Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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How about a summary and update for those of us who are completely ignorant but hanging on your (collective) every word? What dates are significant at this point? When will Caylee's will surface again? Who is telling the truth and who is not...according to the stars?


I hang on too, although I have nothing to contribute to the thread. I do appreciate all the time invested in this for us.
I am praying that Caylee will be found soon.
Tim from E is returning to Orlando, Fl and will start searching again.
Maybe this is the the answer to our prayers.
IIRC wasn't the 14th of October supposed to be a day of interest? Since the prelim has been moved to that date, perhaps that is when they will arrest her? I also am interested in any particular dates and times to look at for the coming month...Bless you all.:blowkiss:
From the secret language of relationships. Copywright 1997

Relationship guide for Pisces-Aries Cusp (Casey) – The Cusp of Rebirth – March 19-24


The puzzling thing about Pisces-Aries is that although they themselves think that they see things in a simple and unclouded way, those who know them well often describe them as unrealistic dreamers, unable to a handle on the harsh realities of the world. These individuals outwardly present a dynamic directness that often belies a sensitive, emotionally complex, even troubled inner life. Thus they are doers as well as dreamers and have a no-nonsense, “what you see is what you get” attitude that actually tells only part of the story.

Misunderstandings about them abound. Out of the purest motives possible, for example, a Pisces-Aries may make a generous offer, perhaps of time or money. Yet before you know it, he or she is being accused of acting holiler-than-thou, or of behaving condescendingly when those on the receiving end feel resentment. Meanwhile, the Pisces-Aries feels bewildered and hurt. Such scenarios are not uncommon in the lives of those borh on the Pisces-Aries cusp. As a matter of fact, the more simply and directly they behave, the more others misread their intentions.
Although their effect on people should teach them that something about their own behavior is amiss, Pisces-Aries generally refuse to change. They cannot really see any fault in what they do since, in their view, they are acting out of pure intention. In the end, they often get their way, whether by forging ahead without letup or by just sticking to their guns until the other party gives in.

Dealing with failure can be particularly difficult for those born on the Cusp of Rebirth. Since outright failure is not really in their vocabulary. When confronted with unavoidable defeat they are often baffled and bewildered. But their defense mechanisms in this respect are superb, and they are often spared defeat simply by their refusal to recognize it. They are not usually so unrealistic as to mistake losing for winning, but they do often view losing as just a partial setback on the way to a victory only temporarily postponed.

Others can learn, however, how to deal with the Pisces-Aries successfully. One of the main rules is not to dig too deeply into their motives or to urge them to explain themselves. Another is not to try to analyze their personalities, or even to push them towards self-analysis. Yet those who use example rather the precept in encouraging them gently to be more objective about themselves can meet with success.
Blunting or negating their intuitions with advice and alternative suggestions can easily alienate them forever. Rarely, however, will anyone succeed in breaking their spirit or damping their forward movement for long.

In relationships, Pisces-Aries can be faithful partners, although their faithfulness may be more emotional than literal. They can love deeply and passionately, in other words, giving a great deal of attention to their love object, but at the same time they are not always monogamous; their intuitive, fiery side is always vulnerable to some exciting new prospect that suddenly appears. Their partner is generally the one expected to play the more stable, long-suffering role. Not that they themselves demand monogamy from their mate; actually, in many cases, a relationship that is more open on both sides suits them better, since it allays any guilt they might feel about their own indiscretions.
From the secret language of relationships. Copywright 1997

March 19-24th (Casey Birthday) to August 3-10 (Caylee birthday)

