Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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I have posted in the Jury Room, looking ahead to the Saturn/Uranus opposition being triggered by the planets moving through Sagittarius.

These trigger both the USA Mars, and Obama's natal Mars. Will be interesting to see what happens, and I would appreciate input on that thread!
Going over the various charts for the calendar, I noticed a 21° Aries Moon in Soulscape's chart for the phone call from KC on 27 June (to AH) "I got rid of the smell." This is the identical Moon to that of the indictment. The evidence from the grand jury presentation and that Amscot moment are thus powerfully connected. Had the prisoner just attempted to sanitize the trunk of tell tale leavings from her crime? Had she just left the scene of disposal? Long ago I remember a report on an atomizer such as room deodorant used on the car. I want to know her route to Amscot. We now know that had been a busy morning in the hours between 7 a.m. and 11:34 a.m. AL was sure the bags of food had come from Hopespring. There is more information to mine from this neutral place, Amscot.
Originally Posted by KAITLAND
So excited about the calendar! Can't wait to have time to explore (working all weekend & monday...). Can we post more than just the charts on the calendar? - such as can we put the posts analyzing them on there too??

YES! Kait, please enter your posts analyzing particular charts. This is MOO, but I think it makes sense to place them on the date of the event chart being discussed, that way we have all relevant posts pertaining to a particular event on the calendar date for that event --- what do you think?

I think posting the explanations along with the charts are an excellent way to use the calendar. It would prevent the need to follow too many links to get the necessary information.

It would also prevent people like me from getting lost. :)

Soulscape, I've sent you a PM and posted a link to a sample of Casey's unlined handwriting in the Handwriting thread.
In the same chart, the Part of Death is given as 1° Virgo and that again is a salient degree that recurs and recurs from the February 20 eclipse. IF ONLY we could find out where the defendant was on that night or on that weekend. In looking for the remains, they appear in charts as at the same location. I was able to uncover a Valentine's party on the holiday and the beginning of the relationship with RM that month but nothing for the weekend of February 20. By "in the same chart", I mean Soulscape's chart for June 27 cell call to AH.
Thanks, Soulscape. I didn't think to look under "Calendar". Actually, I didn't think to look on that row where "Calendar" is located. Last time I looked at the timeline calendar was ages ago. Thanks for the assist. I found it following your instructions. :)

Thanks, Tuba, for the insight into Casey's mindset and Amscot. It's perfectly obvious she doesn't think past the boyfriend. Remember her first telephone call: I want Tony's phone number, and nothing else mattered, not even an inquiry about the search for her daughter.

I've found something of interest but I'm told I can't post the link to that site (it's a no-no for some reason), so what I'll do is try to put it into my own words:

The person said he thinks he knows two assumed locations where Casey killed or disposed of poor little Caylee. He says we need to look at the cell pings and check the ones that were around 4 AM (he doesn't give a date). He thinks she brought Caylee there, burned and buried her. I'm assuming she was already dead. He mentions a water treatment plant near those locations and cleaning supplies were found there at one time, but no one thought anything of it.

On second read, I don't see a reference to "4 AM", just cell phone pings. He doesn't think she's in Blanchard Park.

Does anyone know anything about water treatment plants in Orlando? Would they (or it) be located anywhere near ESE or WNW from the Anthonys' house?

I too read the same article. I have been trying, since last night, to figure out how to bring this info to WS. Does anyone know where the water treatment plant is in Orlando? If so, has the location of all of Casey's phone pings been located yet?
Snipped a bit:
For a 2 year period, KC lied about going to work and left her home to go where? Nobody seems to know. I think Cocoamom's theory about the church is very plausible. KC takes Caylee to the park/church to hang out until everyone else goes to work and then she goes back home and hangs out. However, for a period of time GA was not working, so where was KC then? Obviously (maybe) KC was somewhat comfortable hanging out with Caylee on their own somewhere (personal space). She couldn't have been in the malls all that time, could she? Or with friends? I don't think so. In a two year period, there had to be some days where it was just her and Caylee. But added to that, I would think that KC was on her phone while Caylee played (social contact). It would be interesting to get phone records for an 8 to 10 month period and especially for a time when GA was not working and spent most of his time at home. Where were KC and Caylee then?

