Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7

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Rereading the posts we all made back in mid-December, when the prisoner was notified of the i.d. of the remains by the jail chaplain and refused to see her own minister.

Roy K. was distressed and dashed to a point then that he was said to be in need of psychological counseling and it was to be provided. I had forgotten about that. One thing I had not forgotten but which is no longer mentioned is that there was a unique stench at the site in August, just one factor that alerted him. That was brought up in December again.

It is meet that Roy was given the reward by Marc N. but not true that he turned in a claim as was said on N.G. Marc N. was generous & kind to transfer a fee he rec'd on the case to Roy and it was Marc's idea. Roy is one of those New Era Aquarian babies that were publicised when a massing of planets occcurred in Aquarius. He not only has the triple conjunction including Sun on the star Altair in Aquila but he was born with Mercury and Jupiter in the Sign as well and at a lunar eclipse.

I hope he is meeting with a therapist. Jupiter is bringing him benefits, and when Mercury travels in tandem with the greater benefic, he is favorable too. A disproportionate number of Aquarians are born with Scorpio rising and I have always believed this is for survival. Scorpio is physically strong and a Sun in exile needs such support to make it. We should be able to erect a passable facsimile of his actual birth chart, bearing that tilt of the odds in mind.
Just wanted to stop by here after I listened and viewed that video. *shudder* The evil in that girl is sickening. She was giddy over cindy's emotional turmoil, giddy! I feel as if I need a shower after seeing that.
Thank you again everyone for the many prayers for Mr. S. We had a beautiful burial mass for him today. The air was cool and crips, but not too cold, gorgeous blue sky and golden sun above. A perfect day to return to Heaven. My friend T. is doing okay, surrounded by friends and loved ones. 87 years was a full life for his Dad, and it was a very good life. He was a delight for all of us to enjoy for many years. As the Priest said today, "Do not weep for me because I am gone; smile because you have knkown me." It was a perfect prayer. Blessings to everyone.

This is the event chart for the start of tape running on the Suburban Drive swamp search on Saturday, November 15, 2008. Arrangement had been made the day before with colleague Jim H.

That's a great insight Tuba! The ladys Gemini connection. Wow. And that Moon in Gemini would have formed a YOD formation with Jupiter in Capricorn (DC) and Mercury in Scorpio (JH) or possible (LA) at sometime on Nov 14th.

But I am also wondering still about that Scorpio 11th h Mars (male)in Scorpio possible connection to LA as a possible go between - the teddy bear exchange, if that in fact did happen? I do not think this was an impromptu event (and psychic did mess up her time line...oops!) as mars had already passed over mercury and sun ...much discussion, probably quite heated at times, about how to proceed.
Rereading the posts we all made back in mid-December, when the prisoner was notified of the i.d. of the remains by the jail chaplain and refused to see her own minister.

Roy K. was distressed and dashed to a point then that he was said to be in need of psychological counseling and it was to be provided. I had forgotten about that. One thing I had not forgotten but which is no longer mentioned is that there was a unique stench at the site in August, just one factor that alerted him. That was brought up in December again.

It is meet that Roy was given the reward by Marc N. but not true that he turned in a claim as was said on N.G. Marc N. was generous & kind to transfer a fee he rec'd on the case to Roy and it was Marc's idea. Roy is one of those New Era Aquarian babies that were publicised when a massing of planets occcurred in Aquarius. He not only has the triple conjunction including Sun on the star Altair in Aquila but he was born with Mercury and Jupiter in the Sign as well and at a lunar eclipse.

I hope he is meeting with a therapist. Jupiter is bringing him benefits, and when Mercury travels in tandem with the greater benefic, he is favorable too. A disproportionate number of Aquarians are born with Scorpio rising and I have always believed this is for survival. Scorpio is physically strong and a Sun in exile needs such support to make it. We should be able to erect a passable facsimile of his actual birth chart, bearing that tilt of the odds in mind.

I also forgot RK made mention of a "unique smell".

I suspect that RK may be the recipient of additional $$ rewards. Jupiter was rising in the Dec 11th chart, and it was sextile Uranus in Pisces in house 2, opposite Saturn in Virgo house 8 (money delayed, but not denied).

Can anyone clarify: was the site RK found EXACTLY the same spot as the remains or what it a bit of a distance away? I am now confused from reading so many reports!
The January 26th eclipse at 6:29 Aquarius is accompanied by big Jupiter (like a magnifying glass!) at 4:50 in same. It falls on RK’s Venus/Sun/Saturn from 00:49 - 02:12 and squares his Neptune at 13 Scorpio.

