Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Seems like they would Kait! I doubt they'd give it to us? What do you think?

Hey -- have you guys looked at the new thread about the mysterious Frank M.? I wonder what his connection to KC is and what part he plays in all of this? He's a big time auto parts scammer on the internet. Presently, he's in jail in St. Augustine for Larceny and Fraud I think (was arrested on 11/23/08according to the St. Aug paper).

She made a lot of phone calls to him on the 16th and other I understand from the people who were dissecting the phone records. He has connections in Gainsville, St. Aug, Orlando, and Clermont.

His DOB is 1/9/87

my bold
He's out on bail for Grand Theft. CAPRI had listed his arrests on the FRANK M. thread. You might want to take a look.

I agree, we should look at his Chart
DOB- 1/9/87
Place of birth - Panama City, FL

He may have also assisted in KC getting FAKE ID considering the background he has and the scams noted on that Thread.
Guess I should clarify my musings....if LE has "some" items of Caylee - did they expose their dogs to it during the initial searches? And what stopped LE from issuing a subpoena for clothing she wore (and that hopefully CA had NOT washed!)?? When they returned to the A's to collect some of KC's clothing, did they maybe take something of Caylee's then? And, nah, I wouldn't think LE would give it up.... :)) !

I think they did the cadaver searched before they issued the search warrants to obtain her things if I am not mistaken...But I am with you Kait, why not just issue a warrant for something like a well loved toy that she played with often or something of that nature so they could use it to give the dogs her scent? I guess there are protocols and rules and regulations that LE operates within and am not sure if this would have been an option for them, but who knows?
I don't know how I let this thread get away from me for two whole days, but I just spent a bit reading all the posts since Dec. 8th. Wow! Like Soulscape, I really, really got a feeling about the area currently being discussed - Sawgrass Marsh and thereabouts. When I saw the pictures posted of the open-looking field with the yellow flowers, I actually cried! It looks exactly like the area I've had in my mind for ages. Not only that, I had done some aerial searching of the area a few weeks ago (Google Earth) and pinpointed it as a marshy looking area of interest. Another area I was interested in was near Lake Hart and Lake Mary Jane, so I was intrigued by the sleuthing of others these past two days.

Caylee may not be there, but for me, it was the strongest vibes I've gotten so far in this case. Is there an overhead walkway, a narrow bridge of sorts? Previously I had the feeling she may be "under" a walkway bridge. By under, I mean somewhere below, not in an area where people would normally walk because they'd use the bridge instead.

Can the distance we're searching for be from Annie's house instead of the As' house? I'm still a bit unclear how to read the distance using the remains chart. Are we placing the center of the chart over the Anthony house? I've never done this type of astrology before and find it FASCINATING.

Has anything been worked up to see if her body had been buried or hidden in other places before finally being placed where she is now? I'm asking because we know she must have been moved a couple of times, in addition to probably being driven all over town in the trunk. Some people told LE (per statements) about a suspicious area with suspicious objects located at the end of Suburban Drive. Tony L said Casey's car ran out of gas on the same street which is actually the cross street of Hopespring Drive -walking distance from the A house. Could Caylee have been put there for some time and moved later? Perhaps even after Casey was out on bond? Timeframe for removal would be Sept. 11th or at least between Sept. 10th and 13th.

For the person who inquired about our length of time studying/practicing astrology, let me just say, it's a lifelong process and NO ONE ever learns it all. It's just too vast. There isn't enough time in the day to learn every nuance, even if one studies/practices for 100 or 1000 years.

Frank M.? I'll have to check out the thread. Didn't she claim a Frank M. as one of the Franks who supposedly was her supervisor at Universal? Could this be one of them?

Even if 'we' aren't the ones to physically find Caylee, I do believe we're helping mentally and telepathically. With all the research and sleuthing we've been doing, along with those on the psychic thread, somebody somewhere just has to be receiving our mental messages. Keep the faith.

I'm going to do more mapping and get back here later.
bump, bump...doin the bump. Our Astros worked hard last night and are probably pooped today! :)
I can't imagine searching this area we are studying without a team that proceeds methodically unless I had a couple of dogs I knew pretty well. I trust them to such an extent that I would slow if they barked, turned if they told me to, even while still in the car. Before we set out, I would spend some quiet time with them to let them absorb "the mission". I am talking about ordinary dogs, not trained cadaver dogs because I might not be that lucky. It is very upsetting that the A's refused to provide some items for the dogs to assist in the search.

