Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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Thanks, butterfly. Any time you would like to add that information to a chart, it will be most welcome.
FYI: Here's Fox Orlando's, WFTV, OS's etc. link to the hearing today for you!

Casey Anthony change of venue request
Monday, 10 May 2010, 6:56 AM EDT
Casey Anthony is scheduled to be back in front of an Orange County judge today at 9:00 a.m. will have LIVE coverage>>>

Watch Casey Anthony live in court at 9 a.m.,0,664815.htmlstory

WATCH LIVE: Casey Hearing at 9:00am

WATCH LIVE: Casey Anthony Court Hearing

Live Hearing:

Hopefully between all of them we'll have no connection probs today!

OT for Caylee's thread~FYI: BREAKING NEWS!!!!!

Huckaby pleads guilty for Cantu murder
May 10, 2010 8:58 AM
Melissa Huckaby admitted guilt today to the murder, rape and kidnapping last year of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu in a crime that shocked Tracy and captured national attention.

The surprise development spares Huckaby, 29, of the possible death sentence, which prosecutors intended to seek in trail. Under the negotiated plea deal announced in a Stockton courtroom, Huckaby will spend the rest of her natural life in state prison.

Huckaby pleaded guilty to murder with the special circumstance of kidnapping. All other charges against her were dropped.

San Joaquin County Superior Court Judge Linda Lofthus set Huckaby's formal sentencing date for June 14.


Tomorrow mornings hearing will be the Death Penalty motion for KC!!!
Yes, Angel. Passionflower will be gratified that Melissa Huckaby followed the influence of the Moon phase. Viz., General Thread.

Let's also validate the concept of anniversary memories & their heavy associations: from the 16th through the 29th of July, the prisoner in Orlando will think she already punched her "ticket to hell", quoting her 2008 statement. Her aspects are THE WORST! Not only is Saturn opposite her Sun but Mars opposes her Mercury while squaring her Uranus, then her Mars, then bottling up with Saturn himself.

Now I know you're all choked up.
Yes, Angel. Passionflower will be gratified that Melissa Huckaby followed the influence of the Moon phase. Viz., General Thread.

Let's also validate the concept of anniversary memories & their heavy associations: from the 16th through the 29th of July, the prisoner will think she already punched her "ticket to hell", quoting her 2008 statement. Her aspects are THE WORST! Not only is Saturn opposite her Sun but Mars opposes her Mercury while squaring her Uranus, then her Mars, then bottling up with Saturn himself.

Now I know you're all choked up.

O/T hope she goes to general population........
New moon 9:04pm.............we are entering the NEW MOON stage!
Interesting indeed for KC hearing and many other criminals..........
snipped from an article I am reading:.......

May.11 &#8211; Mercury stationary Direct (02:39 Taurus; direct until Aug.20)
For up to a week before and after today, you may experience mental intensity, confusion, and miscommunications or changes in your outlook.

Mercury will still be virtually stationary at the time of the New Moon in Taurus.

Makes me think about the hearing tomorrow.......
Remember, we have heard death penalty protests before Judge Strickland and they were defeated. I suppose the attorneys are coming in at a new angle this time. Of all the motions before the court plus budget decisions in cooperation with J.A.C., I thought the motions against the death penalty deserved attention and so I charted that hearing. I will post it in two shakes of a hangman's rope.

Here's the event chart

We learned today, Mzzzz Lyons will be sitting in place of C. Mason for this hearing.

ETA: Might add, I thought for sure she would have been gone by now, perhaps I'm wrong. Then again, with C. Mason seated, her participation may be limited to 'arguing' against the DP and again during the sentencing phase following a guilty verdict.

I am also wondering how our no-nonsense Judge will receive her interpretation of the DP as a form of punishment, the State 'killing' her client.
snipped from an article I am reading:.......

May.11 – Mercury stationary Direct (02:39 Taurus; direct until Aug.20)
For up to a week before and after today, you may experience mental intensity, confusion, and miscommunications or changes in your outlook.

Mercury will still be virtually stationary at the time of the New Moon in Taurus.

Makes me think about the hearing tomorrow.......

I am sorry if this is OT but I had to send your quote to my 18 year old daughter her has been stressing and a mess the last couple days I think it will help her see a light at the end of her tunnel.

Now back to topic...I wonder?? Will a chart show if Casey is so afflicted with personality disorder that she will never be able to tell what really happened even to save her own life? Huckabee came clean for her own save her life and possibly an ounce of remorse but does Casey have that in her?
What I was thinking about last night was how distorted is the weight & importance the prisoner places on the happenings and elements in life. The heart sticker on the duct tape is a glaring example. TonE's phone number in the very first jail videos is another, so is the high five with her brother. Bustling around preparing treats for for Leonard P. & Company. Getting frozen food from Hopespring when she abandoned the Pontiac. Her certainty chili would be served on Caylee's birthday, that she couldn't share. What is significant and what is not entirely escapes her.
I am sorry if this is OT but I had to send your quote to my 18 year old daughter her has been stressing and a mess the last couple days I think it will help her see a light at the end of her tunnel.

Now back to topic...I wonder?? Will a chart show if Casey is so afflicted with personality disorder that she will never be able to tell what really happened even to save her own life? Huckabee came clean for her own save her life and possibly an ounce of remorse but does Casey have that in her?