Salem, I agree her whereabouts and actions during those two years of non-working are important, especially in her relationship with Caylee and her overall personality. I do hope LE and the prosecution examine the cell phone records more closely.

Again, as with most things surrounding Casey, why haven't people come forward to say they saw her hanging out during those two years. Surely she and Caylee weren't invisible.

It appears George didn't work on a regular basis, according to various records, including family e-mails. So that leaves the question, as always, what was Casey doing when she should have been working, and where was Caylee during those times?

I'm thinking little Caylee could have assumed "going to the nanny's" was actually leaving the house and going with Casey somewhere everyday, that's why when George would ask if she had fun with Nanny, it didn't make sense to the little girl.

Man, talk about a double life! Would there be indications in a chart for one who actually does lead a deceptive double life? Maybe someone with Mercury, Neptune, Gemini, Pisces or other mutables stategically placed in the charts??? :waitasec: I don't know, I'm just guessing. Spies lead a double life in general, but I wouldn't place Casey in their category.
In the same chart, the Part of Death is given as 1° Virgo and that again is a salient degree that recurs and recurs from the February 20 eclipse. IF ONLY we could find out where the defendant was on that night or on that weekend. In looking for the remains, they appear in charts as at the same location. I was able to uncover a Valentine's party on the holiday and the beginning of the relationship with RM that month but nothing for the weekend of February 20. By "in the same chart", I mean Soulscape's chart for June 27 cell call to AH.

IF ONLY appears to have been a DBC 'Hot Body' contest at Fusian on 2/20/08? Is that the day you were wondering about Tuba? :)

See here:

The site says that according to the Fusian MySpace site, the photos were actually taken on Feb. 20??
Here's the article:

Much has been said today especially on Fox about pictures given to them showing a very happy Casey Anthony partying at a local night club. The pictures were said to have been taken in late June while her 2 year old daughter Caylee was missing. But were they taken then? If you go to the nightclub's MySpace page and look at the pictures, they were actually taken in February. Is this a mistake or another example of jumping the gun? I'm just saying....

FUSIAN 2/20/08 BedRoc/DBC *Hot Body Contest*

Hmmm..wonder if her texts later about the Hot Body Contest were for ANOTHER one?? I do remember her saying somewhere in a text that they had one before and it was a RIOT.

Thanks for the link to the water treatment plants, Mystic. I'm checking them out right now.

I don't know. They all seem a bit far out to me. The one in Maitland is quite a distance north of the 408. The one on Hackney Road is closer to the 408 but much farther west than the one in Maitland and from Casey's usual haunts. It's near Lake Apopka.

Maybe I'll try to contact that guy and ask him which plant he's referring to, although he may not tell me. Thanks again, Mystic.

More info added:

The author says he'll be posting more information on the area this week. He also says Casey's phone pings show her going back to the area at least once more when she was out on bail. Since she was being monitored, does this mean someone else could have been assisting her? As far as I know, she never left the house alone, always with someone: Lee, Cindy, Baez, a bodyguard. Right? Do we see any of this in the charts?
Beck, you have made a great find! Now we have a puzzle to undo. Supposedly, the defendant was unfamiliar with Fusian until she hooked up with AL. If that is untrue, a lot of people were deceived, misled because they gave such reports. If she was a player at Fusian in February, it turns a lot of pictures of her life in the spring upside down. Those are definitely regulars at Fusian in the photos. Thank you immensely for your help!
Beck, you have made a great find! Now we have a puzzle to undo. Supposedly, the defendant was unfamiliar with Fusian until she hooked up with AL. If that is untrue, a lot of people were deceived, misled because they gave such reports. If she was a player at Fusian in February, it turns a lot of pictures of her life in the spring upside down. Those are definitely regulars at Fusian in the photos. Thank you immensely for your help!

Glad to help!! Thank YOU for all the wonderful astro info!