The eclipse is accompanied by mars at 22 Capricorn, which is a Mars return for RK at 21:55. He will have a surge of activity/energy, controlled anger.

It also brings with it retrograde mercury at 24 Capricorn backing up for another confrontation at 21 Capricorn exactly on his Mars by the end of month. He will not be silenced.

His Neptune at 13:21 Scorpio is just relieved from a separating square of transiting Neptune at 24 Aquarius: what was hidden is now more easily revealed. We have recently heard of his previous arrest for bogus kidnapping charges, and unpaid child support. More background info is likely to be put forth.

This is an enormous amount of energy released in his chart. RK will be pushed to more anger, resulting in more speaking out, and defensive posturing, possibly having to back track over ground already well traveled (merc retrograde).

The Jan. eclipse is setting stage for an even bigger clash of energy awaiting at the February 9th eclipse. It is at 20:59 Leo and opposite t. Neptune 23 Aquarius. It is also inconjunct t. Uranus at 20 Pisces. Theatrics, confusion, and surprises.

This configuration activates a dynamic fixed t -square in his natal chart: Jupiter 15:24 and mercury 20:32 in Aquarius in opposition to the north node 17:59 and Moon (between 17-29) and Uranus 29:35 all in Leo; and they are all square to Neptune 13:21 Scorpio. I am including Uranus in that square because I find it's electrifying rays extend far outward. Might we hear from the ex-Mrs. K?

Mercury will be direct at 25 Capricorn. And now Mars will be at 3 Aquarius on his Venus/Sun/Saturn. January revisited.

The weeks between the two eclipses will keep the media spotlight on RK. Communications will likely become heated and more probing. Emotions will run high. Any omissions/misleading statements that may have been made will be called out. What of his new mention that he might have seen the skull back in August? I like RK, and I do think he was “trying to do the right thing”. But, I think RK will have much more to say very soon.

These eclipses hit all of the A’s charts. February’s falls across Caylee’s ascendant/descendant axis.

We will not be able to turn off our TV’s, so stay tuned.
I also forgot RK made mention of a "unique smell".

I suspect that RK may be the recipient of additional $$ rewards. Jupiter was rising in the Dec 11th chart, and it was sextile Uranus in Pisces in house 2, opposite Saturn in Virgo house 8 (money delayed, but not denied).

Can anyone clarify: was the site RK found EXACTLY the same spot as the remains or what it a bit of a distance away? I am now confused from reading so many reports!

Kaitland to answer your question about the same location is the same place RK pointed out in Aug. & the in Dec. this is what I found for you:

In August, Cain was dispatched to the Suburban and Hopespring drives area where Kronk reported a suspicious bag. The child's remains were later found in that area.


Found an update that was looked over by many today due to the release of the jail house visit tape being released:

Meanwhile, WESH 2 News has confirmed that Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, will likely file for a change of venue in the coming days.

There is no word yet on when the motion may come.

Baez said as far back as December that his client will not be able to receive a fair trial in Orlando.

In case this was overlooked I reposted this info from my earlier post. Missing interviews of LA, TL, & any others should be released soon too! Remember JB filed 16 motions at the pre-trial hearing last week. It be trumatic for the A's in the next coming days with these releases. What are the charts showing for Caylee, KC, GA, CA, & LA in the next couple of days due to the coming eclipses?
Next week the docs will be released of what evidence was taken from the A's house after Caylee was found. This was on the Jane show from the reporter from WFTV along with some other things being released.


Kaitland, I guess while I was searching for the answer to your question if Caylee was in the same area in Aug. as in Dec. by RK, it looks like you preety much answered my question about the A's & the upcoming eclipses!

If you or anyone else has anything else to add I'll be looking forward to your upcoming charts!

Kaitland I will stay tuned to my TV & everyones readings/charts!
TIA :blowkiss:

These eclipses hit all of the A’s charts. February’s falls across Caylee’s ascendant/descendant axis.

We will not be able to turn off our TV’s, so stay tuned.

Welcome back Kaitland!
What the priest said yesterday was something everyone should remember when going through a loss of a loved one.
"Do not weep for me because I am gone; smile because you have known me."
I found this old article about where in the nearby woods by the A's house that the cadaver dogs searched Aug. 11th:

Detectives Investigate 3 Key Dates In Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Mystery
POSTED: Tuesday, August 12, 2008
UPDATED: 8:04 am EDT August 13, 2008

For the second time in two days, Orange County sheriff's deputies and K-9 units performed a search for Caylee Anthony.

