Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Okay here is the other video to compare too. I think Caylee was losing her hair and I think this was a sign of the drugs that were forced upon her. What do you guys think?


I guess this is off-topic right? Hmmmmmmm - sorry.

THANKYOU for pointing that out.......yes she IS losing her hair in the temple side area in the great grandpa holding her video!!!!! compared to the crayon draing video............IMO
Another great analysis SS. More justification of premeditation. I also like the EST charts. DST is an artificial time. We are never truly off standard time, just our clocks are.
And yes, premeditation is shocking, and hard to believe. KC was successful in her lies and thievry for a long time because no one wanted to believe she was capable of such treachery. Con artists are successful because they get the victims to suspend their belief systems. KC's heavy neptune (sun/mercury conj in Pisces, and moon opposite neptune) have served her well in that regard. She most definitely is a cameleon. First you see Casey ...attractive young mother, jeans, trendy - just like most young moms....hundreds of photos of a smiling KC with Caylee... contrast that with sexy photos of (?)bisexual nightclubber.... then we see her morph into the "law student" look , accused of murder and heading to jail......and you have the many faces of KC.

And those photos were viciously deleted per Jesse G.'s testimony. To paraphrase, JG stated KC had hundreds of photos of Caylee on her Myspace page at any given time; most of which were deleted prior to Cindy's phone calls to LE on 7/15.

As any woman who has ever dumped a BF knows, one of the first things we women do when we end a relationship is tear down the photos because we don't want reminders hanging around, bringing us down. A psychiatrist on NG drew this exact parallel when NG asked her why KC may have removed the photos of Caylee on her Myspace page.

THANKYOU for pointing that out.......yes she IS losing her hair in the temple side area in the great grandpa holding her video!!!!! compared to the crayon draing video............IMO

Ohhhhhh - thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been saying this for months. I even sent an email to OCSO. I know little girls have thinner hair in this area, but Caylee's was pretty much grown in and then it was getting thinner again...... I watched almost every video on youtube. This is why I'm sure KC was drugging Caylee before Juneish and why I think the 31 days is probably a lie. I think KC went from periodically drugging Caylee when needed to drugging her full time after KC left the A house June 16th. That's why no one ever saw her again, but I don't necessarily think she died on the 16th. I think it may have been the 18th, 19th. But that is just one line of my thinking :crazy:. This case keeps me on my toes and with all the astrological information we are seeing, I'm rethinking my thinking ;)

Respectfully snipped and comments added in green ~
Hi Salem. June 15, 12:03:27 pm EDT has Pisces ruling the descendant. This chart could be read, using the 7th/descendant as the subject of the photo being taken for one of Caylee's places, and the 9th as the granddaughter. This makes sense to since Venus rules the grand child and is exalted in Pisces which also fits her being the natural ruler of that house.

At this point, things are changeable and unstable, mutable signs ruling the angles. But there is a fixed t-square that is not changeable. The fixed laws of the universe come into play here. Moon is at a critical degree, as well as Mars when this picture is taken. This is the photo of Caylee sitting on Great Grandpa's lap on Father's day. The t-square shows the empty part falling in the house of the grandchild so simply could be pointing out this fixed record of the child, Taurus showing tangible value. The critical degrees can show crisis but this was a lovely time, not crisis. It was a lovely time for Caylee but for CA only on the surface as there was tension between CA and her mother regarding the money KC stole and I sure there was tension over the need to keep the info from CA's father. The critical degrees are where the Lunar mansions change. Moon, the reflection of Sol, has outgrown her current space and must move into more appropriate quarters. But, Moon here, opposite the grand daughter could be capturing the absence of Caylee, already at this point. So there is an "empty part" in the house of the grandchild and now, possibly the Moon is capturing an absence of Caylee?
Moon's next major contact at this time is trine Uranus, again a potential accident or something quite unexpected or unusual. Would this be imminent or within a few hours/days? Moon will square Neptune at void.

This involvement also flavors this whole case, Neptune clouding things and making it quite hard to pin things down for sure. Pisces brings a lot of mystery and the non tangible. So that fits circumstantial evidence quite well. Virgo relates to all the fine details, breaking the whole down into its individual parts. Pisces synthesizes. The problem is, although the synthetic may seem to be a perfect copy of the original, it often is missing a vital component.... The square to Neptune could also point to a problem involving lies or confusion/lack of clarity, such as with someone that is senile, etc. But could this also be CA's mother feeling confused over CA's stories regarding KC's theft? Could CA have been stringing a bunch of nonsense together to cover for her daughter?

