Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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Dr. Henry Lee was working for the defense on the Phil Spector murder trial. He was accused of hiding incriminating evidence by the Judge:

Judge in Spector trial rules defense expert Dr. Henry Lee hid or destroyed evidence

By Harriet Ryan
Court TV

LOS ANGELES — The judge in the Phil Spector murder trial said Wednesday that he had concluded Dr. Henry Lee, a defense expert and one of the country's most famous forensic scientists, hid or destroyed a piece of evidence from the scene of an actress's shooting.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Larry Fidler said Spector's defense can still call Lee as a witness, but prosecutors will be permitted to present evidence to the jury that Lee found potentially important evidence and failed to turn it over to the prosecution as the law requires.


In his ruling, Fidler indicated that he believed Lee had lied under oath. He specifically cited the conflict between Lee's testimony that he had never collected the item in question and the account of a former defense attorney, Sara Caplan, who said she saw him place such an object in a clear vial.

The judge acknowledged that Lee was a "world-renowned expert," but said he found Caplan "very credible."

"If I have to choose between the two, I am going to choose Ms. Caplan, is more credible than Dr. Lee," he said, adding, "Dr. Lee has a lot to lose if this turns out to be true."

This is from the LP Timeline thread, Post #24, bolding mine:

If we believe that GA saw Caylee alive and well on Monday June 16th at approximately 1pm and we know from witnesses and the BB video that Caylee was no where to be found by 8pm, this indicates that Caylee died somewhere in those 7 hours. However, two issues may upset this timeline, they are:

1) JG says he heard Caylee in the background during his 3pm-ish call with KC on that same day and the time of death is really between 3pm and 8pm on June 16th; or

2.) Caylee was drugged and asleep in the hot car trunk while KC was hanging out with TonE and died later during the night of the 16th or early morning of the 17th.

As KC stated she had not seen Caylee in 31 days, the 16th looks most reasonable, but it could have been early on the 17th before KC stumbled out of bed and noticed that the baby was dead. (I haven't seen her ALIVE in 31 days.)

Since forensics tell us that the air inside the trunk was consistent with (less than sign used in report) 2.6 days of decomposition of a human body, we can safely assume one of 2 options:

1.) that the body was in the trunk immediately after death and stayed there for roughly 60 hours before removal; or

2.) the body was placed in there for a short period of time after roughly 60 hours had passed since death.

We know facts that are inconsistent with the body being in the car at any time after the 19th of June. Therefore, LP's theories of disposal post 6/19, or theories that GA actually saw a body on 6/24 are moot. That is unless we want to believe that KC kept Caylee alive, but drugged in the trunk for many days which is impossible due to the temperatures in the trunk.

I agree with Dotseyes. That baby was removed from the car and buried/ dumped/ dropped into water surely by the 19th of June. Tuba's chart of 6/18/08 at 6:21pm fits exactly into this time frame, which shows several indications of a burial (as opposed to dropping into the water). Other charts we've looked at also point to burial (Virgo, Capricorn emphasis). One chart in particular I did a while back suggested KC may have left something, a "memento" of sorts, at the grave, which Tuba's Entombment chart echoes.

Additionally, I very seriously doubt KC moved the corpse once she buried it. Too messy. Might ruin that awesome clawsome manicure....

I agree with Dotseyes. That baby was removed from the car and buried/ dumped/ dropped into water surely by the 19th of June. Tuba's chart of 6/18/08 at 6:21pm fits exactly into this time frame, which shows several indications of a burial (as opposed to dropping into the water). Other charts we've looked at also point to burial (Virgo, Capricorn emphasis). One chart in particular I did a while back suggested KC may have left something, a "memento" of sorts, at the grave, which Tuba's Entombment chart echoes.

Additionally, I very seriously doubt KC moved the corpse once she buried it. Too messy. Might ruin that awesome clawsome manicure....


