Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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With the release of documents, old matters re-emerge. Matters flexible at the arrest, with mutable Signs on the angles, are now established and legal action is fully underway: fixed Signs now hold the angles.

Because H. 3 holds an intercept, witnesses serve two functions. The prosecution can determine witness involvement (aiding, abetting, accomplice in the act or conspiracy to act, misprison of felonies) and also examines them for the truth of the matter under investigation and prosecution. H. 9 is also intercepted and admissibility of evidence will become an issue.

Mercury is restrained by the Moon, Jupiter is hindered by Saturn. They are also pulling against one another, working in opposite directions. The Signs on the cusp can't operate freely either because it is the rulers of II and Sagittarius that are stuck inside. How can we depend on a laconic Pluto, the more withholding because retrograde, to get at the truths of the case? With guesses and speculation come distortions and inaccuracies.

Law enforcement and the attorneys are the best sources for the facts in July. It was easy to misread the situation otherwise, as Leonard learned to his cost. The Moon was last over the ruler of H. 5, the child already in sorry condition (retrograde malefic). By the lights of this chart, residential tracts with pond or lake not far from the tract boundary are the likely grave site. Since the node is present, a HOA exists for the tract in question.

As the months tick by, a surprise witness comes forward, Moon on Uranus trine Mercury. Mercury in Cancer is silent as a crab but as H. 9 cusp advances, Mercury's tongue loosens. The aspects are too strong for Mercury to do otherwise. We saw this in the statements Geo. made a week and a half later in his FBI interviews.

The New Moon of November 27 conjoins the Part of Fatality of this bond hearing chart and the Full Moon is on the Part of Death. The emotional effects and outside pressures on the A's and particulary on the prisoner have been explored. With Sun, Mercury, Mars and Moon going over her Saturn, today is really "Black Friday" for KC.
I hope all of you Super-Astros had a great Thanksgiving! I am thankful for each of you, as you have tought me a great deal!

I am very saddened after reading about the 'neck breaking' searches in the newest doc dump. I shudder to think what might have happened to that precious child.

Kaitland, happy belated birthday! I will be joining you in your prayer as well.
Respectfully snipped:
In the 'New Smell & Timeline' thread in the 'sticky' section up top, I mentioned last week or week before (theorized) that she threw the body over the back fence (thus the cadaver dog hits by the fence) and dragged her across that back common area behind the fences at the A's house. There's a clay open area, then woods and a rain runoff pond back there. I still don't know if this area has ever been searched. That is the boundary of that subdivision. The woods on the north side are right by the Hidden Oaks Elementary school. As we all know the A's subdivision DOES have a HOA.

(And thank you VERY much for the chart Tuba!!)
THAT's what made my think I was wrong about KC burning her, but then, she lived with the smell of the decomposition in her, no telling what KC could tolerate.

Ok, I've read through the new volumes and something jumped out at me regarding whether KC burned the body.

LA picked up two duffles or suitcases of KCs clothes from LAs apartment on 7/15 after Cindy picked her up from there. According to Cindy AND George, CA immediately washed the clothes because they smelled 'nasty' and reeked heavily of smoke....she thought cigarette smoke, George just said they were 'smoky'.

I say KC carried those close around with her in the back or trunk of her car and that smoky smell is either coming from the clothes she had on when she did the deed (multiple times??), or the bags absorbed the odor while in the car. I'm not sure if either AL or his roommate smokes...if they don't it's something to look into for sure.
Hmmmm. Not all smoke smells alike. I've smelled cigarette smoke and house fire smoke and they were definitely different. I wonder if Casey's clothing could have smelled even worse than cigarette smoke? We know the Anthonys don't want cigarette smoke in their house and they threw out stuffed toys people sent because they smelled like smoke (I'm assuming cig. smoke). I would assume the smoke odor from a burned body would be worse.

That is a good catch, beckaroozie.

Apparently Cindy's sniffer works overtime and on high alert.

