Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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My first thoughts at the beginning of the case, when hearing about the gas cans, were "Oh, no, she burned that baby's body!". How awful! Then I wondered what she did with the bones because bones don't burn in small fires. They only disintegrate in extreme heat, like in a crematorium, or like in the high heat produced by those airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center. So if she burned the body, she could have scattered the bones in various locations, buried in small indiscriminate locations where it would be almost impossible to locate them. Little Caylee could be spread out all over Orlando. :eek:

I'm probably wrong.

So many people get intuitive messages and I do believe astrology is so fascinating and I very impressed with all these interpertations. I do not understand why I am so attached to the gas cans. I would hate to believe Caylee was burned, but my messages lead me to think it is quite possible, I do hope one day we all find out the truth what actually happened to this precious little girl.
I have a dumb question. Has anyone tried to do a chart on the shovel KC borrowed from the neighbor?

Hi Tech - I asked this too the other day and Tuba said there was some confusion as to WHEN the shovel was borrowed. I think it was on the 18th between 1:30 and 2:30, from what I could gather, but I guess the neighor vascillated (eww) on it.
I do not think she burned Caylee's body. From what I have read, it is very hard to burn a body. You have to reach very high tempuratures and I don't think a normal "campfire" type fire would accomplish this. Perhaps she burned clothes or other evidence but I don't think she burned the body.
I do not think she burned Caylee's body. From what I have read, it is very hard to burn a body. You have to reach very high tempuratures and I don't think a normal "campfire" type fire would accomplish this. Perhaps she burned clothes or other evidence but I don't think she burned the body.

I think she TRIED to burn the body, several times and was successful to some degree and then scattered what didn't burn. <<---shiver. an awful thought. No wonder she was having nightmares at AL's house. Oh man -- I didn't even think of this till just now....she rented those Killer movies right after she supposedly killed you suppose she was trying to get some 'ideas' on how to dispose of her? Has anyone seen those movies before? Seems odd that she would have rented those type. Maybe there's a clue in them?
My first thoughts at the beginning of the case, when hearing about the gas cans, were "Oh, no, she burned that baby's body!". How awful! Then I wondered what she did with the bones because bones don't burn in small fires. They only disintegrate in extreme heat, like in a crematorium, or like in the high heat produced by those airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center. So if she burned the body, she could have scattered the bones in various locations, buried in small indiscriminate locations where it would be almost impossible to locate them. Little Caylee could be spread out all over Orlando. :eek:

I'm probably wrong.

I do not think she burned Caylee's body. From what I have read, it is very hard to burn a body. You have to reach very high tempuratures and I don't think a normal "campfire" type fire would accomplish this. Perhaps she burned clothes or other evidence but I don't think she burned the body.

I think she TRIED to burn the body, several times and was successful to some degree and then scattered what didn't burn. <<---shiver. an awful thought. No wonder she was having nightmares at AL's house. Oh man -- I didn't even think of this till just now....she rented those Killer movies right after she supposedly killed you suppose she was trying to get some 'ideas' on how to dispose of her? Has anyone seen those movies before? Seems odd that she would have rented those type. Maybe there's a clue in them?

Joseph Duncan burned Dylan Groene's body in a campfire, and only a piece of skull and 1,700 tiny bone fragments were recovered. :mad:
Do you honestly think that KC could handle the smell? (If she did try to burn the body)
Thats what I cant get passed...
Do you honestly think that KC could handle the smell? (If she did try to burn the body)
Thats what I cant get passed...

Does anything in this case make any sense? I think KC is capable of doing things heinous, it is clear she was involved in the death of Caylee. As wild and horrible all of these speculations and theories seem............. Nothing KC has done for the 31 days.......................... before the truth came out Caylee was missing nothing makes any sense.
In tracking figures who are part of this case, one of my favorite frozen moments in time is the commencement of a court proceeding. None is unimportant and everything is gathered onto one scene.