Now, Uranus rules the 12th of the 7th. This is the house of suicide or being hidden and imprisoned, not murder. Could "hidden and imprisoned" be time Caylee was spending in the trunk of the car?

Scorpio is known to inflict pain upon self at times. Could this relate to KC or CA bringing their problems upon themselves? CA by enabling KC and KC by her lies and stealing? I can't help but notice how often Pisces is showing up int the charts.

The daughter, Casey, shown by Saturn in the 12th is in mutual reception with her daughter, Caylee, shown by Venus ruling the 5th from the 5th or the 9th house. The reception is through triplicity. This isn't the very strongest reception but is reception just the same. It's interesting that this dignity is only by day. My thought is that this shows KC as the daytime care taker and Cindy as the night time caretaker. At night they are both peregrine, in foreign territory. But, Venus welcomes Saturn into her Libra home, treating him as an honored guest so clearly they receive each other with dignity.
The relationship between Cindy and her daughter would be shown by Mercury and Saturn. They have a relationship also, taking turns ruling air, Saturn by day, Mercury by night. I'm sure back when Casey was an events coordinator KC was never an "events coordinator" she took pictures for Kodak and then was fired. She did work as a "shot girl" after she met TL she mostly worked at night when the events were happening. But, this could also show that Casey took care of Caylee during the day and Cindy did quite often at night. There is a mixed reception between them too. Cindy receives Casey through triplicity or air, and Casey receives Cindy through being ruler, having exaltation and ruling term. That is rather heavy on the side of Casey receiving Cindy but isn't that usually the case between a parent and child? I would say they are receptive to each other but on different terms or for different reasons. There is no reason, looking at this chart to think that they have huge problems that can't be resolved. But, Saturn, Casey could be a thief, being peregrine. I think the evidence shows that KC is a thief.

Mars is the natural ruler of the 8th, death, in the 6th of the photo subject, the 7th, and very near the fatal position of Moon's and nodes. The South node is the release point. Keep in mind that Mars rules the 12th of the grandchild. This release is less than a degree away. So the photo subject (Caylee) is about to be released here? There are certain degrees that are said to be connected to suicide. One is the 26th degree of Gemini which is 25Gem01 to 26Gem. Sun is only 6 minutes away and Venus has just left there. Sun is Caylee's ruler and Venus disposites her Moon. In fact, using a sunrise chart for Caylee, her 4Libra Moon is very near the turned 8th house here. The Arabic part of danger, here is at critical 17Gem high in the sky. The ruler Rx shows it is likely a repeated danger. I'm not understanding who the suicide would be pointing to -- KC or CA? Also, I think the evidence we know of at this point would indicate a repeated danger to Caylee?

Moon about to trine Uranus could also show her going for her daughter's throat, Uranus ruling the 2nd of the 5th house daughter. Okay - this is CA towards KC That would only be a couple hours away though and Casey couldn't have gotten back home until over 6 hours later. No, it looks to me like the fight was before, as Moon squared Mars which could bring some major anger (Mars) with a child (Leo) over money (Scorpio). It looks like Cindy was trying to confront her about it with the call at 3:35 pm but the call was only half a minute. Moon was trine Neptune Uranus at that time. At 5:06pm it she called home as Moon was in contact with Neptune. She only talked for 3 minutes though, then her phone was quite for 2 hours. She was still at Tony's at that time though. Either the fight took place before the trip to the nursing home or after she got home late evening, and it only lasted a couple minutes. She was texting or talking on the phone non stop every few minutes so I don't see how there could have been a big brawl until maybe 3:30 am but she was back on the phone at 7:45 so she had to sleep sometime. I'm not too sure there was a big fight that day. My understanding of the fight was after CA and Caylee got home in the afternoon, but before GA returned home from work around 10:00 p.m.ish I could be wrong and will need to verify this info.

