Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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On Friday 10/10 at 10:30 am, Orlando, Florida, JB and Casey go before the Judge and JB will plead on several motions, including giving Casey the right to search “secretly” for her daughter.

The Event Chart:

Friday 10/10/08
10:30 am (EDT +4)
81W21 28N32

The Chart gives an Ascendant of 26 Scorpio 55 with chart ruler Mars at 4 Scorpio 22 located in the 12th House of Imprisonment. Mars is sextile the Midheaven, so there is opportunity (sextile) to go before the Judge (10th house cusp /MC). Mars is sesquisquare (135 degrees) abrupt, uncontrollable Uranus, so we can figure that something unexpected (Uranus) may indeed impact Casey. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, here intercepted in the 3rd House of the local neighborhood/ transport, so this unexpected (Uranus) impact on Casey will have something to do with her ability to expand her horizons beyond home confinement.

The Ascendant degree is 26 Scorpio 55. The Sabian Symbol for 27 Scorpio is “A military band marches noisily on through the city streets.” Kinda sounds like what Casey and Jose are doing, no? Marching noisily through the city streets, making a big show, and they believe they are mighty/ invincible (military), and God knows, they are making a lot of noise (band)!!!

Chart ruler Mars (Casey/Jose) at 4 Scorpio 22. As pointed out, this puts transit Mars close to Casey’s natal Pluto (6 Scorpio 54). This is a potentially explosive contact. It is possible something (we know not what) is going to end, with transit Mars conjunct Casey’s natal 8th House (of Death) cusp. Remember transit Mars (representing Casey) is in the 12th House of Imprisonment in the Event chart, an apt description of her. She is feisty and belligerent (Mars in Scorpio), locked up (in the 12th House) on house confinement with an ankle bracelet monitoring her every move. She is agitated and stressed to the max (Mars in the Via Combusta).

Another reason I suspect something (we know not what) is going to end for Casey, is that the Part of Death in the Event chart (27 Pisces 21) is closely conjunct Casey’s natal Sun (28 Pisces 31). And of course, we all know that transit Pluto at 28 Sagittarius 43 continues to square Casey’s natal Sun. If you cast the biwheel showing Casey’s natal as the inner ring and the 10/10/08 Court Date as the outer ring, you will see Pluto conjunct Casey’s natal Midheaven, another symbolic placement giving weight to the suspicion that something very powerful (Pluto) is likely to happen at this time.

Now what does the Moon tell us? The Event chart Moon (24 Aquarius 05) is intercepted in the Event chart 3rd House (the neighborhood, local community, transportation). Intercepted energies are hard to express. They can also seem to be "hidden." Moon has just passed conjunction to deceitful Neptune and will sextile Pluto (force, complications) before going void of course. Be sure to notice that Neptune in the Event chart is in critical degree -- 21 Fixed. The symbolism is so obviously spot-on! For 16 long weeks we have been taunted and frustrated by lying Neptune's smoke & mirrors, lies and deceit. If you look at the Event chart you will see quite clearly that Moon is posited between Neptune (lies) and Uranus (shock/ sudden changes). Moon is disposited by Saturn, located in the 10th House of the Event chart (the Judge). Saturn (16 Virgo 22) is in Fateful degree (same degree as the Nodes), as is Chiron. And as pointed out, Saturn is opposed Uranus, modern dispositor of Moon in Aquarius. There seems quite a battle playing out between confinement (Saturn) and freedom (Uranus).

Additionally, it is very interesting that if you go back and look at that biwheel with Casey’s chart as inner ring and Event chart as outer ring, you will see the Event chart Moon (conjunct lying Neptune in critical degree) is placed in Casey’s 12th House of Imprisonment / Misfortune, Loss, Self-Undoing and Woe. And don’t forget the Event Chart Part of Death is smack on Casey’s natal Sun….


Also, as Tuba pointed out (more than once) on 10/10/08, the Sun is in the degree of Arrest...

So what may happen?

