Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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TechnicalConfusion, your computer forensic sleuthing is top-notch. Even though I probably couldn't begin to find the lines through the maze, I did understand your findings. Awesome. LE should have you on their team.

Soulscape, Tuba, and other astrologers, I'm always, always thrilled when I read your posts, then hear the news, and know you were right on! This is fascinating stuff and you ladies are wonderful teachers. I've beginning my forensic astrology studies and can only dream I'll be half as good as all of you someday.

If anyone is trying to spy on us, we have your number, and you're not pulling the wool over our eyes, and we're not going to drink the Koolaid, either. See?
This is amazing...It gives me further fuel as to why he may be the father...I will tell you why. ANY man that is unavailable and aloof to a young pretty woman I am thinking old me and others I know ( KC DOES HAVE VEN in ARIES )must be conquered and even for a moment (one night stand) must worship at the alter of my sexuality!! Its a game for alot of women... If he is a normal young man and drunk he is not going to care how annoying she is...Thank you so much again for all you do!!!

Originally Posted by Mrs. Peel
So, in a way, if he was attracted, he would have. And then, even if he wasn't he would have. I understand the situation which you are describing, but it kind of takes away any signifcance that the astro reported. The astros here are serious people. Their conclusions are well weighed.

Dear Mrs Peel I am a serious astrologer myself I have been studying for 18 years just not skilled in Forensic is why I do not post more..I am not in disagreement with our beautiful Soulscape I was just adding that KC's Natal venus is in ARIES and she would take advantage of JP and his dislike of her to add to her overblown sociopathic ego as a one night stand to make herself feel Powerful..Like she had conquered and the result could have been Caylee

Ladies, please --- I value both your input.

Mrs. Peel, I do not think MeenaMom's comment took away significance from my analysis. Actually, her comment was dead-on.

KC does have Venus in Aries: she very much is in it for the chase, she very much loves to carve notches on her bedpost, and she very much would be totally ticked off that a cute hottie like JP could be arrogant enough to blow her off. She has no problem tricking people into doing what she wants, and whether she tricked him or not, if he happened to be at the same party and he happened to be drunk, MeenaMom's theory holds [a lot of] water.

However, what I really want to emphasize is that I chose not to address the paternity issue because none of us knows whether JP and KC WERE EVER INTIMATE. Even if they were, would it have been during the conception time frame? If the answers to the questions are no, then obviously, there could be no way JP could be the tot dad, no matter what the Chart points to!!!

Enough people have suffered in this case and I don't want to contribute to fueling the rumor mill.

I guess I am a 'lurker' since I have no knowledge of Astrology other than reading the posts of the results from the charts by our very gifted astrologers. This is my favorite thread, even feel like I have picked up some, very little, understanding of the readings just by the explanations given and looking at the charts. When I first came to this thread it was like greek to me, now I read them and somehow I have some understanding of them. LOL But I attribute that to the quality of the astrologers here and their explanations of the charts. Tuba, Soulscape and sure miss Housemouse are excellent in this. And I enjoy reading the contributions by others. But it seems that for some reason lately it has taken another kind of 'turn', maybe it is just me and I even hesitated to post about what I was feeling or noticing at first. But like always---Miss foot-in-the-mouth---I thought I would mention it. Please forgive me if I have stepped on anyone's toes because that was not my intention. It is that this is one of the best threads here and would not like to see it demeaned in any way. Thank you again Tuba, Soulscape and (miss you) Housemouse.
<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

What is the issue between JP & KC? What is really going on between them?
Since VENUS (KC) receives MARS (JP) by exaltation, she may possibly see JP thru rose-colored glasses, but there are no deep feelings. The exaltation gives the sense of putting him on a pedestal. Maybe she thought he was sexy, but as a living, breathing, human person (SUN), she probably could take him or leave him (VENUS receives SUN by Face, a minor reception). Furthermore, as a person, JP probably stressed her out somewhat, shown by SUN (JP) applying semisquare to VENUS (KC).

