Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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Helloooooo, astros? Hmmmm. Not even one this odd.

It feels almost like a New Year's Eve to me since WS system will be down and so the running clock for posts.

Why shouldn't we all reset our "clocks"? Take time to reacess?

(Yeah, it's Mrs. Peel; yes, I invented at fault. :crazy:)

Peace out.
It is amazing to me that Cindy, despite her "know-it-all" attitude, has not realized her blatantly transparent lies, evasions, and obfuscations DO NOT HELP Casey. In fact, they make Casey even less a sympathetic figure. The only person in the A-family that has garnered any sympathy/empathy from the public is GA! And why is that? Because he has demonstrated humility, his sorrow, and a willingness to provide at least a shred of truth to the FBI/LE/GJ!!! I do sympathize deeply with the A's for all of suffering they have endured, but I do not think I could sell out my murdered grandchild in such a way. They thumb their noses at LE and taunt the public with outrageous hooey. It is an insult to anyone with integrity. The jury will be privy to such behavior and it will insult them too. No matter what red herrings JB/LKB, et. al. throw out there, the outrageous effrontery will backfire on the A's, and seal Casey's fate. They are doomed.

With you all the way here.
Wanted to let everyone know my post from earlier that has many helpful learning tips has been moved over to the Astro LIBRARY thread.

I will add whatever else I find there that hasn't already been posted by our super astro's or other helpful posters. I'll be adding to it as I go through all of the astro threads in the astro forum as soon as I can.

To let new members know or others who were unaware of this thread in the asto forum it includes tips for learning to read the charts, free software, books for begineers & so much more! Well worth the time to take a look at the LIBRARY astro thread! I hope this helps our new members as well as anyone else who was unaware of this thread!

FifthEsssence posted a link to it earlier but I will do the same again for those who missed it earlier in the thread!
Astrologers Library

Thank You Fifth for helping to move them over to the LIBRARY! :blowkiss:
Thanks for all that you do! :clap:

Helloooooo, astros? Hmmmm. Not even one this odd.

It feels almost like a New Year's Eve to me since WS system will be down and so the running clock for posts.

Why shouldn't we all reset our "clocks"? Take time to reacess?

(Yeah, it's Mrs. Peel; yes, I invented at fault. :crazy:)

Peace out.

:wave::rolling: Hello Mrs Peel I've been here off & on all evening! You're too funny! I myself have been muti-tasking tonight & I suspect many others are doing the same before our upgrade. I still have some things I'm bouncing around different threads to take care of some info for everyone. I'm hearing it will be around 8am Pacific time that WS's will be doing the upgrade today! I look forward to a faster server too! I did notice hardly anyone is even on the main forum maybe they thought WS's would be down after midnight but it's looking like later in the mid-morning that it'll be down! :blowkiss:
From Cindy's eulogy to Caylee - time of birth for Caylee:

Caylee Marie was born at 7:14 a.m. in an Orlando hospital.

Didn't know if you wanted to update charts, or see if it's necessary.

Found this old post by housemouse posted on 08-23-2008, 05:03 PM!
I'm not sure if anyone ever caught how accurate she was with her reading of Casey's natal astro chart but all I can say is WOW!!!! Take a look at housemouse's post & look at what happened during the time-line dates she refers to in this post!

The time period between the very end of October through about the 4th of November looks interesting.

Timeline In The Case Against Casey Anthony
Nov. 5
Judge agrees to continue Casey's check fraud hearing to Dec. 11.
Oct. 31
Orange County Jail officials warn Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, about hugging his client during jail visits.
Oct. 28
Trial date on first-degree murder charges set for Jan. 5. A pre-trial date was set for Dec. 11.
Oct. 24
Forensic tests on the trunk of Casey Anthony's car are released. The air sample tests show evidence of human decomposition, and that a hair found in the trunk is "microscopically similar" to hair found in Caylee's hair brush. The report also confirmed the presence of chloroform.
Oct. 21
Child neglect charges are dropped against Casey Anthony after she is charged wtih murder and child abuse.
Oct. 15
Casey Anthony has her first appearance before a judge and no bond is allowed because she has been charged with a captial crime -- murder.
Oct. 14
A grand jury indicts Casey Anthony on seven counts, including first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter and four counts of providing false information.

