Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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Angel, this subject is already on the board and you might check our astro-calendar for it. I will also see if I can locate the post #. It's over your head at #429 (Full Moon). Also, read the interpretation for the hearing on Friday, as it is VERY MUCH under the affect & influence of the Full Moon in Scorpio. The new protest motion against the death penalty is doomed. Hearing at #417, 418, 422.
At most hearings we witness some social aspect to the proceedings. Social failure is a keynote of the Friday hearing due to the Moon - Venus opposition; also disappointment, rudeness and hyper sensitivity. Because the two, Moon & Venus, are in vocal, expressive Signs, all of this will be on view and readily heard.
At most hearings we witness some social aspect to the proceedings. Social failure is a keynote of the Friday hearing due to the Moon - Venus opposition; also disappointment, rudeness and hyper sensitivity. Because the two, Moon & Venus, are in vocal, expressive Signs, all of this will be on view and readily heard.

Well, I would think it's not the judge who would be rude or hyper sensitive or disappointed. So that would leave defense. Rudeness my guess would be CM's part (he appears to be an expert at it), disappointment and hypersensitivity would be KC? Will the judge hurt her feelings?
I think C.M. is rude too but not necessarily consciously rude. Let's just say he is naturally rude!
I think C.M. is rude too but not necessarily consciously rude. Let's just say he is naturally rude!

And we know CM will not be rude to the judge so it has to be MN. Obviously something happened in MN's office for JB and CM to go storming off. Maybe MN downsized the files so that personal information was removed from the files, names, addresses, telephone numbers and put reference numbers on them. All the info they would need would be there just not the names so no background searches could be done. That is what I would do.
Judge Perry means business.....motions to be heard asap! :clap:
so far a hearing May 6th & May 10th or 11tht...even told Baez his calendar is open anytime he wants on those days. The DP motion will be heard on the 10th or 11th. (He may have ordered it May 9th, 10th & 11th I believe there will be motion hearings!!!)

KC looks starting to look like a tiny bit of reality is smacking her in the face today!
She's not all smiley today....Baez & KC shot themselves in the foot with asking to have Judge S removed! This guy REALLY REALLY means business.....& things done yesterday!

The astro charts that were done hit a lot on the mark! :blowkiss:
Thanks SS & Tuba!

The hearing today will be well worth watching again...he's making decisions on the's been hard to catch them all!

ETA: He is ordering a status hearing every 45 days too!!!

The prisoner was white and that cannot be jailhouse pallor as we would have seen it a long time ago. The words uttered from the bench had to bring the ultimate menace home to her, repetitions of death penalty. The judge was very matter of fact about the death penalty. Everyone in the side chats remarked on the jaw clenching that began as soon as court opened.
I am utterly amazed at this new judge. He is taking no crap and despite Baez' attempt to interject one of little funny games at the end I don't think he will be trying it much at all in the future!.

Everyone on the defense looked scared.

Party time is OVER.

This judge is just what this case needed imhoo.
He also reminded all parties that there should be no gestures and that this is written in the rules of court decorum. There were few gestures today. Cindy, as usual, was the exception. George looked absolutely disgusted and I have to wonder what was the source for that reaction. He also looked resigned and very low.
Angel, this subject is already on the board and you might check our astro-calendar for it. I will also see if I can locate the post #. It's over your head at #429 (Full Moon). Also, read the interpretation for the hearing on Friday, as it is VERY MUCH under the affect & influence of the Full Moon in Scorpio. The new protest motion against the death penalty is doomed. Hearing at #417, 418, 422.

Are there charts to be seen on the astro-Calender?

I tried to access it, but all I see everytime I click it is a calender for a month.

How does one see "within the calender?".....and more importantly to me, are there charts there to be seen?
Hello WS Astros :)

After watching the hearing today, I have such a strong feeling of "shifting energies" it is making my solar plexus spin. Something about (Casey)this case is so very different today.

I am very interested in hearing what the Astrologers here have to say about today's events.

I didn't know why I was feeling that George is (mad?), that something had changed so much for him but then on the "Friday Hearing" thread a WSer brought up that Casey had accused George of molestation in her letters to Robyn Adams. The allegations of sexual abuse by Casey toward her father(and the content of the letters in general) could account for much of the energy I was feeling today.

But I also feel it is something more than that.

Thank you for your insights.

Are there charts to be seen on the astro-Calender?

I tried to access it, but all I see everytime I click it is a calender for a month.

How does one see "within the calender?".....and more importantly to me, are there charts there to be seen?

Once you see the big calendar, look in the lower right hand corner. You will see an adjustable entry slot. Enter the month you want, such as April and select 2010 instead of 2009. Once you get to the April calendar, check out the mid month "Case as Wave Tank". That is a link & if you press it, you will go to a write-up. Some dates have lots of charts, some none.
JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED...... That's what I took away from today's hearing
Hello WS Astros :)

After watching the hearing today, I have such a strong feeling of "shifting energies" it is making my solar plexus spin. Something about (Casey)this case is so very different today.

I am very interested in hearing what the Astrologers here have to say about today's events.

I didn't know why I was feeling that George is (mad?), that something had changed so much for him but then on the "Friday Hearing" thread a WSer brought up that Casey had accused George of molestation in her letters to Robyn Adams. The allegations of sexual abuse by Casey toward her father(and the content of the letters in general) could account for much of the energy I was feeling today.

But I also feel it is something more than that.

Thank you for your insights.


Scroll back some to #428 & 429 in this thread. You'll get a better idea as to what's going on right now.

In addition, we do have a Forensic Astro Calendar w/links to charts reflecting today's hearing and pretty much everything since we first heard Little Caylee was missing in 2008.

The Signature Logo at the bottom ( WS Astro Crime Calendar of Events ) of my posts, will take you right to the Astro Calendar which by the way, is associated with the Caylee-Casey Anthony case only.
Just like everyone else, I was rubber necking to see what recognition the prisoner granted her eager parents who signaled her fore and aft. Not a glimmer. Not a nod. Not a bat of the eyelash. Not a smile. Not a raised finger. Nothing. Many, many bloggers and commentators found it rude. I thought it haughty.
He also reminded all parties that there should be no gestures and that this is written in the rules of court decorum. There were few gestures today. Cindy, as usual, was the exception. George looked absolutely disgusted and I have to wonder what was the source for that reaction. He also looked resigned and very low.
If I had to guess? I would say that one month being accused of having an affair and having the object of his alleged affection attempt suicide and then on the heels of that the same month, or in the same 30 days anyhow, of being accused by his own daughter in writings to her jail mates has brought some stresses into Georges life that he is having a difficult time dealing with. :blushing:

Also I am quite certain that the line of questioning used in some of the interviews released, which would tend to implicate George in wrong doing to do with the finances concerning KidFinders, etc...heaped a little more onto his already full plate. Recall the one statement where Krystal had overheard George cursing at Cindy for not having gotten the money for the interview IN ADVANCE? That HAS to be embarassing to him...Can you imagine how indignant Cindy has been with him since this has all been made public? Living with her right now cannot be easy, and is probably the biggest challenge he has ever faced in his entire shallow fickle life.
05-06-2010 Hearing (9:00 AM)
Justice Commission Budget Hearing

Civil case pre-trial starts tomorrow
05-04-2010 Pre-Trial Civil (1:30 PM)
Since February 8, we have had the event horoscope for this action on the Astro Calendar. Check it out. All defense planets lined up, ready to alter matters, make a big change.
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