Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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In the past it seems that whenever I have mentioned it being so quiet by the defense, it was the quiet before the storm! JMHO Posting my opinion to see if it happens again. :biggrin:

Being a "naughty" angel, are you? :angel: I know what you mean, sometimes things just come about once we "put it out there". Of course with the As and the Defense Team, it's not always a good idea to want them visible again. Although, when they are before the cameras, it gives us something to talk about, for sure. :crazy:

OT: I hope your technical troubles and the eye problems are better asap. I still have my eye problems - some good days and some not so good, but at least I can see.

I did notice that when AL does her book interviews, the subject ALWAYS turns to KC and she doesn't look pleased. What else was she expecting?
I just wanted to ask what are the dates for the Pisces sign. On the main forum someone has said it is Feb 20 to March 20. Whenever I have searched this information it shows Feb 19 to Mar 20. Which is correct?
Could the sign being on the cusp affect the dates of the sign?
I saw that "absolute" on the main forum. The Sun's relation to earth is not the same every year, so it is necessary to consult either a nautical or astrological ephemeris to determine the Sign and this is true of the whole zodiac of Signs. If the date is near the beginning or end of a Sign, look it up in an ephemeris for the year in question. If the individual or event is borderline or at a cusp, it may even become necessary to know the hour and often is.
If you are concerned about this year, the Sun enters Pisces at 1:36 p.m. on February 18 on the East Coast of the USA. 10:36 a.m. on the West Coast.
Casey Anthony: No. 1 on ‘Most Notorious Women’ list

ETA: FYI~The show was taped before the DP was put back on the has been shown on E many times since it was 1st aired!

aksleuth Yep being a slightly naughty :angel2:!!! Things have been just too the past when I mentioned it Baez & Dream team submitted over 20 motions all at once! :wink: My hinky meter & intuition tells me that something is up! They haven't responded back about Jesse Grunds motion about his cell phone records yet either! That is also why I think they are busy with meaningless motions to try to delay the upcoming status hearing & check fraud trial. IMO

It could be that AL is too busy with her new book to worry about KC for now anyways! LOL Baez dosen't know how to file proper motions without someones input or help either! :crazy:

OT: Sending you :hug:'s your way that your eye probs improve....mine are stable at this time. Only a slight blockage in one eye..still taking oral & eye drop anti-biotics. I don't have to go back to the Opthamologist for another 6 weeks, unless they feel more infected! :clap:

Overhead, an active week. On Monday, January 11, there were occultations of Antares conjunct Prisoner's Saturn and of Al Niyat, both by the Moon and yesterday, an occultation of Kaus Borealis at 6:19 Capricorn. These are all Fixed Stars, the last one known for a sense of justice.

When born with Saturn on Antares, as was the prisoner, there are losses through legal affairs and failures generally. Troubles come from quarrels and enemies made. The nature is materialistic and false, crooked as a rail fence. Now when the Moon lines up with this combination and occludes it from view, it has the force of an eclipse~the star and the planet are occulted. Prisoner has been thus occulted on a number of occasions in 2008 and 2009. Antares is notorious for it obstinacy, violence, stubborness and suspicion. To date, no matter how many times the prisoner has been hard rapped by these occultations, she has held to her position.

In the celestial sphere, we have today Ceres atop Prisoner's Antares-Saturn. There are efforts from The Team to exert stern discipline, to order the illogic, to withhold approval until some measure of cooperation is gained. A contentious atmosphere continues.

The Team itself is a bear garden this week; there is in-fighting and there are power plays. I never meant to imply that the struggle was only with Prisoner. When Saturn in Libra turned retrograde at 4:39 Libra, the bottom in Defense structure fell through. Since the solar eclipse during the night (2:12 a.m., Orlando) conjoins Venus overhead and presents the prisoner with an opportunity via the sextile to her Mercury and transit Uranus, maybe Humpty can be reassembled in time for the imminent hearing.
I can see AL practicing her death grip now. Thanks, as always Tuba. It's like having a spy-camera in her jailcell.
On the My Clerk site under the murder docket:

01/14/2010 Correspondence

I wonder who JD is?
I was wondering too because there are several people on the scene of this case with those initials. It isn't the judge, no. We give up. Tell us, Angel.
It is also stamped as being received from judge.
This correspondent claims to be a researcher but objectivity is lacking. He or she is pushing (hard) a point of view to exculpate the prisoner. All of the arguments are based on matters that have made the rounds in media and on the web. Nothing was independent work. What it seems is that the notes and thoughts of someone like Cindy were passed to a party to ghost write. The letter was written when Mercury was not only retrograde but conjunct the node and sharing the degree, 21°, thus in some way tragic. Since the node also represents associations, there may be a group of interested (not disinterested, objective) people involved here. When the court or the prosecutor discovers the identity of the writer, maybe we will understand why this was a tragic mistake, putting this together and onto the judge's desk.
Who, in your opinion, wrote this? Do you notice the familiarity of the protests? This attempt to influence the process will be one more triple Excedrin migraine for Defense if the source is uncovered.
Who, in your opinion, wrote this? Do you notice the familiarity of the protests? This attempt to influence the process will be one more triple Excedrin migraine for Defense if the source is uncovered.