Again, if this isn't how it happened the other 6th house potential is a servant of some kind, someone that provides a service, like a nanny. I am not seeing death at the hands of the mother here. In fact there is no contact shown here between Moon and the potential rulers of mother of either 7th or 9th house Caylee. The same is true if we gave her the ascendant. Cindy's daughter is near crisis, Saturn being near critical 4Virgo, but that doesn't happen yet. Moon will square but not till after moving out of the sign of death. And we know she didn't return home till later that night. The natal asteroid Caylee sits on the midheaven but transiting Caylee is in the 4th of this chart, which is not only the grave, but the 8th of the 9th house. So does this mean that Caylee is gone at this point? Perhaps we could cast a chart for the first call on her phone after she got back in that area for more of the story. The part of servants is appropriately in the 6th house, at 14Aq and Mercury recently made a trine. Rx indicates it is a repeat contact. Mercury is the natural ruler of servants or employees, as is Virgo. Could this indicate that KC had help from someone she considers an employee/servant? As much as it seems too hard to believe Virgo keeps coming up for some reason.


What does Rx mean?

This was a hard post to snip, I didn't want to cut out anything crucial to my questions and/or comments. I think a chart on that first phone call would be very interesting.

Despite the cover story attributing the lack of jail visits to attorney advice or privacy invasion, no one's buying. It's time to examine the charts of the family for estrangement.

Cindy's progressed Mars is now opposite the Neptune of her chart with KC's Pluto on that Neptune. KC's progressed Mars & Neptune are conjunct. That interworking is the betrayal. Severe and deadly as the treachery was, Cindy did not reject her daughter. She submerged herself in the denial of the crime. But Pluto undermined the affection and trust Cindy had invested in KC in its long term square of natal Mars at 28° Pisces. Cindy's Mars conjoins KC's Sun and Pluto has been eroding and debilitating the relationship. Cindy's progressed Venus is 3° Cancer, so Pluto continues to rend her emotions but this has to do with her beloved Caylee.

Lee has a set of planets well aligned with his sister's for the most part. But KC was born with a Moon-Venus square and Lee's Mars afflicts that complex, opposing her Moon and squaring her Venus. He probably took a dim view of some of her mothering but I think the Neptune of KC conjunct his south lunar node has alienated him through her duplicity. It fails to amuse. He is aghast. He was born with Venus conjunct Uranus so broken bonds are a familiarity. KC's Saturn widely afflicts that combination. Hurtful. There is more to come, however, as Mars and the Full Moon ahead crosses his Neptune and with Saturn squaring.

Mars in George's chart has progressed to mid Virgo where it opposes an important mid-point in KC's chart, Mars/Saturn. She is indeed that person he raised who could kill another. Her Saturn is precisely square his natal Venus & node (and Caylee's Uranus). Not only is he suffering the transit of Saturn through his Sun Sign but also over his progressed Mars. His wife has Saturn conjunct KC's Mars-Uranus and now the Full Moon will thrum that Saturn with Mars transiting on it and Saturn transiting in square. Will George be able to hold her up? Although he has not relinquished hopes for his granddaughter, I believe he does see KC for what she is, finally. The realization came hard.
Oh Tuba - so very sad for this family and baby Caylee. So sad.

Thank you so much for this info. It is remarkable that a family this disfunctional has actually stayed together this long. Although maybe it isnt. Perhaps only themselves could understand only themselves. And perhaps this is why they really did not have any close knit friends/families to support them. If that make any sense?
Me too! It's frustrating sometimes not knowing. Wish I knew the name of that subdivision and park.


I looked up area on MapQuest and saw that subdivision is on the West side of the intersection of S. Semoran and Lake Underhill -- just below the 408. Very interesting location!!

Hey Beck,


This is located between the 408 and Curry Ford Rd. Several ways to access the Subdivision. From 436, Lake Underhill Rd, Curry Ford or Gaston Foster.

Hope this helps. I know the area well.:)

Anything else about the area just ask.
Hey Beck,


This is located between the 408 and Curry Ford Rd. Several ways to access the Subdivision. From 436, Lake Underhill Rd, Curry Ford or Gaston Foster.

Hope this helps. I know the area well.:)

Anything else about the area just ask.

Thanks very much Sparky! Are there areas there that are secluded where a body could be hidden? Do you have any idea if LE has searched that area?
Despite the cover story attributing the lack of jail visits to attorney advice or privacy invasion, no one's buying. It's time to examine the charts of the family for estrangement.

Cindy's progressed Mars is now opposite the Neptune of her chart with KC's Pluto on that Neptune. KC's progressed Mars & Neptune are conjunct. That interworking is the betrayal. Severe and deadly as the treachery was, Cindy did not reject her daughter. She submerged herself in the denial of the crime. But Pluto undermined the affection and trust Cindy had invested in KC in its long term square of natal Mars at 28° Pisces. Cindy's Mars conjoins KC's Sun and Pluto has been eroding and debilitating the relationship. Cindy's progressed Venus is 3° Cancer, so Pluto continues to rend her emotions but this has to do with her beloved Caylee.

