Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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I'm kind of surprised that he doesn't have KC half naked as a facebook friend....
What I was thinking about last night was how distorted is the weight & importance the prisoner places on the happenings and elements in life. The heart sticker on the duct tape is a glaring example. TonE's phone number in the very first jail videos is another, so is the high five with her brother. Bustling around preparing treats for for Leonard P. & Company. Getting frozen food from Hopespring when she abandoned the Pontiac. Her certainty chili would be served on Caylee's birthday, that she couldn't share. What is significant and what is not entirely escapes her.

I think these instances, should all point to saying, "there is something seriously wrong with this girl" and her perspectives, etc., her reaction to life's events. They are wonderful examples of what "normal" people probably would not engage or do after just killing their child.
Normal people, don't put hearts on people they hate as though the killer is a child who uses kids' stickers like the "red heart" found on Caylee.
(not to suggest that there might be any "normalcy" to killing a child either) It's actually "abnormal to do so", imo.
But then, again, this is just "IMO" as are all my posts.

I think this type of behavior points to a very distorted mind, and often the word Sociopathic behavior crops up, which I certainly would agree it seems to fit well.

Therefore I looked up a few places on the internet to describe such mental abberations and whether or not they are cureable. There is a lot to read about this type of behavior, and whether or not it's "worth it" to help such a person as well as insight into current and future Trial Studies going on now with sociopathic disorders. It was surprising to me, there is actually research now being conducted into helping these people, from the Medical community according to The future of these people, may be quite different in the future, then what is currently available.

I thought the article a bit long and overdone, but the very end of the article seems to make a lot of sense as well.

For anyone interested in this type of anti-social behavior as exhibited by Casey Anthony, you may want to read these articles and do your own research.

Here is what I found to share:

Although her Moon is in it's DIGNITY in Cancer, it's squared by her Venus in Aries.

One of Casey's big problems is her natal Venus.

Let's start with the inability of seeing and feeling beyond 'I, Me, & Myself ' when it comes to the giving and taking of affections.
I recall Jesse Grund speaking about their breakup saying Casey SAID 'he loved Caylee more then her' and Jesse explaining he did love Caylee as he loved her mother(KC).
No appreciation on her part as she must be Numero Uno.
Yes. To answer your specific question:

It would give many indicators of her "inclinations" and possibly show whether or not one is susceptible to a mental illness or blockage.
It's called a Natal Chart Reading. In Casey A's natal, it can be seen thusly:

She seems to suffer from an extreme (Jupiter) bi-polar or mood disorder,
possibly enhanced or seen by the Saturn square Jupiter (contraction of Saturn and expansion of Jupiter)

She has Mercury Rx square Uranus and square to Mars
Mercury in in Pisces and Rx (retrograde) hence, thinks always in "past tense" not in the now or the present day. Her mind takes her back rather then forward thinking, and in a rather strange and unpredictable way (Uranus)square.

She has a serious issue with "nurture" both receiving and giving to others.
i.e. Ceres square to that Jupiter (the bi-polar thing), and Ceres square to the Black Moon Lilith.

Her natal Venus is in "Detriment" (not helping at all, doing the reverse of helping), in her ability to love and give love as her Venus also squares the MOON (personality to Vedic Astrologers and emotional nature to Tropicalists ) and the Moon (emotions related to mother archetype )

She needs years of therapy I would surmise for her to clear her confusion in her mind , that she will not be receiving if she is on Death Row.

When I think of her, I think of Andrea Yates, the mom who drowned her beautiful children, one by one.

I know she receives help, but have not heard how she is doing with it or if they have been able to help her in this regard.

I think some with mental illnesses untreated, are adversely affected by internal hormonal changes as well that accompany childbirth, perhaps splitting them further in their psyches.

