Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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i dont really know what...actually. i read kait's post...and something said - i wonder if he visited KC that day...and low and behold...he did.

its not detremental to the case at all...but i guess it speaks volumes for the way my mind works lately...and the little things that make me go...hmmmm.

... and you are not alone!

It is cause for pause and no, "it's not detrimental to the case" but I think we're on the same page when I add this, "it is detrimental to a relationship" if that relationship is based upon trust and not hidden agendas.

I'm with you... "and the little things that make me go...hmmmm."
Mr Rev. Grund has a new web site for Caylee this is not to bash anyone but to honor Caylee ONLY!

Welcome to the new site for the friends of Caylee.
Let me state for the record that this site is in no way affiliated with or supported by anyone in the Anthony Family. This is a privately owned and run site for everyone who has become, as we did, a part of Caylee’s extended family. Although you may never have held in your arms as we have you do hold her in your hearts. Many of you have to come to know and love the little girl who was a part of our family and is now a part of yours.
I wanted to do something special for her and for everyone who cares about Caylee. That’s what this site is about – caring about Caylee and caring about one another.
Let’s honor her memory and her inspirational effect on our lives by continuing to remember her and to take care of each other. I also hope that you will be inspired to take the love that you have developed for Caylee and to give it away to others. There are thousands of missing children that need someone to love them, pray for them and stand up for them. I sincerely hope that you do so in honor of Caylee.

Friends Of Caylee:

Thank you, Angel Who Cares, for bringing this to our attention. I sincerely believe that Rev. Grund and his son - did and still - do love Caylee and that is why I appreciate the link you have provided above.

I have looked closely at the photos of him with Caylee and his son, Jesse, with Caylee and all I have ever seen in those photos with Caylee is love; even more so than any photo with Casey "appearing" with Caylee.

Casey, to me, always posed for the camera for 'portrait purposes' in that the finished portrait should portray her well and not neccessarily for portraying her love for Caylee in them; in fact, they all seemed to be to be a betrayal, to me.

Casey being 'too much' and Caylee being 'too little' in them. Not in size but in spirit - Casey's spirit attempting to 'out shine' Caylee's, as to belittle hers for her mother's ego but it is Caylee's spirit that is still 'out shining' Casey's and this is what is getting to Casey more than anything else. Caylee is free and her mother is not and Casey thought she would free herself from Caylee.

This in itself is justice but there is more to come.
Thank you, Angel Who Cares, for bringing this to our attention. I sincerely believe that Rev. Grund and his son - did and still - do love Caylee and that is why I appreciate the link you have provided above.

I have looked closely at the photos of him with Caylee and his son, Jesse, with Caylee and all I have ever seen in those photos with Caylee is love; even more so than any photo with Casey "appearing" with Caylee.

Casey, to me, always posed for the camera for 'portrait purposes' in that the finished portrait should portray her well and not neccessarily for portraying her love for Caylee in them; in fact, they all seemed to be to be a betrayal, to me.

Casey being 'too much' and Caylee being 'too little' in them. Not in size but in spirit - Casey's spirit attempting to 'out shine' Caylee's, as to belittle hers for her mother's ego but it is Caylee's spirit that is still 'out shining' Casey's and this is what is getting to Casey more than anything else. Caylee is free and her mother is not and Casey thought she would free herself from Caylee.

This in itself is justice but there is more to come.

Your Welcome TruthMatters! I have always noticed their eyes Jesse G.'s & Rev. Grund's the love they hold shines in their eyes. The hurt they feel/felt will be comforted in the web site to honor her memory. I thought it was a beautiful way to honor Caylee & will give them strength to cope with her loss in a positive way.

Thank You for posting the words that I just couldn't put down to post. Your words are beautiful & I couldn't have said it better then you did! :blowkiss:
They had accepted Caylee as their own child & granddaughter not caring what the the DNA results said. Casey didn't like the attention that they showed towards Caylee & grew jealous not realizing they loved her too! She threw away a beautiful family that Caylee & herself were being welcomed with opened arms filled with love.

I often wonder what would have been if she had stayed with Jesse! She chose to ignore this love for the both of them because she wanted all of the attention focused on only herself not Caylee & her. It breaks my heart that she didn't feel the love for her too but Rev. Grund is truly doing something positive out of the tragedy & this will comfort them for the tough days ahead for them all. I still need to join the site to add some comforting words for them. I have many pictures to share with them that I noticed they don't have posted yet. I want to post all of them, even the one's I have with Casey & Caylee in happier days to share with them. I have a collection of many comforting quotes to share with them, of course the majority of them about angels. :)

I agree with you (& bolded parts in your post by me) that there is much more justice to come!
I hope my post is making sense I'm in need more caffeine yet!
I came across this morning a tribute video for Caylee!

