Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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Lots of good ideas on the native flora that may help in the search and since Sparky will be part of it, good thing we shared this. Maybe we will have further ideas before TES begins. When I look at the aerial view on google map, the amount of ground to cover is daunting. The pings and the dogs will be of great assistance, of course. Thank you all for the information on trees and flowers. There should be some edible weeds on the ground too, such as oats are.
I'm wondering if this is a legitimate question for the astrological experts here, but if it is, I'd be interested in the answer the stars hold.
Does Casey believe she will get away with the murder of Caylee and be found not guilty?
Or is that two questions? If it is, I apologize.

FWIW, I find this to be the most interesting thread on this forum and of other forums I have visited. Thanks to all of you who share your insight with the rest of us.

That is a legitimate question and does not really require a horary chart. I'll get back to you on this. :detective:
I have such immense faith in the cadaver dogs. Without them, the challenge is overwhelming. Caylee must have that faith too as she is with Mercury of dogs. For some time, I have been thinking about the puppy she spoke of so often. Right now I am examining the possibilities regarding the Sun found with the bone(s). I have mentioned gold or yellow and this could also shade into orange. I think I should search on-line for showy yellow flowers of Florida. I can think of several but they are not native to the land there, although here we do have volunteer sunflowers, for instance. Also, we cannot exclude the notion that a crow or jackdaw might have marked the spot with a donation of brass or goldplate. That would be a generous gesture, a sacrifice really, from a crow but birds are the messengers of God.

See if some of the palm trees don't have yellow flowers. All over the place in remote areas I'm seeing tons of palms (of all kinds) and yellow kind of weedy type of "flowers". [I mean, I'm not psychically seeing them! I'm literally seeing them but I'm not an arborist!]

Alternate Name: Yellow Bachelor's Button

Description Chrysanthemum- or clover-like flower clusters bloom at the ends of long, erect, sparsely leafy stems.

Flowers: 1/3" (8 mm) flowers gathered in dense, round to cylindrical, 1-1 1/2" (4 cm) heads; orange-yellow (dry to bluish-green or yellowish-green).

Leaves: stem leaves linear with rounded tip; basal leaves spoon-shaped, often gone by flowering.

Height: 3' (0.9 m).

Flower April-October.

Habitat Moist pinelands.

Range Peninsular Florida.

Discussion Yellow Milkwort is a Florida endemic, which means that Florida is the only place where this plant is native.

I'll look these up and tell you what I keep seeing on the ground in remote Orlando over and over. I can tell you off the bat I'm seeing pine trees, pine needles on the ground, sable palms, the wild palms (forget the name), blackberry bushes with tons of sharp thorns (rarely blackberries), and I'll look up the rest. In the water areas I am commonly seeing a purplish "flower" growing out of the weeds. I'm going to look up yellow milkwort to see if it is what I'm seeing mixed with the palms so much.

I'll look these up and tell you what I keep seeing on the ground in remote Orlando over and over. I can tell you off the bat I'm seeing pine trees, pine needles on the ground, sable palms, the wild palms (forget the name), blackberry bushes with tons of sharp thorns (rarely blackberries), and I'll look up the rest. In the water areas I am commonly seeing a purplish "flower" growing out of the weeds. I'm going to look up yellow milkwort to see if it is what I'm seeing mixed with the palms so much.


Quoting myself "so tickety tack!":

In our scrubland areas we have SAW palmetto (these are the majority) and pine trees. You can also see water oaks and cypress trees. Water hyacinths are in the marshy and creeky areas. I am seeing what I think are called COMPOSITES with the saw palmettos (compositae--but not the daisy looking kind) . Composites are a kind of a grass that has clustery "flowers". The ones I'm seeing over and over are yellow. These are NOT pretty "flowers" like you'd see in Hawaii or in the more manicured areas of Florida. I love flowers and these are more like pretty weeds. I'm not seeing orchids. The prettiest flowers are the hyacinth in the water, so far.

See water hyacinth:

PS. I'm not seeing yellow milkwort at all.
Lots of good ideas on the native flora that may help in the search and since Sparky will be part of it, good thing we shared this. Maybe we will have further ideas before TES begins. When I look at the aerial view on google map, the amount of ground to cover is daunting. The pings and the dogs will be of great assistance, of course. Thank you all for the information on trees and flowers. There should be some edible weeds on the ground too, such as oats are.

A Sampling of Native Edible Plants of the Central Florida Region

Jerusalem artichoke

All have yellow flowers and look like weeds.
November begins with Pallas Athena at 20° II. The Saturn - Uranus opposition is square to Pallas and may introduce a new lead prosecutor. This particular asteroid, Pallas, is a good significator for a female prosecutor. Pallas Athena fights for justice and is found in the courts and law firms. The Moon may also signify female members of the prosecution team. Venus in Sagittarius will oppose Pallas completing a Mutable Cross for the pre-trial, these latter two representing the defense adversarial to the prosecutor, respectively.
A Sampling of Native Edible Plants of the Central Florida Region

Jerusalem artichoke

All have yellow flowers and look like weeds.