The Judge (ruler of Event chart MC Virgo) is Mercury at 10 Libra 00 Retrograde. Looks like the Judge is not in the best of condition. He is retrograde, applying combust the Sun (which is in the degree of Arrest) and conjunct the Fixed Star Vindemiatrix (death marker).

While Mercury (the Judge) makes no aspect to Mars (Casey), Mercury (Judge) is disposited by Venus in Scorpio which in turn is disposited by Mars (Casey) in Scorpio --- and Mars is the final dispositor.

This makes me a little nervous. I wonder if === shockingly (Uranus) === Casey may prevail!!!

The End of the Matter is Jupiter, ruler of the Event chart 4th House cusp. Jupiter (14 Capricorn 10) is located in the 2nd House of the Near Future of the Event chart and trines Saturn and sextiles Uranus. So the Saturn/Uranus opposition points are both touched by End of the Matter Jupiter. In the biwheel, Jupiter would be placed in Casey’s 10th House --- an elevated position that may augur success.

I see so many mixed signals here. It would seem the outcome could easily go either way!! --- will it be further confinement and restriction (Saturn) for Casey? Or will she be granted a lessening of restriction/ freedom (Uranus)??

We will know before the day (Friday 10/10) is over.

I find all of these postings to intriguing and thank you guys for taking the time and all of your effort in the detailed explainations. If she is granted her wishes, I do feel in the end she is going to reveal MORE than she anticipated, she may feel she won the battle, however, she will not win the WAR. I know in my heart............. JUSTICE will prevail no matter how cocky and arrogant these character feels.

You all feel that next week are critical dates in this case, and according to my dreams................ I agree whole-heartedly. I am not into astrology at all, but I have received very powerful messages in my dreams, and I truly believe we are all on the same page. I can not explain WHY I am having dreams of this little girl............ she is a special little SOUL and has touched so many hearts.
Hi Everyone,
New poster here. Have been reading on this site for the past couple of nice to see civil conversation and exchange of ideas! I've been interested in astrology for a long time, have a medium amount of astro information. I was looking at mars in scorpio transits this month and the aspects it makes to Caylee's mars, midheaven, and ascendant....setting off a grand square. This really is huge. Watched NG tonight and with the news that Tim Miller will resume searching for Caylee at the end of this week, I really think it is perfect timing for finally finding her. Mars will cross over Caylee's 4th house cusp and square her natal saturn on Wednesday/thursday while moon in aquarius will highlight her 7th house (open enemies) neptune (secrets/poison-chloroform) illuminating the web of lies. Then on Saturday the 11th the moon will move into Pisces, touching off her natal uranus in the 8th house (of death) - I think this might be the actual day for finding the body. Wednesday the 15th should also be a pivotal day - the moon will be in Taurus, crossing the 10th house (public).
The house of cards built by the Anthony family is surely about to fall. So much sorrow and sadness for everyone. But at least we can have some peace of mind that little Caylee is found and brought home to rest in a better place.

Many welcomes and thank you! :blowkiss:
Welcome to the thread, KAITLAND! Look forward to reading more of your great posts. :dance:Matilda
Morning everyone!
I wish my knowledge was a deep as some of you guys! Thanks for that event chart Soulscape....I am hoping that the mercury retrograde transit will see the judge delaying his decision - long enough for something else shocking to occur (location of Caylee?) Also have a question - are you all using a sunrise chart for little Caylee?
Kaitland! Wonderful to have another on board, so to speak.

We spotted Caylee's birthtime on a sampler on the wall of her room during the televised Greta tour of the house. It said 7:14 AM.

You all are doing a good job of carrying on while I am feeling a bit under the weather, and think you for doing so. Will be back to the charts soon, I hope.
The transit dates that stand out to me are below...

Pluto will square Casey's Sun from Oct 8th (today) through Oct 26th.

This is a long-term influence, and is likely to make Casey aware of her "difficult circumstances". She will have to come to terms with the threatened loss of her power or influence.

Her egotistical attitudes and ambitions will probably be humbled, and her integrity will be challenged.

MERCURY opposes Casey's natal Venus today (Oct 8)

When it comes to handling interpersonal relations, this is apt to be an exceedingly difficult period for Casey. Things just don’t seem to come together.

