Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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have any of you wonderful ladies read the Greenwood Cemetary thread? I was wondering if there was any truth to that...

Sometime ago I mentioned if I were going to get rid of a dead body, I'd chose an old rundown cemetery where there is rarely a human visitor. We have several in my city and believe me, very few people want to venture anywhere near them. A cemetery preservation group was formed to save most of them from decay and neglect. There are still some that don't get regular care. If I was going to stash anyone, that's the first place I'd consider.

I need to got over to that thread and read it. Greenwood isn't very far away from Lake Underhill where some of us were asking "what if" last week and it's near Hwy 408.
Fifth Essence, have you ever seen a DOB for Anthony Rusciano? He was not on the witness list. He was discharged for lying so his worth as a witness is nil anyway but I am not at ease with him as a figure in this case. I did a search for his date but found nothing.

just sent it to you
A lawsuit of any kind is a matter of public record. It doesn't "have" to be leaked to the media by the attorney involved to be made public. I suspect the media has someone checking the daily lawsuits over there in Orange County and it's surrounding area. Caylee's death and the resulting aftermath has spread far and wide. That's why we're hearing so much about it. Lots of it is a matter of public record.

Not to mention entitled access as a result of the Freedom Of Information Act.

KAITLAND commented above.
just sent it to you

I was coming here to give what I found "could" be his birthday, but of course, it's from deductions, not a sure thing.

Glad you found it, FifthEssence.

One comment about this guy. I read his LE "statement" for the first time just now, and I'm not one bit impressed with him. The other people were more helpful, more forthcoming with their statements, but this guy! LE has to pull everything out of him and has to remind him numerous times about his "errors". What's up with that? One would almost think he was related to CA and KC with all his misinformation. :eek:

Yes, Laney, I saw KAITLAND's comments about court stuff after I'd posted my comments. I had responded before reading to the end of the thread. oops
The prospects for success in this Casey counter claim are non existent. After the Moon makes a quincunx to Mercury and big time squares to Uranus and Saturn, there are only more quincunxes before she opposes Pluto at the tag end of Sagittarius. That is the project's final aspect.
If the practice of law were a search for the truth, this counter claim could be considered productive however. It has presented Casey with the dilemma...drop the suit or submit to a deposition. If she reverses herself now, she appears too threatened by the probe into the facts where she must answer under oath. One could draw an inference of guilty knowledge and consciousness of bad acts.

Pluto will change Signs on the same day Mercury & Sun oppose the crisis Moon of the pre-trial to come. I am going to keep my eyes skinned and my ears pointing on November 26.

Ouch Tuba....that's my b'day!!!
It is not surprising to hear of so much communication from CA right now...the family has a planned announcement to be made later this week. Mars culminated it's transit through Scorpio last weekend, and Mercury concludes this weekend at the 29th degree in opposition to A's n. Merc. This agitates all the inherent stressors described in my previous post (#638). As her Taurus Merc is ruled by venus - it activates the Grand Cross configuration she struggles with. Fixed signs, unrelenting. This is what keeps her from moving through 5 stages of grief: denial/anger/bargaining/depression/acceptance
and she stays stuck in the first two. For over 4 months now, we have never witnessed her humbled transition into bargaining - such as ("please let Caylee be alive; whoever has her, please return our beloved Caylee home unharmed; dear God, please help us, we will do whatever it takes"). So, she remains without the public support and sympathy she so desperately needs because the public CANNOT relate to her. This is the burden of her severely afflicted mercury.

CA’s chart has even more challenging aspects to the planets of communication than Casey’s.
Her Sun in Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so it is an especially important planet for her. Depending on her exact birth time, CA has either moon in Aquarius (detached, cool, obstinate) or Capricorn (dutiful, parental). I’m using the noon chart because I think she shows more of the Aquarian profile.

Mercury in Taurus square Pluto in Leo, Sextile Mars in Pisces, Inconjunct north node in Scorpio

Mercury = communication, Taurus =“The Bull” obstinate, possessive, acquisitive)
Square aspect = friction, challenge
Pluto = “Lord of the Under World” compulsive, intense, vengeful, manipulative, control, crime
Leo = proud, domineering, opinionated

Sextile = ease, opportunity
Mars = action, aggression
Pisces= illusion, deception, escapism

Inconjunct = (out of sign) aspect of tension requires adjustment
North Node = karma, destiny
Scorpio = secretive, underhanded - needs to develop self control & avoid manipulation and it is nestled right next to Neptune (more illusion)

