Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7

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ok - so, i know charts have been run on whether or not the A's will be arrested for obstruction etc...would that include charges related to bad handling of the monies collected for the Trust Fund or KFN?

this post sparked my interest in this:

if the previous charts include other charges besides ones directly related to the investigation then my question has answered itself.

if not - what info would be needed to run another?

i know that a group of WSers spent a lot of time investigating the A money trail etc. and turned their findings over to LE - and we cant talk about it anymore here...but i am wondering about charges that may stem from misappropriations...?

Thank You for answering my question's Soulscape! :blowkiss: Just as I thought when hearing RK received aprox. $20,000 for just a picture of a snake, I can only imagine how much others have received for pictures/movies of Caylee.


More questions for you about what you based the chart on...I saw that Angel's post was at 1:39pm, but you used 1:54pm. Is that because *you* saw it at 1:54? Is that standard in Horary Astrology? (Although I would assume most times this is the same time, when it is asked and seen/heard).

Also, What did you base the longitude and latitude on? Did you base it on Angel's location, Crime Scene Location, Baez's office (since he is the main defense lawyer), or your location?

Thanks for all the insight you give (and that is directed at ALL the great astrologers here).
dihan, Casey A. and Jose B. quarreled yesterday. Possibly she does make demands such as you describe but he would not violate the rules to please her. If she insisted some item required internet research, he might offer to do that for her but not routinely. It probably was hard for her to overcome her addiction to IT; it seems she has substituted reading and snacking and listening to her radio. The Saturn Uranus opposition brought her deprivation. Saturn denies and those electronic communications she loves are all Uranian.


More questions for you about what you based the chart on...I saw that Angel's post was at 1:39pm, but you used 1:54pm. Is that because *you* saw it at 1:54? Is that standard in Horary Astrology? (Although I would assume most times this is the same time, when it is asked and seen/heard).

Also, What did you base the longitude and latitude on? Did you base it on Angel's location, Crime Scene Location, Baez's office (since he is the main defense lawyer), or your location?

Thanks for all the insight you give (and that is directed at ALL the great astrologers here).

Those are great questions, Elizabeth, thanks for asking.

When it comes to Horary, my usual method is to cast the chart for the time, place and date that I read and understand the question. So this particular chart is cast for my location at the time I read and understood the question.

Occasionally I will use the Querent's (person asking the question) time/ date/ place of question, but that happens only when I am intuitively prompted --- (slapped on side of head is probably a better way to put it) --- and is an exception rather than the rule for me.

Some astrologers work differently. We each have our own methods that we have found work for us and that we have come to rely on.

Thanks for your interest,

They probably will be released to thier web pg. shortly after they are done using them to air live. It could be sometime after 6pm or after the late evening broadcast!

The entertainment industry (5th House) / big business.

Lord turned 2H (SATURN) in 5th House of Entertainment, Capricorn (big business) on turned 2nd House cusp, Defense's resources. MOON (signifying both the Public and Other People's $$$ -- turned 8th House, radix 2nd House) and SATURN (defense's resources) mutually applying to conjunction, both opposite VENUS natural ruler of $$$$ cnj URANUS (television, movies, media, etc). The big entertainment moguls are taking the chance (a 5th House matter) the Public (MOON) will buy this up in any shape/way/form and they are right. People are absolutely fascinated with this case.

Will post chart in a few.

ETA: Here's the chart:


Hi Soulscape,

I hope you don't take offense and while I agree with your outcome, I would read your chart a little bit differently. As you indicate the Defense is represented by the 7th house ruled by Jupiter (placed in Aquarius in the 9th house of Legal Matters). This reaffirms the chart is radical.

As you also indicated, I would "turn" the chart so the 8th house would be the Defense's 2nd house of Finances ruled by Saturn in Virgo except that the chart is now "turned" so the 5th house would be the Defense's 11th house of Organizations (also of Hopes and Wishes).

I would view this Saturn placement as representing limits to funding probably from governmental (Saturn) organizations. I don't know if the Defense gets any monetary help from government or not but it is a possibility and if so, they probably don't get much money from that source (Saturn).

As you said, the Moon represents the Public (the Moon is also the co-ruler of any horary chart). The Moon is in Virgo in the "turned" 10th house of Authorities and Status indicating the Defense's family is involved with the high profile experts being hired by the Defense. The Moon rules the "turned" 8th house of Debts or the Defense's Debts in this chart. The Defense's family is hiring experts they either can't pay or are going into debt to pay.

However, as you point out, the Moon is opposed by Venus the traditional ruler of Money. Venus is in Pisces (hidden or lack of money) in the "turned" 4th house. The 4th house also represents Family. From this I conclude the Defendant's family lacks (Pisces) funds at this time and is likely going into debt to hire these experts or perhaps they have hidden money available to them that they don't want the Public (Moon in 10th) to know about.

As you point out, the Moon is applying to a conjunction with Saturn (a 7 degree orb). When the Moon reaches Saturn in the "turned" 11th house the Defense might find that their Hopes (11th house) for paying these experts may be dashed or become a problem (Saturn).

