Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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It is to barf but Kasen and Prisoner may be drafting the request for a protective order, seeking to delay her written deposition (under oath) until after her criminal trial. That is not current practice and yet would be within Judge Rodriquez's discretion to grant if he had not already delineated a procedure which he considers proper in the circs. It is common to proceed to civilly depose a party who is under indictment and case law supports this; the Supreme Ct. has ruled favorably. The defendant is expected to invoke her right not to incriminate herself. Although one cannot draw an adverse inference if Defendant invokes in a criminal trial, in a civil case like Z.F.-G.'s defamation suit, it's fine to conclude Defendant is liable as long as there is some evidence to show that (which we have). That means Z.F.-G. can think the worst if the prisoner refuses to answer any questions. Plaintiff will triumph in this contest of claims. Still, once again, Prisoner was fortunate because the judge could have ordered an oral deposition complete with video. He did overturn an order from Judge Strickland to do just that.
FoxNews Live Orlando update reported that BC said that George was doing well at home after going home last night. Spent time with Cindy & Lee last night into this morning resting & taking things slow. This afternoon Cindy & George worked on the plans for Caylee's public memorial still "tentatively" set for Tues, Feb 10, 2009 10:00 AM. They should be announcing if it will be set for that date possibly as early as tomorrow but no later then Friday. Holly B. from Fox added the George & Cindy planned to go to the funeral home to spend some time with Caylee & to talk about arraignments for the private funeral. She also said they are working on hiring undercover help from the sheriff dept. to be at the public memorial so that they are guarenteed that things run smoothly for it with no problems. They are still saying it is Baez holding up all funeral plans. (Sorry no link again just my word from watching the Orlando news broadcast on-line!)

I'll watch again tonight & tomorrow's broadcasts which I do everyday anyways to find out new information that might not be posted on-line if ever sometimes. Yesterday they did a huge segment on body language which dtill has not been posted on-line yet!
My question is what is everyone's opinion if it is Baez &/or Casey holding up releasing her remains so that they can have Caylee properly buried? I just don't buy into that they aren't done with her 2nd autopsy!

Being she was skeletonized how much more testing could they possibly need to do? (That is so hard to type...forgive me) They can easily & would need to, just as I'm sure the state has done have a bone & hair preserved in case they need to do any further testing!

What in the world could the hold up be? Is it Casey's last stab in their hearts not willing to turn over the remains & Baez going along with it?

I wonder if they are waiting for the rest of the forensics/documents to come back, such as hair analysis, metals, and toxicology testing. They may have to repeat some of their own testing if we get bombshells.
I wonder if they are waiting for the rest of the forensics/documents to come back, such as hair analysis, metals, and toxicology testing. They may have to repeat some of their own testing if we get bombshells.

But couldn't the defense keep just enough samples bone & hair in case they need to do any further testing? :confused: Casey's defense has enough experts to be able to determine a sufficent amount to keep for testing. It's hard for me to think about Caylee still laying in a cardboard box after being thrown away like trash for 6 months. That would now be almost 8 months now!:eek: It's so hard to believe it's been that long already.....:cry:

Therefore allowing Caylee to be finally laid to rest after all it's been since Dec. 11th she was found & confirmed Dec. 19th! For George's sake & the rest of Caylee's relatives they need this to happen, so that they can move past the hardest part of losing a loved one besides missing them forever till they meet again. They have such a difficult road ahead with the trial, facing all that will come out in the coming days & during the trial from discovery documents, testimonies, etc. I'm just so worried about George needing this closure. :(
Your Welcome TruthMatters! I have always noticed their eyes Jesse G.'s & Rev. Grund's the love they hold shines in their eyes. The hurt they feel/felt will be comforted in the web site to honor her memory. I thought it was a beautiful way to honor Caylee & will give them strength to cope with her loss in a positive way.

Thank You for posting the words that I just couldn't put down to post. Your words are beautiful & I couldn't have said it better then you did! :blowkiss:
They had accepted Caylee as their own child & granddaughter not caring what the the DNA results said. Casey didn't like the attention that they showed towards Caylee & grew jealous not realizing they loved her too! She threw away a beautiful family that Caylee & herself were being welcomed with opened arms filled with love.