OT, Tuba,
We have an Autism Service Dog that is trained to track our son in case he wanders off.Our son is unaware of danger and doesn't respond when you call him.Watching Fred track when we practice is always exciting.I wouldn't trade him for a million bucks. And he was a pound puppy!
Unfortunately, those items would be considered evidence and I seriously doubt that they would allow anyone or anything to tamper with that evidence, even for such a just cause as to find Caylee...But, thinking on the Anthony family's refusal to provide an item of Caylee's for the purpose of allowing the dogs to pick up her scent, THAT is a dead giveaway in my book that they do not want Caylee found under any circumstances...Why else would they refuse such a request? There IS no other logical explanation except their further and continuing interference in finding this precious little soul...I know if it were me, and I thank God in heaven that it is not, but if it were, I would give my child's bedclothes where they slept to be sure the dogs could locate them, dead or alive. I would not want my precious child laying in the ground somewhere, alone, unprotected and forgotten. Even if it meant they would be found dead, I would still want them found so I could see them one last time and lay them to rest in peace and dignity...Something is so wrong in this family-everything that they do is backward to progress...:banghead:

I believe you only track scent with a live person.The person sheds skin cells with every step they take leaving a scent path for the dog to follow.There is usually a starting point or last known location.
A cadaver dog would be needed to find Caylee now.They wouldn't be following a scent or tracking,they would be exploring and alerting if they happened to come upon the decomp scent.....I think.
I don't know how I let this thread get away from me for two whole days, but I just spent a bit reading all the posts since Dec. 8th. Wow! Like Soulscape, I really, really got a feeling about the area currently being discussed - Sawgrass Marsh and thereabouts. When I saw the pictures posted of the open-looking field with the yellow flowers, I actually cried! It looks exactly like the area I've had in my mind for ages. Not only that, I had done some aerial searching of the area a few weeks ago (Google Earth) and pinpointed it as a marshy looking area of interest. Another area I was interested in was near Lake Hart and Lake Mary Jane, so I was intrigued by the sleuthing of others these past two days.

Caylee may not be there, but for me, it was the strongest vibes I've gotten so far in this case. Is there an overhead walkway, a narrow bridge of sorts? Previously I had the feeling she may be "under" a walkway bridge. By under, I mean somewhere below, not in an area where people would normally walk because they'd use the bridge instead.

Can the distance we're searching for be from Annie's house instead of the As' house? I'm still a bit unclear how to read the distance using the remains chart. Are we placing the center of the chart over the Anthony house? I've never done this type of astrology before and find it FASCINATING.

Has anything been worked up to see if her body had been buried or hidden in other places before finally being placed where she is now? I'm asking because we know she must have been moved a couple of times, in addition to probably being driven all over town in the trunk. Some people told LE (per statements) about a suspicious area with suspicious objects located at the end of Suburban Drive. Tony L said Casey's car ran out of gas on the same street which is actually the cross street of Hopespring Drive -walking distance from the A house. Could Caylee have been put there for some time and moved later? Perhaps even after Casey was out on bond? Timeframe for removal would be Sept. 11th or at least between Sept. 10th and 13th.

For the person who inquired about our length of time studying/practicing astrology, let me just say, it's a lifelong process and NO ONE ever learns it all. It's just too vast. There isn't enough time in the day to learn every nuance, even if one studies/practices for 100 or 1000 years.

Frank M.? I'll have to check out the thread. Didn't she claim a Frank M. as one of the Franks who supposedly was her supervisor at Universal? Could this be one of them?

Even if 'we' aren't the ones to physically find Caylee, I do believe we're helping mentally and telepathically. With all the research and sleuthing we've been doing, along with those on the psychic thread, somebody somewhere just has to be receiving our mental messages. Keep the faith.

I'm going to do more mapping and get back here later.

aksleuth, I had the same feeling when I saw that open field with the yellow flowers/weeds. That is the closest pic to what I have seen. I also feel she is under a wooden walkway.
Encouraging fact--we began this intensive search when Mercury was transiting Caylee's Pluto 21:58 Sagittarius, which rules her final resting place. The Full Moon on Friday finds the Sun right there, on her Pluto again. Next Monday, Mars will be there.

As against that, there is Alpha who has opened a thread on Casey, Raccoons & Karma and who is one of the physical searchers. She serves notice that it will take a lot more time and effort to cover the ground thoroughly. Once again, I have to say I thoroughly understand why Tim cursed the prisoner.
I believe you only track scent with a live person.The person sheds skin cells with every step they take leaving a scent path for the dog to follow.There is usually a starting point or last known location.
A cadaver dog would be needed to find Caylee now.They wouldn't be following a scent or tracking,they would be exploring and alerting if they happened to come upon the decomp scent.....I think.

This might be a dumb question but I was wondering if the searchers couldn't get an item of Caylee's, would Casey's scent still be present at the search site? What about the lady who was collecting the A's garbage? There were items of Casey's there, noteably the "shamrock" cap. Just thowing out any possibility.

"If you can't go in the front door, try the back door."
For tomorrow, you will see that the prisoner's representation, Venus, is in H. 1 as is the prosecution, Jupiter trine Saturn. Venus is // Jupiter, as noted on the pre-trial chart itself. Whether wittingly or unwittingly, the two sides are cooperating tomorrow. And the prisoner, Moon in crisis, is not at odds with this overture either, as she sits in trine with Venus //Jupiter. Concessions, rapprochement but all in the name of decorum and appearances.