These aspects are reflected in a style that on the surface can be very pleasant and easy going, conciliatory. But this Taurus Mercury is in the mournful 29th degree of Weeping Sisters/Pleaides, combined with the stress from vengeful, wicked Pluto. It raises CA defenses like an armed warrior, and so the helpful Sextile to mars evaporates into thin air because it is squared from prickly boisterous Saturn in Sag which exaggerates the evasive, deceptive nature of Pisces. The (out of sign) inconjunct involving the fateful nodes in heavy karma sign of Scorpio touches off her Neptune, leading right back into the trap of deception, illusion, evasion. At every turn of stressful events, she is forced to retreat into evasion and anger….alienating anyone trying to help her. Harsh mars transits to her chart beginning back in May (and peaking now) have triggered off a rash of negative aspects. Remember Cindy sniping at the media “… wasn’t a body….it was a pizza”. Cindy refusing to give LE the copies of her JCP bill….I already looked at it, there’s nothing important on it…” And most dreadful, “I’ll never work with Tim Miller again…”

Because Mercury in Taurus is ruled by Venus (love, pleasure, money) we have to look at that planet to see the additional influence. And here we find the most important configuration in CA’s chart. “

Venus in Taurus opposite Neptune & N. Node in Scorpio is square her Moon in Aquarius opposite Uranus in Leo forming a GRAND CROSS CONFIGURATIO)
(GC means there are two planets opposite each other and at the same time they are in square aspect to two other planets that are opposite each other, so that when drawn out on the chart it literally looks like a cross “+” . These planets are locked in perpetual conflict/battle – the person is constantly on a see-saw, having to balance these opposing energies. No comfort zone.

Venus = love/pleasure, Taurus = loyal/ possessive, dogmatic
Opposition = polarity/relationship/requires compromise
Neptune = confusion/deception, N. Node = karma, destiny, Scorpio = vengeful, secretive, control
Square = friction, challenge
Uranus = unexpected, rebellion, Leo = pride, dominating
Opposition (see above)
Moon = feelings/emotions/habits in Aquarius (detached, unpredictable, rebel)

“A Grand Cross in Fixed Signs is one of the most infuriating, intransigent patterns in Astrology ... because it presents you with people who seem "immoveable and uncompromising" in their treatment of you ... and attitudes that are perceived as implacable, antagonistic, mean spirited, and entrenched. Fixed signs are notoriously unwilling to compromise; they dig in, fortify their positions, stubbornly resist negotiation, and vow to "hold out to the last man." And yet the situations involved will be ones in which compromise is absolutely essential. Any other choice amounts to mutual suicide….” (snipped from enchanted spirit. org)

Like two see-saws: CA has one with Venus/Taurus affection & relationship that must cooperate/compromise with Neptune/Scorpio desire to control and evade by confusion. Her second one has Moon/emotion uncomfortable in rebel Aquarius trying to balance out wild, unpredictable- shocking Uranus in headstrong Leo almost mocking in her refusal to surrender pride and position.

This is the CA we see during the interviews with Yuri having to literally sit two feet from her, holding her hands while trying to penetrate her fortress of defense, all to no avail. In spite of the loss of her beloved little Caylee, she cannot yield the control and cooperate long enough to get at the truth. She will blame, attack, confuse, stonewall her “opponent”. Her emotionally unreachable moon hides behind false pride of Leo… “my child could not have hurt Caylee”. immobilized by delusional mists of Neptune in Scorpio (rage). Of course, this is infuriating to the tv viewers/supporters who are trying to help her…..hence her unpopularity with the public. Remember CA with the baseball bat….defensive, aggressive.

I think it will take something even greater than the arrest of her own daughter Casey to force CA to “yield” to the truth. She is not likely to relent until presented with the remains of little Caylee, when the delusional mist of Neptune departs and lets loose the rage (and guilt) of Scorpio. Her Mercury/Pluto remains under attack throughout November. The steady march of the Saturn-Uranus opposition into the next year. And look to the Jan 26th eclipse in Aquarius conj N.N. to trigger off the grand cross, bringing about major karmic transformation
It is not surprising to hear of so much communication from CA right now...the family has a planned announcement to be made later this week. Mars culminated it's transit through Scorpio last weekend, and Mercury concludes this weekend at the 29th degree in opposition to A's n. Merc. This agitates all the inherent stressors described in my previous post (#638). As her Taurus Merc is ruled by venus - it activates the Grand Cross configuration she struggles with. Fixed signs, unrelenting. This is what keeps her from moving through 5 stages of grief: denial/anger/bargaining/depression/acceptance
and she stays stuck in the first two. For over 4 months now, we have never witnessed her humbled transition into bargaining - such as ("please let Caylee be alive; whoever has her, please return our beloved Caylee home unharmed; dear God, please help us, we will do whatever it takes"). So, she remains without the public support and sympathy she so desperately needs because the public CANNOT relate to her. This is the burden of her severely afflicted mercury.

KAITLAND, :clap: your analysis and detail-in your post above #566- gives us a clear understanding of the nature of the planetary,sun, moon, node positions and their evident influences. Both Soulscape and Tuba also indicated the Eclipse in January would begin to bring on some changes.