So can it be said maybe that this is the one that she can't manipulate with her looks and wiles, and that intrigues her (exhaltation?)? He's a challenge, because she can't figure out how to wrap him around her finger and that frustrates her? He thought she was mildly pretty, but that's about it...nothing else about her is attractive to him, he isn't falling for her BS. Or speculating...perhaps SHE was a one night stand for him and she couldn't figure out why he wasn't bowled over - after all she knows LOTS of tricks according to her. :) He deflates her ego.
So can it be said maybe that this is the one that she can't manipulate with her looks and wiles, and that intrigues her (exhaltation?)? He's a challenge, because she can't figure out how to wrap him around her finger and that frustrates her? He thought she was mildly pretty, but that's about it...nothing else about her is attractive to him, he isn't falling for her BS. Or speculating...perhaps SHE was a one night stand for him and she couldn't figure out why he wasn't bowled over - after all she knows LOTS of tricks according to her. :) He deflates her ego.

Yes, Beck. That was an excellent observation of how reception by exaltation may manifest in this particular Horary chart, which also shows semisquares and squares between KC's and JP's significators, and keeping in mind what we already know about KC both in terms of her natal chart and all the facts that have come to light so far in this case.

Yes, Beck. That was an excellent observation of how reception by exaltation may manifest in this particular Horary chart, which also shows semisquares and squares between KC's and JP's significators, and keeping in mind what we already know about KC both in terms of her natal chart and all the facts that have come to light so far in this case.


I'm learning!! All thanks to you guys! Thanks for the wonderful charts and interpretations...this thread is fascinating. :)
Tuba I have a question for you:

You wanted info on a 2/20 date, because you believed that is where Caylee's body is buried. It was referenced to another date in June after she killed Caylee when the stars were in the same position or something to that effect (ugh - -I need to keep things straight right?? Very hard in this case - I should do like Coley and get notebooks he he he)

Anyway - my question is....we know that she was dating Ricardo at that time, and how she loves to hang out with her bf of the day at all times. My GUESS is that she was with him on that day in February, since they were hot and heavy then (started dating in early February, as per his interview with LE). Possibly late night when you know they are at a fixed location?

Is it possible to reference another KNOWN time that she was with Ricardo at his home - say 6/9 - 6/10 and see if the stars are in the same location position? Thus, you know that the other date means she was in that location? Just a thought....don't know how it all fits with forensic astrology. I could just be grasping at straws, don't know if this would have any value or not. I'm with AKSleuth though, I've been searching for other Feb 08 info and haven't found any.

Sorry if I'm way off track. Thanks for your patience with a newbie. :)
Red mine...

I don't believe this information is known Soulscape...unfortunately.

Alas... I have looked and tried to figure out how to find a date for this video, but no luck. I'm thinking anyone who might have originally found it in her Photobucket or where ever it was first found might have some clues, but no one answered my post on the Q's for WS, part 3, so I am coming up empty handed.

However, I do think I hear someone respond to Caylee in the video, saying the crayon she is holding out is "red".

Pre-trial on November 5, we had a teetery formation, the bowl pattern was standing on its rim. Fully half the case, the western hemisphere, was an unknown. The eastern hemisphere was the containment of witness accounts, physical evidence, sworn statements from the accused, reconstructions of events, information technology that had been collected.

With the filing of the prosecution position on the death penalty, the bowl has changed emphasis and is now emptying out, disseminating and distributing information but always with the caution denoted by its lead planet, Saturn. There is now much discussion about the leaked defense memo and its hypotheticals. Saturn is quincunx Neptune, so further development lies ahead, the situation is immature and should not be artificially accelerated.

It is true that the public isn't privy to every consideration that led to the renunciation of the death penalty but the chart for that announcement still indicates it was an unfortunate decision, a mistake. Neptune is the renunciation, H. 10 is the DP and the Part of Fortune opposes the renunciation. Part of Fortune is also on a degree relinquishing control, losing grip on the overall management of the conflict between Prosecution & Defense.

Because there is that inherent flexibility granted by the long standing mutual reception between Uranus & Neptune, the decision may be reversed under circumstances already described.