Venus in Pisces is also applying to a conjunction to Uranus (9 degree orb) but I only use Traditional Rulers in Horary charts although I know many astrologers also use the Modern Planets when reading an astrology chart. Since you used Uranus I will follow your lead and consider it in reading this chart further. Uranus in Pisces is in the "turned" 5th house which brings us right back to your comments about Entertainment and TV (Uranus) and risks (5th house again). To me this indicates they are shopping out media outlets but nothing is set as of this time (Pisces). Whether the Entertainment deals will pan out is a risk (Lifetime TV has put a hold on the deal they were making with the A's).

Uranus in the "turned" 5th house is opposed by Saturn in the "turned" 11th house. There are restrictions (Saturn) to their Hopes and Goals (11th house), possibly government (Saturn) restrictions to their Entertainment proposals--restrictions that the Defense or Defense's family are currently acting (5th house) to break free of (Uranus). Whether they will or not is questionable as Saturn is retrograding back towards an exact opposition to Uranus.

The last Ptolemy aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is a trine to the Sun in Capricorn in the "turned" 3rd house of Communications and Planning. The Sun rules the "turned" 10th house of Authorities and Status. From this I see discussions are ongoing as to payment arrangements, etc., but a trine is considered a fortunate aspect so probably the Experts will take the work on a credit basis agreeing to be paid later when (if) the Entertainment deals pan out.

That's what I see and as I said it doesn't greatly differ with your interpretation, Soulscape, but rather just adds a little to the story. Again, I hope you aren't offended as my intention wasn't to contradict you but rather to add another dimension to what you saw in the chart.
ok - so, i know charts have been run on whether or not the A's will be arrested for obstruction etc...would that include charges related to bad handling of the monies collected for the Trust Fund or KFN?

this post sparked my interest in this:

if the previous charts include other charges besides ones directly related to the investigation then my question has answered itself.

if not - what info would be needed to run another?

i know that a group of WSers spent a lot of time investigating the A money trail etc. and turned their findings over to LE - and we cant talk about it anymore here...but i am wondering about charges that may stem from misappropriations...?


The way I learned horary it is considered "wrong" (for lack of a better word) to re-ask a question once an answer has been provided. However, I've never personally asked a horary question as to immunity for the A's. Since it was reported on JVM tonight that LA's attorney is requesting blanket immunity for LA, I asked the question "Will LA get blanket immunity."

I have no way to post charts here but I asked the question at 9:04 p.m. CST on January 14, 2009 at 087W54 43N02. 16 Virgo rising with 16 Pisces on the cusp of the 7th house representing LA. Jupiter rules LA and is in the "turned" 11th house of Hopes and Wishes.

I used the ruler of the "turned" 10th house (Authorities) to represent those granting immunity. The "turned" 10th house has 14 Sag on the cusp so Jupiter also rules the Granters of Immunity also placed in the "turned" 11th house of Hopes and Wishes. From this I concluded that LA and the Authorities are of like mind on immunity and LA will likely get immunity.

I learned that in horary once you get a clear answer to your question you needn't or shouldn't look further. However, since the Moon co-rules all horary charts it is reasonable to look at its placement. The Moon is at 19 Virgo in the "turned" 7th house. Immunity is currently being worked (Virgo) on. The Moon is applying to a conjunction with Saturn (2 degree orb) so possibly there will be delays or problems with the details (Virgo).

The last Ptolemy aspect the Moon makes before changing signs is a trine to the Sun in Capricorn in the "turned" 11th house. The Sun rules the "turned" 6th house of Service and since a trine is a fortunate aspect the immunity deal will likely be worked out.
Just wanted to let you know again that, "This is my favorite thread here at WS's!" I gave all of you Super Astro's a 5-star rating for this thread. You all deserve this because of all of the time & effort you put in doing the asto charts & readings for all of us! :blowkiss:

Thank You All So Much!
:angel: Who Cares

OOOOOOOOOO Angel, you really did get us 5-Stars, how cool is that?!!

:blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:

what would represent Cindy in Caylee's chart? I know the moon usually represents the mother but I am still such a novice...Is there a planet that represents grandparents? thanks
I have surfaced long enough to spend a couple of hours here catching up on all of the posts.

Angel - thank you for the post (several back) trying to keep things together for me. I am indeed overwhelmed.

Burial service for Mr. S. is tomorrow, but with working yesterday, today, and trying to coordinate with some out of town friends coming in, I've had no time.

I did catch most of NG tonight and heard about the psychic - don't know if anyone on here got a b'day for her. Was very surprised when she mentioned having difficulty getting detailed statement from Verizon (my provider) because they absolutely! send out completely detailed statements every single month and I cannot imagine such a I think much unraveling will ensue.

