Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2

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That's one of the guys I came up with originally, but someone else said they found Jose Baez was born on September 7, 1962.

Does this guy appear in his mid-40s to anyone else? I dunno. I think he looks closer to 40 than 46, but I'm terrible with judging ages.

Thanks for the info. I was also favoring the 1968 birthdate. Where did you find it? Is there a link?

There is a set of books called MARTINDALE-HUBBELL which lists lawyers by state. Among other information, each lawyer's birthdate is entered. We need to find someone who works in a law office that has the Florida volume. JB's birth data should be in there as well as where he graduated and other pertinent data.

I already went to Martindale-Hubbell online and it produced no results when I entered a search for JB.

Thank you, Soulscape, for this analysis. Of course, we aren't one bit surprised there were no squirrels plastered on her car.

In reference to your comment about Mercury being "in lying Gemini", should I, with a four planet Gemini stellium take offense to that? Or, should I keep my mouth shut from now on? :sheesh: Please explain your comment. In general, of all the liars I've known, the vast majority have been Scorpio and Pisces (or rising signs or Mercury in those signs, too).

Really, I'm NOT insulted, just asking because of my own experience and need to know, astrologically, of course. :detective:

Soulscape said:

Also, on the chart I did following your data, I see Mercury squaring Uranus. Which location did you use for your chart? Have I done something wrong? I do have the same Ascendant you listed.

I'm confused. (no surprise)

Hi Aksleuth,

You are comparing apples and oranges. Horary astrology is approached way differently than natal astrology. I would never look at a person’s natal chart and judge them to be a liar just because they had heavy Gemini. (Actually ALL signs can lie, and they do that in different ways!)

Horary is approached quite differently. Unlike natal astrology, horary is judgmental, negativistic and very black & white.

In horary, Mercury, among other things, symbolizes liars, tricksters, thieves. Gemini is a double-bodied (dual) sign that is known for its restlessness and ambidexterity – including mental ambidexterity, or talking out of both sides of the mouth. In short, Mercury in Gemini lies.

Here is what Master Horary Astrologer William Lilly said about Mercury as significator, predicting how someone would likely act when Mercury is unfortunate by position (in a bad house such as the 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th), weak and/or afflicted (example: opposite Neptune, square Uranus, etc.). In such cases, Mercury predicts:

Unconstant people, malicious, turbulent, envious, perfidious, lyars, to purpose if Mercury be with South Node, or in Square or Opposition of Moon or Mars, and in airy signs, deceitful, inventing destructive plots and machinations, infamous, meddling with everybody and every matter, asses, dolts, prattling dotards, stammering coxcombs, good for nothing, etc. (William Lilly, Christian Astrology III, page 541)

Regarding your question about the Mercury-Uranus square:

Mercury is in wide square to Uranus In the Dead Animal Plastered chart. I choose to use tighter rather than wider orbs on squares and so did not peg this as a square. Additionally, in this chart Uranus (squirrels) is in mutual reception with Neptune (lies, illusions).

Mars (the car) is in the 12th House of Secrets, Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe opposite Neptune (lies, deception) in the 6th House of small animals (squirrels).

Squirrels (Uranus) in the car (Mars) is a deception (Neptune; Neptune & Uranus in Mutual Reception).

Thanks so much, Soulscape. The last time I did anything with horary was during the Scott Peterson trial, and even then, I just read what others said and I tried to study it. I also read Evangeline Adams' book ages ago, so I'm extremely rusty on that type of astrology.

About the Mercury/Uranus square, you are correct about it being too wide for horary. I hadn't thought to reset the orbs. :bang: Thanks for explaining. I feel so much better. I thought I was going crazy, or actually, crazier. :crazy:
I was told by another member that interesting stuff was going on in this thread. So I see! Although it is all Greek to me, it seems that alot of time and love has been put into these astrology readings and I say kudos to all of you.

Regardless of how we are getting our vibes about this case, it does seem like something big is going down within the next few days.