I often wonder what would have been if she had stayed with Jesse! She chose to ignore this love for the both of them because she wanted all of the attention focused on only herself not Caylee & her. It breaks my heart that she didn't feel the love for her too but Rev. Grund is truly doing something positive out of the tragedy & this will comfort them for the tough days ahead for them all. I still need to join the site to add some comforting words for them. I have many pictures to share with them that I noticed they don't have posted yet. I want to post all of them, even the one's I have with Casey & Caylee in happier days to share with them. I have a collection of many comforting quotes to share with them, of course the majority of them about angels. :)

I agree with you (& bolded parts in your post by me) that there is much more justice to come!
I hope my post is making sense I'm in need more caffeine yet!

Your post makes very good sense, you are a 'feeler' I can tell because I'm one too - in fact, everyone on this forum is one - add this to our wonderful Astrologers and this forum is the place to be for the best of both worlds.:dance:

I'm with you, I can not understand why Casey would break off an engagement to a man who still loved her and her child even after learning Caylee was not his. She truly revealed her narcissism and proved herself to be a pathological liar to boot, in what transpired between her Jesse when she was the one to break off the engagement - it should have been the other way around but Jesse was too good for her; he just didn't know it then but he does now. Add his loving family to the mix and she would have had it made with them but she never appreciated what she had and unfortunately that also included Caylee and now she's also known as a psychopath.

I know the professionals now call a psychopath - anti-social personality disorder - but this term is not fitting ... AT ALL, to this type of personality and it confuses alot of people who hear it because it sounds like they're not social people but they are very social. They love the social scene and being the center of attention but their actions are not socially acceptable when their true evil nature is revealed and therefore the 'anti-social' status instead of psychopath which describes them MUCH better. I really take issue with this new term for a psychopath... can ya tell??? I personally know one and she's a psycho who is very social: 'next' is her favorite word because she's always looking for the 'next' victim and leaves countless in her wake. I would be afraid of her if I didn't pray for her but trust her??? That ain't happenin!!!

We are called to love - NOT trust, that has to be earned.

Now, I would LOVE to see your collection of Caylee photos, Angel Who Cares and I hope you get them posted on Rev. Grund's site to honor Caylee and yes, I wonder too how her life could have turned had she married into the Grund family but then again that probably was a blessing in disguise for the Grund family especially knowing now how the Anthony family has attacked Jesse.
I came across this morning a tribute video for Caylee!

It touches me so much because this is my grandsons favorite song that the two of us sing together all of the time. It's something the two of us do all of the time sing together! Marcus has a very loving, caring, biggest heart you & you wouldn't that an 11yr old boy would like songs like this. His birthday was Saturday & this video brought me to tears, because on his own special day, he still had Caylee in his thoughts asking if she was buried yet! He wanted to know why it was taking so long when she was found before Christmas! It shows how much he cares about others not what presents he was going to get at his birthday party but if Caylee was properly buried yet!

He always says that it's sad because not that Caylee wouldn't have another birthday, Christmas, Easter to enjoy but to just get to enjoy another day! :cry:
I wanted to share this video with everyone! :rose:

A tribute to Caylee Anthony

Okay, that definately confirms it, Angel Who Cares - you are a 'feeler' like I wrote in my prior post in response to yours about the Grund family.

I watched the video you posted above and your grandson, he's a 'feeler' too! God bless him more because he already is with you, Angel Who Cares.

I can relate to your experience of being brought to tears even when it is a happy occasion like your grandson's 11th birthday and again, God Bless him for his compassionate and good heart that already shows at his young age. Me thinks he has a good influence... no, I don't think - I know he does. Tell him that his good heart is greatly appreciated and is greatly needed in this world and though he may get his feeling hurt at times, he's not alone and it is still better than to be unfeeling and have no compassion for others. He is a remarkable young man.

My experience happened at my niece's 3rd Birthday Party, her name is Faith and oh, so cute like our Caylee. Faith's family all gathered together to celebrate her birthday in November (before Caylee's remains were found but I like many hoped she was still with us here but in my heart I knew she was with the Lord, which is great and there is no sorrow there but there is sorrow in the way she left) and when the cake was served I received the piece of cake with the "3rd" on it. The birthday cake was inscribed in frosting, "Happy 3rd Birthday Faith" and I received the "3rd" on my piece of cake; I looked at it for awhile not knowing at first what it was that was sad about it and then it hit me like tidal wave and the tears welled up in my eyes. My husband noticed and I said to him, "Caylee should have celebrated her 3rd birthday like Faith is now."

