Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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Leomoon80, I do agree that there are certain "watch-outs" attendant upon a semi-sq. but it is far from as strong or in any measure equatable to the square. I have a tight semi-sq. to Mars from my Venus; prone to lovers' quarrels, I'm not nor do I experience any other of the problems Carter attributes to the square. KWIM? I don't think George is inherently a daydreamer nor deceptive. Au contraire. He is by nature blunt, direct and honest, to my lights, at least.

I just saw this Tuba, and yes, I do know what you mean.

I've read the semi-square is sometimes worse then the square (What is the harmonic of the semi-square?)......and the rational behind it, I'm not sure. Looking at my own chart and those of my children, I see my daughter Jen has a semi-square Moon to Saturn, but we always got along just great (moreso then her sister and I). We still do probably because I try never to argue with her. She's a fixed Taurus Moon., lol. Cappy Sun. Scorpio Rising, so I know better then to "go there"

Another daughter had VEnus semi-square to the Sun, yet she got along wonderfully with her dad.
However her own child has Venus semi-square to the Sun as well.......and I think there may be trouble lying in the future for them yet, (the father and daughter) in the future due to things never discussed in the childhood yet.

The oldest daughter I have had the most difficulty with, even today, has no semi-squares in her chart whatsoever, but does have 2 squares to her Moon. :(
I have (same as you) a Venus semi-square to Mars and a Semi-square Venus to my Sun ? Didn't exactly get along with my father.

I do agree that G.A. is not a daydreamer by any means, or doesn't come across as one. Yes - blunt, for certain as we saw him explode many times on his front lawn.

I wonder what the Defense has in store next for GA?

And what the prosecution might do with it?

We should be a "fly on the wall" at these lawyers offices, wouldn't that be special, lol. :)
TeaBird, you may remember the indictment chart. It is on our 2008 Astro Calendar for October 14. The hold out is Pluto in the jury. Could this be juror #4? There is no indication, however, that the disinclination to punish to the full extent of the law is proof against all persuasion. In the end, an amicus curiae may deliver a searing cap to the prosecution and defenses cases, this swaying the hold-out juror. The Pluto in H. 11 is not! direly aspected; however, stand out it does, simply by 29 deg. position and the House it tenants.
OK, this sound like something worth understanding. Very elequently written..translation??
Tuba welcome back! I just wanted to reply to your comment on page 16 I too have felt that this case has brought me down to a level that i'm not comfortable but I try to stay centered and balanced and not let the testimony of the Anthony's get under my skin so too speak. It feels like since everybody all over the world is watching this case there are important lessons for all to learn... love ALL children because they are the greatest gifts to this world and teach them well for they are our future....... Caylee has taken on this huge burden for us to learn from her...
OK, this sound like something worth understanding. Very elequently written..translation??

Sorry to quote myself. Just wanted to say that I think I figured it out! Thank goodness for google.
The asteroid of the day is "Sphinx". It's transiting 2:11 SAG Rx, the MC 2:11 SAG, exact today in the Indictment chart, with Mars transiting the IC (the end of the matter and the roots of the chart).

Courts been cancelled for the day & we don't know why.

Today there is talk (with the cancellation of court) that possibly a Plea Deal is in the works. Just wondering if the great astrologers here have any thoughts on whether astrologically this is a possible outcome of the trial now? if not, any ideas on what may have caused JP to cancel court today.
Today there is talk (with the cancellation of court) that possibly a Plea Deal is in the works. Just wondering if the great astrologers here have any thoughts on whether astrologically this is a possible outcome of the trial now? if not, any ideas on what may have caused JP to cancel court today.

No way knowing WHAT the 'legal issue' is that was discussed in the Judge's chambers today. A chart might imply a positive or negative leaning toward one side or the other, but the subject of the matter would be unknown.

