Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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(((((aksleuth))))) - I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand completely what you are saying about the pictures.

Thank you for answering my question about the retrograde (Rx). I was thinking it meant prescription :) and couldn't quite get the meaning of the symbol. Your explanation about the cars was perfect. I do understand about the optical illusion because one of the things I do (when I'm not driving) is watch cars that we pass in my sideview mirror (I know, silly huh) I also count all the big semi trucks if we are on the road too long.....

AKSleuth, My condolences to you on the loss of your beloved son. While I have lost many family members, I have never had to bear the terrible burden of losing a child. It is said this is the greatest loss one can suffer in life, even more than losing a spouse. My prayers are with you. My brother passed on about 5 years ago and I still do not display his picture either. Whenever I want to "see him", I pull out the photos. And I only do this when I am feeling positive, to see him makes me smile, but I cannot do this on a routine basis. He left the earth when he was far to young to go and I still miss him.
Our normal grieving-feelings just illustrate how lacking in sorrow KC truly is. Yes, she destroyed pictures to remove reminders of Caylee - but to what end....most likely to remove traces that she existed and to remove reminders of what she (KC) did!! Not to alleviate her sorrow. I do not think any loving mother , cancer moon or not, afflicted horoscope or not, could ever withhold the river of tears that would be shed over losing a 2-1/2 year old child. Her lack of sorrow, her lack of remorse shows she has a severe psychopathology. There are untold numbers of people all over the world who were born on the same day as KC, within the same hour. They share some of her challenges. But most likely the majority of them have taken the higher path of Pisces/neptune to advance their spirituality and creativity and compassion. Maybe they utilize the Sagittarius mars/uranus to advance causes of the underdog. There are many paths in each horoscope winding through the strengths and weakness of the signs and planets. We have free will. It is a balance of nature/nurture/stars. Casey's nurturing was challenged through the moon in cancer opposite neptune in capricorn - and this represents not only her ability to nurture others, but the influence of HER MOTHER. CA's moon is even more severely afflicted.
It is said that sociopaths show signs of their emotional disconnect in early childhood. Since no family members/friends have spoken out, we have no inside view of KC as a child. I suspect there were many telling signs all along, and they got swept under neptune's rug.
I don't know how to type this short and sweet. My psychic friend (God that sounds like a bad commercial) called me to thank me with sarcasm for getting her started on this. I had asked about the "birds" because I worried about vultures and she assured me than that they were not carrion but did not elaborate. Out of the blue today, the phrase popped into her head that they are "go-zillions of begger birds that steal your fries at McDonald's". It seemed odd enough to her to call and tell me. She said that's really the only new thing she's come up with. I asked about the "hill" again but she really couldn't add anything except to say that since Caylee is so small it wouldn't take much to be a "embankment" even...
Regarding our earlier posts about Demetree Park:
I know you did!!! I saw it during a search after I posted when I was searcing to see if TES or OCSO had searched there or mentioned it!! Turbothink added the info I posted here in the Psychic Impression thread too. I've just been posting more info there, since it didn't seem to be of interest in here right now. I put a copy of your original post into the Psychic thread, after I found it. I too think this all fits with the astro charts, the psychic impressions, as well as the scientific evidence so far...not to mention KC's PUERTO RICO connection. All of the names in that subdivision are Spanish and Puerto Rican. There's a San Juan Blvd. that one would have to take from Lake Underhill Road to get to the park. Telling her mother that Caylee may be in Puerto Rico, may be a 'BACKWARD CLUE' from KC that she's buried there. It's all posted in the psychic thread, so it's back on the front burner. :)

Thanks for letting me know. I'll hop right over to that thread to see if anything new has developed.

The PR angle might be correct. We know KC takes true stories (usually from others) and bends them to fit her fantasies. I'm wondering if her "plans" to visit PR with Amy and the others actually meant she was planning to visit the park area?

Thanks for the condolences about my son. I used personal experience as an example for a clearer understanding of KC's actions, not that her actions coincide with mine, or anyone elses. I lost a brother and a husband, too, plus many other beloved family members and never did I or anyone else act like Casey or her family. The difference being that no family member was responsible for any of the deaths. Two of my friends were brutally and viciously murdered, they were missing for several days, and later found. No family members were involved in their deaths but the murderers have never been charged. That's the closest I've ever come to experiencing anything remotely like the cases on this site. So finding Caylee and other missing people is important to me.

