Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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Thank you all for the interesting comments. There are times when I get busy charting and fall behind in the latest news on the case. For instance, I did not know more documents were expected until I read it here. It's really not enough to check first thing in the morning because information comes in during the day; that's when I miss it.

The discussion on N.G. last night advanced deposition matters, as did the debate on Issues. Consultants were coming in at all angles. Some who were certain the prisoner would have nothing to say to such questions seem to ignore that 1.) she answered a set of interrogatories last October and 2.) the action she filed against Z.F.-G. places her in a position to answer questions about the case. You can't sue and then say, "But I don't really want to discuss it!" A court cannot sort out the equities of the case if one side is shut tighter than a vault. And what happens to Z.F.-G.'s fact finding mission when there are zero responses?

When George was first admitted to Halifax, the examining physician told the press he had physical problems apart from his state of mind. Although he is now free to leave, he is still receiving rest and care. The family was orbiting around a tyrant, Casey, and any attempt to deal with her misdeeds bounced back onto them instantly. So George became the repository for all displaced anger and contempt. How sick. Casey exerting her "great power" to flatten into misery everyone about her. I could be optimistic about George if Lee and Cindy understood what is their contribution to his troubled mind. Otherwise, he needs to remove himself, IMO, Lovejac.
Not to make light of George's situation at all but.....

I have this mental picture of him not wanting to tell Cindy especially and Lee that he can not be around them right now so he is prolonging his stay as long as he can by blaming it on the doctor's orders as to why he cannot leave. Does that make sense? Not sure if I conveyed that correctly or not. Do any of you see anything in the charts that would indicate this?
That is a convenient collection of posts about George. The Attempted Suicide post has to be read with #434, which is also on the calendar. That is the chart itself but the interpretation begins under the chart.

The first post I ever made on the Caylee thread was about what we can expect during the month each year when the Sun opposes us. For George, that trough or low of the year is Pisces. His being is at its weakest then. His judgment is less reliable. He creates a poor impression and his mistakes draw notice. Because he will soon enter his annual nadir, he needs to keep a low silhouette at that time.

The transit of Saturn in George's Sun Sign makes it doubly important he take excellent care of himself during Pisces. His health is endangered. He does not need to hand the responsibility for his stay in hospital off onto the doctors because the crisis is real and they support him. If Cindy chivvies him about malingering, he might say, "Ask my physician." Do I think she will? Yes.
I need to go back and find exactly where I read it but I remember something about a woman with the last name Baez also being connected to Todd/Gil. I will see if I can find it.

I have always wondered why Jose would choose someone who clearly had no true PR experience to represent him/Casey, etc. I mean all you have to do is read one of this guys press releases and realize what a joke he is.

Salvarenga, Todd Black's PR Firm phone number is registered to L. Baez, **WIFE of Jose Baez**
Thank you all for the interesting comments. There are times when I get busy charting and fall behind in the latest news on the case. For instance, I did not know more documents were expected until I read it here. It's really not enough to check first thing in the morning because information comes in during the day; that's when I miss it.

The discussion on N.G. last night advanced deposition matters, as did the debate on Issues. Consultants were coming in at all angles. Some who were certain the prisoner would have nothing to say to such questions seem to ignore that 1.) she answered a set of interrogatories last October and 2.) the action she filed against Z.F.-G. places her in a position to answer questions about the case. You can't sue and then say, "But I don't really want to discuss it!" A court cannot sort out the equities of the case if one side is shut tighter than a vault. And what happens to Z.F.-G.'s fact finding mission when there are zero responses?

When George was first admitted to Halifax, the examining physician told the press he had physical problems apart from his state of mind. Although he is now free to leave, he is still receiving rest and care. The family was orbiting around a tyrant, Casey, and any attempt to deal with her misdeeds bounced back onto them instantly. So George became the repository for all displaced anger and contempt. How sick. Casey exerting her "great power" to flatten into misery everyone about her. I could be optimistic about George if Lee and Cindy understood what is their contribution to his troubled mind. Otherwise, he needs to remove himself, IMO, Lovejac.

Perhaps, family/marital counseling might be suggested later down the road? I hope George considers staying with family/close friends after his release.

I LOVE your statement above "George became the repository for all displaced anger and contempt". Such a simple explanation for an otherwise complex situation>

Tuba Casey has done a great deal of polluting so many people who have crossed her path. I'm sure many of them wish they never crossed her path & regret it on a daily basis. Tony L, Jesse G., Amy H., Annie D., Stephannie aka Special K, Ricardo M., Iassen D., etc. etc. just to name a few who Casey's actions have polluted their lives forever.

With LA, CA, GA & our angel Caylee that never had a choice. It's sad what she has done to so many people, included all of us that dream of what life could have been for Caylee if someone would have taken steps to remove her from Casey's wrath of destruction. Cindy probably cries a river of tears in private everyday as does George of what could have been if only....... :cry:

While Casey feels that they have all done her wrong & will never see the light that she is the one & only to blame for everything. She consume herself with self pity & more hate towards Caylee just as we spoke of before..."Why does everyone care so much about her & not me!" :furious:

P.S. Thank You so much for all of your charts & insights in the astro forums!:clap::clap: :blowkiss:
Thanks To All Of the Super Astros without all of you we would not have the Astro forum at all.:clap::clap::blowkiss:
A special thanks to housemouse who started it all! :clap::clap::blowkiss:
Astrology is 5,000 years old and the ancients were impressed by eclipses, the disappearance of a guiding light, before they knew much else about the workings of the planets. They noticed the effects of eclipses were powerful and we make the same observation today. Due to the potency, the pool of Time is broad. February's lunar eclipse, only six days away, is already beginning to influence events. There will be a long lingering aftermath. Some of the happenings that fall under the Full Moon eclipse will occur when Mars catches up with Jupiter mid-month and until February 18.