This is the chart for the defamation filing. Now that depositions are being taken for this legal action, the aspects for the current dates can be compared to the original map to see how the case is faring.

Tuba, I feel free to write on behalf of everyone here and add SoulScape, FifthEssence, Kaitland and of course our housemouse who started it all - BIG TIME THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Your skills and knowledge of astrology are greatly appreciated you have earned your titles as our, "Super Astro Guides" and we have learned so much from all of you. You are wonderful teachers to us hungry minds.
Copied over from main forum:

<<<SNIP<<< I wonder what that means?

But, Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.

I wonder what this means? Any ideas?

Thank you, salvarenga, for bringing attention to what you wrote above, unfortunately the link didn't work for me (anyways) but I was able to Google enough of your info above to find it online. Here's the link that I used and hope it works:
salvarenga brings this to the table and thank you, I just bring another link to it that I hope will work.

I read the article and it's intriguing but why all the 'wait and see'? That's all we've been doing with the defense, all they've ever offered to us is 'smoke and mirrors' and the 'wait and see' - if they really have somthing to say then say it ALREADY!!!

Why wait for trial to clear things up NOW??? Why would Casey stay behind bars until then when they have this loaded information now??? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm okay with being proven wrong but don't insult my intelligence in the mean time - if ya got somethin to say - then say it ALREADY!!!

Enough with taking 'dramatic license' in this case - it's that ALREADY and we need no more of that. After reading the article it just reads like more of the same, 'smoke and mirrors' and 'wait and see'. If they really had the 'bombshell' information - then what are they waiting for???

Does anyone really believe that Casey has the patience to wait it out in jail if she be innocent??? Why no tears for Caylee??? The only tears I've ever seen her shed were those she shed for herself and use Caylee's name in dialogue to portray her innocense and NOT to find Caylee and now her killer... gee... why is that???
Interesting Tuba, that Jan 26th eclipse touched off the prevaricating defendant's moon in the chart! Now she can only mutter "I take the 5th".

Have you noticed that the computer update is slated for Feb 7th ----at the span of truth???? Hope we will not be delayed too long in getting back on here, as I am sure there will be much to read about.

I'm not Tuba but that is the first thing I noticed when I read about the updates to Websleuths. First thought that came to mind is, "I hope this doesn't interfere too much with 'The Span of Truth' as far as delayed info on this forum but then we do know what to look for else where and report on it here later. The only thing is - this is the place I most want to be when it does.
Okay Tuba, this one has me crazed. TB is saying the money is coming from a family in Connecticut and I for one live in CT and can not imagine any family with that kind of money supporting a mother who is awaiting trial for the murder of her child knowing it could bring exposure down around your own family. Also allowing TB to say that it is a family and not saying what profession the head of this family is in, such as a business executive or the owner of a production company. Family just does not sound right, whether he said they are from TX or CT. What would we need to find out where the money could be coming from???

Ooooh, LampChop, that is a very good question! Great observation, "family" makes it sound all too innocent and anyone who has gotten involved with the Anthony family have come with their hidden agendas and secret motives but so far they have all been exposed for what they truly are - greedy. Hope our astros can reveal the answer because I'm as curious as you to know who would risk not only their money but their reputation as well to suppport a known liar and pathological at that?
Okay, that definately confirms it, Angel Who Cares - you are a 'feeler' like I wrote in my prior post in response to yours about the Grund family.

I watched the video you posted above and your grandson, he's a 'feeler' too! God bless him more because he already is with you, Angel Who Cares.

I can relate to your experience of being brought to tears even when it is a happy occasion like your grandson's 11th birthday and again, God Bless him for his compassionate and good heart that already shows at his young age. Me thinks he has a good influence... no, I don't think - I know he does. Tell him that his good heart is greatly appreciated and is greatly needed in this world and though he may get his feeling hurt at times, he's not alone and it is still better than to be unfeeling and have no compassion for others. He is a remarkable young man.