Simply put, this relationship focuses on freedom. Given that focus, it includes a lot of impatience and unwillingness to compromise—but also a real directness, and a dislike of subterfuge and dishonesty. The other side of the coin is that any deep psychological subtext may prove unfathomable to the parties and too trying to figure out. The time, inclination and ability to understand, and to express full-blown sympathy, may be wanting or even absent.
The fiery elements of the Pisces-Aries-Leo II relationship may well find expression in a love affair, but Leo II’s may be too demanding and controlling for Pisces-Aries in the physical realm. Although initially charmed by the more ephemeral qualities of Pisces-Aries, Leo II’s can also lack a certain sensitivity, so that Pieces-Aries will ultimately be left feeling unappreciated and unfulfilled. Should a Leo II attempt an outright assault on the affections of a Pieces-Aries or be too aggressive in speech or action, the Pisces-Aries may get turned off and just quietly slip away, finding the whole affair not worth the trouble. This relationship will rarely achieve long life. Not only will it be undetermined by problems, but that constant need for individual freedom will make a ….permanent living situation hard to maintain. On the other hand, however, an admission of outright failure will often be slow in coming, so that some relationships in this combination continue on stubbornly when they should really be abandoned. Long-suffering attitudes often accompany problem relationships. Pisces-Aries- Leo II is no different.

ADVICE: Freedom may be important, but so is cooperation. Admitting failure can be a positive step—to give up can be to gain.
Even though Casey will not appear at the arraignment on 9 October, the planets are dead set against her Thursday & Friday and the court will train a harsh and level gaze on her in absentia. By 14 October, Mars will be on her Pluto and that date has been discussed in this thread but Mars will already approach within two & a half degrees Thursday, an emotional and dynamic focus. The Moon doesn't enter her Sign until Friday evening at 9:31 EDT and the degree of arrest receives the Sun's transit on Saturday.
here is a happening. The Moon will travel through Aquarius for this arraignment on October 9, a Moon of sharp and sudden and unexpected changes, also known for bringing forth the truth. This occurs while Mercury & Uranus are in a mutual reflex relationship because each is 79° from the winter solstice; thus, they react on one another and because of the nature of these planets, Merucy and Uranus, there is again the message of a sharp turn in thinking, a highly significant change, the launch of a new legal tack. More will emerge about this when Mercury begins his direct motion a little over a week from now. Both Jesse and Lee have a natal Saturn Pluto conjunction on our speculative Casey ascendant. This verifies that it is a sensitive degree in the case, no matter what her actual birth time. So, we need to watch for the Sun's transit over that degree on October 21.

By the time of the New Moon on October 28, nightmare becomes reality for Casey. The New Moon is on her Pluto, humiliating, mortifying even. Mars will begin its transit of Caylee's H. 4, how her life ended and deep exploration of the details of her demise because Mars does that. He investigates and researches. Ant the New Moon illuminates her death because it opposes Caylee's Mars in Taurus in her Ninth House, which governs her passing & final resting place. All of this was discussed in Thread #1.
Even though Casey will not appear at the arraignment on 9 October, the planets are dead set against her Thursday & Friday and the court will train a harsh and level gaze on her in absentia. By 14 October, Mars will be on her Pluto and that date has been discussed in this thread but Mars will already approach within two & a half degrees Thursday, an emotional and dynamic focus. The Moon doesn't enter her Sign until Friday evening at 9:31 EDT and the degree of arrest receives the Sun's transit on Saturday.
But here is a happening. The Moon will travel through Aquarius for this arraignment on October 9, a Moon of sharp and sudden and unexpected changes, also known for bringing forth the truth. This occurs while Mercury & Uranus are in a mutual reflex relationship because each is 79° from the winter solstice; thus, they react on one another and because of the nature of these planets, Merucy and Uranus, there is again the message of a sharp turn in thinking, a highly significant change, the launch of a new legal tack. More will emerge about this when Mercury begins his direct motion a little over a week from now. Both Jesse and Lee have a natal Saturn Pluto conjunction on our speculative Casey ascendant. This verifies that it is a sensitive degree in the case, no matter what her actual birth time. So, we need to watch for the Sun's transit over that degree on October 21.

By the time of the New Moon on October 28, nightmare becomes reality for Casey. The New Moon is on her Pluto, humiliating, mortifying even. Mars will begin its transit of Caylee's H. 4, how her life ended and deep exploration of the details of her demise because Mars does that. He investigates and researches. Ant the New Moon illuminates her death because it opposes Caylee's Mars in Taurus in her Ninth House, which governs her passing & final resting place. All of this was discussed in Thread #1.