Perhaps a student of Ms. Lyons?
This might be a multi party collaboration and include at least 2cents worth of Gemini in the mix. Maybe it was a Pisces who instigated this approach, passing it through several hands for elaboration and editing purposes. I can't dismiss the latter possibility/participation since she already showed her expertise and boldness when she added her scribbled message on the hard copy of a Motion last year. In a backward sort of a way, this could be her taking things into her own hands defying the advice and direction her representatives present.

Interesting the knowledgeable author(s) scientist & researcher didn't sign their name, probably was no return address on the envelope either.

As many readers surely noticed, quite a bit of the text is copied/extracted from a variety of documents we've read, language taken from motions of past, arguments we've heard, family interviews & TV appearances made by each of the members of the Defense team. Nothing new here, almost like a last ditch effort to soften up the Judge since her other felonies will soon be tried in the courtroom. I guess they're suggesting to the Judge he should feel uncomfortable because he's 'willing to allow the possibility she could receive the death penalty or life in prison.' An immature tactic and offensive to His Honor.

Like Tuba said, this was dated 12/30, received some time in the first week or so of Jan. and Mercury ( the Messenger ) had already gone retrograde on 12/26, interfering with communications.

In this case, that Mercurial influence has caused a FAILURE to communicate effectively, the intended impact is lost in translation particularly with all the snide remarks and accusations incorporated into each paragraph about lack of performance by investigators, claims the Prosecution team, 'coerced witnesses to alter statements, concocted-manipulated circumstantial evidence,' right down to 'gross misconduct' by the prosecution.

Page 3, parag 2, the enlightened author admits one of KC's damning shortcomings...
"but in reading her transcripts she doesn't actually lie most of the time but is misquoted" (don't you recall those exact words coming out of a Gemini's mouth?)
whoops, wouldn't the author's observation at this point cancel out and invalidate the purpose of the letter?

Gemini and or Pisces.


Personally speaking, the letter although it seemed very amateurish, did get me thinking, I do wonder about the addresses mentioned for the Zeniada mentioned... Call me crazy if you wish but the writer did make some good points (IF TRUE OF COURSE)..... If they can prove this Zeniada lived there, prove the Jeffrey Hopkins ( I mean surely if Casey knew him she could identify him) and the Juliette, that were not investigated, they might actually have something.. Like I said ONLY IF ITS TRUE... However they are still leaving a BIG gap in this theory, Casey partied for 30 days and did not report Caylee missing..
Another thing the person mentions Ryan Pasley being Caylee's dad... did we know this and I just dont remember? was there a chart done for him?
This might be a multi party collaboration and include at least 2cents worth of Gemini in the mix. Maybe it was a Pisces who instigated this approach, passing it through several hands for elaboration and editing purposes. I can't dismiss the latter possibility/participation since she already showed her expertise and boldness when she added her scribbled message on the hard copy of a Motion last year. In a backward sort of a way, this could be her taking things into her own hands defying the advice and direction her representatives present.

Interesting the knowledgeable author(s) scientist & researcher didn't sign their name, probably was no return address on the envelope either.

As many readers surely noticed, quite a bit of the text is copied/extracted from a variety of documents we've read, language taken from motions of past, arguments we've heard, family interviews & TV appearances made by each of the members of the Defense team. Nothing new here, almost like a last ditch effort to soften up the Judge since her other felonies will soon be tried in the courtroom. I guess they're suggesting to the Judge he should feel uncomfortable because he's 'willing to allow the possibility she could receive the death penalty or life in prison.' An immature tactic and offensive to His Honor.

Like Tuba said, this was dated 12/30, received some time in the first week or so of Jan. and Mercury ( the Messenger ) had already gone retrograde on 12/26, interfering with communications.

In this case, that Mercurial influence has caused a FAILURE to communicate effectively, the intended impact is lost in translation particularly with all the snide remarks and accusations incorporated into each paragraph about lack of performance by investigators, claims the Prosecution team, 'coerced witnesses to alter statements, concocted-manipulated circumstantial evidence,' right down to 'gross misconduct' by the prosecution.

Page 3, parag 2, the enlightened author admits one of KC's damning shortcomings...
"but in reading her transcripts she doesn't actually lie most of the time but is misquoted" (don't you recall those exact words coming out of a Gemini's mouth?)
whoops, wouldn't the author's observation at this point cancel out and invalidate the purpose of the letter?

Gemini and or Pisces.



I think my $$$ would go on the Gemini as being the "unknown" author or dictator of the letter with someone else cleaning up the spelling and grammar mistakes as they typed it
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