Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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What about those little black starling birds? I'm on the opposite coast so I am unfamiliar with FL's birds. I have crows here and they steal my walnuts :) I used to be a little afraid of them, but now they are just my pesky neighbors. Seagulls can be fairly aggressive about those french fries, but Orlando is a little inland, right?


Right in the middle of the state. At least 60 miles each way from a coast.
Also note that every single one of the emails is from a free account - yahoo, hotmail, or gmail. Now I know alot of people use those, but I would think at least one of the 12 people in there would have something else.

I agree. A legit business will not use yahoo or a free account for email. They may in the beginning, but it doesn't lend to a safe and warm feeling for their clients or customers. It's a credibility thing. And a big corporation would have no need to use yahoo, when they could set up their own servers with their domain name to do the mail thing. Heck - you don't need to be a huge corp, you just have to know how to do it.

Hi. I only use my yahoo mail account for my clients and business. Many do. I use my server mail for my personal mail. I just asked the guys at if someone was carrying out an illicit operation, could they potentially set up a mail sub account at that the server wouldn't be aware of by hacking in. The answer was yes, if the person knew what he was doing. Now, unless we have reason to believe that LE ha withheld further investigation there from the document release, and can ignore the detectives summary that she is lying about working for this company, he didn't even open up and look at the full header which is how he would have to begin to track down the real sender. Whether Casey is guilty or not, this should have been done before they judge her a complete liar. The same with the nanny's name. If there are over 100 with that name they surely should have checked into more than one.

quote from BHowett: "Well… I wouldn’t say easily, and in most cases all emails are log/saved on the server. With out saying too much there are several other ways I have seen criminals use to mask email address, and I am inclined to believe that if someone had the knowledge to hack into Universal, bypass security, and add a email sub-account, they would know the other much easier ways to mask email addresses."

The full headers are included in the docs. In the first or second release.

No servers were hacked. It is extremely easy to fake emails.

I need to correct myself here. There were no full headers for events.universal .com

The cops were unable to get them (unless of course they subpoenaed yahoo for their maillogs and I would bet they did.) Yahoo doesn't send the full headers in a forwarded email, unless you are set up in options/general messages/messages to view the headers when you received email. If this is not set to Show all headers on incoming messages, you will only see a brief header on forwarded email. Very convenient for our Miss Anthony.

All KC did was change her from line a couple of times. Bam. Email that looks like it came from an "official" source.
I agree. A legit business will not use yahoo or a free account for email. They may in the beginning, but it doesn't lend to a safe and warm feeling for their clients or customers. It's a credibility thing. And a big corporation would have no need to use yahoo, when they could set up their own servers with their domain name to do the mail thing. Heck - you don't need to be a huge corp, you just have to know how to do it.

I need to correct myself here. There were no full headers for events.universal .com

The cops were unable to get them (unless of course they subpoenaed yahoo for their maillogs and I would bet they did.) Yahoo doesn't send the full headers in a forwarded email, unless you are set up in options/general messages/messages to view the headers when you received email. If this is not set to Show all headers on incoming messages, you will only see a brief header on forwarded email. Very convenient for our Miss Anthony.

All KC did was change her from line a couple of times. Bam. Email that looks like it came from an "official" source.

Thanks for correcting that. I think there is some technical confusion though, because the email sent from Cheryl D was not forwarded and he didn't even print the full header. And all he would need to do with the Franck mail is go into the account she forwarded from, easy enough, for a good computer forensics detective, I would think. I see that he printed the full header of the mail from Katerine H which originated through Road Runner in VA. See, even I can find that out. Now, if it is a masked email or hacked, I'd need to ask my geek friends for help. But Melich didn't even seem to have done what I am capable of doing.

Wouldn't it be a simple thing for the detective to determine if Casey created a fake email? I think so.

As for the professional appearance, I operate a professional business from my yahoo account and Geocities website. I have been happy with the security and won't likely change. I work with Geocentric astrology so I even like having that name attached to AquarianEssence. If someone chooses to consider me non professional, so be it.

All the best,
FifthEssence, this is a thoroughly awesome accomplishment, and you pulled it off so quickly! Thank you for all your hard work & dedication. What a wonderful addition to Websleuths!!!