Lee has a set of planets well aligned with his sister's for the most part. But KC was born with a Moon-Venus square and Lee's Mars afflicts that complex, opposing her Moon and squaring her Venus. He probably took a dim view of some of her mothering but I think the Neptune of KC conjunct his south lunar node has alienated him through her duplicity. It fails to amuse. He is aghast. He was born with Venus conjunct Uranus so broken bonds are a familiarity. KC's Saturn widely afflicts that combination. Hurtful. There is more to come, however, as Mars and the Full Moon ahead crosses his Neptune and with Saturn squaring.

Mars in George's chart has progressed to mid Virgo where it opposes an important mid-point in KC's chart, Mars/Saturn. She is indeed that person he raised who could kill another. Her Saturn is precisely square his natal Venus & node (and Caylee's Uranus). Not only is he suffering the transit of Saturn through his Sun Sign but also over his progressed Mars. His wife has Saturn conjunct KC's Mars-Uranus and now the Full Moon will thrum that Saturn with Mars transiting on it and Saturn transiting in square. Will George be able to hold her up? Although he has not relinquished hopes for his granddaughter, I believe he does see KC for what she is, finally. The realization came hard.

I can only imagine the intensity when the A's and KC are face to face again. Much time has passed since the last visit. They are slowly retreating. When she looks into their eyes, she's going to realize big time, she's ON HER OWN, regardless of what they say or how they act. 'Games up' in the minds of her parents and brother. In their hearts, they are way beyond KC's 'script'. Between her anger over this realization and the weight of the coming Full Moon, KC's going to be mighty stirred up.
Hopefully in one of her defensive rants, she accidently spits out at least a 'half-truth' that gives us another clue as to where Caylee might be located.

quoting TUBA from an earlier post of 10/10/08 #326
The Full Moon on Dec. 13 and then again the planets of the following Tuesday afflict Casey's chart so powerfully that she may want to tear those pages off the calendar. The Sun will be on her Mars-Uranus square her Mercury with Saturn also square her Mercury and the Moon completing a Mutable Grand Square: all four points mutually afflicting one another. Also called a Mutable Grand Cross. By Dec. 16, Mars and Saturn will move even closer. Mars will be 21:34 Sag and Saturn 21:32 Virgo at zero hours of the 16th. Fighting and failing, fighting and failing. Nerves on wires. Anger that cannot be contained.
And those photos were viciously deleted per Jesse G.'s testimony. To paraphrase, JG stated KC had hundreds of photos of Caylee on her Myspace page at any given time; most of which were deleted prior to Cindy's phone calls to LE on 7/15.

As any woman who has ever dumped a BF knows, one of the first things we women do when we end a relationship is tear down the photos because we don't want reminders hanging around, bringing us down. A psychiatrist on NG drew this exact parallel when NG asked her why KC may have removed the photos of Caylee on her Myspace page.


Interesting. I lost my son to cancer a dozen years ago and although I treasure the many pictures I have of him, I don't display many. Too many would bring back too much of the pain at one time. My daughter asked me once why I rarely use his pictures as my avatar or as my computer's wallpaper, and my answer was because when I use my computer I don't want to be reminded of the pain. He was handsome and I do love to see his pictures, but only when I can "handle" it. I'm content to use pictures of famous people because I'm not emotionally involved with them, or inanimate objects. I don't use the pics of my deceased pets or other deceased family members for the same reason.

In Casey's case, I would think out of sight meant out of mind. She either didn't want to be reminded of what happened or she didn't want to be reminded there ever was a Caylee. Therefore, she deleted all Caylee's pictures. Why do it just before Cindy arrived? Interesting timing, isn't it? Was she tipped off?

Just for the record, I do have some of my son's pics stored on my computer and can click on them when I want to see him. :)

Despite the cover story attributing the lack of jail visits to attorney advice or privacy invasion, no one's buying. It's time to examine the charts of the family for estrangement.

I've been wondering about that. No visits in how long? I can't remember. Have they visited her since the indictment? I don't recall hearing about that.

