Well, I suppose it could be seen as a personal philosophy, and therefore, not really welcomed OR it could be seen as a Philosophy that an entire Astrological community of "pyschological astrologers" adhere to?
For me, anyway, I recommend this man's book the original one (smaller one)
entitled "A New Vision of Astrology" by Tad Mann as this book moreso then the larger more comprehensive really gives us the foundation of his theories.
Bottom line is the parents,
foundation of the chart (the 4th and 10th house axis) is based upon mythological and collective images that come to us through the centuries, in the collective mindset.
We ALL therefore would agree that "mother" archetype in our chart is the Moon, whereas Father archetype is the Sun (in some instances, we can stretch the symbols to include Saturn as well)
But I don't think I can go further,
as this is a "Forensic Astrology" Forum, and therefore, we study more the accepted symbols connected to
forensics and crimes in the charts.
Don't want to divert. Other then to say, there is more in the charts then meets the eye. Or at least a Natal Chart such as Casey Anthony's being discussed here.
Here is another link that may explain more:
You possibly can read a bit here for clarification of these symbols in the basic natal charts.
"Family Dynamics by the well written Astrologer Erin Sullivan"
http://xrl.us/bhjesi (Link to books.google.com)
http://www.atmann.net/tma.htm Tad Mann theory Article Published by Mountain Astrologer Magazine
p.s. in no way do I say Casey Anthony should not "pay" for her crime to society and her child. I simply suggest that there is far more to her then meets the eye and it also can be found in the family dynamic. Sometimes, (not always) there is a shared responsbility for at least "catalysts" brought about in events.
Did Cindy want Casey to have an abortion for instance? or did the family insist she have an unwanted child? WHO wanted Cayley? I think it was the grandmother, Cindy and not Casey.
This however does not deny that Casey took the life of this precious child who was a gift to her. It simply speaks to the dynamics of a family that she was part and parcel of.
Ceres is about Nurture and also one's own ability to be nurtured.