Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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MeenaMom, the Ceres position for Cindy Anthony is 9:01 Leo on June 5 and 9:25 Leo on June 6. Declination is 25:50 north. Her Uranus is 8:39 Leo. By the time she lost her granddaughter, her Ceres was 29:56 Leo moving into Virgo for the murder. The nurturing of a child and the pride she took in the role was ending. When Cindy had her daughter, the prisoner, her Ceres was 20:25 Leo.
Hi LeoMoon,
I have been offline for a while due to school, if I remember correctly Ceres is how we nuture? Do you have Cindy's Ceres..Please forgive me if I missed where that is. I find this case so fascinating just because of the generational LACK of nurturing, Cindy's mom appears lovely and normal but this case has SUCH a sick sins of the Mother theme all through it and I would SO Love to find that pattern astrologically. My first instinct was a generational harsh Moon/Pluto and that is how I came up with the chart I posted on Casey.
Id love to hear your knowledge on Ceres as it is something I am not familiar with
Thanks so much
Carrie aka MeenaMom

I think I posted on this awhile back (maybe 2 or 3 pages back?)

Anyway, here are their positions in their respective natal charts.
Remember, we only have the time of birth and therefore the actual (all important) houses for Caylee herself.

The others, I can only tell you where Ceres is located but not the house, only the positions or aspects they make:


Caylee has her Ceres natally conjunct the I/C cusp at 16.53Scorpio the I/C is 17.53Scorpio a degree associated with the SN so malefic
overall for the I/C or home life's early foundation as the I/C represents

Ceres aspects being made in Caylee’s chart are the following:

Ceres Square the BML
Ceres Quincunx NN
Ceres Square to Neptune
Ceres Square to the Sun

Ceres Opposite the MC

2)Casey: 4Virgo Ceres opposed to Jupiter and square to the Black Moon Lilith
but more importantly, when Saturn transited over Casey's natal chart
it stationed over her natal Ceres (at 3Virgo14min.) on June 15, 2008

3)Granddad: he has Sun Mercury & Venus all in Virgo.
His natal Ceres is in a VERY critical degree because it conjuncts exactly to
fixed star "Skat" a "fatal or fated misfortune" often seen in deaths or drownings.
His natal Ceres also is opposed to natal 9 degree Virgo (Vindiamiatrix) another star which is seen in death charts often . I would say his natal Ceres was a Natal Promise to him of some experience he would have.

4)Grandmother: Ceres 9 Leo conjunct within minutes to her natal Uranus
(a quick, unexpected loss of nurturing?) without warning to come.

There are various articles here I think, (just click each place you can) to read about the background of Ceres.

The Collective unconscious, (as most astrology is involved with), sees this asteroid/dwarf planet, as most important, as it's now
part and parcel of all of us, whether we are cognizant of accepting it or not, it's part of the Collective experience.
I think these articles might cover some of that.

IF indeed,Ceres is the ruler of Virgo, then Ceres is exalted in it's own rulership and hence, very strong in Casey's natal chart in the sign of it's rulership. I don't think that Astrologers overall however, assign a new planet for Virgo, only some might as a co-ruler.
Linda Goodman many eons ago, spoke of a missing planet in her books, that should be assigned instead of Mercury as the Ruler of Virgo.
She was never comfortable with Virgo and Mercury.
We think it's Ceres, the goddess of Agriculture, with a lengthy history in Greek and Roman legends and no doubt in Chaldea too.
Leomoon80, the State did offer Prisoner a plea bargain but while she was incarcerated. Jose Baez, of course, was beholden to present that to her and a generous amount of time was provided for her decision. She refused. The influences, if any there were, would have come from her counsel but Mr. Baez always made clear that these were strictly HER decisions and that he did not attempt to sway her. As he used to put it, "She will do the time so the decision is not mine." The plea bargain is discussed in earlier Caylee Anthony threads.
Leomoon80, the State did offer Prisoner a plea bargain but while she was incarcerated. Jose Baez, of course, was beholden to present that to her and a generous amount of time was provided for her decision. She refused. The influences, if any there were, would have come from her counsel but Mr. Baez always made clear that these were strictly HER decisions and that he did not attempt to sway her. As he used to put it, "She will do the time so the decision is not mine." The plea bargain is discussed in earlier Caylee Anthony threads.