Thank you so much Tuba :blowkiss: I have been re-reading the first thread for the past cuople of days. Really a wealth of information!
okay sharing a birthday with Casey is starting to freek me out! We have diffrent birth years though, someone tell me that makes a hudge diffrence!
Tuba, Thanks for patiently sharing all of this with us. Here's my question: Does the new moon on Oct. 28 indicate that Caylee's body will be located or uncovered, if you will?

Dapa4por, It does make a difference...Rest easy...peace to you.

I love this guys are great...Matilda
okay sharing a birthday with Casey is starting to freek me out! We have diffrent birth years though, someone tell me that makes a hudge diffrence!

Dapa, trust me: even if you were born the same year, your life wouldn't have to play out like Casey's.

Her blueprint (natal chart) is not **bad** --- no one's chart is intrisically bad.

For whatever reasons/ soul lessons, Casey elected -- that is to say, chose -- to use the energies the way she did / does. She continues today to choose how to use the energies available to her.

Casey has a great imagination -- some would say overdeveloped. She could have used that so creatively in a job, say photography, which her friends say was her passion. She could have used it as a PR person, advertising executive, working with the music industry --- so many ways that imagination of hers could have been used constructively. but instead she chose to fabricate lies and create a fantasy world that, unfortunately, her own daughter just didn't seem to fit in.

Casey could have gotten her GED and gone to college. There was nothing in her **stars** that prevented any of that from happening. It was her own actions/ inactions, her own choices that got her where she is today. She never accepted responsibility for her own behavior.

The Stars impel, they do not compel.

Quoting tuba:
By the time of the New Moon on October 28, nightmare becomes reality for Casey. The New Moon is on her Pluto, humiliating, mortifying even. Mars will begin its transit of Caylee's H. 4, how her life ended and deep exploration of the details of her demise because Mars does that. He investigates and researches. Ant the New Moon illuminates her death because it opposes Caylee's Mars in Taurus in her Ninth House, which governs her passing & final resting place.

Then we will watch and wait in the hopes that in these coming days the light of truth will shine so brightly as to illuminate all of Casey's lies, and hopefully will bring Caylee back home to be laid to rest in a manner that is her right, in respect and in honor for what she endured in her final moments, and what she has been subjected to since then.

Let me ask you this, is there a hope here of Caylee being found during this period, and of Casey being charged with some more serious charges than the pitiful ones that she now stands accused of?
Very well stated, Soul.

QUOTE=Soulscape;2784915]Dapa, trust me: even if you were born the same year, your life wouldn't have to play out like Casey's.

Her blueprint (natal chart) is not **bad** --- no one's chart is intrisically bad.

For whatever reasons/ soul lessons, Casey elected -- that is to say, chose -- to use the energies the way she did / does. She continues today to choose how to use the energies available to her.

Casey has a great imagination -- some would say overdeveloped. She could have used that so creatively in a job, say photography, which her friends say was her passion. She could have used it as a PR person, advertising executive, working with the music industry --- so many ways that imagination of hers could have been used constructively. but instead she chose to fabricate lies and create a fantasy world that, unfortunately, her own daughter just didn't seem to fit in.

Casey could have gotten her GED and gone to college. There was nothing in her **stars** that prevented any of that from happening. It was her own actions/ inactions, her own choices that got her where she is today. She never accepted responsibility for her own behavior.

The Stars impel, they do not compel.