Here are the June 18th/Wed. ping details copied from the Sticky archives.
Note it was a FULL MOON that day and the Sun set @ 8:29pm

Tuba's analysis shows a 'burial' atmosphere after 6:21pm-now look at the ping activity around that time. I can see her waiting around till dusk to do the deed. It's the end of the day so most people/visitors/traffic would be gone - it's a time she hopefully would not be noticed. I can't see her walking through any wooded area/path or approaching a waterway in the dark because of the serious wildlife nightime activity, therefore the late dusk period fits into the scenario. She's a phone freak and it's interesting there isn't any further activity or pings for the rest of the evening; 6:39pm would be unusually early for her to shut down communications. She either purposely turned her phone off or the battery needed a charge??
(I can only hope she gets flash backs every Full Moon that lights the night throughout her lifetime)


Originally Posted by Marsha on 10/18


12:10-12:19am------KC makes 2 calls to Pappa John's Pizza and 2 calls to unknown # -----------from area of AL apartment

12:22am--------------KC texts AL (one of them is not at apartment, otherwise why text) ------------from area of AL apartment

12:31am--------------AL texts KC (one of them is not at apartment, otherwise why text) -----------from area of AL apartment

7:55am-10:48am----Several unknown texts, possibly ATT related - No other phone activity -------from area of AL apartment
(10+ hr gap since last text from AL at 12:31 am)
10:52am---------------KC texts Cindy A's cell phone -------------------------------------------------------from area of AL apartment

12:33pm---------------KC calls the Lexus Dealership-------------------------------------------------------from area of AL apartment

12:34pm---------------KC calls Cindy A's cell....3 sec (Mom, Call me please) -------------------------from area of AL apartment

12:35pm---------------KC calls Anthony answer (Cindy is working, where's GA?) -----from area of AL apartment

12:36pm---------------KC calls George A's cell twice, no answer (trying to find out where GA is?) -from area of AL apartment

1:09pm---------------- KC calls Cindy A's cell - 1.3 min (still trying to find out if GA is home?) -----from area of AL apartment

1:11pm-----------------KC calls Anthony home - 30 sec----(Hi dad, oh you're getting ready for
work, or wherever....oh shoot, I've got another call, I'll call you later OK) ----from area AL apartment
(Ah-haa, he's not going to be home! I've got to get in that backyard and
move Caylee!)

2:05pm-----------------KC texts AL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------from area of AL apartment

2:42pm-3:42pm-------KC is in Anthony Home area, possibly arrived there as early as 2:25pm-----Anthony home area
(rec'd 2 msgs (poss. from ATT) at 2:11p while en route & at 2:42p and
text from AL at 2:47pm)

(If Not on the 18th, KC was in Anthony Home area between 2:29p - 4:05p on the 17th)

2:47pm-----------------AL texts KC

3:42pm-----------------KC calls AL - almost 2 min. ----------------------------------------------------------from Anthony area

4:10pm-4:11pm-------KC calls Amy H. 1/1/2 min, she is en route back to AL's apartment -----------en route back to AL area

4:13pm-----------------KC calls Lexus Dealership again-----------------------------------------------------en route back to AL area

4:27pm-----------------Maria K. calls KC, 1 1/4 min.---------------------------------------------------------back in AL area

4:28pm-----------------No phone activity until 6:39pm (other than poss. ATT msgs----------------------in AL area
(2 hr. gap)
6:39pm-----------------KC calls Cindy A's cell- 2.6 min-------------------------------------------------------from AL Area
(This is the last call of the day of the 18th until 8:32am the next morn.) (13+ hr. gap)

I know the Orlando area well. What if we extended the line just a tad to Lake Underhill (the lake with the expressway over it) (I was really against thinking she threw her there due to active construction in the area). Also, what if we knocked the line down to Lake Tennessee which is DIRECTLY across from the Sawgrass Apartments?

I'm willing to snorkel in any lakes where there aren't TONS of gators (like there are in Jessup).

I wouldn't suggest you snorkel alone. Gators, ugh! I encountered one once and one of the guys near us asked if I was sure it was a gator and not a croc, then proceeded to explain the difference! One has a squared mouth/nose the other has a more pointed one. :rolleyes: Like I was going to get up close and personal, for crying out loud! The idiot should have known our waters are infested with alligators. Had he never heard "Polk Salad Annie"? It ain't the crocodiles who grow so mean around these parts. Ask Elvis. Sheesh!

