Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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Sometime in the vague mists of time between June of 2008 and now, June 2011, it was mentioned that Casey or as I refer to the accused, The Prisoner, is a Joe Bfttz, whose black cloud contaminates all of us. Speaking just for myself, a prolific commentator of her case, I do know that the incidence of this case has brought nought but bad times to me, with the counterpoint that I so enjoy Websleuths and all of us who correspond here.

I have recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis ,which is an auto-immune disease. I have considered that my obsession ,my anger,my self-righteous attitude about the players in this case,may be a contributor.
I think if it was not this case,though, I'd just find something else.
In other words,yes it has impacted me,but it stems from me.Does that make sense?

So glad to have you home,Tuba!
Sometime in the vague mists of time between June of 2008 and now, June 2011, it was mentioned that Casey or as I refer to the accused, The Prisoner, is a Joe Bfttz, whose black cloud contaminates all of us. Speaking just for myself, a prolific commentator of her case, I do know that the incidence of this case has brought nought but bad times to me, with the counterpoint that I so enjoy Websleuths and all of us who correspond here.

Tuba, lucky us that you are back. You were and will continue to be in all of our prayers.

I am not an anstrologer but I have certainly experienced bad times also and found myself wondering if this case was sending out black clouds on me.

On another note, would someone please correct me if I am wrong. In an interview with Krystal, did Krystal not say that George told her that "he" threw Casey against the wall and chocked her; however, during an interview with Lee, did he not say "Cindy" threw Casey against the wall and chocked her?

Again, welcome back Tuba..:great:
Welcome back, Tuba. You were greatly missed and to know that you are on the job again is marvelous, just marvelous.

Strange that you mention that back cloud as I share your thoughts. Have actually questioned as to what extent has this black cloud hoovered over my family.

On another note, someone please correct me if I heard wrong but during an interview with Lee Anthony, did he not tell someone that Cindy threw Casey against a wall and chocked her, whereas in an interview with Krystal (?), did Krystal not say that George told her "he" threw Casey against a wall and chocked her?

Again, welcome home, Tuba.:great::great::great:
Welcome back, Tuba! Now that your back and hardly rested, lol. let's cut to the chase. Will there be a mistrial or will it go to a finish with an verdict?

If there is a verdict, will it be guilty of murder1, 2 or manslaughter? Obviously, I've been waiting for you! I feel without looking at the stars above, that there is no chance of an acquittal.
Welcome back Tuba! I can imagine that the immersion you and other astros have put yourselves into to help understand this case, is taking its toll. Please take care of yourself. What's done is done, as far as Caylee is concerned, and I believe karma will take care of the please make yourself 1st priority when needed :)
respectfully shortened
On another note, someone please correct me if I heard wrong but during an interview with Lee Anthony, did he not tell someone that Cindy threw Casey against a wall and chocked her, whereas in an interview with Krystal (?), did Krystal not say that George told her "he" threw Casey against a wall and chocked her?

I think you might get more clarification out in Caylee's main WS forum as to if and when that may have happen.
Interesting little tidbit to come out tonight...posting here in case it ends up having some relevance. Will try to get the time locked down, if needed.

In the beginning I was horribly emotional about this case and this is why.
In the beginning I had to process really old feelings, because my family 20 years ago was as dysfunctional as this one and my mom was SO much like Cindy it was UNCANNY.
I did NOT kill my child in an act of anger or revenge(even if I had feelings of extreme anger and resentment toward mother) and my firstborn ended up good, she is 21 now and about to have her firstborn girl ( a Leo). My son is 19 and a superstar and my youngest is being parented by a grown women who has now had a ton of counceling and 12 step work behind her. I am not perfect but a wonderful work in progress.

The Hades Moon: Pluto in aspect to the Moon, by Judy Hall is my among my Favorite all time astrology books. It talks about the Dark side of mothering like no other. You will see that in the beginning when I rectified the chart I did it on intuition that Pluto MUST be in aspect to ICA's Moon and while intuition is not valued on this thread if y'all have read the book you would understand the method to my madness. Judy Hall argues that this Dark Mothering is passed down from generation to generation. Part of some kind of Karma we must work out. And in true Pluto form hopefully we rise from those ashes and don't kill our offspring.

