Yes, Jeff Brown, who used to be a regular on GVS is the defense att'y who is so enthusiastic he starts right off the small screen. He is also Florida based. I'm sure he would like to represent a high profile defendant like our Miss A. but that is not to be, zoey. He is the male defense counterpart to Pam Bondi, prosecutor. He would probably like steady work on Issues too.
Day after tomorrow is Roy M. Kronk's birthday. I created a web site to honor him. Please let me know if there is material or comment you would like to add to what I have put there as text. is where you will find The Eagle.
Fantastic site Tuba! I am just in awe of your talents! What a beautiful tribute to RK. It is so fitting with his Jupiter return. The Greater Benefic, touching Sun/Venus/Saturn and in tandem with the Jan/Feb eclipses, showers his chart with fortune and light. Saturn's hard lessons are softened, imbued with spiritual wisdom. He has prior experience in fending off unwarranted aspersions cast upon his character, relying upon a Grand Jury (Jupiter!) to set the matter straight with a No True Bill. February eclipse on his Mercury will set the record straight with crystal clear documents.
This Birthday's transit represents additional rewards that will allow him to discharge previous debts. The Jupiter return/eclipse sets the stage for a dramatic 12 year span of improvement and progress. The Eagle gets a clean slate.