AquariusEssence, no offense meant, but reading your explanations for the charts you made was almost like reading about another case. Your explanations were quite different from what we've been seeing. Not a bad thing, just different. It's good to have another angle. I can't grasp the gang theory at this time because of so many reasons but mainly because of the decomposition in the car. Was it "the real" Zenaida in there? Was it someone else? Also, KC's demeanor doesn't fit with anything in this case except the theory she is a cold-hearted witch. However, I enjoyed reading your explanations.
I don't know how to type this short and sweet. My psychic friend (God that sounds like a bad commercial) called me to thank me with sarcasm for getting her started on this. I had asked about the "birds" because I worried about vultures and she assured me than that they were not carrion but did not elaborate. Out of the blue today, the phrase popped into her head that they are "go-zillions of begger birds that steal your fries at McDonald's". It seemed odd enough to her to call and tell me. She said that's really the only new thing she's come up with. I asked about the "hill" again but she really couldn't add anything except to say that since Caylee is so small it wouldn't take much to be a "embankment" even...

Crows. Or seagulls. But in this area I would say crows.
Regarding our earlier posts about Demetree Park:

Thanks for letting me know. I'll hop right over to that thread to see if anything new has developed.

The PR angle might be correct. We know KC takes true stories (usually from others) and bends them to fit her fantasies. I'm wondering if her "plans" to visit PR with Amy and the others actually meant she was planning to visit the park area?

Thanks for the condolences about my son. I used personal experience as an example for a clearer understanding of KC's actions, not that her actions coincide with mine, or anyone elses. I lost a brother and a husband, too, plus many other beloved family members and never did I or anyone else act like Casey or her family. The difference being that no family member was responsible for any of the deaths. Two of my friends were brutally and viciously murdered, they were missing for several days, and later found. No family members were involved in their deaths but the murderers have never been charged. That's the closest I've ever come to experiencing anything remotely like the cases on this site. So finding Caylee and other missing people is important to me.

AquariusEssence, no offense meant, but reading your explanations for the charts you made was almost like reading about another case. Your explanations were quite different from what we've been seeing. Not a bad thing, just different. It's good to have another angle. I can't grasp the gang theory at this time because of so many reasons but mainly because of the decomposition in the car. Was it "the real" Zenaida in there? Was it someone else? Also, KC's demeanor doesn't fit with anything in this case except the theory she is a cold-hearted witch. However, I enjoyed reading your explanations.

I think she was stressing because she KNEW she wasn't going to be able to go to PR because of Caylee (in her mind anyway). Doh - you don't work, you can't take exotic vacations...sheesh.
Hello to the Centaur. Saturn tries to apply brakes but we are now in the time of free ranging expansion. The Supreme Court and all lower courts fall under Sagittarius. Abstract theories build readily but cry out for concrete specific referents. Rather than merely knowing or accepting at face value, we are cultivating understanding now. Often examples are a great assist in that process. A lawyer may tell us what happened but the evidence makes the recounting intelligible and clear.

There is a need to judge, interpret, translate and formulate. We consider other dimensions of the problems before us. Future proceedings are emphasized in Sagittarius. Other jury pools, change of venue and travel are topics of the day. This is an idealistic Sign and moralising is commonplace.

Gather in all the loose and dangling facts and discoveries and put them into a solid cohesive summation of what happened in this case.
Crows. Or seagulls. But in this area I would say crows.

What about those little black starling birds? I'm on the opposite coast so I am unfamiliar with FL's birds. I have crows here and they steal my walnuts :) I used to be a little afraid of them, but now they are just my pesky neighbors. Seagulls can be fairly aggressive about those french fries, but Orlando is a little inland, right?

The birthday comments about Jose are embedded in the Astro Crimes Calendar at his birthday on October 17. Check it out, Cocoamom!
The birthday comments about Jose are embedded in the Astro Crimes Calendar at his birthday on October 17. Check it out, Cocoamom!