Andrea Yates has also much water in her natal chart and we often do not associate watery signs with the reverse of empathy and emotion (for others), but in both cases, there were seen this exact reflection of emotions gone haywire

An excellent read on this phenomenom, would be the late Linda Goodman in her early books, (one is free online) about these two water signs and this overcompensation of watery energy via parenting and their own home life. How water can "go bad" and reverse all we might think of Pisces and/or Cancer energies. I'd highly recommend her books for beginners.

With Andrea, it's a Cancer Sun & Cancer Mercury albeit as with the (now on trial), Vanessa of the Channon Christian murder trial,
she too had the Venus & Mars in Gemini alteration or mitigation to the natal chart., the "duality or dual purpose of the inner psyche"

Like Casey A. Andrea had a Moon in detriment, but in this case, in Aries, or in the moon's "Fall"

Andrea also had a severe issue with her Mars energy (Mars 10GEM), square to Saturn , Uranus, Chiron and even the very lethal
Mars square Pluto, and she just as easily might have killed herself.

There is much to ponder when comparing and contrasting these two women and their ability to nurture in a mentally productive way.

Here is Linda's original classic online free now for all.


thanks for going so above and beyond ! Its odd I see her and Andrea Yates as total opposites. Maybe the charts show what I may be missing. I feel Casey is more personality disorder and just plain selfish and knew exactly what she was doing and it was all for her own good...never once did anyone ever come before her. With Andrea Yates I always got the impression that she was a fantastic person and mother but mental illness destroyed her and sadly her beautiful children. I dont think Andrea would have ever harmed a hair on her childs head had she been in her right mind. I feel that she would have always put her children and many people before herself...again the charts may reflect my lack of knowledge but that was what I perceived. thanks again for your incredible work!!!
I think these instances, should all point to saying, "there is something seriously wrong with this girl" and her perspectives, etc., her reaction to life's events. They are wonderful examples of what "normal" people probably would not engage or do after just killing their child.
Normal people, don't put hearts on people they hate as though the killer is a child who uses kids' stickers like the "red heart" found on Caylee.

But then, again, this is just "IMO" as are all my posts.

I think this type of behavior points to a very distorted mind, and often the word Sociopathic behavior crops up, which I certainly would agree it seems to fit well.

Therefore I looked up a few places on the internet to describe such mental abberations and whether or not they are cureable. There is a lot to read about this type of behavior, and whether or not it's "worth it" to help such a person as well as insight into current and future Trial Studies going on now with sociopathic disorders. It was surprising to me, there is actually research now being conducted into helping these people, from the Medical community according to The future of these people, may be quite different in the future, then what is currently available.

I thought the article a bit long and overdone, but the very end of the article seems to make a lot of sense as well.

For anyone interested in this type of anti-social behavior as exhibited by Casey Anthony, you may want to read these articles and do your own research.

Here is what I found to share:

thanks!! Sadly I had done tons of research on my own on sociopathic personality and personality disorders in general. A close friend married a man who I feared was a sociopath for many, many reasons. I could not get her to see it and finally it ended our friendship as I have a family and refused to expose them to what I knew would end up a dangerous or potentially deadly situation. Sadly I was right as he did make the national news for attempted murder and rape.... as soon as I saw this case I felt like some of the things I saw in Casey were what I read in the sociopath description. The charts are amazing because they bring what you see and feel all together and help it all make sense!!! the work is spetacular. This is my favorite site to go to read!
I love this thread because people here look beyond the obvious. I am with you leomoon80 that Casey has severe personality disorders that led to this outcome. On the surface it appears selfish and so on but there is a deeper meaning to her behavior that the charts point out clearly. I appreciate this thread so much I went out and bought a book about charts and how to understand them. (I dont have it with me so I cant tell you what its called). I respect the work here so much I thought enough of it to extend my knowledge on the subject. I thank all of you who have enlightened me that there is more to a story then meets the eye.
Angel, I have a hunch we won't be waiting until June 21st for the next hearing. What do you think?
I am almost sure that bumbling baez will file a dozen more or so motions before the June date that Judge Belivin Perry will demand to hear post haste (bless him for it too!)
I am almost sure that bumbling baez will file a dozen more or so motions before the June date that Judge Belivin Perry will demand to hear post haste (bless him for it too!)