There is volcanic activity around the world already and Prisoner's horoscope is subject to the procession of transiting planets which together comprise the Span of Truth. The Sun led from Tuesday, one week ago and the heavies come on at the end of this week, including mean node of the Moon and asteroid Medea.

Waiting for the fall out from Prisoner's refusal to answer any deposition questions outside identifying who she is. Waiting, waiting......
Instead of spontaneously answering the questions from Morgan & Co., Lee is going to consider the impact of each and every response and how it reflects on his position. That is not being fully frank, although many, many respondents would think and speak in a similar manner in the situation. Also, he will be extremely sparing of what information he does with reluctance reveal. All salt and no lime.
Salvarenga, Todd Black's PR Firm phone number is registered to L. Baez, **WIFE of Jose Baez**

GREAT FIND Lovejac and Salvarenga. We see the plot thickens. I read a news article today speculating that the Bar may reopen Baez "investigation". GC a/k/a Tood B. is a convicted felon. I have been suspicious of this firm from the beginning, as all media releases by him/his firm have been blatantly unprofessional and downright hostile......not at all the "image" you want to impress upon the public mind. JB has stepped into a big pile. And this coming on the heels of the "bracelet incident"...he has major damage control to do, and it had best be done without "Tod B.".

JB's natal Sun/Mercury in Libra is opposed by task master Saturn in Aries. Saturn will force his lessons upon us until they are well learned. No deviation from "proper protocol" is tolerated. Smack down on JB.
JB's natal Sun/Mercury in Libra is opposed by task master Saturn in Aries. Saturn will force his lessons upon us until they are well learned. No deviation from "proper protocol" is tolerated. Smack down on JB.

great insight! it's about time - he received the smack down and both he and KC quit EXPECTING preferential treatment.

I've just been reading a stark letter of withdrawal from the case written by Terence Lenamon to Cell F-DORML-12 at the jail, on December 6. That was just 5 days before Caylee's remains were found. Of course, Lenamon had grounds. State had announced Prosecution would not be seeking the death penalty at that time. Nonetheless, the letter was cold.

If this were officially noticed, with a time stamp, we would have seen it in the list. How I wish I had a time for receipt of the letter or when the jail mail took it in or when Lenamon mailed it. By the time Prisoner rec'd the letter, Mercury of correspondence was on her Mars Uranus conjunction.
RE connection of JB wife Lorena, her b'day is 11/27/81 (taken from snapshot of their marriage license issued 12/3/04 in Osceola County- cannot find copy of that now - Soulscape do you still have that link???) and her country is Columbia. Did a rough chart using Bogata, but need city of her birth! Any help super sleuths? Maiden name is Valesquez (I think).

LB's Neptune in Sagittarius square Mars in Virgo - is currently under seige of the everlasting Saturn/Uranus opposition in Virgo-Pisces. Mars sq Neptune can indicate actions (Mars) that lead to scandal (Neptune). In particular here we have Virgo (ruled by Mercury=communications, 6th house connection=employees, and Jupiter= public relations!).

Seems she will also be caught up in the net of Tuba's span of truth!! As I have said many times, this case is DRIVEN BY NEPTUNE (Caylee's 7th house cusp of "others").

Bolded italicized updated by me.
Mr Rev. Grund has a new web site for Caylee this is not to bash anyone but to honor Caylee ONLY!

Welcome to the new site for the friends of Caylee.
Let me state for the record that this site is in no way affiliated with or supported by anyone in the Anthony Family. This is a privately owned and run site for everyone who has become, as we did, a part of Caylee’s extended family. Although you may never have held in your arms as we have you do hold her in your hearts. Many of you have to come to know and love the little girl who was a part of our family and is now a part of yours.
I wanted to do something special for her and for everyone who cares about Caylee. That’s what this site is about – caring about Caylee and caring about one another.
Let’s honor her memory and her inspirational effect on our lives by continuing to remember her and to take care of each other. I also hope that you will be inspired to take the love that you have developed for Caylee and to give it away to others. There are thousands of missing children that need someone to love them, pray for them and stand up for them. I sincerely hope that you do so in honor of Caylee.

Friends Of Caylee:
their marriage license issued 12/3/04

Baez visits KC on his 4th wedding anniversary

BAEZ JOSE ANGEL 12/3/2008 19:40:53 12/3/2008 21:33:18 ATTORNEY VISIT

if my math is correct - the visit started at 7:40pm and ended at 9:33pm... assuming that he didnt even take his wife out for dinner....:bang:

maybe that's why he's not wearing his wedding ring.
Well, that is an interesting discovery! Some hunch urged you to look?
i dont really know what...actually. i read kait's post...and something said - i wonder if he visited KC that day...and low and behold...he did.

its not detremental to the case at all...but i guess it speaks volumes for the way my mind works lately...and the little things that make me go...hmmmm.
Do we know for certain that the wedding was held on 12/3/04? That IS the date on the marriage LICENSE, which says it is valid from 12/6/04 - 2/6/05. Has anyone actually found the date of the ceremony?
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