I'm thinking they are staying away for several reasons, but mostly, because they know the truth. Also, when Casey was first arrested in July, she didn't want any of them to visit. Later, she did request a visit from her dad on Aug 14th, I believe, but I don't know if he did. I know there were a few visits by family members in August. Can't recall how many.

Can anyone really blame Lee for distancing himself from the madness?
What does Rx mean?

It means Retrograde. It can be written as Rx or R or r. It's when a planet appears to be going backward in relation to Earth. In actuality, it's not really moving backwards, but it's an "optical illusion" due to the planet movements and their proximity to Earth. The planets don't move at the same rate of speed as each other, so when a faster planet passes a slower planet, the slower one appears to slow down or "go backwards".

It's like two cars on the highway. One is chugging along at 55 MPH in the right lane. Along comes another vehicle at 70 MPH in the left lane. As the 70mph car catches up to the one going 55, they appear even, together. But as the 70mph car moves ahead, car 55 appear to be falling back (going backwards), especially if you're watching it in the rear view mirror from car 70. Of course, car 55 isn't really backing up, it's just being overtaken and then passed up by car 70.

I'm sure someone else can explain it more clearly. I'm a bit rusty.
Ohhhhhh - thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been saying this for months. I even sent an email to OCSO. I know little girls have thinner hair in this area, but Caylee's was pretty much grown in and then it was getting thinner again...... I watched almost every video on youtube. This is why I'm sure KC was drugging Caylee before Juneish and why I think the 31 days is probably a lie. I think KC went from periodically drugging Caylee when needed to drugging her full time after KC left the A house June 16th. That's why no one ever saw her again, but I don't necessarily think she died on the 16th. I think it may have been the 18th, 19th. But that is just one line of my thinking :crazy:. This case keeps me on my toes and with all the astrological information we are seeing, I'm rethinking my thinking ;)


You might be right about that. At nearly three, her hair should have been fairly thick like it was in the coloring video.

I know some girls have think temples. Both my sister and a niece had extremely thin temples until they were about 2 yrs. old. But by age 3, the hair had grown in nicely. Both of them had blondish/light brown hair. Usually, the lighter colored hair presents thin at the temples.

When she's sitting on Papa's lap, it's quite thin. One could argue it's from being pulled into a ponytail, but I'm not so sure about that, especially compared with other videos. Poor baby.

Originally Posted by beckaroozie
Me too! It's frustrating sometimes not knowing. Wish I knew the name of that subdivision and park.


I looked up area on MapQuest and saw that subdivision is on the West side of the intersection of S. Semoran and Lake Underhill -- just below the 408. Very interesting location!!

Originally posted by Sparky

Hey Beck,


This is located between the 408 and Curry Ford Rd. Several ways to access the Subdivision. From 436, Lake Underhill Rd, Curry Ford or Gaston Foster.

Hope this helps. I know the area well.

Anything else about the area just ask.

Whoa! Wait a minute!!!! That's the location I found a few weeks ago. Demetree Park! I didn't have photos. Thanks for posting them, Beck.

Nearly every location I've pinpointed WNW has been near 408. Demetree Park was an area I was very interested in, but no one else seemed to think anything of it. I posted the location maps in a thread or two, maybe in one of the astrology threads and I think also in cocoamama's thread, too. I wanted someone to check it out.

Thanks a bunch for the pics, beck.

Good morning Salem and all. The Moon to Uranus upheaval, unexpected explosion or sudden event, in real time was building potential for a little over 2 hours. Cindy would have been driving home around then. She paid a toll about 2:30 I believe. So this would be showing accident potential on the highway but it could also have played out by Caylee having a potty accident, Moon in Scorpio. In horary timing, Moon is indicating years and her speed is average. I have seen multiple time units play out though. The actual horary time would be just over a year from Moon to Uranus with the possibility of 1 hour, day, week or month. With the mutual reception going on, this creates the potential for both ease and trouble, Uranus being trine but square Moon through the MR.

Could Cindy have been confused over the money issue? Well, the one snapping the picture at this time is the most logical and fact fill person there. Mercury is strong with dignity and has all the facts. Rx indicates she is going back over the details that happened in the past but not confused. Uranus, grandma or grandpa could be confused though, with this mutual reception. I didn't see any indication that the grandmother was there in the video, but she may have been.