Yesterday's motions hearing was as contentious as promised by its planets and the array on 11 December continues the charged atmosphere. Mars in his element of Fire squares Uranus (as well as Saturn). Casey is scheduled to appear and brings her own Mars Uranus cargo. The Sun makes the same afflictions to Uranus and Saturn and conjoins Mars. The adversaries go richter but the judge is in amongst them, not removed or detached in disposition.

Evidence has been accumulating to date (December 11) and any time the ruler of H. 12 is angular, hidden matters and secrets, solitary knowledge and truth withheld come to light of public scrutiny. Concealment busts a seam, springs a leak, ignites and spreads. Further, someone is talking. Mercury in H. 12 is a witness who tells tales. This is unexpected spillage on December 9, preceding this pre-trial. But the witness himself or herself is protected.

Both H. 2 and H. 8, Placidus Cusps, hold degrees of crisis. If continuance is sought, the parties awaiting justice on the theft and fraud charges are persecuted. "Justice delayed is justice denied." This trial was originally set for 17 November. With the Saturn of this chart now at inconjunct to Neptune in H. 2, from H. 8, the need for resolution of these matters is setting off alarms. Inconjuncts require payment, restitution, satisfaction of a debt, here in the form of a legal judgment. Sun ruling H. 8 square Saturn and Uranus (old & modern rulers of money problems here) does not favor the charging parties.

Pluto rules potential jurors and is at 0°30' of Capricorn. Changes in the works regarding the jury pool. Pluto is trine the outcome Fourth House: good decision.

The prisoner, denoted by the Moon, is on Hyades Fixed Star of Imprisonment, murder, violence. She is separating from the contra// of Mars and applying to the contra// of Mercury. This Moon is the antiscion of the Moon from November 17. Both are in crisis, a climactic moment, in a flat spin. The Venus of this chart is the antiscion of the November 17 Sun, scheduled theft and fraud trial. The banks and the complainant are fixed by Sign and not going anywhere but do not have support, having separated from the semi-square to Mars & in receipt of a trine from the prisoner. The prisoner mutually moves to a retrograde Pallas Athena at 10:44 II, plotting a strategy. One theft victim who did not file is CA and Venus here is on her natal Moon. Ever the enabler, patient as Job. She is at the mid-point of Jupiter and Neptune, mixing that very special artificial fruit punch which she also imbibes.
Yes, Salem, the trio rises in House 1 of the pre-trial. This saves the event which would otherwise be a bear garden.
Last night I came across this article about defensiveness and how it relates to an astrological chart:
The personality he described so suited my MIL that I did her chart and it's amazing that she has the Eastern Hemisphere emphasis with all her planets. I wondered who else this sounded like and thought of Cindy. I did a quick search for her chart but of course didn't see it so thought I'd post and ask if anyone has noted an Eastern Hemisphere emphasis to her chart?
Quote from article:

Defenses are not bad. In fact, defenses are necessary at times and should be utilized. Behaviors that exist in order to protect, shield, or cushion one from fears or pains are defensive behaviors. The problem is when defenses become exaggerated and habitual they become a liability and can get in the way of growth and progress, especially regarding relationships. People operating in a defensive mode can be difficult to affect, difficult to get to and with a too easy comfort with being alone. As well, excessive defensiveness is a deterrent to dealing with reality. By avoiding all threats of pain, hurt, fear or any disturbance, one falls into a manufactured reality that does not reflect the real world. Delusions come easy because one is acting on misconceptions based on the comfortable reality set up by the defenses. In many ways, defenses are lies, simple untruths about reality; distorted perceptions that control one’s life when they are excessive. Excessive defensiveness is a heavy cross to bear. For the defensive, they become easy prey to control by others. All one has to do is push the button of the defensive person and watch the person do the rest. For those people who do not have issues with defensiveness, it can be a real challenge dealing with a defensive person because you are continually on guard.

Defenses come in all shapes and sizes and are motivated by many different things. The fact of the matter is that defenses exist for purposes of survival, not to hide in fear from anything that one perceives to be a threat. An existence of defensiveness where one is defensive about everything all the time is like being trapped in a room. It is the equivalent of locking oneself up in jail, especially when extreme.