Yes, I do recall that (not reading the threads) but the Plea Bargain with Jose Baez and his input being discussed on TV.
However, imo, the parents needed to "not deny", but confirm to the authorities, and therefore, in the denial and being a help to Casey's nefarious deed, they have aided and abetted her in the deception.

As we all know, usually lies come unraveled eventually and then all is lost as in this case,
she may indeed be given the death penalty now.

I have to believe they did not try to convince her otherwise, from all I saw from the very beginning of this trial.
Not that all of us (as parents) would not , in that same situation, be pulled and tugged towards trying our best to try and get our child "off" it just seems to have backfired here. I'm very aware that walking in those shoes....can't be easy for any parent, nor the ultimate decisions and I feel great empathy for them because of this.

They didn't want to rouse the anger and upset that Casey no doubt always displayed in her youth by insisting she tell the truth. One has to wonder how this use to play out as she grew up as a young girl.

I simply agreed with LambChop on this one.

What is the old saying?
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"
Everyone does agree with you that the extremely resistant denial from the parents has not been constructive in the least, counter productive definitely. As for what George and Cindy have tried to do when off camera, I have reservations. I remember Cindy walking into the bedroom, challenging her daughter, "What have you done?!" and George going Borneo, demanding and insisting she tell him what she had done with Caylee and where she was. KC also conned them with legalese, instructing them that she could say nothing "because of my case" and they swallowed it. And when pressed, she shot to the ceiling and stuck. But never, never, did she reveal any piece of truthful information, none. So their private agonies are understandable. It is the public front that is winning them so many enemies. The blatant deception is insulting. What is real is their behavior when Mark Fuhrman confronted them with the truth that their granddaughter was dead and that she was killed right there. Cindy cried and George nodded solemnly and sadly. They did not protest, they did not deny it, they took it in painful as it was to hear.
Tuba, Wow, I never saw that interview. Do you happen to know where I would find it? I have the utmost regard for you and your word but would like to see it myself. I didn't even know something like this existed?! TIA
Everyone does agree with you that the extremely resistant denial from the parents has not been constructive in the least, counter productive definitely. As for what George and Cindy have tried to do when off camera, I have reservations. I remember Cindy walking into the bedroom, challenging her daughter, "What have you done?!" and George going Borneo, demanding and insisting she tell him what she had done with Caylee and where she was. KC also conned them with legalese, instructing them that she could say nothing "because of my case" and they swallowed it. And when pressed, she shot to the ceiling and stuck. But never, never, did she reveal any piece of truthful information, none. So their private agonies are understandable. It is the public front that is winning them so many enemies. The blatant deception is insulting. What is real is their behavior when Mark Fuhrman confronted them with the truth that their granddaughter was dead and that she was killed right there. Cindy cried and George nodded solemnly and sadly. They did not protest, they did not deny it, they took it in painful as it was to hear.

I think I may have heard all of this recounted too, on the N. Grace show.
Wasn't it that quasi-detective, the one with the big Cowboy hat that related this entire debacle one night about Furhman, etc. as the cowboy hat guy weasled his way into the case in the very early beginning before Cayley was found?

That "cowboy hat " guy, heard , according to him a LOT of personal discussions arguements, etc. while in that house with the family intact. I have not heard yet if he will be called by the prosecution to testify about all of these things.

We were expecting major change when Uranus came to the prisoner's Sun at the same time Saturn opposed that Sun and we witnessed a demanded recusal and a new judge on the bench.

