Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Tuba is today the day your chart indicated upheaval for KC? She was going to be squirming?
ANyone interested in chart the discovery was at 930 am in Orlando today's date 11 DEC 08 I am supposed to go get the xmas cards done but I have to take a quick look
I'd be willing to see a chart for today's discovery.

I've been interested in that area for some time, and especially after reading the five documents from September about discoveries in this area, and did a few Google Earth searches there. What struck me were the "pools of water" in that area. Not sure what they're called but the water pools were not ponds, but manmade, with lots of water movement in them. In fact, I came here early today to post the pictures and ask if anyone know what they were, but I couldn't get on. The board was too busy. So it must have been after the discovery of the skull, etc. I had been outside playing in the snow and taking pictures - snow is very rare here. Our TV news people were on TV all morning with the snow coverage. Very busy newsday all the way around.

I'm most interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on today's findings and the location.

Can you imagine the despair of the grandparents today? If they don't bawl.........I know I did.
3rd try.

Tuba, thank you for the chart. It is beautiful. I see you do the hand/math method, which is great. I still cannot interpret. Can't wait until you can post the interpretation. I know it is a LOT of work. Thank you again.

I checked the Astro Calender, you said perp would be climbing the wall by the 13th. May bite JB. I find that rather interesting. You have been so accurate so far, I see this as happening, even if we don't ever find it out.

Just a reminder to all to check the calendar and thank the Astrologer's here who do so much hard work!
Found 9:30 am 12/11/08, less than 1/2 mile from A. home, WNW direction as the #3 Phone Call to LE chart testified. The mileage was off, as the chart spoke of 4.5 miles.

Neptune, Pluto, Moon all in crisis degree.
Moon 04 Gemini partile trine Venus 04 Aquarius of young girls.
Part of Death 12 Aries partile conjunct KC's n. Venus
Point of Death 00 Scorpio partile conjunct KC's n. South Node. This is a clear and damning testimony as to the identity of the murderer.

Strange feelings of joy she has been found mixed with grief and tears. The perp stuffed her in a trash bag & bound her head with duct tape.

Incomprehensible --- and inordinately sad...

The prisoner was in crisis for her pre-trial hearing and for the time of the Suburban Road discovery. We know why. She learned of the meter man's discovery before her att'y arrived at the jail. She is said to be in panic attack complete with special breath effects. The jail is monitoring and observing her. JB's visit was from 11:55 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., an hour and a half not a half hour.

There should be linkage between our intensive quest this past weekend and the actual find. The ruler of H. 8 of Death of December 7 is Jupiter trine the bones in the H. of the child, 5. And that same Jupiter is on the Ascendant of today's discovery chart. The Part of Find today is on the Ascendant at 22:47 Capricorn. All sound.

The prisoner, when she regains her breath, will be plotting her next fool's strategy. She is moving with mutuality to Pallas Athena, the asteroid of strategy now 10:44 II. Pallas Athena is afflicted by KC's Saturn at 9° Sagittarius, a homicide degree. Her scheme will fall of its own defects. It also appears that KC's own DNA will be found on the duct tape: Pallas Athena governs the genetic code.

If you look at the Find chart for today, you will see Uranus rules the intercepted House where Venus is located. Mars is exactly square this same Uranus and this tells us that the withholding of this body for so many months is rousing powerful rage in the community (Mars rules the neighborhood). Angry also are the friends of this victim. Who among us is not furious in her behalf!

It is the day of Jupiter and the hour of Venus when the discovery is made. The angels are on the side of this sensitive and keen eyed meter man and his lucky strike.
Very powerful movements in the heavens. Thank you Tuba and Soulscape. Yes it is an incomprehensible discovery. My heart and mind ache for this tragic discovery of what the little one must have endured. May these movements continue to bring the little one closer to her true home now, so she may fulfill what was obviously a rather enormous purpose in such a short time.