I have to say that if and when Caylee is found and she is dead, I will be heartbroken. I know all of the facts lead that way, but there is still a sense of maybe Casey really has been threatened and is doing all of this for Caylee. Even as I watched the videos of her loading up her cart at Target on several occasions, I think to myself, maybe she was told to go about her usual life and that she is doing just that in case she is being watched. To suddenly be home all the time wouldn't be her. She did wake up in sweats in the middle of the night at Tony's, claiming to have had a bad dream and then blaming it on the other so-called bad dream that she had about their relationship but something other than a bad dream was going on so was she fearful or was she reliving something horrible?

Guys, it's just hard for me to understand how anyone could ever kill someone, especially their 2 year old daughter, and then go about life as usual, making pasta dinner for their boyfriend and his roommates, shopping, barhopping, etc. especially with having to go through so much trouble making up lies to their parents about why they haven't been home. It's just so bizarre, which I guess is what is part of the draw to this case.

I recently told another poster that if Caylee is found alive, which would be beyond wonderful, all of my thoughts about the psychics who have offered their readings and feelings and the people who have offered their dreams and visions, and other methodology, including inkblots, which I find amazing, would go down the drain and I would have to rethink alot of what I believe in.

Here's to a countdown to the answers to our prayers. If Caylee is gone, I know she wants to be found. If Caylee is alive, I know she wants to be found. Praying for the latter but knowing pretty much that I will be heartbroken soon.
In all of the planet scrutiny, Judge Strickland has been neglected. Jupiter in his fall has been providing the only balance and facilitation for the progress of this case. With the opposition of Saturn to Uranus everyday tighter in orb, Jupiter has brought a way to mediate the adversaries, through his rulings. He has been trine Saturn and sextile Uranus. He has been reasonable and sensible and sober in his grasp of the crimes. If he had denied the defense discovery, he would have retarded the proceedings. Defense has a right to prepare and an indictment is coming. You may remember the chart for Tim's arrival: Mercury in the legal Sign of Libra in H. 8, making a perfect trine to the Part of Fortune in Gemini of papers and documents (the bill of indictment) when he stations and turns direct next week. Part of Fortune is in the center of H. 4, the outcome. For the prosecution to argue that the evidence so far relates to neglect only and not to homicide belies the very connotation they have placed on it and if that interpretation was premature, it should not have been made public. It was an exercise, Prosection was posturing because the evidence will go to the defense and there is no real advantage in withholding discovery now. It's not as if the opposition was going to be present to demolish Prosecution's case next week.
Guys, it's just hard for me to understand how anyone could ever kill someone, especially their 2 year old daughter, and then go about life as usual, making pasta dinner for their boyfriend and his roommates, shopping, barhopping, etc. especially with having to go through so much trouble making up lies to their parents about why they haven't been home. It's just so bizarre, which I guess is what is part of the draw to this case.

Respectfully snipped:

If you will google "women who kill their children" and then follow the links, you will discover that it is not as rare or as uncommon as we like to tell ourselves it is. Rough estimates are that over 200 children are killed every year by their parents, and those are the KNOWN cases. Out of 49 women on death row, 11 of those murdered their children...It is unthinkable to a normal human, but there is a portion of society, perhaps as high as 10% that do not fit into our "normal" way of thinking. They exist and as time goes by and the population increases we are hearing about it more and more. It is very sad, but unfortunately it is the reality of our world.:eek:
All I can say is......WoW. And thank you all for the time put into this thread. I read all of the first thread, too.

Has anyone looked into Leonard Padilla's statements about Lee being Caylee's father? I'd love to see what all of you think about an Anthony family secret.
All I can say is......WoW. And thank you all for the time put into this thread. I read all of the first thread, too.

Has anyone looked into Leonard Padilla's statements about Lee being Caylee's father? I'd love to see what all of you think about an Anthony family secret.
Anyone know if Lee is from George's 1st marriage, or is he the biological son of Cindy and George ????
Anyone know if Lee is from George's 1st marriage, or is he the biological son of Cindy and George ????
Both CA and GA swore at the Bond hearing that Lee and Casey were their biological children. We don't know much more than that.