Due to certain particulars in the hearing on motions next Monday, there will be another change, this one in planned strategy. Mercury rules the II defense, which rises. Mercury is in the House of plans, retrograde and not only upon Prisoner's node, The Team, but afflicted by Mr. Kronk and his Uranus. Mercury stationing to go direct is a change of mind, another strategy and it focuses on deconstructing and finding fault with State's evidence. There is no reason to think we will see this new target now but that is Reserve Strategy F. Why I see that and say that is the coming trine from newly direct Mercury to Pluto over in the prosecution House. Meanwhile, the prosecution, Jupiter and State's witness Kronk (Uranus) have the high ground, H. 10 whereas the Saturnian defense to murder is in visible decay, opposite.

How will Defense take it? Sun ruling their thinking is parallel Mars with Mars inside (House 3). Sun is contra-parallel Pluto. Attention diverts to Reserve Strategy F but they've all got red pants.
Frigga, in post #425, page 17, I described a setting in The Murder Business by Mark Furhman, in which he describes what happened in this visit with the Anthonys. What went down is again recounted above. It was a very private moment and I have seen nothing about it on t.v., although Mark may have mentioned it after it occurred when consulting on different programs.

As to Cindy confronting her daughter and George demanding answers, my knowledge of these happenings comes from Lee Anthony and other witnesses. Leonard Padilla has also detailed much of this, as Leomoon80 says. You will find these events in the documents released by the State, also. I have.
Thank you Tuba and LeoMoon on the Ceres information I finally get to do some fun reading since school has let out, I apologize for missing your earlier posts LeoMoon but I am glad you are here. As for Tuba you are always astounding and teach me SO much :)
Has anyone seen a video of yesterday's technically botched hearing? some news outlets promised to put a video together for later viewing but I haven't found one. My choice (of course) had no audio & no picture. I always go to the worst site.
No video from yesterday's hearing....I'll still keep an eye out for it if they do release it. I had 3 of the live links open...they all were having probs & most of the hearing consisted of side-bars.

Thanks QB for getting the motions posted for our astrolgers! I still haven't been feeling well at all! :(
ETA: Thanks QB for the link to all of the motion's, order's etc. too! Nice to have them all in order! When I get a chance, I'm going to add them to the Official Documents/Audio etc. thread for quick reference for everyone!

OT: Waiting still for my blood work from the Onocology/Hematologist to come back. It's not helping my fibro pain whatever is going on! I hate this waiting so much! :furious: Slept all day today...I'm refreshed feeling a bit better & ready for the hearing in the am now. Only thing is I'll be up all night after sleeping all day! LOL

Thanks Tuba, SS & all astrologers for the charts & your amazing insights as always! I continue to learn more & more as I read & study them further. :blowkiss:

ETA: FYI~Here's FoxOrlando's live link to today's hearing
Watch the hearing live on >>>

*Here's are 2 other link's to the hearing in case any probs with Fox link! :wink:
I hope they don't have any technical diffculties today! :crossfingers:

WATCH LIVE: Casey Anthony Court Hearing (9 a.m.)

Watch Casey Anthony live in court at 9 a.m. today,0,664815.htmlstory

WATCH LIVE: Casey Hearing at 9:00am

Oh no! Prisoner, who is convinced of Judge Strickland's bias against her, now wants his rulings reconsidered? Would it not be perfect justice that the common room video of her reaction on December 11 is reviewed and reversed?
Oh no! Prisoner, who is convinced of Judge Strickland's bias against her, now wants his rulings reconsidered? Would it not be perfect justice that the common room video of her reaction on December 11 is reviewed and reversed?

Oh, Tuba, that would be SO sweet! Thank you all for this thread, and the others in this forum.

TUBA wrote ( copied from Roy Kronk Astro thread )

Next week, Roy Kronk will be defamed again. Defense argues once more that he may well be the criminally liable party, not the prisoner. More preposterous hypotheses, more aspersions. "We want to introduce our evidence against him." If their motion and supporting attachment are found legally insufficient, they will tweak their papers and their oral arguments and try another time.

Changes in the defense were predicted from the transit conjunction of Uranus to the prisoner's Sun simultaneous with the transit opposition of Saturn to that Sun. She sought the disqualification and removal of Judge Strickland. Next week retrograde Mercury stations and begins direct motion. This too will produce a change.