P.S. I hope all of the charts are on the calendar, computer and hand, and your interpretations. When I get time I will print them all out as a study guide. (I know that is a lot of charts and interpretations.) Someone wish housemouse well too, we miss her. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and gifts to help enlighten us all.
Not said to me but apparently a psychic got a message about a pissing German Shepherd and the discovery of the body. I haven't written about the fact that many of the degrees in the search chart also referenced a shepherd. I'm still trying to understand the shepherd symbol. Maybe the meter man served as the shepherd for this child & his community. Shepherd: one who cares for a group of people._____The American Heritage Dictionary.
Not said to me but apparently a psychic got a message about a pissing German Shepherd and the discovery of the body. I haven't written about the fact that many of the degrees in the search chart also referenced a shepherd. I'm still trying to understand the shepherd symbol. Maybe the meter man served as the shepherd for this child & his community. Shepherd: one who cares for a group of people._____The American Heritage Dictionary.

Hahaha, the German Sheppards pee there! Well, we have made light of that all day. The meter man pees there too! Myabe he is German. Maybe he smells of German Sheppard I know I smell of my mutt. Maybe neighbors walk there dogs there. (We had to lighten up somewhere with the intensity I suppose, especially if crying at work.) But yes, Tuba, he is a shepherd for a day anyway, finding a child's remains and reporting it immediately. I did not know that some degrees could reference shepherd.
Oh, and so are all of you. Shepherds keeping us from going too far astray, and staying on a true course. Thank you all again!
If I am not mistaken, it was said that December the 11th, 12th and the 13th would be such bad days for Casey that she may just want to rip those pages right off of her calender...I guess what was to be "divulged" today was that the light would shine for one small instant and a man who needed to relieve himself would stumble upon the sweet little angel. That God in all His infinite wisdom would cause one man's bladder to become so full at the exact instant that he was in the range to find this child shows that God can and does use anyone and anything to bring about HIS justice, and all in His own good time.

I must say that I was more than a little tiny bit pleased that Casey was having panic attacks at the news of this discovery. She knows where she placed Caylee, so of course, when she is found in the very location where she left her, then that would make Casey a bit anxious. I only wish that they would put a camera on her so we could watch her as she squirms!:furious:
I'd be willing to see a chart for today's discovery.

I've been interested in that area for some time, and especially after reading the five documents from September about discoveries in this area, and did a few Google Earth searches there. What struck me were the "pools of water" in that area. Not sure what they're called but the water pools were not ponds, but manmade, with lots of water movement in them. In fact, I came here early today to post the pictures and ask if anyone know what they were, but I couldn't get on. The board was too busy. So it must have been after the discovery of the skull, etc. I had been outside playing in the snow and taking pictures - snow is very rare here. Our TV news people were on TV all morning with the snow coverage. Very busy newsday all the way around.


Retention pond is what you're looking for I think.

Not said to me but apparently a psychic got a message about a pissing German Shepherd and the discovery of the body. I haven't written about the fact that many of the degrees in the search chart also referenced a shepherd. I'm still trying to understand the shepherd symbol. Maybe the meter man served as the shepherd for this child & his community. Shepherd: one who cares for a group of people._____The American Heritage Dictionary.

I would be curious to know his name. Maybe shepard? Is he german? It's funny the thing I giggled at the most - where the german shepards pees - and urine is brought into it.

Karma. Gotta love it.
Not said to me but apparently a psychic got a message about a pissing German Shepherd and the discovery of the body. I haven't written about the fact that many of the degrees in the search chart also referenced a shepherd. I'm still trying to understand the shepherd symbol. Maybe the meter man served as the shepherd for this child & his community. Shepherd: one who cares for a group of people._____The American Heritage Dictionary.

Maybe the public servant (meter man) is of German descent? He he he That is really something! Thanks so much to all of the Astrolgers who put so much time and effort into this case. Each of you is truly amazing and talented. Thank you for sharing your talent and knowledge with us. :) ((((((Great Big Hugs)))))
Magic-cat, you may also remember that CA has Saturn at the place of the Full Moon Friday and transiting Saturn will be squaring that place. Mars will be on CA's Saturn next Tuesday: defeat. Lee has Neptune where Cindy has Saturn and you may remember that he is also hit by this Full Moon, Mars and the squaring Saturn. Hopespring is a bomb site.
I have been so focused on the upcoming grand cross, the various controversies swirling around Obama, the potential for earthquakes, transportation accidents, and other nasty occurrences, that I have neglected following the Anthony case.