Kudos & Love,

Thank you so very much Fifth -- it's wonderful!! :)
Thank you so very much Fifth -- it's wonderful!! :)

I'll second that!! :bow:

In fact it's so awesome that I can't help but wonder if JB, or someone else on KC's side, will get their own astrologer on here to try to shoot y'all down. Or maybe they already have and we just don't know it yet :eek:
I'll second that!! :bow:

In fact it's so awesome that I can't help but wonder if JB, or someone else on KC's side, will get their own astrologer on here to try to shoot y'all down. Or maybe they already have and we just don't know it yet :eek:

:floorlaugh: You never know who the ASTRO SPY might be!! <looks left and right....suspicious now...going to start a new thread for speculation on the ASTRO SPY haha>
I think she was stressing because she KNEW she wasn't going to be able to go to PR because of Caylee (in her mind anyway). Doh - you don't work, you can't take exotic vacations...sheesh.

In listening to one of the jail visit videos between Casey and her parents when they ask her if she had planned to go to PR she hedges...when pressed, she tells them everyone was making their own reservations and they were all going to stay with JP's family once there...I am wondering if this is THE JP that hates Casey and THE JP that stated in one of his text messages that Casey and Tony could not come to his apartment and if they did they could not enter the bedrooms? If so, then it is highly possible that the reason Casey did not go to PR, besides the Caylee factor, might well have been that she was not welcome to stay with JP's relatives for reasons that have not been made clear YET...Anyone know if it is the same JP that they were discussing as THE JP from this case? What IS the issue between JP and Casey anyhow? Just what IS going on between these two? Astro's care to weigh in?
Read the thread CAREFULLY and the Astro Spy may be fairly evident to you...:eek:

I have read it -- that's the skeery part. Not much detective work needed here, I think you're right. He he he
In listening to one of the jail visit videos between Casey and her parents when they ask her if she had planned to go to PR she hedges...when pressed, she tells them everyone was making their own reservations and they were all going to stay with JP's family once there...I am wondering if this is THE JP that hates Casey and THE JP that stated in one of his text messages that Casey and Tony could not come to his apartment and if they did they could not enter the bedrooms? If so, then it is highly possible that the reason Casey did not go to PR, besides the Caylee factor, might well have been that she was not welcome to stay with JP's relatives for reasons that have not been made clear YET...Anyone know if it is the same JP that they were discussing as THE JP from this case? What IS the issue between JP and Casey anyhow? Just what IS going on between these two? Astro's care to weigh in?

Same JP, no clue on the problems between the two. My guess was that he thought she was skeezy and didn't want her bringing her new boytoy into his bed. From the sounds of it, she didn't care whose mattress it was. Or she could have stolen something from him and he knows it was her but he can't prove it so has distanced himself.
In listening to one of the jail visit videos between Casey and her parents when they ask her if she had planned to go to PR she hedges...when pressed, she tells them everyone was making their own reservations and they were all going to stay with JP's family once there...I am wondering if this is THE JP that hates Casey and THE JP that stated in one of his text messages that Casey and Tony could not come to his apartment and if they did they could not enter the bedrooms? If so, then it is highly possible that the reason Casey did not go to PR, besides the Caylee factor, might well have been that she was not welcome to stay with JP's relatives for reasons that have not been made clear YET...Anyone know if it is the same JP that they were discussing as THE JP from this case? What IS the issue between JP and Casey anyhow? Just what IS going on between these two? Astro's care to weigh in?

Hi Magic,

As Debs states in post above, this is the same JP.

Read the JP's Keys thread for more insight,

then click below, scroll down to:

Images Collections - Casey, Caylee etc. (in red), then click on The J.P.C. and Caylee Comparison Photos.

Is it astrologically feasible? I am working up a horary chart I cast for insight, which I may post later & discuss...

I want to thoroughly analyze this chart before I comment further, and I am warning everyone right now, I may choose not to discuss this chart if I come to the conclusion that all I am doing is fueling a rumor.

Thanks for correcting that. I think there is some
technical confusion though, because the email sent from Cheryl D was not
forwarded and he didn't even print the full header.

He probably did get the whole header, we just don't get to see it yet - just
like we haven't seen everything in this case.

And all he would need to do with the Franck mail is go into the account
she forwarded from, easy enough, for a good computer forensics detective, I
would think.

You would have to know which account the email was sent from, and if they saved sent messages, and even if they did, she would have deleted it. It could have been one of her accounts, Cindy's, Lee's or any of a number of people. They would have to be able to get into all of these peoples accounts or request maillogs from all of the aboves isp's, and free email accounts.

If full headers are not shown, and are not available, the best computer forensic scientist would not be able to get them simply logged into a users account. You cannot get blood from a turnip, they would have to ask Yahoo for it's logs. They would most likely (depending on Yahoo's server and software setup) request sending maillogs and receiving for the specified time in question.

Which brings another question: how long does a free service actually keep
log files and email backups for?