I'm catching up on this thread and I hope you haven't risked your life alone. :eek:

I tried to ask the other night about the pinpoint of where to start looking for 4.5 miles WNW or ESE, but I don't think I was understood. I wanted to know if there could be another location instead of from the Anthonys' house? Like possibly Tony's apartment, Amscot, Fusion?

Lake Tennessee looked interesting to me, too, but is there a large park area, isolated, where KC could go undetected at night or anytime of the day? Honestly, I can't see that gal going to all sorts of labor-intensive activities or endangering herself just to hide Caylee. I mean, think of KC's slender body, her tight skimpy shirts, her 'lovely' nails - she could get hurt or worse, break a nail. She doesn't strike me as a get down in the mud, crawling through the swamps, facing the gators and snakes kind of gal. Either she had someone else do the dirty work or she ditched her quite easily in a place where she just had to place her or throw her, and camouflage her.
Cotton_Candy I think the Court appointed Jose during the initial phases for fraud, which would mean the experts will be paid by the State also. (There should be a document somewhere for the Court Appointment, I don't know where.)

Asksleuth, Polk Salad Annie, lol! I love that song. My ex-husband went a visit to an old record store and found the 45, just because I told him how to make it, and made it from the "weed" it is made of for him. He was scared. Ha!

ETA: I am not sure about Baez being appointed. I am not good with the search function yet. If he is not, he could have signed up pro bono as this will just make his career take off like a jet plane!
Ok, this is a little O/T, but it is important.

Anyone who has ever worked with lawyers (or is a lawyer!) KNOWS, all things being equal, the strength of the legal team is the key to the outcome of a criminal trial.

Unless the body is discovered before this case goes to trial, I fear Prosecution will have a tough time getting a conviction, regardless of the truth of the matter...

The charts show two strong men, whom I believe will give each other a run for their money. Quick-minded LL thinks on his feet, punches, jabs, stings with alarming accuracy. He is "all over the place," yet purposeful with ability to overcome obstacles. His natal Saturn/Uranus conjunction closely conjunct ALGOL (not shown) gives me the sense his attitude when prosecuting is "Off With Their Heads!!" (Caput Algol is associated with 'losing one's head,' either literally or figuratively...).

LL's Mars at 17 Gemini (words, speech) exactly trines HL's Mars at 17 Libra (the law, justice, being able to see both sides of the story). Mars is action, agression, energy. You can see here they are equally matched and how HL will likely get the jury to see & consider "the other side of the story..."

HL's SUN (and possibly MOON) are in deep, secretive, penetrating, powerful Scorpio. He will definitely intimidate and persuade.

There's more to be said, but this is enough for now...

Without having their birth times it is impossible to calculate their angles (Ascendant, Midheaven) that could show, using progressions and transits, who appears more likely to prevail.

Here are the charts:

1) Lawson Lamar

2) Henry Lee

3) Biwheel with HL as inner and LL as outer

Tuba, Kaitland, Housemouse --- comments?


I am no astrologer, but I do believe she has quite the big name team now. Very powerful figures, powerful reputations, powerful minds. (Excluding Baez, snicker.) I am happy you did this chart. When I say Henry Lee is now involved, well, regardless of the Spector incident, that says a lot.

This is a horoscope I cast to follow up on my suggestion of last night that we look into the cell pings & their silences during that period when Casey was encumbered with a body. It seems like a good idea to explore possible burial or disposal locations by water while we are in the Scorpio sector of the zodiac. We have little of it left.

Casey faced one of the major decisions of her life as Mercury stationed to turn direct on the degree of the Uranian node. The Part of the Female Child for this chart is 14:40 II conjunct Mercury. The Moon was in the Sign of the Gravedigger and in detriment and was opposing a very young Venus at 0:44 Cancer. Moon is conjunct Pluto and Venus combust the Sun. Both Moon & Venus are in crisis (0° Cardinal Signs).

Pluto will shame an inert, vacillating individual into action and the embarrassment here is due to the Mars opposite Neptune reek in the Pontiac. Pluto conceals knowledge private to her and acts with detachment, stolidly. Pluto works silently and the cell phone will be turned off in a half hour. The gravedigging Moon and Pluto are trine Saturn in the earth of Virgo. Saturn repeats the theme of gravedigger.