I just don't get the impression that this judge will fly with this plan Baez is on...
Well, not until we have the time and place of the deposition. Then we can examine it to see how he did and how forthcoming and honest he was.
ITA...I do feel we will be having another hearing very soon! I will/have been checking the dockets for one to be scheduled! With so many new motions submitted as we have all witnessed Judge P will not delay them to be heard asap! JMHO JP is not wasting any time & Baez is sure filing & re-filing a lot of motions. Yes, We'll be having another hearing before the scheduled status hearing on on 6/21/10 @ 1:30pm. JP clearly stated his docket is open any day...any time to have hearings. Baez didn't expect to get Jp when he asked to have JS step down. I just love JP no nonsense approach in the court room.

OT: I have my Onocology/Hematolgy apt. today @ 3:20pm...I really really hope I get some answers as to why I have been so ill the last several months. The only big prob is now I have an awlful cold, fever(102), coughing, runny nose, body aches(added to my already 24/7 fibro pain), headache, sore throat etc. etc. I doubt she will help me out with this & don't have the energy to have another apt. 4 all of the above today (this apt. is way more imoptant to keep). I feel like ****! :curses: :(

Thanks to everyone one for all the get well wishes...I apologize for not getting back to some messages & being so far behind posting media across the board. I won't let that happen for Caylee's case here...she is #1 that i make sure all is posted for!

Thanks sooooo much to all of the astrolgers & Fifth for all of your work here at WS's!

:grouphug:'s & :rose:'s to all of you!
Angel best of luck with the Doctor and I hope you feel much better really soon, you are so appreciated for the work you do on the forum
Angel best of luck with the Doctor and I hope you feel much better really soon, you are so appreciated for the work you do on the forum

Dearest Angel,

You give so much of yourself to all of us @WS, not just our Astro Forum but throughout the site regarding many of the cases.
You're the BEST! no question about your dedication.

More importantly though, is your health and welfare. There's NEVER a need to apologize as to what you may consider falling behind. You've spoiled all of us-REALLY!, have given so much of your energy and placed your own self 2nd in line.



I just hafta come out of lurk mode to say how much I hope our Angel Who Cares will be feeling better sooner rather than later. Her diligence always amazes me -- not to mention her insight and skill. Angel, you picked the correct nic -- now please send some of that care your way, too. :blowkiss:

While I'm typing, I'd also like to mention that (while looking for something else altogether) I came across the following Tuba post from March 30, 2010 (posted on the Astro Calendar for April 12, 2010):

Looking at Prisoner's spring prospects, insert the newly direct Mars in square to her natal Pluto in Scorpio. This comes exact in April and it pushes hard against her tough front. She is adamantly not in the mood to cooperate and resists the efforts from various Team members to maneuver her into compromise. Someone frank to the point of blunt realism (guess who) criticises the stiff refusals to bend on issues that imply any guilt in Caylee's death.

When the lawyers present logical inconsistencies which have dropped her into a dead fall trap, she shuts them out, feeling manipulated and sorely threatened. She feels threatened not by the consequences of her rapping great lies but by the messengers--the lawyers trying to induce some clarity and waken her. Rather than face the predicament, her urge is to split. That avenue seems to pose clanking locked doors and bars.

Prisoner is still dealing with progressed Mars on her Neptune and now Pluto overhead is there too, adding to her refusal to deal and exaggerating her belief that she can assume some measure of trumping power in this corner she's in. Mr. Mason's Mercury is right there, telling it like it is. Not only is his Saturn in dead bang opposition to her Uranus but her Saturn opposes his Uranus! These stand-offs mean tensions and differences that shake the jailhouse roof.
Further, nothing ever gets settled with any finality.