Wouldn't it be a simple thing for the detective to determine if Casey
created a fake email? I think so.

Yep. But we don't get to see this info yet.


I see that he printed the full header of the mail from Ka H
which originated through Road Runner in VA. See, even I can find that out. Now,
if it is a masked email or hacked, I'd need to ask my geek friends for help. But
Melich didn't even seem to have done what I am capable of doing.

Since we don't have the headers for the other emails, let's look at the one we
do have.

For giggles, I did a traceroute on the ip address - the Roadrunner ip from khart's email (which I believe is faked as well) - and it hits what looks to be a firewall at what I think is a computer/backbone on Curry Ford Road in Orlando: 58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-

The chances that this is from someone's home computer are excellent. The chances that this backbone is the backbone that the A's or Lee's isp uses is even better - it's roughly 10 minutes away from Hopespring Drive.
This ip is lumped under Roadrunner communications out of Va.

The registration and updated dates for this Roadrunner block of IPs is:

RegDate: 2004-09-17
Updated: 2006-06-06

So it was not a Universal studios address in the last few years, if this is what
you're thinking.

If you look at the email from the system admin guy (Leonard) at this ip address is leased by NBC Universal, who gets their IPs from Qwest. This info is shown when you look up their IP whois info - NBC leases blocks of IP addresses from Qwest.

If KC was employed by a company within Universal Studios, they would have been on Universal's network, and had been using ip addresses from NBC universal or Qwest. If khart was at home, sending the email, she would have used Universal Orlando's webmail. The email from khart, who has a signature of Human Resources Manager /Universal Studios , was sent Dec 17, 2007. Universal Studios was using NBC Universal/Qwest IP's at this point:

NBC Universal registration date:

RegDate: 2007-07-23
Updated: 2007-07-23

Qwest registration date:

RegDate: 2001-02-13
Updated: 2005-11-15

Khart, if in fact a legitimate employee of Universal Studios, would have sent an email from a universalorlando address, if they are even allowed to work from home. In fact, I would bet that Universal Orlando has an employee handbook somewhere that states all business correspondance (including emailing employees or former employees) must come from their email addy's. That credibility/professionalism thing again.
Prosecutor LDB filed the State's position on seeking the death penalty against the accused for the first degree murder of her daughter. The Part of Retribution falls on the ASC precisely but the future jury who will try the facts is H. 11. Sorrowful jury members are unsympathetic to the defendant, Mars 14:07 Sagittarius, however they are disposited by Neptune. Neptune opposes the Part of Fortune and squares this ASC. Neptune of chaos is on a critical degree in a Fixed Sign so emotions are running high and there is hysteria in some quarters as the Full Moon exaggerates distress.

Defense was impatient for a decision but with the fortunes in Prosecution's corner and the misjudgment in re: potential jurors, this was a false start. The planetary array is inflamed and as we already know, coming proceedings will be super-heated. Sun-Mars both at 14:07 in the H. of the accused! Moon squaring those planets and conjoining Uranus. Mercury activating the cusp of H. 8, death and squaring Uranus with square to Saturn imminent. Saturn of obligation to the missing child is at great strain with the amorphous unconcern of Neptune.
Thank you Tuba!

And Tech Confusion - WOW! Not astrology but impressive just the same how you tracked down that IP.

Yes, I mentioned the IP for the katerine email is for Road Runner in VA. The other IP beginning in 209 is Yahoo, of course, out of CA. What evidence do you have that this and the others are fake accounts opened by any of the Anthonys? Do you have reason to believe any of them use Roadrunner? Where are you getting a firewall from just out of curiosity? I don't see the IP you have listed, in that email but that is Road Runner also. Where did you get this "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-"? I don't see that in the header or ARIN. Finally, what makes you think the Anthony's are using a VA based internet service? I guess it would be interesting to know who they use.

It would be an easy thing for a detective to get these things from Yahoo and/or Roadrunner, etc. That's their job. I don't know why you think there is more they haven't reviled since he makes a statement after this that its all a lie without any sign he followed up on anything. He had his mind made up already after hearing from the real universal that everything was a lie and there is no sign he contacted yahoo, etc there at all, or in other docs I've read. I know some of those accounts existed, I sent emails out and got back a message that they are closed, not that they don't exist. Now, I suppose its possible that yahoo or roadrunner will be on the new witness list. We'll see.

It's easy enough to find out "which account they came from". He would simply contact the servers. Unless all of their computers have been completely written over they can recover data from the past, easily, even if only fragments.