So, Orlando Sentinel reports that Casey will be in attendance at the hearing on Baez's six motions Friday. The projection for October 9 also pertains to October 10. Planets to Casey's chart are inauspicious: Mars coming to her Pluto. Changes which will occur now cause stress and have far reaching results. We know there will be surprise changes because of that Aquarian Moon that squared Mars, a Moon of abrupt turns and then the active reflex between Mercury Libra and Uranus in Pisces, which jars the status quo. I will add that due to Casey's psychology, the Saturn opposition to Uranus that tightens every day seems to be giving her claustrophobia. Uranus is our freedom urge (among other meanings) and Saturn locks the dungeon door, tickalock. Then draws the bolt, clang. She wanted to go to the motions hearing and she wants to go on a search. She is wanting o-u-t! Mars on Pluto barely contains her panic and rage.
Hi Everyone,
New poster here. Have been reading on this site for the past couple of nice to see civil conversation and exchange of ideas! I've been interested in astrology for a long time, have a medium amount of astro information. I was looking at mars in scorpio transits this month and the aspects it makes to Caylee's mars, midheaven, and ascendant....setting off a grand square. This really is huge. Watched NG tonight and with the news that Tim Miller will resume searching for Caylee at the end of this week, I really think it is perfect timing for finally finding her. Mars will cross over Caylee's 4th house cusp and square her natal saturn on Wednesday/thursday while moon in aquarius will highlight her 7th house (open enemies) neptune (secrets/poison-chloroform) illuminating the web of lies. Then on Saturday the 11th the moon will move into Pisces, touching off her natal uranus in the 8th house (of death) - I think this might be the actual day for finding the body. Wednesday the 15th should also be a pivotal day - the moon will be in Taurus, crossing the 10th house (public).
The house of cards built by the Anthony family is surely about to fall. So much sorrow and sadness for everyone. But at least we can have some peace of mind that little Caylee is found and brought home to rest in a better place.
Hi Everyone,
New poster here. Have been reading on this site for the past couple of nice to see civil conversation and exchange of ideas! I've been interested in astrology for a long time, have a medium amount of astro information. I was looking at mars in scorpio transits this month and the aspects it makes to Caylee's mars, midheaven, and ascendant....setting off a grand square. This really is huge. Watched NG tonight and with the news that Tim Miller will resume searching for Caylee at the end of this week, I really think it is perfect timing for finally finding her. Mars will cross over Caylee's 4th house cusp and square her natal saturn on Wednesday/thursday while moon in aquarius will highlight her 7th house (open enemies) neptune (secrets/poison-chloroform) illuminating the web of lies. Then on Saturday the 11th the moon will move into Pisces, touching off her natal uranus in the 8th house (of death) - I think this might be the actual day for finding the body. Wednesday the 15th should also be a pivotal day - the moon will be in Taurus, crossing the 10th house (public).
The house of cards built by the Anthony family is surely about to fall. So much sorrow and sadness for everyone. But at least we can have some peace of mind that little Caylee is found and brought home to rest in a better place.

Welcome my dear ! Nice to have u here. I know nothing about astrology but keep posting, because I love to read it !:blowkiss:
Hi Everyone,
New poster here. Have been reading on this site for the past couple of nice to see civil conversation and exchange of ideas! I've been interested in astrology for a long time, have a medium amount of astro information. I was looking at mars in scorpio transits this month and the aspects it makes to Caylee's mars, midheaven, and ascendant....setting off a grand square. This really is huge. Watched NG tonight and with the news that Tim Miller will resume searching for Caylee at the end of this week, I really think it is perfect timing for finally finding her. Mars will cross over Caylee's 4th house cusp and square her natal saturn on Wednesday/thursday while moon in aquarius will highlight her 7th house (open enemies) neptune (secrets/poison-chloroform) illuminating the web of lies. Then on Saturday the 11th the moon will move into Pisces, touching off her natal uranus in the 8th house (of death) - I think this might be the actual day for finding the body. Wednesday the 15th should also be a pivotal day - the moon will be in Taurus, crossing the 10th house (public).
The house of cards built by the Anthony family is surely about to fall. So much sorrow and sadness for everyone. But at least we can have some peace of mind that little Caylee is found and brought home to rest in a better place.