Forgive me if this has already been done, but have any of you taken a look at Lee's chart relative to KC's?
Not that I know of Pink Panther. I will compare them this morning. One comparison I did make was JB to CA. The att'y conflicts wth Cindy and as the case continues, we will probably be privy to some contention between them, including accusations and insults from CA. JB's Saturn sits on CA's Moon, their Suns' are squared and his Pluto also squares her Sun. JB's Neptune opposes CA's Venus & his Saturn squares it. His Moon opposes her Sun. Since she does have a propensity toward blaming whoever is convenient & repelling all responsibility, the first setback should reveal their incompatibility.
Not that I know of Pink Panther. I will compare them this morning. One comparison I did make was JB to CA. The att'y conflicts wth Cindy and as the case continues, we will probably be privy to some contention between them, including accusations and insults from CA. JB's Saturn sits on CA's Moon, their Suns' are squared and his Pluto also squares her Sun. JB's Neptune opposes CA's Venus & his Saturn squares it. His Moon opposes her Sun. Since she does have a propensity toward blaming whoever is convenient & repelling all responsibility, the first setback should reveal their incompatibility.

Tuba: which of the 2 birth dates provided for JB are you using?
No, but I know I saw some weird website where he and his wife were showing the process of "casting" their babies BUNS (butt) and it was kind of strange, but I do not even recall now where I saw that.

I saw it too, Magic.:blowkiss:

It was in the background info on the atty of Cindy & George, Mark N.

right concept..wrong buns.:crazy:

And thank you all sooooo much for this fascinating topic!!! :smoochiesmilie:

I can't wait to read more are the best!:) Thank you all so much for sharing.:) :grouphug:
Not that I know of Pink Panther. I will compare them this morning. One comparison I did make was JB to CA. The att'y conflicts wth Cindy and as the case continues, we will probably be privy to some contention between them, including accusations and insults from CA. JB's Saturn sits on CA's Moon, their Suns' are squared and his Pluto also squares her Sun. JB's Neptune opposes CA's Venus & his Saturn squares it. His Moon opposes her Sun. Since she does have a propensity toward blaming whoever is convenient & repelling all responsibility, the first setback should reveal their incompatibility.
Well this certainly is not surprising...CA's desire to be in control of things is likely to surface over and over throughout this case and eventual trial. JB definitely has his work cut out for him!

I am very curious about Lee and KC's charts and look forward to reading what you find.
I also just read on the other thread about the possibility that Lee is Caylee's father. I don't think we can say anything conclusive because no exact birth time for him or Casey, but can look at major planetary relationships. We should discuss mars and venus - these are the planets in a male's chart that are descriptive of the women in his life. Using sunrise chart for Lee 11/20/82 7:20a.m., Warren OH:

1) Lee's moon is (approximately 21 degrees) Capricorn. The moon describes how his partner displays her emotions. This type of woman is a strong, "business" leader-type, ambitious, status conscious, success oriented, loyal, dependable, straight-arrow, deeply private, reserved in public (lets hair way down in private!) "cool as a cucumber" type, can be cold, calculating, "ice queen". (note: his mother Cindy has moon in either capricorn or aquarius depending on her birth time)
oops - hit the post button way to soon!!! so not finished with that. Will resend when done. Sorry!!!
I also just read on the other thread about the possibility that Lee is Caylee's father. I don't think we can say anything conclusive because no exact birth time for him or Casey, but can look at major planetary relationships. First, we should discuss mars and venus - these are the planets in a male's chart that are descriptive of the women in his life. Using sunrise chart for Lee 11/20/82 7:20a.m., Warren OH:

1) Lee's moon is (approximately 21 degrees) Capricorn. The moon describes how his partner displays her emotions. This type of woman is a strong, "business" leader-type, ambitious, status conscious, success oriented, loyal, dependable, straight-arrow, ultra conservative, deeply private, reserved in public (lets hair way down in private!) "cool as a cucumber" type, can be cold, calculating, "ice queen". (note: his mother Cindy has moon in either capricorn or aquarius depending on her birth time)
His moon is conjunct mars in capricorn, and this strongly reinforces these themes. At best this is a "lady with a briefcase" - a CEO of a very tony business. At worst - can represent a cold and very calculating heartless person.