No one is in a mood to be tactful or of a mind to make an effort to please her. Conflict and lack of cooperation might be a problem between Casey and a partner (lawyer?) or other allies.

Under this influence disagreement concerning common goals and other matters plague the efforts of joint ventures, business transactions, counseling sessions, contractual negotiations, and legal matters.

Transit MARS will conjunct Casey's natal Pluto (Oct 13 through Oct 15, exact on Oct 14)

Let's see if anything develops next Tuesday, when this is exact, but notice that the transit will be active over a few days. There are a couple of midpoints involved in Casey's 45 degree sort that might be difficult.

The vitality in the people and situations Casey encounters now is likely to be of an intense and purposeful nature.

Her interaction with others could trigger jealous and vengeful feelings/actions, perhaps with truly unfortunate results. She might confront or provoke a very hostile response. Research and investigation, especially concerning the mysteries of the science and nature might be involved.

Transit SUN conjuncts Casey's natal Pluto (Oct 29 through Oct 30, exact on Oct 30)

Casey might finally recognize that her strong-willed tendencies aren't enough. It may finally dawn on her that others have more power and control than she does in her situation . Self-control, power and the use of power are apt to become more interesting concepts than usual or they may have a part to play in today’s scenario.

All this said, I am not feeling inspired to see when the hammer of justice will fall on Casey. I am content to wait and see what happens, event-wise. I hope and pray for Caylee's little soul, and am sad that she had such a short little life. I don't like to think about it, actually.

I also pray for our system of justice. Got to go, because I am tearing up.
Morning everyone!
I wish my knowledge was a deep as some of you guys! Thanks for that event chart Soulscape....I am hoping that the mercury retrograde transit will see the judge delaying his decision - long enough for something else shocking to occur (location of Caylee?) Also have a question - are you all using a sunrise chart for little Caylee?

Hi Kaitland, and a warm welcome aboard! Your comments were very pertinent and much appreciated by all of us.

As Housemouse mentioned, we know Caylee's complete birth data:

August 9, 2005
7:14 am (EDT +4)
Orlando, Florida

This chart gives 20 Leo 54 ASC, 16 Leo 58 SUN and 4 Libra 35 MOON.

For Casey Anthony, we have the date and place of birth (Niles OH) but not the time of birth.

March 19, 1986
6:33 am (EST +5) (sunrise)
80:49 West 41:15 North

I have been using a Sunrise chart for Casey which gives 28 Pisces 31 ASC, 28 Pisces 34 SUN and 7 Cancer 16 MOON.

Tuba has been playing around with Casey's chart and IIRC, she suspects that Casey may have a Libra ASC. (Tuba, maybe you can comment...).

Again, welcome to our thread and please continue to educate us with your posts!

Thanks again everyone for the very warm welcome. I have been blogging on a few other sites, but I must tell you it gets really rough out there. I have never blogged on a case before, but this one has touched my heart so much that I feel compelled to communicate about it. Little Caylee looks so much like my daughter (who is all grown up now) as a child that it's maybe that's why it feels so personal. Anyway - just read on myfoxorlando blog that it was just reported that the state (Fla.) will go to a Grand Jury next week!!! Am looking for verification of that....brings me back to Soulscape's post this morning - surely Judge Strickland will know this information and cannot possibly let Casey out for the bogus search! And she is just chomping at the bit with her mars & uranus in sag.
Thanks Soulscape for the chart/birth time info! I do not have any astrology software to calculate charts, so I've been using to run sunrise charts, and have adjusted the natal chart for Caylee to the new birth time. Has anyone done a progressed chart on Casey or Caylee? Caylee's progressed moon should have moved into Scorpio by June '08. I think Casey's is in Taurus now.
Kaitland, check out Casey's Mars and Uranus! See where it falls in Caylee's chart.

You can find it way back in the first thread, and then check the transits for late night 17th, early hours 18th of June.