My experience happened at my niece's 3rd Birthday Party, her name is Faith and oh, so cute like our Caylee. Faith's family all gathered together to celebrate her birthday in November (before Caylee's remains were found but I like many hoped she was still with us here but in my heart I knew she was with the Lord, which is great and there is no sorrow there but there is sorrow in the way she left) and when the cake was served I received the piece of cake with the "3rd" on it. The birthday cake was inscribed in frosting, "Happy 3rd Birthday Faith" and I received the "3rd" on my piece of cake; I looked at it for awhile not knowing at first what it was that was sad about it and then it hit me like tidal wave and the tears welled up in my eyes. My husband noticed and I said to him, "Caylee should have celebrated her 3rd birthday like Faith is now."

TruthMatters Your Welcome for such kind words! :blowkiss: I will give my grandson a huge hug from you & from evryone here! Marcus does have a big heart for other people & I guess part of it comes from me, but I believe you are also just born with those traits given as a gift from above. I really enjoy & look forward to your posts too cause they come from the heart which is a common factor in the astro threads. I find comfort & understanding from everyone here even when I know I posted somthing off topic.

One day at the begining of the school year a little girl was new to his class crying, scared, and upset, he was the 1st to come to action, coming up to her mother & the little girl with a kleenex in hand, took her hand, told her mother don't worry I'll take care of her! His teacher called my daughter that day to tell her how proud she was of him that he is always helping the other kids if they are upset about anything. She didn't even have a chance to to calm the little girl because he beat her to it! Ever since he was able to understand I would tell him it's someones heart that counts the most, not what they have, look like, etc. that if he wasn't afraid to show others how to care about others they would do the same by example of his actions!

He is my best buddy he calls me every night at 9pm just to say goodnight & I Love You Gram! He does the same call to his other grandparents too & no one ever asked him to do this he just started doing it as soon as he learned how to dial our numbers. Of course he's a spoiled but loved 11yr old with his own cell! LOL He does calls too when he thinks mom or his other grandparents are being mean for me me to come get him or for me to yell at my daughter for being mean! LOL

I understand how you felt at Faith's Birthday party I have a 2 nephews that turned 3 since Caylee's birthday & felt the same as you did. You have a huge loving heart & I'm sure Caylee knows how much she is loved by so many people who have never met her & hold a special place in our hearts for her forever. Tuba said this just makes Casey furious that so many people care about Caylee and not her because of course Casey ONLY thinks about Casey! It's so sad that she still can not see or feel the magnitude of the damage she has caused to so many lives. She never will even if we all pray that she comes clean to tell the truth for Caylee's sake & her family, it won't happen because she just dosen't care unless it's about herself! :furious:

A Special thanks to housemouse who was the one who brought all of us together here! :clap::clap::blowkiss: Here's to Tuba, KAITLAND, Fifth, Soulscape, Lovejac, Green-Eyed Blonde, Spitfire, bookaroozie, LampChop, ROBLYN, salvarenga, gogrannypop, Of course you TruthMatters & so many more thanks for being who you are! I appreciate all of the hard work that the astros put into the charts that have given me so much insight, I'm learning so much from you, & you are all the best teachers in my new found love of astrology charting! Thank You All So Much! :clap::clap::clap::blowkiss::blowkiss:

TruthMatters here is a link to my photo albums here at WS's! I do have a lot more but we can only post a limited amount but I try & change them around every few weeks. I recently just added a few new ones I've never seen before that I found sleuthing around!

My Caylee Anthony Photo Album:

Here are my other albums if you would like to look at them anyone is more then welcomed to take a look!

"My Family & Friends"

My Favorite Pics (Angels & Fairies!)

It is to barf but Kasen and Prisoner may be drafting the request for a protective order, seeking to delay her written deposition (under oath) until after her criminal trial. That is not current practice and yet would be within Judge Rodriquez's discretion to grant if he had not already delineated a procedure which he considers proper in the circs. It is common to proceed to civilly depose a party who is under indictment and case law supports this; the Supreme Ct. has ruled favorably. The defendant is expected to invoke her right not to incriminate herself. Although one cannot draw an adverse inference if Defendant invokes in a criminal trial, in a civil case like Z.F.-G.'s defamation suit, it's fine to conclude Defendant is liable as long as there is some evidence to show that (which we have). That means Z.F.-G. can think the worst if the prisoner refuses to answer any questions. Plaintiff will triumph in this contest of claims. Still, once again, Prisoner was fortunate because the judge could have ordered an oral deposition complete with video. He did overturn an order from Judge Strickland to do just that.