We have discussed this dichotomy before. Despite polite gestures and observation of tradition and court rules as seen in House 1, the nature of the event itself is fiery contention, Sun - Mars afflicting Saturn and Uranus. The complaints from both sides have been described. The police are gripping their own watching brief, the judge's gown is in a bunch and the state attorney is standing on his ear. The way this all sorts out in the next few days is Moon about to leave Gemini conjoining a 29° Part of Fortune. At that degree, not so fortunate. Mercury will have gone on and entered Capricorn before then but the tattling and tale telling occurs first and so much that was hidden comes out, Jupiter ruler H. 12 in H. 1. We should have a lot more real information post hearing. Pluto is hidden knowledge and when Mercury joins him, he divulges it.
Just watched the A's on LKL. It was a sham. Have company and cajoled them into watching it with me (gasp!)....this couple is not really following the case, but even they were apalled (had to give them some background). Snuck in here because I just had to vent for a second.....
It was appalling. The tape of Cindy saying "It smells like there's a dead body in the damn car!" was played immediately before she misquoted herself. "I said 'the car smelled'". The whole interview was in that same vein of falsity, from both GA & CA. We now know there was no pizza in the box but that took up five minutes as the source of the smell.

They certainly were stumped by LK's question, "Why didn't she notify you when Caylee went missing?" Cindy asserts there was no motive and that law enforcement have admitted that. Pigswill! Every time they appear they lose credibility by statements out of their own mouths.
This might be a dumb question but I was wondering if the searchers couldn't get an item of Caylee's, would Casey's scent still be present at the search site? What about the lady who was collecting the A's garbage? There were items of Casey's there, noteably the "shamrock" cap. Just thowing out any possibility.

"If you can't go in the front door, try the back door."

I only trained for two weeks specifically for my son,but I think the answer is no.A friend training to track in Arizona was told she would only have minutes before the scent was lost because of the dry ,warm conditions.FL is more humid and wet,but it's highly doubtful a tracking dog could find a trail after 6 months.The cells we shed scatter in the wind .
BTW,the dogs train for a year or more.It's the parents who train in two weeks,and only for our own children.:)
For tomorrow, you will see that the prisoner's representation, Venus, is in H. 1 as is the prosecution, Jupiter trine Saturn. Venus is // Jupiter, as noted on the pre-trial chart itself. Whether wittingly or unwittingly, the two sides are cooperating tomorrow. And the prisoner, Moon in crisis, is not at odds with this overture either, as she sits in trine with Venus //Jupiter. Concessions, rapprochement but all in the name of decorum and appearances.

We have discussed this dichotomy before. Despite polite gestures and observation of tradition and court rules as seen in House 1, the nature of the event itself is fiery contention, Sun - Mars afflicting Saturn and Uranus. The complaints from both sides have been described. The police are gripping their own watching brief, the judge's gown is in a bunch and the state attorney is standing on his ear. The way this all sorts out in the next few days is Moon about to leave Gemini conjoining a 29° Part of Fortune. At that degree, not so fortunate. Mercury will have gone on and entered Capricorn before then but the tattling and tale telling occurs first and so much that was hidden comes out, Jupiter ruler H. 12 in H. 1. We should have a lot more real information post hearing. Pluto is hidden knowledge and when Mercury joins him, he divulges it.

Tuba-thank you so much for all your devotion and the time that you have put into well as Soulscape, Aksleuth, FifthEssense, and of course Kaitland and Housemouse and to the newcomers as well, MeenaMom and anyone that I have missed who has contributed your efforts to looking for the answers in the ACTUAL heavens-I salute you all and am your humble servant...

I only pray that you are correct (as usual) and that after this hearing tomorrow we will know much more than we know this day. This has been so tedious and worrisome, much the more because of the scams and plots played out by the family. Let the tattle telling begin!
It was appalling. The tape of Cindy saying "It smells like there's a dead body in the damn car!" was played immediately before she misquoted herself. "I said 'the car smelled'". The whole interview was in that same vein of falsity, from both GA & CA. We now know there was no pizza in the box but that took up five minutes as the source of the smell.

They certainly were stumped by LK's question, "Why didn't she notify you when Caylee went missing?" Cindy asserts there was no motive and that law enforcement have admitted that. Pigswill! Every time they appear they lose credibility by statements out of their own mouths.

One thing for sure, the Anthonys were being themselves on LKL. Deceptive as usual. Sad.
Continue asked for and accepted. Tentative new Status conference Jan. 15, at 9:00 a.m.
The supposed news regarding the breaking of the timer55 code is definitely not the tattling I am referring to. We heard about Cindy's solution of the code weeks ago. And the child was not returned on her birthday. The motive behind this false promise escapes me. One thing is certain, the family must stop indulging these freaking phony clues! Lee, at least, has sworn off.

JB seeks to investigate Yuri and John. If he intends an official departmental review, how will he show cause?

January 15, the Sun will be in crisis, Mercury will be retrograde trine a Libra Moon and conjunct Jupiter. JB is favored by the Mercury aspects, being Libran. He complained again today about the slow pace and non-transfer of discovery but he should have what he needs by January 15. JB and LDB mentioned trial in March as a possibility. Jose also stated that the prisoner was not adverse to that delay.
remains of a child found 1/3 of a mile from anthony home Reporting
chickasaw trail and suburban drive..
Full Moon tomorrow!!!
Per Near a retention pond child found in trash bag This is so horrible as I type No child is trash..Oh Im crying now
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