Personally, I thought it was strange that she had knee high black boots on in June from the get go. LOL That would fit with Feb, but not June. I was thinking "Call the Fashion Police too." <<----I sound like Elle from Legally Blonde ROFL

On a different note...Another oddity I can't wrap my mind around is that if she was 'abused', would she REALLY have let her daughter sleep in the bed with her at RMs and other men's houses? I have someone in the family that was abused and they won't even let their young daughter sit on a man's lap, let alone leave her with them. Not that I believe her anyway.
beckaroozie, there was a discussion about the actually dates of those pics being in June, days after Caylee was gone.:confused:

I am trying to find the thread on this now. I hope I am wrong because I have been trying to find this answer for Tuba for about a month!:eek:

I'll be right back........wish me luck, its scarey in those docs!

IF ONLY appears to have been a DBC 'Hot Body' contest at Fusian on 2/20/08? Is that the day you were wondering about Tuba? :)

See here:

The site says that according to the Fusian MySpace site, the photos were actually taken on Feb. 20??
Here's the article:

Much has been said today especially on Fox about pictures given to them showing a very happy Casey Anthony partying at a local night club. The pictures were said to have been taken in late June while her 2 year old daughter Caylee was missing. But were they taken then? If you go to the nightclub's MySpace page and look at the pictures, they were actually taken in February. Is this a mistake or another example of jumping the gun? I'm just saying....

FUSIAN 2/20/08 BedRoc/DBC *Hot Body Contest*

Hmmm..wonder if her texts later about the Hot Body Contest were for ANOTHER one?? I do remember her saying somewhere in a text that they had one before and it was a RIOT.
beckaroozie, there was a discussion about the actually dates of those pics being in June, days after Caylee was gone.:confused:

I am trying to find the thread on this now. I hope I am wrong because I have been trying to find this answer for Tuba for about a month!:eek:

I'll be right back........wish me luck, its scarey in those docs!

Thanks lov -- while you're in that scary place, keep an eye out for her text where she tells someone 'yeah they had one a few months ago and it was a lot of fun' or something like that. She was announcing the new 'hot body' contest, and mentioned that.
Okay, I found it. Sadly, these pics were not taken Feb 20, 2008. See below:

Originally Posted by angelmom

So the blue dress pics are from before Caylee was missing. I think they should stop showing those. I wonder when the other pics are from (when Casey was supposed to be drinking ice water and stone cold sober.)

Also, I wonder if George and Cindy were watching Caylee on May 23. If not, who was?

The part that is going to hurt is the fact that Casey acted perfectly normal and friendly. She never even mentioned having a daughter. But when asked, she discussed Caylee, including her upcoming birthday, without a twinge of emotion.

It will be a hard sell to a jury that Casey was grieving a horrific accident or a hostage situation but could pull that off.

You need to look at the document pdf file CD of photos at Fusion

The black dress was worn on June 6th and June 13th and the blue dress on June 20th according to the statement by the person who took the photos.
IF ONLY appears to have been a DBC 'Hot Body' contest at Fusian on 2/20/08? Is that the day you were wondering about Tuba? :)

See here:

The site says that according to the Fusian MySpace site, the photos were actually taken on Feb. 20??
Here's the article:

Much has been said today especially on Fox about pictures given to them showing a very happy Casey Anthony partying at a local night club. The pictures were said to have been taken in late June while her 2 year old daughter Caylee was missing. But were they taken then? If you go to the nightclub's MySpace page and look at the pictures, they were actually taken in February. Is this a mistake or another example of jumping the gun? I'm just saying....

FUSIAN 2/20/08 BedRoc/DBC *Hot Body Contest*

Hmmm..wonder if her texts later about the Hot Body Contest were for ANOTHER one?? I do remember her saying somewhere in a text that they had one before and it was a RIOT.

The photographers who took those photos were on NG when they were first made public and they said they were taken in June of this year.
Okay, I found it. Sadly, these pics were not taken Feb 20, 2008. See below:

Originally Posted by angelmom

So the blue dress pics are from before Caylee was missing. I think they should stop showing those. I wonder when the other pics are from (when Casey was supposed to be drinking ice water and stone cold sober.)

Also, I wonder if George and Cindy were watching Caylee on May 23. If not, who was?