Juries are H. 11, as advisories to the judge in H. 10. viz., Jones, Watters, Horary Reference Book (Unger & Huber), Louis. In cases of arbitration and settlement, H. 1 and 7. are the principals and H. 11 doesn't enter. I see the logic of a jury of ones peers taking a House directly across if the accused was given to H. 1 but the jury members of H. 11 are considered ones equals pro tem.
Soulscape - I admire your integrity in not posting assumptions about JPC because of lack of any evidence that there was intimacy between him and KC and appreciate it.

Also, knowing nothing about astrology, but having been an observer of human nature and having known a couple of people who could be considered *BPD'ed, my instinct is that your analysis of the KC/JPC discord, along with Meenamom and Beckaroozie's comments is spot on!

There are some people in this world that will not buy into a BPD'eds drama, nor believe all the garbage that they can spew. I'm thinking JPC was one of those people. I think he saw right through KC and picked up on her inconsistencies right away and knew all she said could not be true. AND this would have driven KC nuts, causing her to do all sorts of things to win his favor. It is interesting to see that his refusal to buy into her nonsense is based on the alignment of his Mars.


*BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder
Beck, I see the way you are attacking the unknown and it's a good method, very good. In the example or instance you provide, as always, we would need a time of day or night for the chart. Then we could cast it to eliminate Ricardo's apartment as the scene of the crime simply because it didn't line up with the other charts. However, do we suspect that his residence was the scene? Here's the other problem: the activity of February 20 took place at a location where the remains are to be found, not where the drugging or homicide occurred. We are confident that Caylee is not buried at RM's place.

It wasn't one chart that showed the connection between the burial/concealment location and the eclipse though, it was many charts. I just looked thro them again. Beck, I will re-study the sundown horoscope for the eclipse keeping Ricardo in mind. Do you by some wild chance happen to know his favorite haunts?
I found this info while searching back through the case notes:

During the Summer of 2007, Mr. Morales traveled from Tampa, Florida to attend a party in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Morales met with Ms. Anthony at the party. Mr. Morales met Ms. Anthony again in February 2008, and they began dating. Mr. Morales and Ms. Anthony dated until late April 2008, or early May 2008. While Mr. Morales and Ms. Anthony dated, they spent most of their time at 232 North Glenwood Avenue. Mr. Morales and Ms. Anthony went out to eat together one or twice, but most of the time they hung out inside of 232 North Glenwood Avenue. A majority of the time Ms. Anthony spent at 232 North Glenwood Avenue, Caylee Anthony was with her.

So if they spent most of their time at 232 North Glenwood Avenue...perhaps we should look at places of interest around that address...thoughts?
Dear Soulscape Thank you so much for your kindness...I am constantly in awe of your talent....
The following post is my attempt to rectify KC's Natal birthtime ( I am open to being wrong) but since I have been working on this a while (the other natal charts did not sit with my gut well...So I will proceed to show what I believe is close to her natal time.

When this case first broke one of my first thought OH This is the HADES Moon in play in the Public eye in a HUGE way. A Hades Moon occurs when Pluto is in aspect to the Moon. If you are not familiar with this aspect( or you know you personally have a Dark Moon) I refer you to a beautiful book The Hades Moon -Pluto in aspect to the Moon by Judy Hall. A Hades Moon CAN and does occur with ALL aspects even the good ones to Pluto (or if you personally have a Moon in Scorpio you have a milder case). The Hades Moon is the DEVOURING Mother and also the SMOTHER Mother ( think CA). A Hades Moon either smothers the child stunting psychological growth or cares nothing for her offspring BOTH have been witnessed in this case.....

KC's rectified birthtime (giving a clear Hades Moon)

Moon Cancer 6 degrees fifth House giving KC a birth time of approximately 5 am
When I did this chart I was astounded This time gives KC a detached Aquarius rising which makes such perfect sense to me..She shows no or very little emotion publicly. Also since we always have to embrace the opposite polarity it gives her that Leo energy I was looking for.

This chart also gives a KITE aspect The individual with the KITE is likely to sense there is something more but may not be aware of her talents. Consistently finding the Motivation for the best expression of that KITE configuration may be the more difficult task.The Focal Point of the KITE is the Fifth House moon. With Pluto involved strengthens this Hades Moon aspect.