"Could "hidden and imprisoned" be time Caylee was spending in the trunk of the car?" I hadn't thought of that before. Aquariaus is an air sign, a square could block the air. Aquarius rules air craft along with combustion engines so I might put cars there too but usually think of Mercury or Gemini for that, Jupiter and Sag for other people's cars. But I wouldn't rule out the trunk of the car. Chiron could indicate being wounded too. He mixed poisons for healing but they could also wound as he found out. But Uranus or Aquarius usually indicates accidental which was the case when Chiron wounded himself, but also deliberate rebellion at times. Revolution comes from Aquairian stuff.

Yes it could indicate the parties involved bringing the problems on themselves. The 12th house indicates self undoing. Moon in the sign of other people's money sits in the daughter's 11th/goals but the sign of truth sits on Casey's 12th and Jupiter is fallen so potentially not being honest. Saturn is making an 8th house/other people's money inconjunct to the part of fortune so this theme is showing up.

From what I see with the tangible evidence she was only fired because she didn't show up after maternity leave. Correct me if I'm wrong. I am not convinced yet that this more recent boss, shown in the emails, is not real. The email address came back invalid but a good computer person could have possibly created a fake email address. The other persons this email for work was sent to were valid addresses that were no longer active so I'm sure these people exist but I see no follow up by the police. Either they didn't do it or they are hiding the results. I'm thinking she was doing some kind of work that wasn't legit in some way. I'd have to look at the chart for that email to gain insight though. "Events coordinator" could be an escort, etc. The 6th house from the 5th in this chart could imply this work. Gemini could be an escort, then we have the female, Venus in 26* which to me usually shows a secret. She is escorting the male significator, Sun. Venus is the lady of the night here, setting after the Sun, being called Hesperis by the ancients. She is Lucifer as the morning star.

Regarding suicide, the 12th is also imprisonment of various kinds. If Casey did have some kind of employment that was illegal she committed her own suicide by having to keep it secret. It is also possible, if Caylee was taken, that she might sacrifice herself rather than potentially endanger Caylee. I know I would. I might give hints but no facts that would endanger her life. I must say that my observation with Cancer Moon is that they will withdraw into themselves and not show emotion when threatened. Cancer is full of emotion, even more so with Pisces Sun, but they can appear cold (balanced with Capricorn on the other side) if they feel that showing their emotion might be too painful. So, I can't automatically judge Casey's apparent lack of emotion on camera. These are the extreme circumstances that would cause Cancer Moon to withdraw into her shell.

"My understanding of the fight was after CA and Caylee got home in the afternoon, but before GA returned home from work around 10:00 p.m.ish I could be wrong and will need to verify this info." Do you mean on the 15th? Let me know if you find out anything because Casey couldn't have been home much before George that day and she was on the phone nonstop. She couldn't have had more than a few minutes anytime that night to fight. Look at the cell records for that day. Casey didn't get home till late evening according to the pings.

At first when I saw this empty spot in the house of the grandaughter, I thought maybe her spirit, God light had left showing she was about to die. But I don't see that lack of light in her picture. I wrote a couple of people with good eyes to see and they both agree, her God light was still present in the aura. One said that the Holy spirit may have been preparing little Caylee for what was to come. I'm not sure there.

As for the servant/employee, Mercury, expecially in Gemini usually indicates more than one. Now, in the early news reports I heard that there are many, many ZFG, just in Florida but only one was focused on even though Casey looked at her picture and said this wasn't her. Why have we not hear of checks into any other AFG? Another possibility, what if, (just bear with me) this person was working with a human trafficking ring? If I were to pick 3 states to center this kind of activity in, I would choose California, Texas and Florida. I am seeing a connection to New York and perhaps Puerto Rico. Pluto has made his final return to the sign of international connections and is moving forward again now. Pluto is my number one choice for human trafficking. Perhaps this lack of follow up on who this person is that Casey said called herself ZFG is why I can't yet believe she is completely lying. They also haven't showed any way Casey would have had access to those guest cards at Sawgrass. They wouldn't just leave that information laying around. If she is close by, I've already stated the direction elsewhere, NNW or SSE within a few miles but I don't see her in water.

I hope I addressed your questions. I'm off to work now but I'll check back after my reading is complete.

Love & Light
From what I see with the tangible evidence she was only fired because she didn't show up after maternity leave. Correct me if I'm wrong. I am not convinced yet that this more recent boss, shown in the emails, is not real. The email address came back invalid but a good computer person could have possibly created a fake email address. The other persons this email for work was sent to were valid addresses that were no longer active so I'm sure these people exist but I see no follow up by the police. Either they didn't do it or they are hiding the results. I'm thinking she was doing some kind of work that wasn't legit in some way. I'd have to look at the chart for that email to gain insight though. "Events coordinator" could be an escort, etc.