Mars in H. 9 (very active on a cusp) is the action planet of a completed YOD, with Neptune at the reaction point and Jupiter and Uranus forming the sextile, both of course qunicunx Mars. A YOD means Casey was at the crossroads and would make a major decision. The YOD triggers life shifting change and many crimes are committed under this formation.

In thread #1, I wrote about the Mars identification to her mother in Caylee's chart. Casey had Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto plus progressed Mars all at the degree of Caylee's own parental planet Mars in Taurus. All those facets of Casey's character & personality expressed as a Mars mother in Caylee's chart, one who was also sensual and focused on young men who appeared as strangers to Caylee (H. 9).

In this chart the type of parenting in behalf of her child is again Mars, ruler of H. 5 where is found the critical degree of 26 Aries, a crisis over a child. Unless you were born on a raft and had to swim to an island, you would not choose Mars for your mother.

This chart still speaks of a grave dug on the bank of water, likely a lake or pond but definitely by water. Because the critical node & Neptune were opposite Mars and the Sun was in the H. of others & the public opposite Pluto and the Moon of activity, I believe Casey was dreadfully afraid of being seen. Strangers, travelers did see her, certainly. Those oppositions and the Sun in H. 7 ruling H. 9 make that clear.

Casey's natal decision point was 1:18 Aries, square the choice made here. She forced herself to do this, therefore, though fearful of being caught at it.

Wow! You guys are really astounding. Tuba, do you think Caylee is somewhere that she can or will be found? Everyone is looking IN the water, not at the banks....
Cotton_Candy I think the Court appointed Jose during the initial phases for fraud, which would mean the experts will be paid by the State also. (There should be a document somewhere for the Court Appointment, I don't know where.)

Asksleuth, Polk Salad Annie, lol! I love that song. My ex-husband went a visit to an old record store and found the 45, just because I told him how to make it, and made it from the "weed" it is made of for him. He was scared. Ha!

ETA: I am not sure about Baez being appointed. I am not good with the search function yet. If he is not, he could have signed up pro bono as this will just make his career take off like a jet plane!

She hired him. Told him she had $5000 to give him. Which is a lie. This is believe is in her dads interview with the LE that just recently was released.
Hi I think what ya all do is very astonishing on here I have been following the case since day 1 and been a lurker on this sight I also have a very strong psychic intuition and I can not shake some posts that I have read on (Brians Dreams) I hope I am allowed to post this ???On page 7 someone please go to and tell me what ya all believe on the pictures where there is a building with few windows a dirt road wild yellow flowers poles on the embankment of a canal and the walt disney blue tarp or to me it looks like a childs poncho raincoat from disney covering a spot in the woods.Thanks
Hi I think what ya all do is very astonishing on here I have been following the case since day 1 and been a lurker on this sight I also have a very strong psychic intuition and I can not shake some posts that I have read on (Brians Dreams) I hope I am allowed to post this ???On page 7 someone please go to and tell me what ya all believe on the pictures where there is a building with few windows a dirt road wild yellow flowers poles on the embankment of a canal and the walt disney blue tarp or to me it looks like a childs poncho raincoat from disney covering a spot in the woods.Thanks

Page 7 in this thread? I didn't see any pictures there. What area/vicinity is the photo referencing?
21merc7, this is the best time to look in the water because the Sun is moving through Scorpio. Scorpio not only represents water but is also the Sign of searching and investigating. Mars was also transiting Scorpio during recent weeks and he is the active force in searches. We lost Mars to Sagittarius a couple of days ago.

Before we lose the Sun as well, diving and scanning is well timed. What is in the earth will wait for us. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 21 at 5:45 p.m. in Orlando. Blackwater found the sack with the toys although it was lodged under an object but currents being what they are, we can't trust remains to stay in place under water. It is difficult to say whether the original "grave" was invaded by enough flooding to shift the contents. If there was a gross upheaval, we would have found some part of the cadaver by now.