2) His venus is in sagittarius. Very freedom loving, spontaneous, light hearted, noncommittal, outgoing and friendly. Very expressive, affectionate. Lives for the "experience" of it all. Has been known to drink and love/lust to excess. At best charming and fun loving, at worst fickle, promiscuous, self absorbed! Just about the opposite of capricorn. Ultra unconventional.
His venus is conjunct uranus in sag - and very, very strongly reinforces these themes: freedom, excitement, change, rebellion. At best: a woman who is strong, independent, maverick - "CEO of the Love Boat". - well, not the CEO - she just wants to live on the Love Boat!

This is a basic quick view of the type of woman Lee would be drawn to. If we had his natal birth time, we would be able to look at his 7th house of marriage partaners/8th house of intimate relationships/and 5th house of love affairs for a much deeper understanding of his relationship needs.

Next up, we will look at Casey's sun and mars.
Guys, it's just hard for me to understand how anyone could ever kill someone, especially their 2 year old daughter, and then go about life as usual, making pasta dinner for their boyfriend and his roommates, shopping, barhopping, etc. especially with having to go through so much trouble making up lies to their parents about why they haven't been home. It's just so bizarre, which I guess is what is part of the draw to this case.

Respectfully snipped:

If you will google "women who kill their children" and then follow the links, you will discover that it is not as rare or as uncommon as we like to tell ourselves it is. Rough estimates are that over 200 children are killed every year by their parents, and those are the KNOWN cases. Out of 49 women on death row, 11 of those murdered their children...It is unthinkable to a normal human, but there is a portion of society, perhaps as high as 10% that do not fit into our "normal" way of thinking. They exist and as time goes by and the population increases we are hearing about it more and more. It is very sad, but unfortunately it is the reality of our world.:eek:
I know that parents kill children but to go about life as if nothing happened is just beyond me. I don't know why this isn't classified as an illness because it sure is sick to me. Thanks for your post! I do appreciate it!
Next we look at the sun and mars in Casey's chart, as these two planets rule the men in her life.
1) Casey has sun in pisces (ruled by neptune/12 house). This represents someone who is mysterious, a dreamer, romantic, creative, gentle, sensitive, loving/selfless, spiritual and shy. If negatively expressed, it can represent someone who is deceptive, manipulative, dishonest, drifter, esape through alcohol and drugs. So, At best we have a visionary savior or actor/artist type. At worst: con artist, casanova.
Her sun is conjunct mercury in pisces....increases the need for communication, pillow talk, romance, endless text messages between lovers.....also increases deceit if badly aspected....which it is. sun & mercury in pisces square mars and uranus in sagittarius. If used positively - could be brilliant and creative (think academy award winning movie star or director) and if used negatively has capacity for violence, over-excitement, excess on all levels, (think criminal activities). It is the saint (martyr) or sinner syndrome.

2) Her mars is in sagittarius. Represents male energy that loves excitement, freedom, travel, exploration - an eternal student of life. Think "Indiana Jones" ....everything is an adventure! If expressed negatively, unreliable, fickle, unstable, promiscuous...more casanova.
Her mars is conjunct uranus which intensifies those energies. This is "paint the town red" energy. As we see in her pictures from FuSian night clubbing. Life is just one big party. And because this mars conjuct uranus is also square sun & mercury....this energy is highly unstable... very difficult to control. We move from the fun loving swashbuckling Indiana Jones, to a more cruel and negatively expressed masculinity...violence and excess.
Next we will look at Caylee's chart to see what influences are there and if we can find "who is Caylee's father".
To synthesize Lee and Casey's charts: We can see that they have similar relationship issues: freedom vs. committment; stability vs. excitement vs. potential for violence. There is a very strong uranus component = ultra unconventional. Their themes are:

Casey: sun/mercury/pisces/neptune and mars/uranus/jupiter/sagittarius
Lee: moon/mars/saturn/capricorn and venus/uranus/jupiter/sagittarius

We can see their energy themes are similar, but we cannot look at this chart and say there was any type of sexual relationship. Many siblings will share intense contacts between their charts and this is a manifestation of being in the same family - the ties that bind. We would have to have accurate birth times to evaluate the 5th, 7th, and 8th, and 12th house (secrets) to go any further.
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