Yes. To answer your specific question:

It would give many indicators of her "inclinations" and possibly show whether or not one is susceptible to a mental illness or blockage.
It's called a Natal Chart Reading. In Casey A's natal, it can be seen thusly:

She seems to suffer from an extreme (Jupiter) bi-polar or mood disorder,
possibly enhanced or seen by the Saturn square Jupiter (contraction of Saturn and expansion of Jupiter)

She has Mercury Rx square Uranus and square to Mars
Mercury in in Pisces and Rx (retrograde) hence, thinks always in "past tense" not in the now or the present day. Her mind takes her back rather then forward thinking, and in a rather strange and unpredictable way (Uranus)square.

She has a serious issue with "nurture" both receiving and giving to others.
i.e. Ceres square to that Jupiter (the bi-polar thing), and Ceres square to the Black Moon Lilith.

Her natal Venus is in "Detriment" (not helping at all, doing the reverse of helping), in her ability to love and give love as her Venus also squares the MOON (personality to Vedic Astrologers and emotional nature to Tropicalists ) and the Moon (emotions related to mother archetype )

She needs years of therapy I would surmise for her to clear her confusion in her mind , that she will not be receiving if she is on Death Row.

When I think of her, I think of Andrea Yates, the mom who drowned her beautiful children, one by one.

I know she receives help, but have not heard how she is doing with it or if they have been able to help her in this regard.

I think some with mental illnesses untreated, are adversely affected by internal hormonal changes as well that accompany childbirth, perhaps splitting them further in their psyches.

Andrea Yates has also much water in her natal chart and we often do not associate watery signs with the reverse of empathy and emotion (for others), but in both cases, there were seen this exact reflection of emotions gone haywire

An excellent read on this phenomenom, would be the late Linda Goodman in her early books, (one is free online) about these two water signs and this overcompensation of watery energy via parenting and their own home life. How water can "go bad" and reverse all we might think of Pisces and/or Cancer energies. I'd highly recommend her books for beginners.

With Andrea, it's a Cancer Sun & Cancer Mercury albeit as with the (now on trial), Vanessa of the Channon Christian murder trial,
she too had the Venus & Mars in Gemini alteration or mitigation to the natal chart., the "duality or dual purpose of the inner psyche"

Like Casey A. Andrea had a Moon in detriment, but in this case, in Aries, or in the moon's "Fall"

Andrea also had a severe issue with her Mars energy (Mars 10GEM), square to Saturn , Uranus, Chiron and even the very lethal
Mars square Pluto, and she just as easily might have killed herself.

There is much to ponder when comparing and contrasting these two women and their ability to nurture in a mentally productive way.

Here is Linda's original classic online free now for all.

Leomoon I really like your posts but I never agreed with you on the mental illness thing with Casey I agree that she is a sociopath, she only cries for herself nobody eles that is the only time she has shed any tears when someone mentions her name. Not once did she shed one tear for Caylee yesterday when they were talking about the remains, recovery site, crime scene ect... IMO her only regret is that she didn't cover her tracks better. Judge Perry will serve the justice that Caylee deserves.
Leomoon I really like your posts but I never agreed with you on the mental illness thing with Casey I agree that she is a sociopath, she only cries for herself nobody eles that is the only time she has shed any tears when someone mentions her name. Not once did she shed one tear for Caylee yesterday when they were talking about the remains, recovery site, crime scene ect... IMO her only regret is that she didn't cover her tracks better. Judge Perry will serve the justice that Caylee deserves.

That's the beauty of life, we can "agree to disagree" as well, and not be clones of each other in our mindsets.

I appreciate your effort too on the threads.

For those of you who are curious as to the nature & makeup of Casey, do take a look at March 19th, 2008 in our Astro Calendar.
Here's the LINK:

You'll find a good number of chart analysis & discussions posted shortly after Little Caylee was reported missing.


Who would have thunk it? After all the complaining the defense team does about "bloggers", it appears Baez himself has a Facebook account.

His post from yesterday at 9:39PM:

"It was very refreshing to be a spectator in court today. I think Andrea Lyon did extremely well and I am proud to know her and call her my friend."!/profile.php?id=100000682230313&v=info&ref=search

If you check out his friends list, it appears AL has one as well. But her's is private.
I couldn't edit, however, this is the correction which brings up the comparison between Casey & Andrea Yates:

For Casey A.:

Her natal Venus is in "Detriment" (not helping at all, doing the reverse of helping), in her ability to love and give love as her Venus also squares the MOON (personality to Vedic Astrologers and emotional nature to Tropicalists ) and the Moon (emotions related to mother archetype )

(This is a correct statement regarding Casey's Venus by position)

For Andrea Yates:

She has her Venus in Gemini, often a dualistic urge seen in the sign, in the affairs the planet points to.

She does NOT have a Moon in Detriment nor in the Moon's "Fall", because it's in Aries, rather Andrea Yates may have (time of birth is not ascertained), her Moon in Aries but this is not certain.

Regardless, the Moon in Aries (if this is her moon's position) is NOT in Detriment nor in it's Fall! (my error) although a firery moon ruled by
Mars, would not benefit the person IF the moon is maligned in any way, imo.

For Andrea, this is the case. An afflicted moon. Her Moon squares her Sun
and her Moon squares her mindset, i.e. Mercury. Hence, the moon or the emotions may conflict greatly will her ability to nurture
and keep the emotions in check.

Hope this clarifies, as I could not edit the post 513 today, as I preferred to do and wanted to clarify the error about Aries.

Thanks to the excellent keen eye of Fifth Essence, for pointing this out to me.

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