I haven't seen the Purslane or Dandelion (of course they are likely in O-Town but I have not seen them in the last few months). I would know purslane because I thought it was super cute a few years ago and bought some from Lowes and planted it. It died! :)

I don't intend to hijack the psychic thread with Florida's Flora and Fauna I just mention these because you guys are seeing flowers and flower-like things in your visions. :)

Perfect link to what kind of ground is around here in the remote areas:

The only thing I haven't seen every day in the link above is the cactus.
Interesting, isn't it? Because of the horary, I have to say the tree at the burial is an impressive specimen. The problem is that when looking on the ground, few searchers would be aware of a tree's height and also they might not see the tree for the forest! I am trying hard to distinguish this setting and this tree.

Earlier, quite a bit earlier, the piece of paper was discussed in connection with a Mercury item found on the site. It must be sodden or partially concealed or it would have blown away.

Look at these Tuba - You can click on them to enlarge them for a better view.

We have come a long way. When I cast my horary back on 2 Sep, I did not even know there were pines there in Orlando. The Cusp of H. 8, the area of the chart that is death, the corpse, the victim, homicide, the killer is 25° Cancer and the reading for that degree in Charubel's Degrees of the Zodiac Symbolised reads: "A very lofty pine tree."
Well even a searcher with his eyes on the ground would become aware of the pine in that LAST photograph, (0192), Turbothink. That is one lofty pine! Thank you for the gallery of Florida native trees.
I'm wondering if this is a legitimate question for the astrological experts here, but if it is, I'd be interested in the answer the stars hold.
Does Casey believe she will get away with the murder of Caylee and be found not guilty?
Or is that two questions? If it is, I apologize.

FWIW, I find this to be the most interesting thread on this forum and of other forums I have visited. Thanks to all of you who share your insight with the rest of us.

What is shown at this time, shgrbkr, is that she relies on the sympathy of JB and the degree of protection he affords her in court, Venus in Sag following her in current appearances. He rules H. 11 in her pre-trial and his Sun is on the Cusp of that House. She is relating to him as counselor and of course he is her legal counsel. She has Neptune in the House of the Lower Mind, the Conscious Thinking though, and it is also tightly afflicted by Mars, so she is frightened and has reason to be. Venus relieves that fear because she resorts to him and he also offers solace on his own initiative. For the moment of conferring, it is adequate but then the fright resumes. Venus is 60° from Neptune, a harmonious support sextile.

Neptune is slow moving and in a Fixed Sign. He is enduring and constant.
Venus is an inner, quicker moving planet and lighter. Venus alleviates fear which has established a seat in her mind. Left alone or when JB is attending to other business than cosseting and comforting her, Fear demands to be served.

shgrbkr, she had confidence in June and July. It was not all bluff. Now we are well into autumn and she is being processed. Confidence never hears from her anymore. :hand:
Well even a searcher with his eyes on the ground would become aware of the pine in that LAST photograph, (0192), Turbothink. That is one lofty pine! Thank you for the gallery of Florida native trees.

Those are actual pictures from the place where the eye witnesses saw KC's car and her putting the shovel in her trunk.
is anyone going to communicate tuba's, etc, astrological findings to tim miller, or is this for us only ?
What is shown at this time, shgrbkr, is that she relies on the sympathy of JB and the degree of protection he affords her in court, Venus in Sag following her in current appearances. He rules H. 11 in her pre-trial and his Sun is on the Cusp of that House. She is relating to him as counselor and of course he is her legal counsel. She has Neptune in the House of the Lower Mind, the Conscious Thinking though, and it is also tightly afflicted by Mars, so she is frightened and has reason to be. Venus relieves that fear because she resorts to him and he also offers solace on his own initiative. For the moment of conferring, it is adequate but then the fright resumes. Venus is 60° from Neptune, a harmonious support sextile.

Neptune is slow moving and in a Fixed Sign. He is enduring and constant.
Venus is an inner, quicker moving planet and lighter. Venus alleviates fear which has established a seat in her mind. Left alone or when JB is attending to other business than cosseting and comforting her, Fear demands to be served.

shgrbkr, she had confidence in June and July. It was not all bluff. Now we are well into autumn and she is being processed. Confidence never hears from her anymore. :hand:

Venus must be hanging around me now, as I feel comforted by your explanation. On the other hand, it must be a sad state of affairs for me to take comfort in another's fear, though I am not sorry for it. Just speaks to the horrible nature of the situation.
Thank you, Tuba.
o/t God rest the soul of Brooke Bennett. Case of death occurred same time as interest in Caylee, but overshadowed and MUCH more tragic. Yes, BB was 12, not a toddler.