In the very near future, May 23rd, Jupiter will oppose Saturn, again on Prisoner's Sun and on May 27th, Uranus enters a new Sign, a highly significant MAJOR change. Always of interest to me is the fact that it will hit her Decision Point at 1°18' Aries so quickly. When it does, it also squares her Fatal Flaw, ripping the cover off her batteries. We are really getting down TO IT, despite all the defense efforts to drag and delay. We just refuse seeing Roy go down with it. Let us pray!
In the general thread is a notice that large asteroid Ceres will be occulted by the Moon in Capricorn on May 29. We never forget the hovering presence of Pluto at 4°46' Capricorn. The prisoner's brand of mothering comes under scrutiny as never before. Her own natal Ceres is 3° Cancer.

The occultation, which operates just as an eclipse does, opposes Prisoner's Ceres. At the same time, Uranus moves in to square that point after knocking her up for one more executive decision. Her decision point is 1°18' Aries. But the occultation itself is bang on the prisoner's Fatal Flaw at 0°37'30" Capricorn with Uranus squaring. Exposure! Defense disaster! Defense Blimp hits maximum turbulence and falters, aloft! All of this while Saturn stations to go into direct motion opposite the prisoner's Sun.

Since the antiscion or solstice point of her natal Ceres is the spot where Venus is occulted, the wind shear and tumult disturbing Defense Blimp on May 29 will be foreshadowed on the 16th, but only if we're looking.
We will be watching James Cheney Mason at the summer eclipses. The lunar eclipse on June 26 falls directly and to the degree upon his Mercury, which squares his natal Neptune. The Sun will be on his Moon. The eclipse is 4°46 Capricorn, Pluto is 4°o5 Capricorn. Can you just feel the intensity? Take it in.

[All of this, including Pluto, is on the prisoner's Neptune and the Sun will be on her Ceres.]

To follow, a solar eclipse inconjunct Cheney-Mason's Sun but upon the solstice point of his Mars. That will be on July 11 at 19°24' Cancer. For all we know, that same solstice point could be Prisoner's Ascendant. She did put on her Face Book space, "Astrological Sign: Gemini".

All of this bombardment fires away right after Mason's low of the year, when the Sun is in II with his array of malefics~Mars, Saturn, Uranus. Maybe we should retain some professional services in support of his personal welfare.
Looking at the hearings the other day you could feel the ice between CM and KC. It is obvious she does not like him. So Sleeping Beauty is waking up and it's not Prince Charming standing before her.....maybe he should check the castle for a suit of armor prior to her wake up call. She certainly looks like she is beginning to get it and it's not looking pretty...
I should have looked more closely. I did notice that he was not sitting next to her.

Do you remember when one of our Web Sleuths did some work for us on the nodes in Leo and Aquarius, Houses 6 and 12? She was working from one of our posted crime charts and this was a long time back. It may have been Butterfly1978. Anyway, I would like to ask her to do some more of this. We don't always have the time to go into the Sign & H. placement of the nodes and it would be a big plus. I tried to email our moderator but my mailserver has decided it's more important to interrupt the message transmissions with big animated ads and the mail just never goes. I've tried over 12 times to send that one message.
I should have looked more closely. I did notice that he was not sitting next to her.

Do you remember when one of our Web Sleuths did some work for us on the nodes in Leo and Aquarius, Houses 6 and 12? She was working from one of our posted crime charts and this was a long time back. It may have been Butterfly1978. Anyway, I would like to ask her to do some more of this. We don't always have the time to go into the Sign & H. placement of the nodes and it would be a big plus. I tried to email our moderator but my mailserver has decided it's more important to interrupt the message transmissions with big animated ads and the mail just never goes. I've tried over 12 times to send that one message.

Hey Tuba... it was not me but I could certainly give it a shot if you would like me to.............Not real sure how much help I will be but I'm certainly willing to try. I have many websites refrence that were given to me by housemouse and that were placed in the furom.
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