No, I am not implying that THE Universal studios is using yahoo or that these emails came from them. That doesn't mean that there wasn't an illicit "company" posing as them. Scams like this happen all the time. Casey doesn't appear to have stolen enough over the last couple of years to have fully supported her gas and other needs. I'm sure Caylee's piggy bank couldn't support gas at the price it has been. So the money had to be coming from somewhere. While her parents may have been feeding her I'm sure they weren't giving her entertainment money all the time. Think about how much she'd have to steal during that 3 years. She surely would have been exposed long before Caylee went missing.

Just my opinion but it makes sense to me.
A bit O/T but when I was KC's age and a thief like her (not something I am proud to admit) I would sneak into mom's room while she was passed out drunk and take a twenty (purely for revenge for putting up with her drinking its a Sun/Pluto exact conjunction scorpio thing) since she was drinking every night I could easily pocket 140 a week...Quite lucrative...She would wake up in the morning not remembering how much she had anyway...I am not a thief anymore....and the karma I created for my vengeful ways hit me hard so I have learned my lesson. I just wanted to point out you can make money and if CA is not always sober than KC could have made some dough....
Yes, I mentioned the IP for the katerine email is for Road Runner in VA. The other IP beginning in 209 is Yahoo, of course, out of CA. What evidence do you have that this and the others are fake accounts opened by any of the Anthonys? Do you have reason to believe any of them use Roadrunner? Where are you getting a firewall from just out of curiosity? I don't see the IP you have listed, in that email but that is Road Runner also. Where did you get this "58ms 58ms 58ms TTL: 0 (gig4-0-0.orldflcfrd-"? I don't see that in the header or ARIN. Finally, what makes you think the Anthony's are using a VA based internet service? I guess it would be interesting to know who they use.

It would be an easy thing for a detective to get these things from Yahoo and/or Roadrunner, etc. That's their job. I don't know why you think there is more they haven't reviled since he makes a statement after this that its all a lie without any sign he followed up on anything. He had his mind made up already after hearing from the real universal that everything was a lie and there is no sign he contacted yahoo, etc there at all, or in other docs I've read. I know some of those accounts existed, I sent emails out and got back a message that they are closed, not that they don't exist. Now, I suppose its possible that yahoo or roadrunner will be on the new witness list. We'll see.

It's easy enough to find out "which account they came from". He would simply contact the servers. Unless all of their computers have been completely written over they can recover data from the past, easily, even if only fragments.

No, I am not implying that THE Universal studios is using yahoo or that these emails came from them. That doesn't mean that there wasn't an illicit "company" posing as them. Scams like this happen all the time. Casey doesn't appear to have stolen enough over the last couple of years to have fully supported her gas and other needs. I'm sure Caylee's piggy bank couldn't support gas at the price it has been. So the money had to be coming from somewhere. While her parents may have been feeding her I'm sure they weren't giving her entertainment money all the time. Think about how much she'd have to steal during that 3 years. She surely would have been exposed long before Caylee went missing.

Just my opinion but it makes sense to me.

The majority of Central Floridians have Roadrunner as our ISP - if you have Bright House cable here, you most likely have roadrunner. I live in a different county and also have is HUGE here and the most popular - just fyi! :)
Awesome detective work technicalconfusion on your IP post above.
To explain further the LDB filing chart, Prosecution underplayed their hand. Venus is in her element (earth) and strong conjunct Jupiter, even though he is detrimented. He is the big benefic we depend upon. So the prosecutor has the advantage in a most afflicted chart.

Neptune in the H. of execution announces renunciation of that option. Relinquishing that choice acts against the state's best interests, opposite Fortuna. Chemists available to the state are more powerful than defense experts. Neptune by mutual reception comes into exact adversarial posture with those worthies, Saturn declaiming insufficiency and lack, paucity of evidence as is the function of Saturn. Chemists available to the state are nothing short of wizards: Neptune by m.r. in Pisces now, the Sign it rules. They also have the common touch, conjunct the Moon.

Planet ruling H. 8, Jupiter, trine Saturn also represents the bones of the child, in H. 5. If those or enough of them are found and identified, Neptune opposite Saturn, Prosecution will reconsider the death penalty on the basis of new evidence and thereby return to a more normal murder case where a body does exist, exercising the exchange of the mutual reception.

This is a fraught period in the progress of this case, particularly as we include the coming Full Moon. I have overstressed this peak time along with the Span of Truth, February 7-20. We need to keep our eyes skinned for every detail now. The Moon of this chart is trine the Dog Star on H. 3 of witnesses. Who is this friend turned state's witness?
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