It touches me so much because this is my grandsons favorite song that the two of us sing together all of the time. It's something the two of us do all of the time sing together! Marcus has a very loving, caring, biggest heart you & you wouldn't that an 11yr old boy would like songs like this. His birthday was Saturday & this video brought me to tears, because on his own special day, he still had Caylee in his thoughts asking if she was buried yet! He wanted to know why it was taking so long when she was found before Christmas! It shows how much he cares about others not what presents he was going to get at his birthday party but if Caylee was properly buried yet!

He always says that it's sad because not that Caylee wouldn't have another birthday, Christmas, Easter to enjoy but to just get to enjoy another day! :cry:
I wanted to share this video with everyone! :rose:

A tribute to Caylee Anthony
Tuba I still haven't found anything about when LP would be giving a deposition. I checked this morning & will keep checking for you!

My prayers are being sent to George he needs them so much from all of us! I'm worried that he chose to go home to Hopespring DR. I'm very concerened about this because I don't think he will get the support he needs from Cindy or Lee. I hate to say that but they have always mocked him & cut him down. George has lost so much not ever getting to see Caylee grow into a beautiful women, to see her marry & have children of her own. I hope he takes comfort that she is with our maker & all of her new angel friends, never to be harmed again by the hands of her own mother or anyone else.

My hope is that if he sees they are dragging him down that he leaves the house as soon as possible & goes to stay with his parents or some close friends house to stay. We don't need another tragedy in all of this.

This is the chart for the defamation filing. Now that depositions are being taken for this legal action, the aspects for the current dates can be compared to the original map to see how the case is faring.

Copied over from main forum:

<<<SNIP<<< I wonder what that means?

But, Kasen adds that he has a surprise move of his own - a mystery motion that he's working on with Casey.

I wonder what this means? Any ideas?
Interesting Tuba, that Jan 26th eclipse touched off the prevaricating defendant's moon in the chart! Now she can only mutter "I take the 5th".

Have you noticed that the computer update is slated for Feb 7th ----at the span of truth???? Hope we will not be delayed too long in getting back on here, as I am sure there will be much to read about.
On our Astro Crime Calendar, there is also interpretation of the filing chart. The defendant in the action Zenaida filed is Moon at 5:59 Leo, stuck in an intercept. Now the procession of transit planets oppose that Moon from the Sign of truth, Aquarius. In eight days, Mars will come into opposition with Defendant here. For the Sun's opposition, we had the news about the CSI blanket. Then the toy plastic horse match, Jupiter opposed. February 7 & 8, Medea opposes this defendant Moon. Mercury and Node are coming along this month.

Zenaida & Morgan filed when Mercury was conjunct Fixed Star Spica and its blessings. Along with the Pluto rulership of Plaintiff's reputation, there is co-ruler Mars, who in this chart is in mutual reception with Venus. Once these two planets change places, Venus conjoins the Sun. That represents Defendant's attorneys instructing 5th Amendment pleas in answer to the deposition but puts Mars in House 10, sustaining the damage to plaintiff's reputation and giving Judge Rodriquez the needle.

The Sun transits rising Node of the chart today with the Moon on strategy asteroid Pallas Athena in H. 5 of this chart. Benefit accrues to the plaintiff today. Mars in transit is square H. 9 Venus of the chart right now, troubling a female lawyer who thought to coast through this due to amendment protections.

Interesting that we had a big Mercury Mars conjunction for the filing of Zenaida's defamation suit and at the solar eclipse we had the same combination, with Mars occulted. That lay right on the ASC of this legal action, activating Morgan & Morgan. Mitnik and Morgan are really on the muscle and there is squeaking in the background.
To get personal about this, Jno. Kasen and the prisoner in a huddle to try to defeat the defamation victim's claim and her questions makes me sick. Casey did not smear Z. F.-G. by naming her a poor excuse for a nanny. She is imputing kidnapping and murder to her! Of course the woman needs to clear her name of the worst slander per se that exists. They may smile and smile behind their hands at their concocted "mystery motion" but they only take the prize for slithering.
This case is beginning to sound like a chess game. Truth and justice have been sidelined and it is all about winning the game. Right up the defendant's alley. She is good a game playing.
Interesting Tuba, that Jan 26th eclipse touched off the prevaricating defendant's moon in the chart! Now she can only mutter "I take the 5th".