As for a possible outcome, read this:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16[/ame]

No way for the plea deal imo the prosecution has no need to negotiate with the defense unless GA is going to admit to JB's crazy theory just to save his daughter's life. What a twist and turn that would be......Yikes.
The meeting in chambers revolved around our old friend & nemesis Sniff. You remember Dr. Furton? His testimony is now expanded from what we knew (& saw) at the earlier hearings in spring.
The meeting in chambers revolved around our old friend & nemesis Sniff. You remember Dr. Furton? His testimony is now expanded from what we knew (& saw) at the earlier hearings in spring.

Tuba, the Judge clearly stated that it was a differnt legal matter not involving Dr. Furton. Also, JA is quoted about Dr. Furton here,0,2868459.story
"Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton could only confirm that the sudden halt in the trial had "nothing to do with" earlier conversations in court about defense expert witness Dr. Kenneth Furton."
I just wrote Fifth Essence about Cheney-Mason & what may be his agenda and concern (despite the will of the prisoner.) She will no doubt quote my email here later.
I just wrote Fifth Essence about Cheney-Mason & what may be his agenda and concern (despite the will of the prisoner.) She will no doubt quote my email here later.

On the main thread there is a discussion regarding the "sliding door" picture which appears to be doctored. If this is true would this not be very bad for defense now that it is in evidence and the jury has already seen it? The thread brings up some very good points and some of our posters are amazing for catching this. It also appears that something happened this morning at sidebar that totally blew JA's mind because he was talking to himself (more than usual). lol
WOW. That is so very well said. With VIRGO being the home of 'detail' and the 'natural order of things,' that might indicate Baez would be perfectly organized and on top of the details. But Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo, and fiery Mars is way too impatient to be effective there. Baez has no time for investigating/assimilating the necessary details and facts. He likes to just 'wing it' and trusts it will work out ok. With Jupiter there sometimes it does. He seems to overlook supremely vital information until it is too late.[Mars in Virgo] Some legal analysts are saying that his ineptness, [like not looking at the jail house tapes in time to have them redacted for example] may actually reverse any upcoming guilty verdict.

I think the Uranus in Libra makes him think he was destined [Uranus]to be a lawyer.[Libra] But I think he may end up being someone 'connected' to law, like a media talking head, not necessarily a practicing attorney for long. imo.He is a great figure head and does a good job emoting for his clients, especially in the media, but he plays fast and loose with the truth, imo.

Now THIS is the Jose Baez I've been seeing. Sorry to disagree with some of our wonderfully astute astrologers, something I rarely do, but the guy I see is the one who can't seem to get his details in order, something he's been called on several times and has possible contempt changes staring at him at the end of all this. He baffles me with his inability to follow court orders.

I'm not one to mention what people wear and it drives me loco to read a description of KC's wardrobe of the day in print, as well as how she wears her Rapunzel hair, but I will say one thing about Mr. Baez, he does have the wardrobe of a Royal Leo. His client is always rumpled - she must be, she's always trying to groom herself - but Mr. B. is always impeccably dressed.

So glad to have Tuba back. I've been out of this thread for ages because I've had my head buried in the clocked log thread, so I'm finally getting time to read what everyone's saying here.

Popped in to say I finally got an answer on another forum of their "confirmed" birth time for Casey. Seems they got it from a different forum! C'est la vie for "confirmation". Time is 3:10 pm if anyone wants to consider it offline.

Originally posted by Tuba
The 2:53 deg. Virgo Mercury belonging to George Anthony

The Sabian symbol for George's Mercury is "Two guardian angels. Invisible help & protection in times of crisis."

I do hope this means his angels are assisting him to be strong and tell the truth. Not Casey's "truth" or Jose's "truth" but the real truth.
Sometime in the vague mists of time between June of 2008 and now, June 2011, it was mentioned that Casey or as I refer to the accused, The Prisoner, is a Joe Bfttz, whose black cloud contaminates all of us. Speaking just for myself, a prolific commentator of her case, I do know that the incidence of this case has brought nought but bad times to me, with the counterpoint that I so enjoy Websleuths and all of us who correspond here.

I'm so sorry you've encountered such troubles, Tuba. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? Can bad vibes travel through the worldwide web directed to people who've never met The Prisoner?