Orange County sheriff's deputies on Tuesday requested the assistance of Osceola County's K-9 unit and searched a wooded area near the home of Caylee's grandparents.

The search was called off and nothing was believed to have been found, Local 6 News reported.

On Monday, deputies searched a wooded area near Lee Vista Boulevard and Narcoossee Road.


So this means when Richard C. claimed the area where RK searched is not one in the same!
About the location and the confusion, Leonard P. has many times made the point that The Zone, where Kio and KC took refuge, is some ways down the road from the CSI scene. It is a short walk but many thought Kio had named the precise spot. If all of our efforts had concentrated on what information she gave, the body still may have eluded the searchers because of such thick growth. But, we would have been ahead of the game.

All the other reports refer to the actual scene. St.J., Roy, TES. But we do not know to what extent St.J. concentrated on the spot. She may have felt the same nausea in a number of areas. Roy, however, was always at the same place. It is ridiculous that his urgent phone calls were taken for zot. We already know the stench in the car was a tremendous problem and he smelled it at the scene as well.

The impending solar eclipse and occultation of Mars is the herald of the Span of Truth and is so marked on our calendar. It is a time of exposure. How perfect that an Aquarian led us into what Pisces covered up as this is the tradition of those two Signs in both event charts and horaries.

I think Waldorf, MD is a good place to start because it fits Roy's accent. FL and southern states do not. I enjoy hearing him speak very much because he has the good voice of a direct person. There is actually a science devoted to this!

I agree with you, Kaitland, that the Mars individual in the taping chart, is a little too desperate not to participate. He, Sun and Mercury all traveled separately during November and were never conjunct but always fairly close. By the time of the taping, the Sun was at the exact mid-point of Mercury and Mars. They were always putting the heat on one another. Mars is in a money or physical item relation with rising Pluto and both are saying, "This is it! No more." The part of fortune, such as it is on the cusp of H. 8, is in too easy a relation with Mars, extremely suspicious.
(respectfully snipped)

The impending solar eclipse and occultation of Mars is the herald of the Span of Truth and is so marked on our calendar. It is a time of exposure. How perfect that an Aquarian led us into what Pisces covered up as this is the tradition of those two Signs in both event charts and horaries.

I patiently await...THE SPAN OF TRUTH
Yeah, something to chew on I hear Quantico? new .doc dumps shortly and a few juicy leaks from LE ?

woof! woof woof!!

On December 7, I submitted a horoscope titled "Is this Aquila (The Eagle) Directing Us to Caylee?" The Fixed Star Altair and the Sun of the meter man were the Midheaven of that chart and Venus was within 1°.

When we look at the Dominic-Jim taping chart and search, Mars is one of Dominic's associates, in his House 11. This Mars is the solstice point of The Eagle in the chart above described and of Roy K.'s Sun. We also know that the meter man's supervisor is an Anthony neighbor. Roy was already frustrated and word does get around. If we are this interested, think what the buzz must be in the neighborhood.

I think this is one of the prime movers for the Saturday search on November 15. The two day dig netted nothing, nor did the investigation at the abandoned G. house. Disgusted, Roy returned to the remembered site of the plastic sack he had frantically signaled in August and he was extremely emphatic, "I need someone here now. I've found a human skull." Can you imagine how he felt? Thousands of people had searched over months and he had witnessed this, yet his own SOS went wanting.

When zombies peopled the earth!
All of RK’s planets have a deep connection to Caylee’s chart. His Aquarian Venus (kindness), Sun (soul essence), Saturn (responsibility), and Jupiter (fortune) all fall within her 6th house of “servants”. So, he did perform a phenomenal “service” for her, and he is in fact, a “service worker/meter reader”. His Mercury (communications) is on her Neptune (intuition) and smack on her 7th house cusp of significant relationships. His Aquarian planets are in opposition to hers in Leo: Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Ascendant. Planets in opposition give awareness and a sense of completion to the parties. His Moon/n. node/Fortuna/Uranus hover over her Leo Sun/Ascendant. RK’s Neptune is conjunct Caylee’s 4th house cusp in Scorpio – end of life, and is a deeply intuitive/spiritual connection. This chart comparison gives us a chance to see the beauty inherent in Neptune, and not the clouds/confusion/delusion aspect that so beleaguer this case.