With an Eastern emphasis, the life is conditioned by ego justification, by parameters of (self) defensiveness. When we see a horoscope with an eastern hemisphere emphasis, there is a suggestion of defensiveness. If you view the person as being the point of the Ascendant and all the planets in the east as being soldiers, you get a real sense of one being protected from harm, fighting if necessary to defend oneself. This is especially so when all the planets in the west are retrograde. It is an indication of an extreme pullback into one’s self that is almost always detrimental. (To somewhat of a lesser degree, four or more planets in Cancer or Scorpio will have a tendency to exaggerated defensiveness).
Soulscape posted her chart for the murder pre-trial on page 1, #22 of Thread 3. She looked at other facets of the event than those covered in mine.

Since we do not have a birth time for Cindy, we do not have an emphasis on E or W, above or below the horizon. You are giving us a nudge though toward looking at her planetary concentration in such a way. Just a cursory glance does not show remarkable concentration in any hemi-sphere. To me, she is a summer child. I see it in her. Just as I see Casey as a night person. Cindy has quite a splash of planets through the zodiac. She does seem here, there and everywhere when she holds the spittoon. Gemini augments that, of course.
Originally Posted by Soulscape
When a person "disappears into nowhere," the Last Seen chart can determine the condition and whereabouts of the missing person and whether the person is dead or alive.

There are certain testimonies that show whether a missing person is dead, including ruler of the 1st in the 8th; ruler of the 8th in the 1st (or the 8th --- death is strong in its own house); in either the radix or turned charts. Other indications, such as whether the Lights (Sun & Moon) are below the horizon, and the condition of the Moon (among others), support that judgment.

In the Last Seen by George chart, Caylee is symbolized by the 9th House, because she is his child's child. (George, who is the actor in this event, is the 1st House, his daughter Casey is the 5th House and her child Caylee is 5th from the 5th, or the 9th House of the Last Seen.)

You can view the chart here:

Note that Taurus is on the 9th house cusp, making Venus the ruler of Caylee. Venus (Caylee) is located in the radix 10th House, which is the turned 2nd House (the 10th is second from the 9th). This is a bad placement. Having one's significator in one's turned 2nd is as bad as having it in the turned (or radix) 8th House.

Also note Admetos 25:03 Taurus is in Caylee's turned 1st House. Admetos is a Transneptunian often associated with death by strangulation or suffocation and it closely conjuncts the malefic Fixed Star CAPUT ALGOL (not shown), associated with losing one's head (and thus, death) either literally or figuratively. Having Admetos & Algol in her 1st house bodes no good...

Additionally, Venus (Caylee) in radix 10th / turned 2nd is combust the Sun and peregrine, suggesting she is in bad condition (combustion) and unable to help herself (peregrination). That she is in "bad condition" is strengthened because Venus (Caylee) is separating from a trine to Neptune (drugs). She has recently (separating aspect) been drugged (Neptune).

As if this is not bad enough, Venus (Caylee) is partile (in the same degree) conjunct Hades (death) and applying opposition Pluto (death) in the radix 4th House/ turned 8th House (Caylee's 8th house of death because the 4th is 8th from the 9th). The ruler of Caylee's turned 8th House of Death (radix 4th house) is Jupiter which is also located in the turned 8th.

The Moon, always critically important in a horary chart, is partile conjunct Black Moon Lilith (death indicator) and partile square Saturn (death), as well as besieged (trapped) between Saturn (death) and Pluto (death). Moon applies semisquare Jupiter (ruler of Caylee's turned 8th house of Death).

This Last Seen chart clearly gives testimony Caylee is dead, as do all the key charts we have already examined.

No matter how many charts we look at, the Stars keep telling us the same thing.


Bold by me. In light of the news that came out today regarding KC's searches for 'neck breaking,' this is particularly horrific to me. first and now obsolete link correct and updated link
Thanks for the B'day wishes everybody! Going to have a nice celebration on Thanksgiving with family and friends...all the trimmings...and some bubbly to toast!
Love, Kait


maybe I'll have some bubbly too... hope you Celebration is filled with lots of Love and Laughter.