Seems to fit quite well! Sorry no way to find time of birth! Anyone have place of birth or at least state of birth? I may be able to get it that way...
What about those little black starling birds? I'm on the opposite coast so I am unfamiliar with FL's birds. I have crows here and they steal my walnuts :) I used to be a little afraid of them, but now they are just my pesky neighbors. Seagulls can be fairly aggressive about those french fries, but Orlando is a little inland, right?


Yes, Orlando is inland. Now, when I was a kid, certain times of the year the seagulls would migrate to the dump - you could see millions of them in the air, heading from the beach to the dump.

I don't live on this flightpath anymore: I don't even know if they still head to the dump.

I'm in South Florida, we have tons of crows. They'll steal your french fries in the parking lot of Mcdonalds. Never seen a starling, can't comment there.
NEW unknown

Hi Fifth - I used Manhattan (as a default place) and sunrise chart 7:14a.m. on 10/17/68. Sun and Libra rising gives that pleasant, soft spoken demeanor, with Leo moon for a little ego....! Kait
Hi Fifth - I used Manhattan (as a default place) and sunrise chart 7:14a.m. on 10/17/68. Sun and Libra rising gives that pleasant, soft spoken demeanor, with Leo moon for a little ego....! Kait

I think this fits perfectly!

FifthEssence, this is a thoroughly awesome accomplishment, and you pulled it off so quickly! Thank you for all your hard work & dedication. What a wonderful addition to Websleuths!!!

Kudos & Love,

The calendar is fantastic!! Thanks so much for your work Soul and all of the astrologers for the fantastic charts and interpretations!
I don't think the emails were real for one reason - she used her LE "boyfriend" TR's name in one of the 'work' emails. See page 152 in attached link. TR****** I highly doubt he was working an event (or with an escort service) at the same time he was with LE, but I guess there is a small chance of that. Anthony discovery Pages 264-431.pdf

Also note that every single one of the emails is from a free account - yahoo, hotmail, or gmail. Now I know alot of people use those, but I would think at least one of the 12 people in there would have something else.

Hi. I only use my yahoo mail account for my clients and business. Many do. I use my server mail for my personal mail. I just asked the guys at if someone was carrying out an illicit operation, could they potentially set up a mail sub account at that the server wouldn't be aware of by hacking in. The answer was yes, if the person knew what he was doing. Now, unless we have reason to believe that LE ha withheld further investigation there from the document release, and can ignore the detectives summary that she is lying about working for this company, he didn't even open up and look at the full header which is how he would have to begin to track down the real sender. Whether Casey is guilty or not, this should have been done before they judge her a complete liar. The same with the nanny's name. If there are over 100 with that name they surely should have checked into more than one.

quote from BHowett: "Well… I wouldn’t say easily, and in most cases all emails are log/saved on the server. With out saying too much there are several other ways I have seen criminals use to mask email address, and I am inclined to believe that if someone had the knowledge to hack into Universal, bypass security, and add a email sub-account, they would know the other much easier ways to mask email addresses."
Hi. I only use my yahoo mail account for my clients and business. Many do. I use my server mail for my personal mail. I just asked the guys at if someone was carrying out an illicit operation, could they potentially set up a mail sub account at that the server wouldn't be aware of by hacking in. The answer was yes, if the person knew what he was doing. Now, unless we have reason to believe that LE ha withheld further investigation there from the document release, and can ignore the detectives summary that she is lying about working for this company, he didn't even open up and look at the full header which is how he would have to begin to track down the real sender. Whether Casey is guilty or not, this should have been done before they judge her a complete liar. The same with the nanny's name. If there are over 100 with that name they surely should have checked into more than one.

quote from BHowett: "Well… I wouldn’t say easily, and in most cases all emails are log/saved on the server. With out saying too much there are several other ways I have seen criminals use to mask email address, and I am inclined to believe that if someone had the knowledge to hack into Universal, bypass security, and add a email sub-account, they would know the other much easier ways to mask email addresses."

The full headers are included in the docs. In the first or second release.

No servers were hacked. It is extremely easy to fake emails.
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