RK never gave up on his “hunch” at the first sighting back in August. He never lost his “bounty hunter” senses. Whatever the source of his intuition, be it whispers from the neighborhood or not, the blessing of his finding little Caylee can never be questioned. The intense aspects of his planets falling across the angles of Caylee’s chart point to a destined meeting between the two.
Yes, Roy K. is a very special person. How unusual to find such a mutual reception as is available to him. His Sun, at the start of Aquarius and his Uranus at the end of Leo. He could form a one man pincer movement. Gives him immense flexibility and many ways to look at matters.
All of RK’s planets have a deep connection to Caylee’s chart. His Aquarian Venus (kindness), Sun (soul essence), Saturn (responsibility), and Jupiter (fortune) all fall within her 6th house of “servants”. So, he did perform a phenomenal “service” for her, and he is in fact, a “service worker/meter reader”. His Mercury (communications) is on her Neptune (intuition) and smack on her 7th house cusp of significant relationships. His Aquarian planets are in opposition to hers in Leo: Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Ascendant. Planets in opposition give awareness and a sense of completion to the parties. His Moon/n. node/Fortuna/Uranus hover over her Leo Sun/Ascendant. RK’s Neptune is conjunct Caylee’s 4th house cusp in Scorpio – end of life, and is a deeply intuitive/spiritual connection. This chart comparison gives us a chance to see the beauty inherent in Neptune, and not the clouds/confusion/delusion aspect that so beleaguer this case.

RK never gave up on his “hunch” at the first sighting back in August. He never lost his “bounty hunter” senses. Whatever the source of his intuition, be it whispers from the neighborhood or not, the blessing of his finding little Caylee can never be questioned. The intense aspects of his planets falling across the angles of Caylee’s chart point to a destined meeting between the two.

God Bless Roy! He was meant to be Caylee's "knight in shining armor". Thank's Kaitland, this touched my heart to read.
God bless that good man for not giving up on his "hunch"!
How great is it that we can see his kindness through astrology!
All of RK’s planets have a deep connection to Caylee’s chart. His Aquarian Venus (kindness), Sun (soul essence), Saturn (responsibility), and Jupiter (fortune) all fall within her 6th house of “servants”. So, he did perform a phenomenal “service” for her, and he is in fact, a “service worker/meter reader”. His Mercury (communications) is on her Neptune (intuition) and smack on her 7th house cusp of significant relationships. His Aquarian planets are in opposition to hers in Leo: Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Ascendant. Planets in opposition give awareness and a sense of completion to the parties. His Moon/n. node/Fortuna/Uranus hover over her Leo Sun/Ascendant. RK’s Neptune is conjunct Caylee’s 4th house cusp in Scorpio – end of life, and is a deeply intuitive/spiritual connection. This chart comparison gives us a chance to see the beauty inherent in Neptune, and not the clouds/confusion/delusion aspect that so beleaguer this case.

RK never gave up on his “hunch” at the first sighting back in August. He never lost his “bounty hunter” senses. Whatever the source of his intuition, be it whispers from the neighborhood or not, the blessing of his finding little Caylee can never be questioned. The intense aspects of his planets falling across the angles of Caylee’s chart point to a destined meeting between the two.

Kaitland, BEAUTIFUL! you clearly described THE PERFECT MOMENT.
Caylee surely rejoiced.:star1:

I wish your evaluation could find it's way into Roy's hands... I think it would bring him tremendous comfort.
I pointed this out weeks ago in a one of my post either here or on another thread & was shocked when I discovered it! :furious: I do believe someone who seen my post or someone else's brought this to the attention to the media.

Anthony&#8217;s still selling missing toddler t-shirts
Last Edited: Friday, 16 Jan 2009, 7:43 PM EST
Created: Friday, 16 Jan 2009, 7:43 PM EST

Weeks after the remains of missing toddler Caylee Antony were found, t-shirts bearing her likeness and asking for information on her whereabouts are still being sold.

The place? The MySpace website set up by the Anthony family shortly after Caylee went missing. The website said it was updated on January 13th.

That isn&#8217;t setting well with some people.

VIDEO: Missing toddler tshirts still being sold


Here is the link to my post about the t-shirts, braclets, & the A's asking for help in the search for an alive Caylee. So that you have it in case you brilliant astros want to look at any past charts or a new one about this subject:

P.I. Says Partner Knew Where Caylee Anthony's Body Was
01-10-2009, 04:16 AM
Angel! I remember reading when you wrote about this! Happy to see the media reporting on it now. Good work! (as usual!)
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