I am grateful I became obsessed with this case in the beginning because It shined a light to what was unhealed in my psyche, my deep deep resentment toward my mother for her interference with my oldest. And we are good. Not perfect, but acceptable.
If you haven't read the book and know a bit about astrology I HIGHLY suggest it.
And I apologize from the bottom of my heart for all my emotional posts back in 2008 before I processed what was really going on.
There are personality disorders ALL OVER this family, and while some would disagree with me the family darkness is also responsible, while they did not "Pull the Trigger" they certainly allowed ICA and her madness not to just happen but to thrive.

I miss Angel who cares and hope she is well
Jose Baez may not have a Leo Moon if he was born on or after 1 p.m. At 1 p.m. the Moon is 0:01 Virgo. IMO, what carries the day for him is Venus & Neptune sextile Jupiter. And of course his Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra.
Welcome back, Tuba! Now that your back and hardly rested, lol. let's cut to the chase. Will there be a mistrial or will it go to a finish with an verdict?

If there is a verdict, will it be guilty of murder1, 2 or manslaughter? Obviously, I've been waiting for you! I feel without looking at the stars above, that there is no chance of an acquittal.

I can't speak for Tuba, but allow me to say this much:
No crystal balls here. Astrology offers different 'possibilities' and in this case as we've all experienced, there are too many factors to consider at this time. With the analysis of both Opening Statement charts promising many twists and turns along w/the more recent Defense Rebuttal phase chart, the Indictment chart, Jury Swearing-in chart and of course KC's transits and so on, THAT's a MAJOR PUZZLE to sort through and piece together. We don't have a date & time the jury will begin the deliberation. THAT date is equally as important.
We're just going to have to be a little bit more patient and let the Trial process happen.
Perhaps when it's deliberation time, in addition to all of the above considerations along with KC's transits at that time, maybe then, we'll have a better idea.

Let's everyone take a deep breath.
I do think it is important for us to all realize that what Carl Jung speaks of may apply in this case, that of projection. We do have the tendency as human beings to project onto the other, what we ourselves contain deep within that often has no way of coming out other then through another, as a "mirror" of sorts.

I'm not suggesting any of us would actually kill our child, that's not at all what Jung was speaking about, rather that in projecting the internal portions that have not been adequately integrated to the personality structure, we heap loads of anger, turmoil, upset etc. upon the collective at large and occassionally, such as in this case, there is an easier "outlet" that is easily collectively agreed upon for all to squash with our otherwise, unused Black Moon Lilith "stuff" or shadow self.

I have my BML conjunct the Galactic Center, and believe me, it's not funny ! When some of the worse times in my life occurred, it so happened that the BML would be hit by a serious enough transit (Pluto, is the more recent one to have done so)

Next comes Pluto over my 6th,.....and it's never fun times. So check the transit of Pluto to your natal charts to see if this has something or other to do with transforming energies, it may not be the case at all, but rather Pluto and time itself. Knocking on our doors.

A friend of mine tells me there is a massive Black Hole there, (where my BML is located) at the GC; that consumes everything in the universe over time.


Black Hole Astrology is a whole nother' ballgame. Masers, Tasers, Quasars, (oh my) and some are very proficient at it.
Maybe Alex Mangione will do a Black-Hole Analogy on the Casey Anthony case before long.
I'll ask my friend if he has yet and if so, let you know. She writes to him off and on and perhaps she has done a chart (Black Hole, Quasers, etc) on Casey A.

Here are a few of his archived articles, I didn't see one on Casey however when I glanced through them.

Alex says about himself with some funny self-deprecating wit about him:

His pioneering work with Black Holes in astrological interpretation began in 1991, when his progressed Sun unwittingly fell into one.

My BML is here (26SAG), so everyone's got something I'd say: :(

In the late 1960's, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.
Well, Paulette, we will have to agree to disagree. For me it is all too clear that his Leo Moon at 90 deg. angle to his Venus-Neptune is finding full expression in this, his first capital case. I don't buy into the office affair but instead see Venus-Neptune as a way many, especially Leos, are prone to romanticise events and their own participation in them, just as in the Romantic Movement in the 1800's in literature. His Leo Moon, at the same time, was put to great extraordinary effort (the square) by this very same romanticising of the task before him and the hoped for innocence of his client. Recall, it wasn't until the remains were found that he was hit hard by the truth. As he said in revulsion on At Large w. Geraldo Rivera, "She is a (consumate) liar." The disillusionment was palpable. Yes, and a portion of disenchantment too.
So, for this and many other reasons, I am convinced Baez has a Leo Moon position and that it is in square to his Enchantment with defending this needy maiden in distress. So called in the Summer of '08.

