Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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just a side note on the burning factor---history chanel did a thing on death yesterday (modern marvels) it takes quite a bit of heat and time to burn a India I think they said to burn someone took like 600 lbs of wood...don't think burning was the option here---think it was the price of gas....and possibly to remove odor....


Yes it does. KC couldn't make the fire temperature high enough.Which would leave evidence of bone fractures.I personally dont think KC burned the body for the fact that if she did the smell would be way to over welming.People would smell it for miles.
Did they [History Channel program] mention the use of an accelerant like gasoline? And if it affected the amount of wood one would need? I don't think KC thought ahead as to how much wood or gas she'd need, and I think she was surprised that it didn't do the trick the first or second time she tried to do the deed...thus all the gasoline. I think I've heard that gasoline produces a higher temp fire...which would be the key, not the amount of wood? JMHO

You are correct about gasoline as an accelerant. It does produce hotter fires at a swift rate (airplanes crashing into WTC, for example) but I'm not sure if such a small swift fire on a body would disintegrate bones like in a crematorium or in the WTC incident. Nevertheless, she may have tried to burn something. Although, since Casey wasn't working, stealing full gas cans seems a practical way to fill her car with gas.

Also, people have often wondered why she ditched her stinky car at Amscot, a highly trafficked corner. Could it actually be because she ran out of gas? Not just because the car stunk and was attracting attention? Although her story is that some people (who never came forward) helped her push her car into the parking spot, she could have very easily guided it there, with no help, by simply not braking until she got the car where she wanted it (unless the area is on an incline). Since she's run out of gas before, she would know how her car reacted just before going dead (a slight bucking sensation). It's possible she felt those pauses, and turned into the Amscot parking lot, and let the car glide into the slot next to the dumpster. A car's wheels don't stop dead immediately when there is no more gas, just the engine stops. The wheels will keep rolling for a distance. Now if a clutch breaks as one is stepping on it, the car will stop dead immediately, no gliding anywhere.

Have we done charts to see if there really could have been people assisting her when she ran out of gas near Amscot? Even though no one has come forward, it doesn't mean it wasn't true (a first!). They could have been visitors to the area who haven't paid much attention to the case.

Where do we find the new astrological timelime calendar? Is there a link? I've searched all over and don't see it (no surprise there). :confused:

Where do we find the new astrological timelime calendar? Is there a link? I've searched all over and don't see it (no surprise there). :confused:

FifthEssence showed me how to do this, so I'll share!!

Go to the top of any WS page where it says USER CP | FAQ | MEMBER LIST | CALENDAR | (etc) and click on CALENDAR.

Then scroll down to bottom of page to CALENDAR JUMP and jump to ASTRO CRIME CALENDAR!! It's that easy!!!

If there were not two men who assisted her, it was an unnecessary, gratuitous clanger. How like Casey. Of course, we do know that the incident was "just circumstantial". That is maybe one of her strange usages. Or it could be that she was arranging a display that included the car, evidence that she was confident would mislead. In that case, her subconscious gave her away. Ceres and the Sun were conjunct when she left the car at Amscot.

I have never forgotten the words of Sandra Marshall, NG's expert. She said that KC was contact dependent and couldn't see around the corner, couldn't plan margins on a page. Completely hooked into the moment, caught up in the man opposite her. Strikes me as all too true & explains why she doesn't foresee the traps her lies set for her, moments away.
So excited about the calendar! Can't wait to have time to explore (working all weekend & monday...). Can we post more than just the charts on the calendar? - such as can we put the posts analyzing them on there too??
Thanks, Soulscape. I didn't think to look under "Calendar". Actually, I didn't think to look on that row where "Calendar" is located. Last time I looked at the timeline calendar was ages ago. Thanks for the assist. I found it following your instructions. :)

Thanks, Tuba, for the insight into Casey's mindset and Amscot. It's perfectly obvious she doesn't think past the boyfriend. Remember her first telephone call: I want Tony's phone number, and nothing else mattered, not even an inquiry about the search for her daughter.

I've found something of interest but I'm told I can't post the link to that site (it's a no-no for some reason), so what I'll do is try to put it into my own words:

The person said he thinks he knows two assumed locations where Casey killed or disposed of poor little Caylee. He says we need to look at the cell pings and check the ones that were around 4 AM (he doesn't give a date). He thinks she brought Caylee there, burned and buried her. I'm assuming she was already dead. He mentions a water treatment plant near those locations and cleaning supplies were found there at one time, but no one thought anything of it.

On second read, I don't see a reference to "4 AM", just cell phone pings. He doesn't think she's in Blanchard Park.

Does anyone know anything about water treatment plants in Orlando? Would they (or it) be located anywhere near ESE or WNW from the Anthonys' house?
If there were not two men who assisted her, it was an unnecessary, gratuitous clanger. How like Casey. Of course, we do know that the incident was "just circumstantial". That is maybe one of her strange usages. Or it could be that she was arranging a display that included the car, evidence that she was confident would mislead. In that case, her subconscious gave her away. Ceres and the Sun were conjunct when she left the car at Amscot.