Examining the chart for 18 June, Saturn in H. 9 tells us Casey made an effort to be shrewd and cunning in her decision about placing the body on her hands. She has watched and played a lot of commercial games. From her own remarks, she considers herself highly skilled with them. There may be craft and guile in what she did with Caylee. My imagination is dead this morning but maybe someone else has suggestions along these lines. When I try to pursue this at night, I get sick just following her on the mental retina.

This same Virgo Saturn in H. 9 is in reflex action with the cusp of H. 5. Each is the solstice point of the other. That means the Sun's transit of the chart Saturn would have reactivated the crisis, 26° Aries, to do with Caylee. I checked the timeline and it was then that the first case documents were dumped and JB tried for an injunction to prevent that. That was also the day the A's stated that Casey was helping find her daughter. Interesting that Leonard's Aries planets also continually agitate the facts surrounding the Saturn burial. Without his participation, we would be in something of a dead zone right now.
Back on Astro thread #1, I quoted an age-old saying that bears repeating:

The Stars don’t lie. People lie, but the Stars do not lie.

On November 15, 2008 at 7:49 pm, CBS posted an article stating “New Spokesperson and Cindy Anthony: Caylee is Still Alive.”

In the article, new spokesperson Michelle Bart encourages “the community to get to know the Anthony family on a different level.” Bart thinks the family will surprise you. “They’re down to earth…approachable…very honest,” Bart said.

The chart cast for Ms. Bart’s entrance into the Wonderful World of the Anthonys begs to differ.

Before I even cast the chart, I expected to see strong Gemini/ Mercury/ Neptune/ Pisces (all associated with liars and lying) and I was not disappointed. In fact, if the chart were any more transparent, it would be arrested for indecent exposure.


29:58 degrees Gemini rises. There are only 30 degrees in a sign, so what is being said now, “Caylee is Still Alive,” is way, way too late... More than that, it’s a lie because Gemini is the sign of liars in this type of horary question.

Why is it way too late for Caylee to be alive? Because she’s dead. How do we know she’s dead? Because if we look across the horizon to the 7th House, we see the Truth (Sagittarius):

Pluto (death) in Sagittarius (Truth) conjunct Venus (Caylee) in Capricorn (the grave) --- glaringly opposed to New PR Person’s “Caylee is Alive” statement. Astrologically, this is strikingly indisputable testimony the statement is a lie.

New PR Person is symbolized by Mercury, ruler of the 1st House Gemini. In the chart you will see Mercury located at 18:25 Scorpio (intrigue, what goes on behind the scenes, "under the covers") in the 5th House of Children, so New PR Person (Mercury) is blabbering --- er, “broadcasting” about a child being alive (Mercury conjunct Sun (life) in the 5th House of Children).

But wait --- what’s that I see? (Lying) Mercury squares (deceptive) Neptune (in crisis degree, no less!) and Neptune (deception) squares the Sun (life). Oh Duh!!! (slapping head with hand) --- I get it, NEW PR PERSON IS LYING!!!

The 10th House shows what is before the public eye. With delusional Pisces on the 10th House Cusp, we know the public is being bamboozled by a spinmeister --- i.e., New PR Person.

The End of the Matter 4th House, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (New PR Person), so it is obvious she will go ahead and continue to broadcast (Mercury) her version of the story (Mercury), that Caylee is alive. However, notice that Saturn, significator of Death as well as ruler of the 8th House of Death in this chart is just inside the 4th House cusp. So New PR Person is speaking with forked tongue... Saturn situated in 4th House of Endings also rules the 9th House of Broadcasting/ Mass Communications (as the traditional ruler) and with delusional Neptune there (in the 9th House), inconjunct Saturn and squared by Mercury (PR Person), we can see that all of this will eventually be revealed to be a lie.

Of course, those who read this thread already knew that...

In summary, as Magic Cat so succinctly stated on the New Anthony Spokesperson Caylee is Alive thread,

"The child is dead, has been dead and will continue to be dead..."

Back on Astro thread #1, I quoted an age-old saying that bears repeating:

The Stars don’t lie. People lie, but the Stars do not lie.

On November 15, 2008 at 7:49 pm, CBS posted an article stating “New Spokesperson and Cindy Anthony: Caylee is Still Alive.”

In the article, new spokesperson Michelle Bart encourages “the community to get to know the Anthony family on a different level.” Bart thinks the family will surprise you. “They’re down to earth…approachable…very honest,” Bart said.