I also believe his Saturn in Aries opposite the natal Sun-Mercury stands him in good stead. Stead is the operative word as he does find steadiness from that aspect. Very little throws him off his innate balance.
momshrink, Yes, I do think the cloud of the Prisoner's notoriety has reached across the waters to some extent. Neptune is the planet of the zeitgeist of a period in time and Neptune is now residing in its home Sign of Pisces, Sun Sign of the Prisoner. This spirit of the times affects the globe (assuredly not merely from the case before us). But the Prisoner's predicament is widespread from the instant communications of the days we live in. And, her capital crime(s). The fact that Neptune forms a complex w. Pluto and Jupiter in Taure and also with a significant semi-sextile to Uranus only expands the significance and the public following because the planetary support is difficult to avoid. If Neptune at the front of Pisces doesn't hit you (in your chart), then one of the other members of the complex will and thus, like tinker toys, one thing leads to another and you are drawn into this courtroom scene. I think your q. is v. worthwhile and thank you for it.
Sometime in the vague mists of time between June of 2008 and now, June 2011, it was mentioned that Casey or as I refer to the accused, The Prisoner, is a Joe Bfttz, whose black cloud contaminates all of us. Speaking just for myself, a prolific commentator of her case, I do know that the incidence of this case has brought nought but bad times to me, with the counterpoint that I so enjoy Websleuths and all of us who correspond here. w if other contributors have similarly suffered personal indignities and pain. Please comment!

Hi Tuba it is very nice to see you posting again. I can understand what you are talking about and it seems there is an unhealthy obsession by the public over this case. I left another forum back in 2008 because of the ridiculous aggressive and nasty behavior of people. I just wasn't looking for that kind of a connection in the forumiverse. I found WS and loved the fact that the mods work so hard to keep on topic here and that I can combine my curiosity with a hobby which is astrology. It puts things in perspective and takes the emotion out. We all come here for different reasons and and if it causes stress and or illness, pain or takes you away from the living breathing people in your life then that is when it is time to put some space in between it. Thank you for sharing and you aren't alone in those feelings.
Maybe exploring the question about this crazy energy would be interesting. When people are knocking each other's teeth out at the court house to just sit in on a session makes me think it's just gone over the edge. I hope it has something to do with setting a precedent or starting something big for missing/murdered children etc. If anything it will be great for all the psych/behaviorists as a case study.

The fascination of the case and the crimes has more to do w. the adorable nature and winning ways of the precious victim than it does with shadow side projections, not that those are not a usual component of opprobrium & hatred directed at the criminals amongst us. As the Chinese long ago wisely said thro Confucius. "Man invents a crime and then finds somebody to commit it." But not only is death different as you hear in this court, but this case is not your pedestrain murder trial, non plus.
The fascination of the case and the crimes has more to do w. the adorable nature and winning ways of the precious victim than it does with shadow side projections, not that those are not a usual component of opprobrium & hatred directed at the criminals amongst us. As the Chinese long ago wisely said thro Confucius. "Man invents a crime and then finds somebody to commit it." But not only is death different as you hear in this court, but this case is not your pedestrain murder trial, non plus.

respectfully bbm

Welcome home Tuba, and please, take care of yourself. We are all too fond of you to see you sacrifice any self essence (such incredible talent and compassion) for this case, and prefer that you do what is best for you. It is your presence we have missed most. I enjoy your contributions on this forum but I treasure the personality behind the work more.

I believe in balance and the universe will strive to right itself in that end. so keep that in mind when tempted to let the darkness hover too long from this case, and remember your own words re: the adorable nature and winning ways of the precious victim. The shadows surely arise from the wickedness in the defendant, but so too does Caylee's light and what will be will be in the end. I have a simple faith that good still counts for much, and in the final balance the scales will tip ever so slightly towards the light. Dwell on that and it will help offset the negative effects.

In this case the good men are not "doing nothing" and therefore evil shall not prevail.

Thank you for returning and sharing yourself with us.
I have defended George & Cindy before but mainly in the Main Forum, not here. However, reminder: Cynthia always did say she wanted only to KNOW the Truth. I believed her long ago when she said it, and I believe her now. But some may remember that it was written her progressed Sun would conjoin Caylee's Saturn at this period and the depression at what her grand daughter suffered would be nigh unbearable. It has truly come to pass. Undoubtedly, she and Geo. did everything to provide an avenue for the awful truth NOT to be what it is.
Welcome back Tuba,
I too have had a rough three years. I have Fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis, just to name a quick couple of things wrong. Lot of bad things going on in the world. May they one day soon turn around for the better. Glad you are back.
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