The part that is going to hurt is the fact that Casey acted perfectly normal and friendly. She never even mentioned having a daughter. But when asked, she discussed Caylee, including her upcoming birthday, without a twinge of emotion.

It will be a hard sell to a jury that Casey was grieving a horrific accident or a hostage situation but could pull that off.

You need to look at the document pdf file CD of photos at Fusion

The black dress was worn on June 6th and June 13th and the blue dress on June 20th according to the statement by the person who took the photos.

Okey dokey -- I'm a photographer and have a Canon 30D camera (40D is what was used in the Fusian photos and a Nikon). I have had Canon cameras for years.

Here's my dilemma....the strange photos that don't have a date/camera info on them are shown as IMG_3875, IMG_3878, IMG_3943, in that range and were def taken with a Canon camera--Canon cameras auto number the photos in that format. The photos taken on 6/21 (supposedly) are in the IMG_5800 range (2000 photo click difference). Quite a few photos there for a week difference. Especially since they have another camera. JMO Does anyone else think it's strange that they don't have the full info on just those shots? Interestingly, one is with AL. Also, was the 'hot body contest' on Friday or Saturday night? 6/20 or 6/21? I also noticed that the African American guy she was taking a photo with in the 3800 range photos had a different sweat shirt (IN JUNE IN FLORIDA????) and hat on in that photo.
Okey dokey -- I'm a photographer and have a Canon 30D camera (40D is what was used in the Fusian photos and a Nikon). I have had Canon cameras for years.

Here's my dilemma....the strange photos that don't have a date/camera info on them are shown as IMG_3875, IMG_3878, IMG_3943, in that range and were def taken with a Canon camera--Canon cameras auto number the photos in that format. The photos taken on 6/21 (supposedly) are in the IMG_5800 range (2000 photo click difference). Quite a few photos there for a week difference. Especially since they have another camera. JMO Does anyone else think it's strange that they don't have the full info on just those shots? Interestingly, one is with AL. Also, was the 'hot body contest' on Friday or Saturday night? 6/20 or 6/21? I also noticed that the African American guy she was taking a photo with in the 3800 range photos had a different sweat shirt (IN JUNE IN FLORIDA????) and hat on in that photo.

Beckeroozie, no dilemma here. Most cameras generate photo numbers when you do the intital transfer. The 2 photographers that did shoot the pics go to other events and take photos so the difference in the numbers is not surprising at all. Also, the owner of the camera can reset frame numbers.
As for the guy in the sweater/sweatshirt, no big deal among young people. My goodness, I see college students wearing flip-flops when it's 40 degrees. To them, it's all about the 'look'.
IMO, none of these pics are from the February period Tuba is looking in to.
Okey dokey -- I'm a photographer and have a Canon 30D camera (40D is what was used in the Fusian photos and a Nikon). I have had Canon cameras for years.

Here's my dilemma....the strange photos that don't have a date/camera info on them are shown as IMG_3875, IMG_3878, IMG_3943, in that range and were def taken with a Canon camera--Canon cameras auto number the photos in that format. The photos taken on 6/21 (supposedly) are in the IMG_5800 range (2000 photo click difference). Quite a few photos there for a week difference. Especially since they have another camera. JMO Does anyone else think it's strange that they don't have the full info on just those shots? Interestingly, one is with AL. Also, was the 'hot body contest' on Friday or Saturday night? 6/20 or 6/21? I also noticed that the African American guy she was taking a photo with in the 3800 range photos had a different sweat shirt (IN JUNE IN FLORIDA????) and hat on in that photo.

The guy who gave the CD to OCSO said someone else took pictures, too. Could they have been from his camera? Or could someone have been using two cameras? I know I always take at least two cameras on shoots. Also, more than one event could have been on the camera, therefore, the odd numbering.

How can we be sure the guy in the cap is really wearing a sweatshirt? (page 6) We can't see more than his head, his face, and a shoulder. He could have been wearing two shirts/T-shirts as people sometimes do. Casey certainly isn't dressed for cool weather in that pic. It's so difficult to say what's going on with these people. :mad:
IIRC, the Fusion pics are in a document dump from way back when. There was computer forensics performed on them and their date was verified.
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