I have never forgotten the words of Sandra Marshall, NG's expert. She said that KC was contact dependent and couldn't see around the corner, couldn't plan margins on a page. Completely hooked into the moment, caught up in the man opposite her. Strikes me as all too true & explains why she doesn't foresee the traps her lies set for her, moments away.

I agree KC is short-sighted, but apparently only in some areas. Based on the March 16, 17, 2008 computer searches, I would venture to guess that KC has been planning something diabolical for sometime. So, I guess, while KC might plan, she fails to consider the fall out from her plans? Does that make sense?

Has a chart been done for the computer searches? Also, is there a way to try to add insight to the "shovel" search/borrowing? Or has it been previously addressed?

O/T - Soulscape has also been working hard in the handwriting analysis thread. Very interesting stuff over there if you have time to take a cruise through the thread.

How about the WW guy? Any thoughts on him? He sure was taken with KC........

Ok. Now we have it in black and white in the new document dump that Casey had accused both George and Lee of unwanted sexual advances. This is what she TOLD people. She told them that her dad had "abused" her and that Lee had attempted to have sex with her...Now that we know that she is the originator of these rumors, is it possible to look at this aspect again to discover WHY she would tell someone this when it was not true?
The way KC strikes me...devoid of ability to plan but plenty of fantasy running non stop in her head. I think she wanted to do this and her p.c. searches reveal the desire but there's many a slip 'tween the cup and the lip. Wanting and planning being two different exercises. Her wish to go to Calif., her wish to take over her parents' home and move Amy in or not according to whim, her wish to shop for AL's new apt., her desire to marry him, her goal of becoming a professional photographer. Even her desires are mutually exclusive and contradictory. I attribute much of this short circuiting to her Mercury to Mars Uranus square with nothing to balance or support another thought process. The tire trouble, very severe, the will to drive but with insufficient fuel in the tank. She doesn't think anything through.

Yes, I did read the thread on graphology--that's what made me say that she can't plan margins on a pc. of writing paper. I wasn't sure though, whether the analyst thought she was a person who wanted solitude in great stretches or a person who wanted always to be out amongst 'em. What did you take from that?
Ok. Now we have it in black and white in the new document dump that Casey had accused both George and Lee of unwanted sexual advances. This is what she TOLD people. She told them that her dad had "abused" her and that Lee had attempted to have sex with her...Now that we know that she is the originator of these rumors, is it possible to look at this aspect again to discover WHY she would tell someone this when it was not true?

Maybe because any time her lips are moving, she's lying. None of her lies make sense to me. None. She told Jesse he was the father of her baby. And so easily disproved. Whatever is expedient at the instant.

It was reported on NG that George went at her when she was first released on bond. That is the sort of abuse I think of. But I'm sure she gave as good as she got. There are so many recognised forms of abuse: emotional, mental, verbal, violent and also sexual. I wouldn't seize on that in considering her relationship with her father. But there may be no violence from him either. She lies about anything & everything. Her mother is impressed by the detail of it! As though that were a mark of truth.
Maybe because any time her lips are moving, she's lying. None of her lies make sense to me. None. She told Jesse he was the father of her baby. And so easily disproved. Whatever is expedient at the instant.

It was reported on NG that George went at her when she was first released on bond. That is the sort of abuse I think of. But I'm sure she gave as good as she got. There are so many recognised forms of abuse: emotional, mental, verbal, violent and also sexual. I wouldn't seize on that in considering her relationship with her father. But there may be no violence from him either. She lies about anything & everything. Her mother is impressed by the detail of it! As though that were a mark of truth.

And yet her mother did NOT believe this thing when Casey told it to her as a middle school student about her brother. I know this girl is the professor of Liars 101, but in middle school is a rather young age to have made such accusations and NOT to have had them looked into. Could it have been that she was perhaps jealous of the attentions that her father gave to her brother and wanted to do harm to that relationship in any way that she could? I am just trying to get the mindset that would lead a young girl to make such an accusation of her brother when it was not true...:waitasec:

(snip) I know this girl is the professor of Liars 101, but in middle school is a rather young age to have made such accusations and NOT to have had them looked into. (snip)
It still goes back to the fact that this was a story she told JG. At this point there's nothing to indicate that she told CA this when she was in middle school (or ever). There's nothing to confirm anything. It's just something else that came out of her mouth...

Sorry for going O/T
Maybe because any time her lips are moving, she's lying. None of her lies make sense to me. None. She told Jesse he was the father of her baby. And so easily disproved. Whatever is expedient at the instant.
It was reported on NG that George went at her when she was first released on bond. That is the sort of abuse I think of. But I'm sure she gave as good as she got. There are so many recognised forms of abuse: emotional, mental, verbal, violent and also sexual. I wouldn't seize on that in considering her relationship with her father. But there may be no violence from him either. She lies about anything & everything. Her mother is impressed by the detail of it! As though that were a mark of truth.