I don't think the emails were real for one reason - she used her LE "boyfriend" TR's name in one of the 'work' emails. See page 152 in attached link. TR****** I highly doubt he was working an event (or with an escort service) at the same time he was with LE, but I guess there is a small chance of that. Anthony discovery Pages 264-431.pdf

Also note that every single one of the emails is from a free account - yahoo, hotmail, or gmail. Now I know alot of people use those, but I would think at least one of the 12 people in there would have something else.
I don't think the emails were real for one reason - she used her LE "boyfriend" TR's name in one of the 'work' emails. See page 152 in attached link. TR****** I highly doubt he was working an event (or with an escort service) at the same time he was with LE, but I guess there is a small chance of that. Anthony discovery Pages 264-431.pdf

Also note that every single one of the emails is from a free account - yahoo, hotmail, or gmail. Now I know alot of people use those, but I would think at least one of the 12 people in there would have something else.

LE also checked with IT at Universal and the extension on the email has NEVER been used there according to them. Also, the person who sent the emails (East Coast VP of Marketing) doesn't exist.
Interesting. I lost my son to cancer a dozen years ago and although I treasure the many pictures I have of him, I don't display many. Too many would bring back too much of the pain at one time. My daughter asked me once why I rarely use his pictures as my avatar or as my computer's wallpaper, and my answer was because when I use my computer I don't want to be reminded of the pain. He was handsome and I do love to see his pictures, but only when I can "handle" it. I'm content to use pictures of famous people because I'm not emotionally involved with them, or inanimate objects. I don't use the pics of my deceased pets or other deceased family members for the same reason.

In Casey's case, I would think out of sight meant out of mind. She either didn't want to be reminded of what happened or she didn't want to be reminded there ever was a Caylee. Therefore, she deleted all Caylee's pictures.
Why do it just before Cindy arrived? Interesting timing, isn't it? Was she tipped off?

<Very Respectfully snipped & bolded...>

AK, I completely agree with you regarding removing pictures so as not to feel the pain. While I have not experienced anything nearly as emotionally devastating & heart-wrenching as you, there have been times I've had to remove all reminders of a lost loved one (even beloved pet), because I couldn't stand feeling the pain.

I think your paragraph above which I highlighted in red speaks to exactly what I was thinking when I wrote the "viciously deleted" post.

aksleuth, my condolences for your loss and the pain you feel. My chidren are grown and I can not fathom having to go through losing a child. Peace be with you, WS friend. Hugs, 'tilda
You might be right about that. At nearly three, her hair should have been fairly thick like it was in the coloring video.

I know some girls have think temples. Both my sister and a niece had extremely thin temples until they were about 2 yrs. old. But by age 3, the hair had grown in nicely. Both of them had blondish/light brown hair. Usually, the lighter colored hair presents thin at the temples.

When she's sitting on Papa's lap, it's quite thin. One could argue it's from being pulled into a ponytail, but I'm not so sure about that, especially compared with other videos. Poor baby.

Whoa! Wait a minute!!!! That's the location I found a few weeks ago. Demetree Park! I didn't have photos. Thanks for posting them, Beck.

Nearly every location I've pinpointed WNW has been near 408. Demetree Park was an area I was very interested in, but no one else seemed to think anything of it. I posted the location maps in a thread or two, maybe in one of the astrology threads and I think also in cocoamama's thread, too. I wanted someone to check it out.

Thanks a bunch for the pics, beck.

I know you did!!! I saw it during a search after I posted when I was searcing to see if TES or OCSO had searched there or mentioned it!! Turbothink added the info I posted here in the Psychic Impression thread too. I've just been posting more info there, since it didn't seem to be of interest in here right now. I put a copy of your original post into the Psychic thread, after I found it. I too think this all fits with the astro charts, the psychic impressions, as well as the scientific evidence so far...not to mention KC's PUERTO RICO connection. All of the names in that subdivision are Spanish and Puerto Rican. There's a San Juan Blvd. that one would have to take from Lake Underhill Road to get to the park. Telling her mother that Caylee may be in Puerto Rico, may be a 'BACKWARD CLUE' from KC that she's buried there. It's all posted in the psychic thread, so it's back on the front burner. :)
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