Have you noticed that the computer update is slated for Feb 7th ----at the span of truth???? Hope we will not be delayed too long in getting back on here, as I am sure there will be much to read about.

KAITLAND I'm hoping that since they have it saying February 7/8 2009! That must mean they will be doing it in the late evening early morning of these dates. That was the 1st thing I noticed when they set the time for the computer update that I almost e-mailed Tricia to ask for her to delay it for another weekend! LOL :crazy:

Lovejac to mention one as well as myself have been waiting for what it holds to not be able to read & post at the time of the "span of truth"!:banghead:
I came across this morning a tribute video for Caylee!

It touches me so much because this is my grandsons favorite song that the two of us sing together all of the time. It's something the two of us do all of the time sing together! Marcus has a very loving, caring, biggest heart you & you wouldn't that an 11yr old boy would like songs like this. His birthday was Saturday & this video brought me to tears, because on his own special day, he still had Caylee in his thoughts asking if she was buried yet! He wanted to know why it was taking so long when she was found before Christmas! It shows how much he cares about others not what presents he was going to get at his birthday party but if Caylee was properly buried yet!

He always says that it's sad because not that Caylee wouldn't have another birthday, Christmas, Easter to enjoy but to just get to enjoy another day! :cry:
I wanted to share this video with everyone! :rose:

A tribute to Caylee Anthony

Angel, Your Marcus sounds like my Evan(12), his empathy is one of the MANY things i love about him the most. :blowkiss: to Marcus and Angel. RIP little Caylee...enjoy the ponies.
Okay Tuba, this one has me crazed. TB is saying the money is coming from a family in Connecticut and I for one live in CT and can not imagine any family with that kind of money supporting a mother who is awaiting trial for the murder of her child knowing it could bring exposure down around your own family. Also allowing TB to say that it is a family and not saying what profession the head of this family is in, such as a business executive or the owner of a production company. Family just does not sound right, whether he said they are from TX or CT. What would we need to find out where the money could be coming from???
I think the money could be coming from Henry Lee. Just a guess, but he did harm his reputation in the Phil Spector trial, maybe he thinks this will help restore his name. I have nothing to back this up, just a feeling I have.
GREAT sleuthing!!!! Thanks so much GoGrannyPop:clap:

Were you able to confirm 'where' in FL? I know he graduated from Hillsborough High in Tampa...let us know if you find out.

I'm not totally certain, but the only addresses I have found for he and his family are in Tampa and California. I'm thinking he was born in Tampa because that is where his family has been for years and years.
I think the money could be coming from Henry Lee. Just a guess, but he did harm his reputation in the Phil Spector trial, maybe he thinks this will help restore his name. I have nothing to back this up, just a feeling I have.

Hmm interesting thought. What about Geraldo does he live in Connecticut?
Lambchop, you have really thought this through. When someday it comes to light that the So & So Family financed Prisoner's defense, CT society and the public in general will be appalled. On your behalf, I looked into the $ source and I see that the funding came in during the summer. Jupiter was in Prisoner's House 2 at her arrest but retrograde & without close favorable aspects. When Jupiter went back to a critical degree, 13° Capricorn, So & So Family saved her skin but they made their decision on 27 July when Mars trined Jupiter. The arrest chart did show that the money would originate at a distance. This family has political connections but made their money in realty, Jupiter trine Saturn and in banking. We will have to look into this further. I frankly was not at all interested in the money angle but now I am.
Hmm interesting thought. What about Geraldo does he live in Connecticut?
Don't know about Geraldo, he must live either in or close to the city. I know Henry Lee lives in Connecticut.
Lambchop, you have really thought this through. When someday it comes to light that the So & So Family financed Prisoner's defense, CT society and the public in general will be appalled. On your behalf, I looked into the $ source and I see that the funding came in during the summer. Jupiter was in Prisoner's House 2 at her arrest but retrograde & without close favorable aspects. When Jupiter went back to a critical degree, 13° Capricorn, So & So Family saved her skin but they made their decision on 27 July when Mars trined Jupiter. The arrest chart did show that the money would originate at a distance. This family has political connections but made their money in realty, Jupiter trine Saturn and in banking. We will have to look into this further. I frankly was not at all interested in the money angle but now I am.

I'm very interested too Tuba. So many skeletons in these closets.....
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