It would be almost totally unbelievable Casey could chloroform the child, break her neck, and then burn her, maybe after tossing her over a fence! I say almost unbelievable, but since Casey was out partying for a month without mentioning to her friends or anyone "Caylee was stolen by the babysitter" weeks earlier, I'm finding it more and more believable. :furious:
Hmmmm. Not all smoke smells alike. I've smelled cigarette smoke and house fire smoke and they were definitely different. I wonder if Casey's clothing could have smelled even worse than cigarette smoke? We know the Anthonys don't want cigarette smoke in their house and they threw out stuffed toys people sent because they smelled like smoke (I'm assuming cig. smoke). I would assume the smoke odor from a burned body would be worse.

That is a good catch, beckaroozie.

Apparently Cindy's sniffer works overtime and on high alert.

It would be almost totally unbelievable Casey could chloroform the child, break her neck, and then burn her, maybe after tossing her over a fence! I say almost unbelievable, but since Casey was out partying for a month without mentioning to her friends or anyone "Caylee was stolen by the babysitter" weeks earlier, I'm finding it more and more believable. :furious:

I thought she dragged her back to the woods behind the fenceline at the A's house and THEN burned her (or tried to).
I just don't think she burned Caylee. An open flame, a huge fire, with a dead child in it would not be an easy thing to hide. Casey did not go far off I am sure, and she is not so stupid as to set her child on fire where the flames may be spotted and bring LE or the Fire Dept. even. She is DUMB, but not that dumb I don't think...
I just don't think she burned Caylee. An open flame, a huge fire, with a dead child in it would not be an easy thing to hide. Casey did not go far off I am sure, and she is not so stupid as to set her child on fire where the flames may be spotted and bring LE or the Fire Dept. even. She is DUMB, but not that dumb I don't think...

Hopefully at trial we will learn the details but I can not help lean towards a burning of something since my dream before the bond hearing began with David Koresh,David Koresh,David Koresh.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING FELLOW SLEUTHS. I hope each of you has much to be thankful for this year. Let's all say a prayer today for the A's that their suffering ends soon, that little Caylee is found soon, and that God can reach Casey's heart and mind giving her the ability to speak the truth.

Love, Kait
I will continue to say a prayer for little Caylee every night. This is O/T but I have to think that God took this precious child for a reason and she will be found when the time is right.
I love this thread and haven't been able to get on since Wed. afternoon. I have a question and if someone can answer it or tell me the post to read it I would appreciate it. Do we have an idea if KC will be convicted even if this little baby is not found? I'm so worried about this. Whenever I see that video of Caylee singing and talking to her papa I get tears in my eyes as my granddaughter calls my husband papa too.
I thought CA washed the clothes that were in the car because "they smelled like the car"?

Just my opinion, but I doubt a fire with a body in June in FL would not be noticed or reported. A body takes a very long time to burn and I am sure smells awful. We had a terrible fire season this year in FL. We burn yard trash on our property and did so in June. Fire trucks appeared within minutes...

I do think it's possible though that she may have burned clothing, a bag or duffel, gloves, doll's dress, whatever. That would make a very small fire and be done quickly...
Hopefully at trial we will learn the details but I can not help lean towards a burning of something since my dream before the bond hearing began with David Koresh,David Koresh,David Koresh.

Wasn't David Koresh a king of mind games? Kept people prisoner? Lied? Fought authority? Maybe it could have been any of these things indicated in your dream?:confused:
just a side note on the burning factor---history chanel did a thing on death yesterday (modern marvels) it takes quite a bit of heat and time to burn a India I think they said to burn someone took like 600 lbs of wood...don't think burning was the option here---think it was the price of gas....and possibly to remove odor....

Wasn't David Koresh a king of mind games? Kept people prisoner? Lied? Fought authority? Maybe it could have been any of these things indicated in your dream?:confused:

He was all of those, however, my dream is about FIRE.
just a side note on the burning factor---history chanel did a thing on death yesterday (modern marvels) it takes quite a bit of heat and time to burn a India I think they said to burn someone took like 600 lbs of wood...don't think burning was the option here---think it was the price of gas....and possibly to remove odor....


Did they mention the use of an accelerant like gasoline? And if it affected the amount of wood one would need? I don't think KC thought ahead as to how much wood or gas she'd need, and I think she was surprised that it didn't do the trick the first or second time she tried to do the deed...thus all the gasoline. I think I've heard that gasoline produces a higher temp fire...which would be the key, not the amount of wood? JMHO
Ocean Lover, this weekend we are going to begin work on the Astro Crime Calendar. I seem to recall that some of the posts and charts included discussion of your question. One factor that gave me pause in July was the combination of Moon and Jupiter in Libra in the victim's chart. I never wrote about that. Other astrologers will have given that the fish eye too. Hmm. The mother is fortunate in legal matters. Hmmm. If Caylee had lived, it would have celebrated the luck of adoption by her grandparents.