I'll be back tomorrow night. Thank you again everyone for the prayers for Mr. S.
Hi ladies. Today is my birthday and have been busy with the family. Tomorrow is my eldest son's birthday and then Monday is my youngest son's birthday, so I am on the birthday roller-coaster ride currently. Have been able to do nothing other than read the work of others for a couple of weeks now for the most part but wanted to stop in and let you know that I am still here with you...just a bit distant at the moment and I appreciate all the insights!
Hi ladies. Today is my birthday and have been busy with the family. Tomorrow is my eldest son's birthday and then Monday is my youngest son's birthday, so I am on the birthday roller-coaster ride currently. Have been able to do nothing other than read the work of others for a couple of weeks now for the most part but wanted to stop in and let you know that I am still here with you...just a bit distant at the moment and I appreciate all the insights!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGIC-CAT!!! Hope you're having a fabulous day!
:Banane23::Banane10::Banane34::xena_banana: :Banane41::Banane27::cake4u::cake4u::cake4u::cake4u::balloons::sundae::birthday:​
what would represent Cindy in Caylee's chart? I know the moon usually represents the mother but I am still such a novice...Is there a planet that represents grandparents? thanks

The 7th house would represent Caylee's mother's mother (Cindy) because the 4th house represents mother and the 7th house is the 4th house from the 4th house. The ruler of Caylee's 7th house represents Cindy in Caylee's chart.

Sometimes Saturn is used to signify grandparents in general. The Moon might also be used to represent Cindy in Caylee's chart because Cindy routinely acted as a mother to her.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGIC-CAT!!! Hope you're having a fabulous day!
:Banane23::Banane10::Banane34::xena_banana: :Banane41::Banane27::cake4u::cake4u::cake4u::cake4u::balloons::sundae::birthday:​

MAGIC CAT, Happy Birthday to you and the children!!:blowkiss: All that cake and icecream sounds good to me.
Come back soon, we miss you.
The 7th house would represent Caylee's mother's mother (Cindy) because the 4th house represents mother and the 7th house is the 4th house from the 4th house. The ruler of Caylee's 7th house represents Cindy in Caylee's chart.

Sometimes Saturn is used to signify grandparents in general. The Moon might also be used to represent Cindy in Caylee's chart because Cindy routinely acted as a mother to her.

Thank you:)
I have surfaced long enough to spend a couple of hours here catching up on all of the posts.

Angel - thank you for the post (several back) trying to keep things together for me. I am indeed overwhelmed.

Burial service for Mr. S. is tomorrow, but with working yesterday, today, and trying to coordinate with some out of town friends coming in, I've had no time.

I did catch most of NG tonight and heard about the psychic - don't know if anyone on here got a b'day for her. Was very surprised when she mentioned having difficulty getting detailed statement from Verizon (my provider) because they absolutely! send out completely detailed statements every single month and I cannot imagine such a I think much unraveling will ensue.

I'll be back tomorrow night. Thank you again everyone for the prayers for Mr. S.

Kaitland our prayers are still being sent your way for Mr. S., family & friends!

Bolded your post by me: I'm sure me & the other sleuthers will see if we can find that birthdate out for you. I'll have to wait till late this afternoon but will start the hunt for it then!

I have Verizon & you have access to this info on incoming & out with no problem at all. If you don't get them mailed itemized you canaccess them from the net. I would love to have a chart done for her in relation to the P.I.'s &/or the A's. I would bet it would show a lot of hinky stuff going on with her. I just don't see CA mailing one of Caylee's Teddybears to her unless someone snuck one out of the house.

Your welcome! No problem I just am trying to save you & the others some time. I know how much work you put into everything here! :blowkiss:

Magic-Cat Happy Birthday! Have some cake & ice cream for us too! :Birthday:
From cyberborg's post in the thread @ her this was posted by cyberborg. I had already started to search this morning & have links pulled up & ready for me to search this at least is giving me a lead. Another yr I seen though showed her to be born in 1961. Will check back with an update when I find more info.

Ginette A. Matacia, Born 1958 Tenative date need more info day & location but my guess is it's VA near Blueridge VA.

I did a search on her cell phone # fromher web site. It is showing this # to be a cell & this is what it shows for it:

Time Zone: 10:15 AM EST
County: Arlington
Latitude: 38.88
Longitude: -77.10

I will keep working on it when time permits.
Posters are wondering if she has a work relation with KFN! They do have it posted on thier site that they often use psychics in locating the missing.


* Videos released today:

#1 length 8:30
LEGAL ANALYST: Sheaffer Talks About Psychic: VIDEO

#2 length 12:49
RAW INTERVIEW: Psychic's Credibility Questioned PSYCHIC
But even if Ginette L. obtains Verizon records that show she spoke to Dominic C. many times or for a long time, it does not solve his problem. Jim H. met with him on the morning of the 15th before going to the site because he had rec'd a phone call November 14 telling him that Dominic knew where Caylee was, she was dead and they had to go retrieve her. By Ginette's own claims, that preceded her Verizon calls.

Many Happy Returns, Magic-Cat! I hope the day is festive and full of good surprises.
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