Saturn is also Conjunct MC in this chart on the 9th House side but with all this Sag energy in the 10th she may have wanted recognition (FAME/INFAMY)
subconciously at all costs

The 5th/11th house opposition with Moon involvment shows the conflict she had between Caylee and and her wanting to have a life with her friends.

Another interesting point LILITH is in House 4 in Geminii I found this fascinating with all we know about CA it is SQUARE her Natal Jupiter which with this birthtime is in the first house. Jupiter in the first could give her an overinflated sense of her own importance and a BIG love of self.

I am not so skilled with computer but I will try to post the chart

I also have a MER opposition SAT natally and have difficulty expressing everything I would like to I also run into misunderstandings all the time..
I did not mean to step on any other Astro's toes but I AM sure in my gut this KC has a DARK Moon....

I really respect your not wanting to fuel a rumor involving another innocent human being
I hope you all are blessed on this beautiful day

Tried to post chart it says invalid file :confused:
I made notes on RM. Wrote down June 11 for the day they split but I can't find the part of February when they hooked up. I'll do another search; I don't remember whose statement that information came from.

I also need to get a far better orientation on Glenwood and how it relates on a map to Sawgrass Apts., for instance. If there are no places of interest, we may be back to a dumpster. Will do some checking right now. Thank you for that information on holing up in the apartment.
Dear Soulscape Thank you so much for your kindness...I am constantly in awe of your talent....
The following post is my attempt to rectify KC's Natal birthtime ( I am open to being wrong) but since I have been working on this a while (the other natal charts did not sit with my gut well...So I will proceed to show what I believe is close to her natal time.

When this case first broke one of my first thought OH This is the HADES Moon in play in the Public eye in a HUGE way. A Hades Moon occurs when Pluto is in aspect to the Moon. If you are not familiar with this aspect( or you know you personally have a Dark Moon) I refer you to a beautiful book The Hades Moon -Pluto in aspect to the Moon by Judy Hall. A Hades Moon CAN and does occur with ALL aspects even the good ones to Pluto (or if you personally have a Moon in Scorpio you have a milder case). The Hades Moon is the DEVOURING Mother and also the SMOTHER Mother ( think CA). A Hades Moon either smothers the child stunting psychological growth or cares nothing for her offspring BOTH have been witnessed in this case.....

KC's rectified birthtime (giving a clear Hades Moon)

Moon Cancer 6 degrees fifth House giving KC a birth time of approximately 5 am
When I did this chart I was astounded This time gives KC a detached Aquarius rising which makes such perfect sense to me..She shows no or very little emotion publicly. Also since we always have to embrace the opposite polarity it gives her that Leo energy I was looking for.

This chart also gives a KITE aspect The individual with the KITE is likely to sense there is something more but may not be aware of her talents. Consistently finding the Motivation for the best expression of that KITE configuration may be the more difficult task.The Focal Point of the KITE is the Fifth House moon. With Pluto involved strengthens this Hades Moon aspect.

Saturn is also Conjunct MC in this chart on the 9th House side but with all this Sag energy in the 10th she may have wanted recognition (FAME/INFAMY)
subconciously at all costs

The 5th/11th house opposition with Moon involvment shows the conflict she had between Caylee and and her wanting to have a life with her friends.

Another interesting point LILITH is in House 4 in Geminii I found this fascinating with all we know about CA it is SQUARE her Natal Jupiter which with this birthtime is in the first house. Jupiter in the first could give her an overinflated sense of her own importance and a BIG love of self.

I am not so skilled with computer but I will try to post the chart

I also have a MER opposition SAT natally and have difficulty expressing everything I would like to I also run into misunderstandings all the time..
I did not mean to step on any other Astro's toes but I AM sure in my gut this KC has a DARK Moon....

I really respect your not wanting to fuel a rumor involving another innocent human being
I hope you all are blessed on this beautiful day

Tried to post chart it says invalid file :confused:

MeenaMom, this is quite interesting. Please post the specifics (time/date/place) you used and I'll put the chart up on photobucket for discussion.

What we can do is compare MeenaMom's rectified chart for KC against other KEY charts to see how well it fits the story.

Thank you for contributing your input,

On another note, FifthEssence, will you please direct your question regarding the Oveido House to Tuba as I believe it fits right into what she is currently sleuthing astrologically?