i didnt even think of this kind of motion....i personally thought they might be removing thier counter suit...
Here we are at Thursday. I thought there was talk of another document dump this week. Are any of the charts showing this might still happen?
If you examine the horoscope of the impending Full Moon Eclipse on 9 February, which is on our Astro Crime Calendar, you will notice a real oddity. The axis from House 12 to House 6 is accentuated. Four planets, Moon, Saturn, Sun and Uranus, each fifteen ° from that axis. Instead of a meridian parallel or a horizon parallel, we have these planets in House 6-12 parallel. Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury are all one ° from being critical. Since that axis is the line of law enforcement (and protection of the public), yes, there will be more revelations in documentary form from the OCSO.
I cast a horary chart for salvarenga's question. The mutable (or "common") Moon of the chart is 5' from a perfect trine to jailhouse Neptune, so the prisoner and her lawyer are looking at the consequences of findings in the LE documents. The common Moon tells us the documents will be released pretty soon relative to the time of the q., 9:38 a.m. this morning West Coast time. Mars of the question is 0°50', so there is impatience about the new revelations. Many changes are coming and the chart is crisis oriented. Fresh developments have occurred and will develop further.

Whenever you see the planet representing Prisoner just above the cell door in House 11, that means she is meeting with her counsel at the table provided on jailhouse floor 12. They intended to consolidate plans within the defense strategy but Sun in House 11, circumstantial happenings changed the course of their meeting. Moon common and cadent never lands where she plans to. Authorities, including judge, law enforcement and warden are Saturn here and Saturn is opposed to the various resistances and rebellions of Prisoner, Uranus. This too is disruptive, as circumstances (House 11) are ruled by Uranus.

Part of fortune is the site of the approaching Full Moon Eclipse and prison ruler Neptune opposes that part. Caylee is of course, written all over that part due to her ASC and Sun. The Moon of this chart takes us back to the deposit of the body, when the Sun was at the degree of Cancer antiscion to Moon now. Mercury of this chart returns us to June 16, when the Sagittarian Moon was at solstice point.

An aside: to exercise the mutual reception between Uranus & Neptune now or at the lunar eclipse would create shock waves. Neptune would sink into submission in the jail cell, whereas the Sun and Uranus would conjoin to startle the public and overturn expectations.
On NG the other evening KM, ZFG's attorney showed pictures of ZG in a tank top with her tattoos fully visible up her arm. Also in the video was a closeup shot of her hand which showed a heart tattoo near her thumb. NG made a comment about them not showing the pictures of ZG in the tank top to a jury but I wonder if the purpose was to show the public that they may have made a connection between KC and ZG with the tattoos???? Both KM and JM appear to be fairly confident they have KC over a barrel and it certainly would explain the question about seeing ZG in a bathing suit.
Tuba, thank you for your insight. I enjoy reading your posts. If you are not a professional writer in the real world, you should be. You DEFINITELY have a way with words.
Caylee's Public Memorial will finally be held Tuesday at 10am. I know I posted it in the Time-Stamped thread but I am so glad that they finalized the date.

I've been so worried about George & the rest of Caylee's relatives that they can start the healing word as of yet if they have finalized the private memorial. Our little angel will finally be laid to rest properly with a memorial fit for a princess & angel she is to be remembered for not laying in a field or in a cardboard box it's been way too long of a wait. I still wish that there wasn't even a funeral needed & that she was still with us enjoying growing up looking forward to kindergarden, high school, marriage, & children of her own. Instead she is with out Lord above & all the other angels way to early for her time but her mother denied her to have another day of playing, singing, dancing, loving and so much more!
Tuba, thank you for your insight. I enjoy reading your posts. If you are not a professional writer in the real world, you should be. You DEFINITELY have a way with words.

Yes, ITA, Salvarenga: Tuba has such a wonderful, expressive way of writing. It is a blend of wisdom, heart and vocabulary.

I so enjoy reading your posts, Tuba, and wish I understood more of Astrology. I seem to be drawn here: I think I feel a little more prepared for the possible twists and turns of this case, which never seem to be ending.
I am continually amazed that I can continue to be amazed!

Tuba, I also note your knowledge of legal matters is impressive. Again, thank you for all your work and sharing with us here. Also, thank you to everyone for their time and talents shared. You ALL are appreciated.
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