. &#9829;

ps:thankyou for all that you do :blowkiss:
Yes, the new documents about computer searches into shovels, murder weapons, neck breaking are hard to fathom. Becomes more understandable how LE arrived at first degree murder charge. Saw a program last night (tired, can't remember which one - on the court tv station) where two attorneys were discussing the value of circumstantial evidence: they both stated that sometimes circumstantial evidence is actually stronger than the scientific forensics. One gave the analogy: if it snowed last night and you woke up in the middle of the night and actually saw the snow coming down - that is direct physical evidence. But, if it snowed last night, and you slept through it, but got up in the morning and saw snow on the ground.....that is circumstantial. You DID NOT SEE the snow FALLING, but you see the result of it on the ground - circumstantial. This gave me hope.
Many are asking "are the A's honest". I posted some details about KC and CA's severely afflicted mercury (communication) aspects - all tied in with neptune (deception/fantasy). Will try to do George's soon. He has challenges to neptune, as they do. We already know several facts: KC is a confirmed habitual liar. GA lied to the family about losing significant amount of money in an email scam. CA - well tv appearances kinda say it all. These lies are significant and have destructive (and deadly )ramifications. These are not the small white lies that most people tell on occasion (to the neighbor you can't stand: "I can't come to your dinner party, I have to work."). Have to get through Thanksgiving before I can do up the chart!
Another facet of neptune (deception/illusion/fantasy): we are continually shocked at the information coming out of the documents. It does look like there was premeditation - and for quite some time. It is hard to look at this beautiful young mother, with a precious little child, who had the support of her family (albeit dysfunctional), and a whole future ahead of her and connect the dots to.....premeditated murder! But then, Tolstoy said it best: "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." Neptune holds sway over beauty, glamour, the illusion of "whatever".....think Hollywood films; it's all special effects and soft focus lenses....
Do you honestly think that KC could handle the smell? (If she did try to burn the body)
Thats what I cant get passed...

THAT's what made my think I was wrong about KC burning her, but then, she lived with the smell of the decomposition in her, no telling what KC could tolerate.
Soulscape posted her chart for the murder pre-trial on page 1, #22 of Thread 3. She looked at other facets of the event than those covered in mine.

Since we do not have a birth time for Cindy, we do not have an emphasis on E or W, above or below the horizon. You are giving us a nudge though toward looking at her planetary concentration in such a way. Just a cursory glance does not show remarkable concentration in any hemi-sphere. To me, she is a summer child. I see it in her. Just as I see Casey as a night person. Cindy has quite a splash of planets through the zodiac. She does seem here, there and everywhere when she holds the spittoon. Gemini augments that, of course.

Even though we don't have the birth time for Cindy, we can still see her planets are rather spread throughout the chart, no matter what time she was born.

On the other hand, I have an Eastern Hemisphere/Southern Hemisphere chart, except for my bucket handle Jupiter, and trust me, I don't "defend" much of anything. I'm more of an "It is what it is" type of Gemini (four planets! :eek:).

Thanks for the links to the neck-breaking, incest accusations article.

I swear, just when I think this case couldn't shock me one more ounce, along comes this neck-breaking research. This is a two-year-old child, for crying out loud!!!! "Let me see, if I can't kill her with the chloroform, I'll just break her neck." :eek: And her family claims she was a good mother!!!! Chloroform, types of shovels, neck-breaking, body stuffed into the trunk......I'm beginning to understand why LE said we will be SHOCKED when all the information comes out. :crosseyed: My head is spinning.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING FELLOW SLEUTHS. I hope each of you has much to be thankful for this year. Let's all say a prayer today for the A's that their suffering ends soon, that little Caylee is found soon, and that God can reach Casey's heart and mind giving her the ability to speak the truth.

Love, Kait
HAPPY THANKSGIVING FELLOW SLEUTHS. I hope each of you has much to be thankful for this year. Let's all say a prayer today for the A's that their suffering ends soon, that little Caylee is found soon, and that God can reach Casey's heart and mind giving her the ability to speak the truth.

Love, Kait

I hope you had a wonderful birthday and will join you in that prayer...May Caylee be found soon.
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