagittarius, the body language experts, have to say about the reactions from Prisoner in court today. Just as a lay person, what I saw was the turbulence inside this defendant who sees herself as martyr and victim and who is well settled in that role, when she suddenly hears herself portrayed as murdering monster. Not only does it not fit her standard portrayal of her part in this, it turned that on its head. She made fists and threw up her chin. We've seen the fists before in the jail video. No need to be a body language expert to interpret those gestures!

And certainly no linguistic studies necessary to undertand Strickland's simple words.

"The (forgery/fraud/check writing) case WILL be resolved by trial or plea prior to the capital case." He also used the term, "in short order" when telling the Defense if they want to throw anything else in front of him regarding this check case, get moving on it because the Jan 25th date is right around the corner.

And when he had enough of the lengthy Lesson of the Day as presented by the lovely AL as to her opinion on how the State of Florida broadly qualifies death penalty cases and how she suggests Strickland should look at it, he blew all the wishful Neptunian fluff and hot air out of the courtroom and made the " so you're asking me to re-invent the wheel " comment. Surely, a chill went up her spine. Thank goodness, as I believe we all heard enough of her 'um, um's and ah, um um' pauses in between her milliion word (Mercury) sales pitch.

Mz. KC still hasn't mastered the role of 'victim', a mother wrongly accused, a mother who is tormented by the loss of her precious little girl. It was obvious she was focusing on hand covering/shielding the face maneuvers since having any depth of feelings/emotions for others outside of herself, is beyond her capabilities.
Score today = D-

Now outside by the elevators, we found CA attempting to duplicate a legendary Sarah Bernhardt silent film performance, throwing herself up against the wall in anguish. Only problem is, none of the A's see in black and white.

And lastly to Kathy Belich outside the courtroom, a BIG thank you
For those who may have missed it (like I did when I quickly searched yesterday), here is the chart link for yesterday's pre-trial hearing:

Prisoner "frantic for freedom & unstable". Her look of anger told us that. After Baez reminded her to be sad (my assumption), did you notice how red her face became when she began to "turn on the tears" and how she managed to get her body to heave several times? I'm thinking she perfected these techniques years ago when dealing with her family.

I missed Cindy against the wall. I must look for it.

Edited to say:

Found the video of Cindy up against the wall, with people surrounding her, while George stood at a distance. Interesting how the couple doesn't huddle together in tough times. I thought that was one of the advantages of being a couple.

For those who missed it:
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