The chart cast for Ms. Bart’s entrance into the Wonderful World of the Anthonys begs to differ.

Before I even cast the chart, I expected to see strong Gemini/ Mercury/ Neptune/ Pisces (all associated with liars and lying) and I was not disappointed. In fact, if the chart were any more transparent, it would be arrested for indecent exposure.


29:58 degrees Gemini rises. There are only 30 degrees in a sign, so what is being said now, “Caylee is Still Alive,” is way, way too late... More than that, it’s a lie because Gemini is the sign of liars in this type of horary question.

Why is it way too late for Caylee to be alive? Because she’s dead. How do we know she’s dead? Because if we look across the horizon to the 7th House, we see the Truth (Sagittarius):

Pluto (death) in Sagittarius (Truth) conjunct Venus (Caylee) in Capricorn (the grave) --- glaringly opposed to New PR Person’s “Caylee is Alive” statement. Astrologically, this is strikingly indisputable testimony the statement is a lie.

New PR Person is symbolized by Mercury, ruler of the 1st House Gemini. In the chart you will see Mercury located at 18:25 Scorpio (intrigue, what goes on behind the scenes, "under the covers") in the 5th House of Children, so New PR Person (Mercury) is blabbering --- er, “broadcasting” about a child being alive (Mercury conjunct Sun (life) in the 5th House of Children).

But wait --- what’s that I see? (Lying) Mercury squares (deceptive) Neptune (in crisis degree, no less!) and Neptune (deception) squares the Sun (life). Oh Duh!!! (slapping head with hand) --- I get it, NEW PR PERSON IS LYING!!!

The 10th House shows what is before the public eye. With delusional Pisces on the 10th House Cusp, we know the public is being bamboozled by a spinmeister --- i.e., New PR Person.

The End of the Matter 4th House, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (New PR Person), so it is obvious she will go ahead and continue to broadcast (Mercury) her version of the story (Mercury), that Caylee is alive. However, notice that Saturn, significator of Death as well as ruler of the 8th House of Death in this chart is just inside the 4th House cusp. So New PR Person is speaking with forked tongue... Saturn situated in 4th House of Endings also rules the 9th House of Broadcasting/ Mass Communications (as the traditional ruler) and with delusional Neptune there (in the 9th House), inconjunct Saturn and squared by Mercury (PR Person), we can see that all of this will eventually be revealed to be a lie.

Of course, those who read this thread already knew that...

In summary, as Magic Cat so succinctly stated on the New Anthony Spokesperson Caylee is Alive thread,

"The child is dead, has been dead and will continue to be dead..."


I absolutely love this thread, but am sad and disappointed that all Pisces are perpetually being tossed into the "lying and liar" categories. I am actually a Pisces Sun AND Moon (with Taurus rising) and have always been told by those who know me that I'm the most honest person they've met. The more I read here, the less I want to.

I absolutely love this thread, but am sad and disappointed that all Pisces are perpetually being tossed into the "lying and liar" categories. I am actually a Pisces Sun AND Moon (with Taurus rising) and have always been told by those who know me that I'm the most honest person they've met. The more I read here, the less I want to.



As I told another reader of this thread awhile back, you are comparing apples with oranges. Forensic horary astrology, which is what I use most frequently on this thread, has a completely different set of rules & interpretations than natal astrology. I would never look at a person's chart, see strong Pisces (or strong Gemini) and declare them to be deceitful or a liar.

Horary astrology is very clear-cut, fatalistic and black & white. Please keep that in mind while reading my posts and don't take it personally.

Back on Astro thread #1, I quoted an age-old saying that bears repeating:

The Stars don’t lie. People lie, but the Stars do not lie.

On November 15, 2008 at 7:49 pm, CBS posted an article stating “New Spokesperson and Cindy Anthony: Caylee is Still Alive.”

In the article, new spokesperson Michelle Bart encourages “the community to get to know the Anthony family on a different level.” Bart thinks the family will surprise you. “They’re down to earth…approachable…very honest,” Bart said.

The chart cast for Ms. Bart’s entrance into the Wonderful World of the Anthonys begs to differ.