Read about the Brooke case, *not over*, regarding children have been betrayed, damaged, and utterly destroyed by those they trusted.

Poor Brooke. Poor poor little girl. It is very very bad what she suffered before dying. God give her comfort and repose. o/t

Whatever KC did pales in comparison.

Thanks astro people for keeping it real.
Those who follow this Astrology thread know Casey has a Pisces Sun and Mercury. The Sun represents who we are while Mercury represents how we think. With Sun and Mercury in the same sign, Casey likely “thinks (Mercury) like a Pisces (Sun).”

There is nothing wrong with that. Anyone out there with Sun and Mercury in Pisces will, to some degree or another (based on aspect patterns, houses and other things astrologers look at) “think like a Pisces.”

The symbol for Pisces is two fish, one swimming upwards, the other downwards. The downstream fish represents the personality. The upstream fish symbolizes the soul. Either the soul captures the personality and becomes the servant, or the soul becomes bound and captured by the personality. This brings deep suffering to the Pisces person. That is why the Pisces must either serve or suffer. There is no other way.

On the plus side, of all the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces is known as the most gentle-hearted, compassionate, selfless sign. If someone hears your sad, sad story, it is the Pisces who typically will give you her shoulder to cry on. It is the Pisces who will comfort you and bring you a gift to help make you feel better. In fact, Pisces people often become “victims” because they are so soft-hearted and gullible to anyone’s sad, sad story, true or not. Pisces are compassionate, imaginative and often musical. They often choose careers as doctors, social workers, teachers, actors, artists, nurses – and even psychiatrists.

Pisces is the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. Pisces people are moody, introspective and can be hard to understand. They need “alone” time to regenerate and regain their equilibrium. When Pisces people are connected to their Inner Being, they are capable of great achievements. However, when they are not connected, they are highly susceptible to any method of escapism --- drugs, alcohol, psychic invasion and fantasies of all kinds, even to the point of living in a fantasy world. This is the dark side of Pisces, who, like Scorpio, must overcome the sensual response to life. If they don’t, they become self-absorbed and self-indulgent, wallowing in their senses.

Casey’s Pisces SUN/MERCURY conjunction squares her MARS/URANUS conjunction in Sagittarius, and NEPTUNE, ruler of her Pisces Sun, likely opposes her MOON. These are highly challenging aspects. So even though she may “think (Mercury) like a Pisces (Sun),” she will act impulsively -- and even shockingly -- (Mars/Uranus) in ways that are not helpful to her (square aspect). With Mars/Uranus in Sagittarius, the behavior may be tactless, boastful, irresponsible, dictatorial (e.g., her way or the highway), or quarrelsome.

Moon opposite Neptune can give an inability to separate the truth from lies. Additionally, the Moon opposition Neptune aspect can give a tendency to use lies to untangle oneself from an “unpleasant” situation. Because the aspect can give the inability to separate truth from lies, the person who owns this aspect can easily deceive others while at the same time deceive him or herself, often without even realizing what he or she is doing! Then the person feels “misunderstood,” rejected and hurt.

We have seen this “misunderstood/ rejected/ hurt” attitude clearly in the taped telephone conversations that transpired after Casey’s first arrest, and through Jose Baez’s continuing statements about how no one sees the Casey he sees/ no one understands what she’s been going through, etc. Because of the tight interconnections between Casey’s and Jose’s charts, particularly Venus / Neptune connections, discussed in previous posts on this thread, JB is energetically in tight sync with Casey’s lies, mistruths and half-truths --- and what’s more, probably does not have the ability to sort out the fact from the fiction.

Please keep in mind, what I've discussed is in relation to one particular person (Casey) and how she appears to use the energies in her chart. All aspects, no matter how challenging, can be used for good or evil. It is the person who owns the energies who gets to choose how to use them....


Thank you so much for posting this informative piece, Soulscape. I am a double Pisces (Sun and Moon) and Casey's actions have completely floored me because they are so incredibly foreign to the typical Pisces nature. I understand much better now, though, how the dark side can manifest.
SOULSCAPE-TUBA-KAITLAND-HOUSEMOUSE(we miss you Housemouse:blowkiss:)

According to the Nancy G show of 10/24, Casey had a 3 hour visit from a Minister-the same one whom the A's have recently held their vigils. It was never mentioned if Casey asked for the visit.
show transcript

Do your findings show in any way that Casey was 'receptive' to spiritual counseling.
SOULSCAPE-TUBA-KAITLAND-HOUSEMOUSE(we miss you Housemouse:blowkiss:)

According to the Nancy G show of 10/24, Casey had a 3 hour visit from a Minister-the same one whom the A's have recently held their vigils. It was never mentioned if Casey asked for the visit.
show transcript

Do your findings show in any way that Casey was 'receptive' to spiritual counseling.

Interesting question, FifthEssence. Do you know and/or can anyone find out the date and time the minister first visited her in prison?

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