Cindy is so true to the mindspace you present.
Fifth Essence, have you ever seen a DOB for Anthony Rusciano? He was not on the witness list. He was discharged for lying so his worth as a witness is nil anyway but I am not at ease with him as a figure in this case. I did a search for his date but found nothing.

I also suspect him of knowing more than he is telling. I swear the ping map for June 17 shows her near his home. Yet he never said she stopped by during his interrigation. I hope you can find his bd and time of birth. That would be very interesting.
I also suspect him of knowing more than he is telling. I swear the ping map for June 17 shows her near his home. Yet he never said she stopped by during his interrigation. I hope you can find his bd and time of birth. That would be very interesting.

Manny, info was sent. We should be hearing back from Tuba shortly.
Kaitland, good explanation about CA! I think my whole chart is always severly and profoundly afflicted (and I believe it is, geesh!). Thank you and all of you for all of these charts and explanations. Very helpful and keeps things in perspective.
Unless AR was born at midnight, he shares KC's Cancer Moon placement. He has a most unusual exact Sun Uranus opposition & his Uranus sits on KC's Saturn which relieves her of inhibitions and conscience. AR's Sun opposite her Saturn relieves any gloomy moods and brightens her outlook. But his Mars Saturn conjunction in Scorpio has cruel potential and his Venus at the same degree as the lunar node is alarming.

His Pluto is at 29° Libra, an active point in KC's life even if it is not her ASC. As a II, his Mercury is more important and it opposes his Mars, a cruel tongue and not scrupulous about truth. He is error prone. Since his Neptune is zero Capricorn, he will feel the re-entry of Pluto into that Sign on 26 November.

A long term relationship would suffer from AR's retrograde Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. I'm going to respect his privacy and refrain from comment on that.

AR born 1 June, 1984.
Unless AR was born at midnight, he shares KC's Cancer Moon placement. He has a most unusual exact Sun Uranus opposition & his Uranus sits on KC's Saturn which relieves her of inhibitions and conscience. AR's Sun opposite her Saturn relieves any gloomy moods and brightens her outlook. But his Mars Saturn conjunction in Scorpio has cruel potential and his Venus at the same degree as the lunar node is alarming.

His Pluto is at 29° Libra, an active point in KC's life even if it is not her ASC. As a II, his Mercury is more important and it opposes his Mars, a cruel tongue and not scrupulous about truth. He is error prone. Since his Neptune is zero Capricorn, he will feel the re-entry of Pluto into that Sign on 26 November.

A long term relationship would suffer from AR's retrograde Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio. I'm going to respect his privacy and refrain from comment on that.

AR born 1 June, 1984.

Would you please post a link to the chart? thanks
I didn't cast an actual chart since we don't have a birth time or place but his Sun is 11 II, His Moon in Cancer, his Neptune 0:34 Capricorn, His Uranus 11 Sag, his Saturn 11 Scorpio, His Jupiter 11 Capricorn. Mars is retro at 14 Scorpio. Venus and the Moon's node are 6 II and Mercury at 19 Taurus. Pluto is 29:42 Libra.
A lawsuit of any kind is a matter of public record. It doesn't "have" to be leaked to the media by the attorney involved to be made public. I suspect the media has someone checking the daily lawsuits over there in Orange County and it's surrounding area. Caylee's death and the resulting aftermath has spread far and wide. That's why we're hearing so much about it. Lots of it is a matter of public record.

Not to mention entitled access as a result of the Freedom Of Information Act.

You don't need FOIA to get access to anything in a court record. If it's not sealed by a judge, anything in that file is available to anyone who goes to the clerk's office in the courthouse. I'm talking about adult criminal or civil cases, of course.
It's also true that if protective services had ever been called to Hopespring, that would be public record. Only when such a case is dropped or dismissed is it possible to seal the record of the investigation.
It's also true that if protective services had ever been called to Hopespring, that would be public record. Only when such a case is dropped or dismissed is it possible to seal the record of the investigation.

It is never public record for a CPS juvenile investigation.

There is no way anyone but LE can get that information.
Attorneys, physicians, researchers, the court and the parties to the investigation, guardians all have legal access to CPS investigation records. It may have been an att'y who said there had never been such a case file on the A household but I think it was LE who provided that statement to the media.

You have said from the time that statement aired that such information could never be made public but the absence of fault can always be made public. And if that were not true, individuals with the mind set of the protestors could allege that child abuse and neglect in that family had been investigated &/or proven and the target would have no recourse.

Content of the case files may be limited to the appropriate parties but there is no issue of privacy protection, even federally, when there is no record, no incident, no fault.
Mark NeJame resigned today. Link is on www.wftv. com and also www.orlandosentinel where you can read his public statement/resignatiaon letter. As much as I didn't care for him too much....they are now only left with Kid Fingers.

Fellow astrologers - has anyone looked at GA's mercury aspects. Interestingly he lacks the severe challenges to mercury that CA and KC have. And he wants to be spokesperson for KFN. Neptune.
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