Before I even cast the chart, I expected to see strong Gemini/ Mercury/ Neptune/ Pisces (all associated with liars and lying) and I was not disappointed. In fact, if the chart were any more transparent, it would be arrested for indecent exposure.


29:58 degrees Gemini rises. There are only 30 degrees in a sign, so what is being said now, “Caylee is Still Alive,” is way, way too late... More than that, it’s a lie because Gemini is the sign of liars in this type of horary question.

Why is it way too late for Caylee to be alive? Because she’s dead. How do we know she’s dead? Because if we look across the horizon to the 7th House, we see the Truth (Sagittarius):

Pluto (death) in Sagittarius (Truth) conjunct Venus (Caylee) in Capricorn (the grave) --- glaringly opposed to New PR Person’s “Caylee is Alive” statement. Astrologically, this is strikingly indisputable testimony the statement is a lie.

New PR Person is symbolized by Mercury, ruler of the 1st House Gemini. In the chart you will see Mercury located at 18:25 Scorpio (intrigue, what goes on behind the scenes, "under the covers") in the 5th House of Children, so New PR Person (Mercury) is blabbering --- er, “broadcasting” about a child being alive (Mercury conjunct Sun (life) in the 5th House of Children).

But wait --- what’s that I see? (Lying) Mercury squares (deceptive) Neptune (in crisis degree, no less!) and Neptune (deception) squares the Sun (life). Oh Duh!!! (slapping head with hand) --- I get it, NEW PR PERSON IS LYING!!!

The 10th House shows what is before the public eye. With delusional Pisces on the 10th House Cusp, we know the public is being bamboozled by a spinmeister --- i.e., New PR Person.

The End of the Matter 4th House, Virgo, is ruled by Mercury (New PR Person), so it is obvious she will go ahead and continue to broadcast (Mercury) her version of the story (Mercury), that Caylee is alive. However, notice that Saturn, significator of Death as well as ruler of the 8th House of Death in this chart is just inside the 4th House cusp. So New PR Person is speaking with forked tongue... Saturn situated in 4th House of Endings also rules the 9th House of Broadcasting/ Mass Communications (as the traditional ruler) and with delusional Neptune there (in the 9th House), inconjunct Saturn and squared by Mercury (PR Person), we can see that all of this will eventually be revealed to be a lie.

Of course, those who read this thread already knew that...

In summary, as Magic Cat so succinctly stated on the New Anthony Spokesperson Caylee is Alive thread,

"The child is dead, has been dead and will continue to be dead..."


above comments from Soulscape BOLDED by me

A perfect use of superlatives to describe the PR tale and the position of this new PR woman. Amazing how some will sell their Soul for a $buck$.

She fits in well with ANTHONY FREAKS and Associates.

Thank you Soulscape-did working up this chart make you dizzy?

W H E R E A R E Y O U L I T T L E G I R L? C A Y L E Eeeeee....


As I told another reader of this thread awhile back, you are comparing apples with oranges. Forensic horary astrology, which is what I use most frequently on this thread, has a completely different set of rules & interpretations than natal astrology. I would never look at a person's chart, see strong Pisces (or strong Gemini) and declare them to be deceitful or a liar.

Horary astrology is very clear-cut, fatalistic and black & white. Please keep that in mind while reading my posts and don't take it personally.


Thanks for clearing that up. I understand now. The question I was going to ask before feeling compelled to post that last reply was how do you recommend one begins studying horary astrology? I'm deeply interested in learning it. TIA.

I'm also still trying to find a June 19 chart...any direction is greatly appreciated.
I absolutely love this thread, but am sad and disappointed that all Pisces are perpetually being tossed into the "lying and liar" categories. I am actually a Pisces Sun AND Moon (with Taurus rising) and have always been told by those who know me that I'm the most honest person they've met. The more I read here, the less I want to.


Don't feel bad. I'm a Pisces too and not a liar either!
Don't feel bad. I'm a Pisces too and not a liar either!

Nice to meet you :). Unfortunately, lying is one of those accusations that you really cannot defend yourself from due to its very nature -- folks will just say you're lying about lying...heehee. :rolleyes:
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