My goodness, a Shrink could make a lifetime career with KC & CA as his only patients.
aksleuth...I don't think that's an ok site to post...just thought you should know.
aksleuth...I don't think that's an ok site to post...just thought you should know.

Thanks for the info. I went back and read the article more carefully and can see why that site wouldn't be allowed here. Oops!

I rewrote the part I was interested in. No link needed, I hope. :confused:

About the sexual abuse accusations, I'm thinking she may have told this to her friends or boyfriend when there was a lull in conversation. She seems to make up stories spontaneously, so maybe that's how it cropped up. Or, the boyfriend could have said, "You and your dad don't seem very close" and PRESTO, a new story pops out of Casey's mouth. "Well, don't tell anyone, but when I was 12, my dad starting visiting me in my bed at night......." or whatever. Boyfriend gets all sympathetic, Casey gets attention. "Oh, and my brother tried it, too, but I pushed him away." Oh my! Poor girl. It's no wonder she and her dad don't get along! She's had a terrible life. Boyfriend gives her extra attention, catering to her every whim. blah, blah, blah
Yes, I did read the thread on graphology--that's what made me say that she can't plan margins on a pc. of writing paper. I wasn't sure though, whether the analyst thought she was a person who wanted solitude in great stretches or a person who wanted always to be out amongst 'em. What did you take from that?

<Respectfully snipped>

This is a little O/T, but I think we see parallels in the Astrology. KC's margins tend to be remarkably narrow except for the right margin which is very uneven. The narrow margins show "stinginess or acquisitiveness, lack of consideration and reserve," and the uneven right margin shows "impulsive moods; acts and reactions unreliable." (from Handwriting Analysis, Karen Amend & Mary S. Ruiz)

The astrology confirms.

So excited about the calendar! Can't wait to have time to explore (working all weekend & monday...). Can we post more than just the charts on the calendar? - such as can we put the posts analyzing them on there too??

YES! Kait, please enter your posts analyzing particular charts. This is MOO, but I think it makes sense to place them on the date of the event chart being discussed, that way we have all relevant posts pertaining to a particular event on the calendar date for that event --- what do you think?

<Respectfully snipped>

This is a little O/T, but I think we see parallels in the Astrology. KC's margins tend to be remarkably narrow except for the right margin which is very uneven. The narrow margins show "stinginess or acquisitiveness, lack of consideration and reserve," and the uneven right margin shows "impulsive moods; acts and reactions unreliable." (from Handwriting Analysis, Karen Amend & Mary S. Ruiz)

The astrology confirms.


I agree that the astrology confirms these characteristics. I did not totally agree with what the graphologist said, but in her analysis there is a contradiction about KC being very social and yet needing personal space. I think this (and I could be wrong) directly correlates with what Tuba was saying about KC's Mercury and Uranus aspects keeping her unbalanced. (I think I interpreted that right.) And it shows in KC's behavior patterns. For a 2 year period, KC lied about going to work and left her home to go where? Nobody seems to know. I think Cocoamom's theory about the church is very plausible. KC takes Caylee to the park/church to hang out until everyone else goes to work and then she goes back home and hangs out. However, for a period of time GA was not working, so where was KC then? Obviously (maybe) KC was somewhat comfortable hanging out with Caylee on their own somewhere (personal space). She couldn't have been in the malls all that time, could she? Or with friends? I don't think so. In a two year period, there had to be some days where it was just her and Caylee. But added to that, I would think that KC was on her phone while Caylee played (social contact). It would be interesting to get phone records for an 8 to 10 month period and especially for a time when GA was not working and spent most of his time at home. Where were KC and Caylee then?

It still goes back to the fact that this was a story she told JG. At this point there's nothing to indicate that she told CA this when she was in middle school (or ever). There's nothing to confirm anything. It's just something else that came out of her mouth...

Sorry for going O/T

Still O/T - KC has demonstrated a need to be "rescued" by her boyfriends. Also, if she was arguing or fighting with the boyfriend and needed reassurance that they were not about to dump her, she may have pulled this out of her hat so they would feel sorry for her and give her more attention as aksleuth posted above. I think aksleuth nailed KC's frame of mind in this area.

Still O/T - KC has demonstrated a need to be "rescued" by her boyfriends. Also, if she was arguing or fighting with the boyfriend and needed reassurance that they were not about to dump her, she may have pulled this out of her hat so they would feel sorry for her and give her more attention as aksleuth posted above. I think aksleuth nailed KC's frame of mind in this area.


is there any info regarding this confessions to perhaps any female???? or was it just something to pull out for males?

have to agree with all of the above...found this site fascinating although many many times way above me---(get so very confused at times)
thanks for everything from everyone...I just look to resolution...I doubt anything like admission of guilt from any A's....(if so believeable??? :confused:)

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