Thanks again,
Hi there..I used equal house system March 19 1986 500 am Warren Ohio. Added 5 asteroids including Lilith and on the outskirts 6 common fixed stars..
Thanks so much with your help in posting the chart I tried multiple times and it just kept saying invalid file
Salvarenga, Lovejac took notes from the RM statements. Ricardo & Casey were dating from early in February but it got serious on February 23. From that information, it was probable that they partied at the same spot on February 20. Likely others were involved judging from the eclipse chart. It is just the question of where.
I made notes on RM. Wrote down June 11 for the day they split but I can't find the part of February when they hooked up. I'll do another search; I don't remember whose statement that information came from.

I also need to get a far better orientation on Glenwood and how it relates on a map to Sawgrass Apts., for instance. If there are no places of interest, we may be back to a dumpster. Will do some checking right now. Thank you for that information on holing up in the apartment.

Here's a little more info:

From 7/25/08 RM's Interview:

RM: I met Casey the first week of June 2007, uhm, at a party in Amy's house, or her previous house.

RM: Uhm, I met Caylee early January of this year, 2008, at a party at, or a barbeque at Troy's house.

EE: Okay, and you say you started dating Casey when?

RM: The beginning of February.2008.

EE: And that lasted until?

RM: Mid-April 2008.

Supposedly -- according to RM interview, Caley sustained a bruise under her eye at his house by hitting the coffee table on January 23, 2008. Casey took a photo of her with the bruise. So Casey and Caylee were at his house on January 23, 2008.

Casey, Troy and Ricardo were at Voyage the night of May 14, 2008. She had 2 flat tires later that night and RM And Troy went back out to help her. Caylee was not with her.

May 29, 2008 - Casey and Caylee spent the night at RM's.

Don't know if it's pertinent but....Casey dated someone named Steve Jones (per RM) in 2007. He lives out by Bithlo, Chuluota, Alafaya & 50 area. Casey met him the first week of June 2007 at the party at Amy's old house - the same day she met RM. They dated until October 2007. Might be something to look at as well. LE seemed particularly interested in this area and asked RM specifically if he or his friends knew anyone in that area. SJ was the name he came up with. The guy lives off of 50 by Lake Pickett. (Police mentioned 'Bridgewater').
Alas... I have looked and tried to figure out how to find a date for this video, but no luck. I'm thinking anyone who might have originally found it in her Photobucket or where ever it was first found might have some clues, but no one answered my post on the Q's for WS, part 3, so I am coming up empty handed.

However, I do think I hear someone respond to Caylee in the video, saying the crayon she is holding out is "red".


Salem & Magic_Cat,

Thank you both for attempting to gather info on this video. Even though your attempts have been unsuccessful so far, please know that we very much appreciate the enthusiastic support and assistance you and the other core Readers / Astrologer-Readers continue to bring to this thread. It is the questions, observations and input you all provide that impulse us to cast & analyze many of the charts and discussions that we post herein.

If you look at Caylee's natal Lilith she has it conjunct her Sun and exact Mer
For others information Dark Moon Lilith Keywords: danger, darkness, deceit, destruction, devious, devouring.In astrology, the Dark Moon is representative of the darker side of our nature, the negative side. It is the hidden depths that we know exist yet we prefer not to acknowledge. It is subtle on the surface, yet profound beneath. It is the foundations of our personality and the shocking truth that we often deny and project onto others instead. The refusal to see what is really within ourselves. The subtle refusal to see what part we may have played in some unpleasant drama of our lives, how we ourselves have manifested our fears. It is the kind of thing that we intrinsically know we have to deal with, confront the darker side in order to progress unhindered, yet most often we try to ignore. It is the deeper truth that we are forever in search of within ourselves. Probably the best use we can make of the dark moon is to explore our hidden depths, realise that we all have that darker side and go within to resolve that which ultimately hinders us. Most people don't
If we remember correctly on the window that Caylee may have perished June 15 to 18 Mars was going over her ASC ( indicative of her heart stopping somehow?) But it would also affect her Sun MER Lilith Conj.......

LOL I edited this three times adding more info..
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