From the jet crash in Miramar, to the OJ conviction, the Blago mess in Chicago, I thought maybe we had enough! I was really surprised to hear the news of finding this little body, at first!

It all fits, however. Let's hope we get through tomorrow's full moon, forming a grand cross with the Saturn/Uranus opposition, and the weekend without any more shocks!
I have been so focused on the upcoming grand cross, the various controversies swirling around Obama, the potential for earthquakes, transportation accidents, and other nasty occurrences, that I have neglected following the Anthony case.

From the jet crash in Miramar, to the OJ conviction, the Blago mess in Chicago, I thought maybe we had enough! I was really surprised to hear the news of finding this little body, at first!

It all fits, however. Let's hope we get through tomorrow's full moon, forming a grand cross with the Saturn/Uranus opposition, and the weekend without any more shocks!

Housemouse!!! Hello! i hope that you and your husband have been well and that you recovered from that nasty cough completely. We HAVE missed you over here, but I knew you had gone where the stars had lead you and hoped you might return...I am so glad on this day, when Caylee has likely been found that you are here with us...When this case dies down and is awaiting the trial I am coming over to the Jury Room and see what you have been up to over there. Take care of yourself and thank you for all of your insights as we travailed to this moment.

Magic-cat, you may also remember that CA has Saturn at the place of the Full Moon Friday and transiting Saturn will be squaring that place. Mars will be on CA's Saturn next Tuesday: defeat. Lee has Neptune where Cindy has Saturn and you may remember that he is also hit by this Full Moon, Mars and the squaring Saturn. Hopespring is a bomb site.

I am sorry for their loss, but I am NOT sorry for their "defeat". This charade has gone on beyond too long with poor little Caylee thrown by the wayside as so much garbage, and none of her family caring. It hit me like a ton of bricks today when I saw the interview at the Hopespring residence with the friend of Casey's who was there when he said those woods where this body were found were their stomping grounds when they were younger, and that they spent a great deal of time in there, and then I recalled Casey telling her folks in one of the jailhouse interviews, concentrate on places that are FAMILIAR to us...and she is close, and search LOCALLY...she was trying to let them know she was right there around the corner...
I am posting over in the Jury room, mostly.

I trust that the LE folks will take care of Casey from here on out, and if that seems confusing, remember that I approach astrology differently than the other wonderful astrologers here, in that my focus is more on the timing of events.

So, as mundane events develop, I tend to move on...
My notes added in GREEN ~
Continuing with the chart on remains, we know to emphasise Mercury because the north node of that planet is at the ASC and Mercury rules the hour. Also, the Part of Death is midway between Mercury and the Sun. (D) 20:29 Sagittarius. As previously mentioned, Mercury is also at the solstice point of H. 9 for this long distance communication. Mercury disposits Saturn intercepted in H. 5 of the child. There is a bank or a hillside, both Sag & Libra tell us that. I'm not sure what the bank is? I haven't noticed any reference to this.

There has been slippage and erosion, Venus 29:58 Capricorn. Water receding.. which equals "What is exposed or nearly visible?" As always, look for a boundary, a property line, a gate, some demarcation because of the proximity to the cusp. I'm thinking this was the sidewalk the gentleman left, looking for privacy. Look for a depression in the earth in a dark spot near bushes. Totally, completely accurate according to the description that TMiller gave on Nancy Grace tonight. The yellow flower alone in the Moss Park photo gallery matches the chart. There might also be wild moon flowers resembling morning glories about. We are not far from a rickety & broken bridge. Not sure about the flowers or bridge......

Venus, the Sun and Mars are all operating together or collectively because they are in parallel. This acts like a conjunction, so all these described elements are part of the scene. The Moon & the Part of Find are contraparallel, for the moment of discovery.
This last sentence has stuck with me since the day I read it. I believe there is another post that explains this "contraparallel" statement that says something like the "moment" will be brief and could easily be missed. If missed, then it would be a bit of time before the stars lined up favorably again for finding Caylee. I'm not sure that is what it said exactly, but it is what I have been thinking the last three or four days. A moment of discovery. That moment came today when the water meter found he couldn't wait to get to the nearest gas station. Amazing. I would never "pee" outside (I'm female) and therefore, if I had been in this man's position, I would have missed it......

This is amazing and I am Amazed,

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