For myself I'll say probably no. I can't think of anything awful that has graced my path since the beginning of this case, nothing unexpected, that is. The only unexpected "unhappy" moments were when I received three summonses for jury duty in three years (2009, 2010, 2011). When I grumbled most recently, my daughter claimed I'm a hypocrite, considering that I watch the Anthony trial daily. I reminded her that I don't have to get up ghastly early, get dressed, and travel across the river to the courthouse for the CMA trial. Although last year when summoned, I arrived at the courthouse rather ill, and suffered the indignity of being told by the woman checking in the potential jurors, "You don't look good". Gee, thanks. Then she inquired of my health and promptly excused me. Just on my appearance!

I will say, though, I do take breaks from the case, so maybe that disturbs any unfortunate vibrations. I find I must do that with several cases I've been following because I find myself becoming rather cynical. I do the same with astrology, as well as my other interests. For a time I immerse myself in it, then I come up for air, take a breather, then get back to it again. I do find I'm more productive after I take those little breaks.
Today there is talk (with the cancellation of court) that possibly a Plea Deal is in the works. Just wondering if the great astrologers here have any thoughts on whether astrologically this is a possible outcome of the trial now? if not, any ideas on what may have caused JP to cancel court today.

Welcome home Tuba...nice to see you posting...

ICA will never accept any plea deals. She wants nothing more than an acquittal to be sent home to that house of horrors.

In Baez OS he didn't hold ICA accountable for an allegedly drowned Caylee, instead ICA placed a deceased Caylee in her fathers lap and somehow RK took possession of Caylee's remains and held them hostage until he wanted her found...ICA took no responsbility for her actions/inactions if that actually occurred..No one needs to make an accidental drowning appear like kidnapping/murder...One would cover up a murder to appear as if an accident occurred..not buying this latest installment for it appears it will be used for a chapter in a fictional book deal...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Do any of our fine astrologers see GA falling on the sword for his daughter? Do you think he will now say or confirm ICA's story of this alleged drowning? Do you see GA admitting to sexual abuse to help the prisoner for a lesser included guilty verdict? TIA

I also wonder if this legal matter that adjourned the court for the day on Saturday has to do with ICA not being pleased with Baez for two reasons...I've rewatched LA's testimony and as he was talking, ICA was elbowing Baez with something she wrote...He basically (through hand signals and lip reading) told ICA I have to listen to this testimony. I can't be doubt she became angry that he ignored her...

The other reason would be Baez' blantant discovery violations with new information after the fact on his witnesses testimony. It appears Baez doesn't feel the need to follow the courts instructions. I've called him a rogue attorney and now see him as a rebellious one against the government...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
This 'unexpected' RECESS for the day has us speculating in over-time.
Understood, although this Astro Forum is not the thread for those sort of conversations. We're nearing the finish line and the suspense has us on the edge of our seats. Again, understood.

I've allowed the posts to wander some, stretching our imaginations into neitherland as we try on the hats of each one of the main players.
WHAT is going on behind closed doors??? Still no answers, no confirmations.

It's TIME TO GET BACK ON TRACK and return to the focus of our Forum, ASTROLOGY.

The Trial convenes in 24 hours. Hold tight kids.
Just want to say the secrets of yesterday's session weren't confined to the back room. I saw on the WFTV video, part 2, that everyone was kicked out of court yesterday, including the media, while all the attorneys and the defendant were still at their respective tables. Obviously there was much more discussion to be had away from wondering eyes and ears of media and camera.

I'm not speculating on anything because to do so would give me a headache.

I did cast a chart, but, well, not knowing what the deal was, the chart doesn't mean much, does it? We've been patient for three years, I imagine we can wait a little longer. For the curious, here it is, take a look:

Chart cast for the time Cheney Mason announces 'he has another issue to discuss not related to the earlier issue (Dr. Furton).' Defense + ICA + Judge head out to his chamber. Prosecution remains behind but later is seen called in.

Notice the Sun is leaving the 11th house and getting ready to set up housekeeping with Mercury who is already there in the 12th house of SECRETS.

Just for the record, we get curious when we're not privy to information, imagine how the jury feels. They know and see far less.
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