As you say, the best tactic may be to let her marinate.
BBM - I was struck that the March post was regarding April conditions for the prisoner and included the word "marinate." How prescient knowing what we know now about the involvement of the character "Marinade Dave" in Judge Strickland's stepping down from the case. See the 2010 Astro Calendar entries for April 16th (defense motion to disqualify Judge Strickland) and April 19th (Judge Strickland's decision to step down).

:bow: :bow: :bow:

P.S. This is my favorite forum although I am inept at charting or even interpreting charts. I rely on the Astros to let me understand via their excellent explanations. I've even managed to pick up on some of the basic meanings of the major planets and a few other heavenly bodies. Thank you is not enough, but it's all I have to offer in return for your hard (and important, IMHO) work.
ITA...I do feel we will be having another hearing very soon! I will/have been checking the dockets for one to be scheduled! With so many new motions submitted as we have all witnessed Judge P will not delay them to be heard asap! JMHO JP is not wasting any time & Baez is sure filing & re-filing a lot of motions. Yes, We'll be having another hearing before the scheduled status hearing on on 6/21/10 @ 1:30pm. JP clearly stated his docket is open any day...any time to have hearings. Baez didn't expect to get Jp when he asked to have JS step down. I just love JP no nonsense approach in the court room.

OT: I have my Onocology/Hematolgy apt. today @ 3:20pm...I really really hope I get some answers as to why I have been so ill the last several months. The only big prob is now I have an awlful cold, fever(102), coughing, runny nose, body aches(added to my already 24/7 fibro pain), headache, sore throat etc. etc. I doubt she will help me out with this & don't have the energy to have another apt. 4 all of the above today (this apt. is way more imoptant to keep). I feel like ****! :curses: :(

Thanks to everyone one for all the get well wishes...I apologize for not getting back to some messages & being so far behind posting media across the board. I won't let that happen for Caylee's case here...she is #1 that i make sure all is posted for!

Thanks sooooo much to all of the astrolgers & Fifth for all of your work here at WS's!

:grouphug:'s & :rose:'s to all of you!

One of my favorite hymns has the words "and I shall raise you up on eagles wings,"
"Make you to rise like the sun,and hold you in the palm of His hand"
You deserve all good things! Love you bunches !!!!!
It appears the foreclosure hearing for 5/20 at 8:30AM has been cancelled.

05/06/2010 Notice of Hearing May 20, 2010 at 8:30 am
05/19/2010 Notice of Cancellation

I wonder if this means they have managed to save the house? I also wonder if it has anything to do with the latest batch of pictures that were recently released by CBS?
It appears the foreclosure hearing for 5/20 at 8:30AM has been cancelled.

05/06/2010 Notice of Hearing May 20, 2010 at 8:30 am
05/19/2010 Notice of Cancellation

I wonder if this means they have managed to save the house? I also wonder if it has anything to do with the latest batch of pictures that were recently released by CBS?

Did I miss something here? Someone has their house going into Foreclosure?
oh, I found it here:

I wonder on what basis Cindy Anthony is now on Disability from her job? Anyone know about this?
On June 26, Orlando will see an eclipse of the Moon at 4:50 Capricorn. The prisoner's Neptune, under transit conjunction from Pluto, is 5:43 Capricorn.

Place your bets and speculate FREELY as to what developments you think this eclipse will produce in our case. With two outer planets plus an eclipse, you know it will be felt.

I will be posting the horoscope for the eclipse as it makes its mark in Orlando but that need not affect your bet. The chart will be up some time today. Please participate and don't feel self-conscious about what you think may happen. Anyone who doesn't participate will be marked down as a LURKER.
I get 7:38 am. Which gives a vertex of 28:33 Scorpio which is trine her Sun 28:38 Pisces. Vertex (fated events, fate) I'd say this eclipse will mark her destiny.

The eclipse will activate her Neptune & she may start to behave crazier than she already has or her delusions may get worse or better (?). Since Pluto is active in CAP & this eclipse conjuncts both her Neptune & Pluto. The eclipse may "crush" her & her fantasies that she will walk away from her debacle.

"Pluto transiting Neptune may kill your dreams." Bob Marks
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