Welcome to websleuths Kaitland...we are happy to have you. Thanks so much for the clear and concise reading you have offered. Talk about coming out with a bang! I will be utterly thrilled if the timing is as you have interpreted and this weekend is when she will be found-that would be PERFECT!
Hi Everyone,
New poster here. Have been reading on this site for the past couple of nice to see civil conversation and exchange of ideas! I've been interested in astrology for a long time, have a medium amount of astro information. I was looking at mars in scorpio transits this month and the aspects it makes to Caylee's mars, midheaven, and ascendant....setting off a grand square. This really is huge. Watched NG tonight and with the news that Tim Miller will resume searching for Caylee at the end of this week, I really think it is perfect timing for finally finding her. Mars will cross over Caylee's 4th house cusp and square her natal saturn on Wednesday/thursday while moon in aquarius will highlight her 7th house (open enemies) neptune (secrets/poison-chloroform) illuminating the web of lies. Then on Saturday the 11th the moon will move into Pisces, touching off her natal uranus in the 8th house (of death) - I think this might be the actual day for finding the body. Wednesday the 15th should also be a pivotal day - the moon will be in Taurus, crossing the 10th house (public).
The house of cards built by the Anthony family is surely about to fall. So much sorrow and sadness for everyone. But at least we can have some peace of mind that little Caylee is found and brought home to rest in a better place.

Wecome Kaitland :blowkiss: what a great first post! So happy to have your knowledge on this thread. I have always been fascinated by astrology. I have obtained some recommended reading and will start studying soon. Nice to meet you!
Thank you for the warm welcome everyone. I feel we are truly united in our desire to see Caylee brought home to rest. I have never felt compelled to blog before, but this case has really stirred a lot of feelings in me. What a tragic and sad situation. I do believe Caylee is deceased, and I can only hope that this was an accident. At first glance the Anthony family "looked" so normal. And then day, by day the layers of deceit have been peeled back to reveal a sickening amount of pathology in that family.
okay sharing a birthday with Casey is starting to freek me out! We have diffrent birth years though, someone tell me that makes a hudge diffrence!

That makes a huge difference. :)

Depending how close the years are between your birthday and Casey's, the outer planets can be closely aligned or very widely spaced and in different signs. Lots of things can be alike or they can be totally different.

What matters most, besides the year of birth, is the TIME of birth and the LOCATION of birth.

I nearly flipped when I I found out Angelina Jolie and I have many planets alike, including our suns, moons, and ascendants. We were born many years apart so of course there are differences. Funny thing though, Angelina moves frequently and owns many houses. My frequent moves, and several houses in different locations at the same time, drove my family and friends crazy. They couldn't keep up with me.

Oddly, my daughter and Angelina share the same birthday, albeit, different years, but they are only three years apart in age, and have very few planets alike, except their suns, and one or two outer planets. All these things make a huge difference in natal charts.

My sociopath step-daughter was born March 20, but several years before Casey, however, they could be identical twins in attitudes, activities, and those looks they get on their faces. And the lies!! As far as I know, step-d hasn't killed any of her children, but the ones she had, she gave away.

So unless you and Casey were born at the exact same time, place, and year, I think you are in the clear - unless you have serious sociopathic tendencies. :eek:

See Soulscape's excellent explanation on page 10.
I will add that due to Casey's psychology, the Saturn opposition to Uranus that tightens every day seems to be giving her claustrophobia. Uranus is our freedom urge (among other meanings) and Saturn locks the dungeon door, tickalock. Then draws the bolt, clang. She wanted to go to the motions hearing and she wants to go on a search. She is wanting o-u-t! Mars on Pluto barely contains her panic and rage.

Oh, yes, the general consensus is that she is getting highly restless - perfectly obvious during Monday's strut blasted all over the news, along with the heavily applied makeup. This gal likes to party, likes to spread her wings, and home confinement doesn't allow for any of these things. This gal wants OUT for sure.

Oddly enough, she doesn't want out badly enough to tell anyone where to find the living, breathing Caylee she professes to be with the nanny.

Welcome, Kaitland. You entered with a bang! Wow!

After reading "our" side of this situation, and after reading all the documents, watching and listening to interviews, etc., I decided to visit the thread for only those who believe Caylee is alive. I was a bit surprised at the optimism I saw there, in spite of what has been made known, and especially Casey's reluctance to find her daughter in the beginning. Anyway, I'd love for the child to be found safe and alive, but I don't believe that will happen. I agree about the Anthonys, especially Cindy, who seemed during her 911 calls that the only thing that mattered was finding little Caylee and she was terrified she was in "that damn car". Talk about doing a 180°.
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