See if you see what I see. Frightening.
Morning everyone!
I wish my knowledge was a deep as some of you guys! Thanks for that event chart Soulscape....I am hoping that the mercury retrograde transit will see the judge delaying his decision - long enough for something else shocking to occur (location of Caylee?) Also have a question - are you all using a sunrise chart for little Caylee?

(bold in above quote by me)


A couple posters on the thread about the Grand Jury and homicide charges suggested the Judge may delay the Friday 10/10 hearing until the results from the GJ come in! Perhaps this is the real significance of Judge being Mercury Retrograde in the 10/10 Event Chart!

I can hardly stand the suspense!!

Thanks Soulscape for the chart/birth time info! I do not have any astrology software to calculate charts, so I've been using to run sunrise charts, and have adjusted the natal chart for Caylee to the new birth time. Has anyone done a progressed chart on Casey or Caylee? Caylee's progressed moon should have moved into Scorpio by June '08. I think Casey's is in Taurus now.


Caylee's progressed Moon is at 14 Scorpio 13. Casey's is at 10 Taurus 39 (based on a sunrise chart).

PM me with your email and I will send you charts later this evening.

On June 16, 2008 at 2:50 pm in Orlando, Casey's Secondary Progressed Moon (relocated to Orlando) was at 6 Taurus 55, within 4 minutes of separation to Caylee's natal Mars.

Caylee's SP Moon on that date/time/place was at 10 Scorpio 11.

My calculations (discussed in the first Astro thread) lead me to strongly suspect that is when Caylee died.

Hi Housemouse - Yes, I saw that horribly nasty connection to Pluto. And the transits in June were very ominous, including mars opposing the February 7th eclipse degree at
17 aquarius 44 (on Caylee's neptune). So fated. And ? premeditated? I am watching the inexorable march of a saturn in Virgo to oppose Casey's sun & mercury, and being squared by t. pluto in Sag. Then when pluto moves into Capricorn and conjuncts her natal Neptune (March '10)- do you think by then she will begin to give up the "lie" she lives? Will the weight and burden of what she has done finally sink in?
Thanks for that info Soulscape. Agree with probable time of death. Will PM later. I'm hours behind on housework! Keep sneaking in here to see what's going on. So much breaking news almost every day. Hard to keep up! - Kait
Interesting that you introduced the February solar eclipse on Caylee's Neptune, ruling her H. 8 and afflicting her Sun because the total lunar eclipse that followed two weeks later figures in the initial arrest chart. The Part of Find for that arrest was 1:56 Pisces, on the eclipse point and square the horizon of the arrest chart. (ASC 2:12 Sag - 2:12 II DSC). Find fell in the near neighborhood H. 3. I calculated it for obvious reasons. Caylee was missing. I have borne it in mind ever since. Events at the eclipse cast a long shadow. I would very much like to know where Casey and Caylee were on 20-21 February. If only the Face book and My Space accounts were still accessible!

Yes, I have a working chart for Casey, admittedly speculative. It is based on the day she fell ill in April & is discussed in this thread #2. The ASC rendered by her strep throat is 28° Libra. She was made a suspect, officially, the day Mars hit that degree. Both Jesse and Lee have Saturn & Pluto at that degree. Caylee has a Libra Moon. This chart serves until a birth time surfaces.

With Mars in H. 12 for the defendant in the hearing chart for Friday, and ruling the hearing ASC, the fact that it disposits from that position means confinement continues.
You guys are awesome!

Keep up the good research! Got to go take care of house and husband...

later, friends.
Transit MARS will conjunct Casey's natal Pluto (Oct 13 through Oct 15, exact on Oct 14)

Let's see if anything develops next Tuesday, when this is exact, but notice that the transit will be active over a few days. There are a couple of midpoints involved in Casey's 45 degree sort that might be difficult.

The vitality in the people and situations Casey encounters now is likely to be of an intense and purposeful nature.

Her interaction with others could trigger jealous and vengeful feelings/actions, perhaps with truly unfortunate results. She might confront or provoke a very hostile response. Research and investigation, especially concerning the mysteries of the science and nature might be involved.

Respectfully snipped.
Did you see that the media is reporting that evidence will be presented to the Grand Jury next Tuesday?
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