Returning to KC's own planets, the line up from Black Friday continues. Jupiter in Capricorn joined the pile up as he is positioned at the solstice point of her Saturn and Mars and the rest in transit on her Saturn. Since KC consistently declines to appear, matters judicial, Jupiter, are weighing upon her already dashed spirits. Every notice, every remark by her att'y, every news item regarding the pre-trial hearing where she will appear, runs it home. Mars on Saturn, doing a slow broil, vengeful, threatened, frustrated by her self-created obstacles, defeated by the drag of confinement and what she sees as abuse by the system and her relatives and friends.

There is continuing complaint by the defense about the omissions & delays in discovery transfer shown in the pre-trial chart for December 11. The defense sees the prosecution as willful and stubborn and arbitrary with discovery items and the prosecution sees defense as stinting whiners and cavilers. Saturn in H. 8 vs. Uranus in H. 2. The future (dates past the pre-trial) looks nebulous. Neptune sits on that cusp at a critical degree, the cusp of the future itself announces crisis. And there is still an unsettled matter of homicide, H. 8, also in crisis.

There is initial civility but only for the sake of legal protocol, tradition and ritual, Capricorn. The day belongs to Jupiter but it is the hour of an overheated Sun whose aspects are enough to generate sun spots.
Respectfully snipped & bolded by me:

Ocean Lover, this weekend we are going to begin work on the Astro Crime Calendar. I seem to recall that some of the posts and charts included discussion of your question. One factor that gave me pause in July was the combination of Moon and Jupiter in Libra in the victim's chart. I never wrote about that. Other astrologers will have given that the fish eye too. Hmm. The mother is fortunate in legal matters. Hmmm. If Caylee had lived, it would have celebrated the luck of adoption by her grandparents.

I noted on one of the previous Astrology threads, KC's Solar Arc Jupiter has been & continues to conjunct her natal Sun. Jupiter is the protection angel and his protection will continue into January 2009. I worried back then & continue to worry no matter how bad the transits, SA Jupiter will buffer & protect KC from the worst....

As Tuba noted above, there are severe afflictions to KC's planets from the current & upcoming transits. I guess the question is, will SA Jupiter be strong enough to shield her from the onslaught?

TUBA, please take a look at yout PM 'IN' box. Our Moderator messages are bouncing back. I've copied and pasted into an ongoing Word document, the past messages I need to save as references to recources. This way, my IN box is always accessible. If you have a moment, please also check your personal email for today's updates and status.

The reason my messages are full has to do with stuff from 2007. Right now I am filling in our new calendar. Take a look. I have finished my part of Thread 4.
The reason my messages are full has to do with stuff from 2007. Right now I am filling in our new calendar. Take a look. I have finished my part of Thread 4.

Tuba, so glad you're jumping on this Calendar and already adding data. You will note I have gone in to the 28th &29th entries you made and ADDED the actual SPECIFIC link to the specific post you refer to so anyone can access the data immediately without thumbing thru threads.

I am so happy this is working out!
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Just posted my first entry on the Astro Crime Calendar, :woohoo:

This is June 16, 2008, 12:50 pm --- LAST SEEN BY GRANDPA GEORGE BIWHEEL, discussed on Astro Thread #4, post #14.

FifthEssence, if you get a chance, please check to make sure I did it correctly!!

I will try to get some more entries posted later today & tomorrow.

Just posted my first entry on the Astro Crime Calendar, :woohoo:

This is June 16, 2008, 12:50 pm --- LAST SEEN BY GRANDPA GEORGE BIWHEEL, discussed on Astro Thread #4, post #14.

FifthEssence, if you get a chance, please check to make sure I did it correctly!!

I will try to get some more entries posted later today & tomorrow.


Your brief commentary as to what the subject of data is and the actual solo post link is all that is necessary. It says it all. You're right on the ball!

Thank you SOULSCAPE for your generous contributions :clap:to this intriguing thread.
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