I guess I stayed in bed way to long yesterday & now I can't sleep! LOL
Off to sleuth more in the earlier astro threads. :crazy:
From Cindy's eulogy to Caylee - time of birth for Caylee:

Caylee Marie was born at 7:14 a.m. in an Orlando hospital.

Didn't know if you wanted to update charts, or see if it's necessary.


Beckaroozie, this is exactly the time we have been using for Caylee in all the charts. No need to update.

Both Housemouse and I saw the Birth Certificate during a Greta VS segment and were right on it.

The defense team is already calling the testing to date "unscientific" but fast talking their objections so nothing of substance is heard. I hope the prosecution uses not only the wizards I have seen in their horoscopes but some mean wizards. Their analyses and operations will be insulted and they need to squash that sort of nonsense.

Naturally, real science has a far better chance of winning the day while Jupiter is in Aquarius. Please, please let's get this trial underway!

I was just checking the ephemerides for 2009-2011. Jupiter remains in Aquarius (hooray for me! - my natal Jupiter sign) until early minutes of Jan 18, 2010. Then it zooms through Pisces for less than six months until it enters Aries in early June - after spending an entire year in Aquarius! In September it backtracks into Pisces again on the 10th, before returning to Aries on Jan 22, 2011.

So what would a shortened Pisces/Aries venture mean for a possible trial? I'm concerned about Pisces throwing a Neptunian effect on the trial. Not to mention KC's natal Jupiter is in that sign. And if she was born at noon, it places her Jupiter in her 9th house. :eek:

Have our astrologers considered sending the prosecutors possible dates for a successful conviction? :wink:
Beckaroozie, this is exactly the time we have been using for Caylee in all the charts. No need to update.

Both Housemouse and I saw the Birth Certificate during a Greta VS segment and were right on it.


Woot woot!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: You ladies are just too good!! :clap:
Yesterday evening, I was about to post on Leonard & Cindy when the storms caused power outages. I should have unplugged my system even before I did because it was failure--surge, failure--surge and on and on. Techs advise us not to use the computer during a storm but that would mean lots of down time here.

Icarus, an asteroid given to pushing the envelope, "flying too close to the sun", exalting in a sense of freedom, filling with hubris, has been traveling with Mars. Take a generous portion of Mars aggression, confidence and independence. Add and blend four parts Icarus until your mixture overflows. Try to bottle that & take it to a church service to sit with you politely.

I hope the First Baptist Church is heavily staffed so that there are personnel to monitor the crowd and the door; otherwise one will see grieving grandmother as Commander at Arms. Cindy has Mars and Icarus on her Moon now.

Leonard P. is not merely uninvited but named as pariah, blackballed. He is having his Mars return, accompanied by Icarus. Somehow, a reporter will find him and there will be an interview. Mars began the day, February 8, at 2:44 Aquarius with Icarus at 2:20 Aquarius. If you notice you're a little pushy and that you are shoving against some limits, suspect the influence of Mars & Icarus, for they affect us all.
Angel has posted that attorneys for Z.F.-G., i.e. Mitnik and Morgan, met with Leonard last week. He may have his nephew with him. I haven't seen recent mention of the female body guard but she is another potential witness.
The eulogy for Caylee that was published today and written by Cindy......can someonw cast a chart for this eulogy. I would like to know if Cindy was the only contributor to this eulogy or if she had help writing it. I ask b/c although it has some nice sentiments in still doesn't seem personal enough (if that makes sense). It seems to be more about the living rather than remembering Caylee.
Tuba I found this article of when Leonard arrived in Orlando:

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Leonard is in Orlando and will lend his hand in a lesser known Florida case. With the ongoing media coverage and a new age internet interest of Padilla's involvement in the Anthony case, Leonard has been encouraged to look into another Orlando area case involving a missing woman. The case has been presented as an unsolved murder in the media.
Leonard also continues to work on the Anthony case and devotes time in his daily schedule for investigating suspicious information and events in the matter. Leonard has developed an unfortunate lead in the case and is currently working to verify the truth of witness statements made in the media.
Check here for news and current events regarding Leonard Padilla and his Bounty Hunter teams. Current News will be updated as information becomes available.
Leonard Padilla was born in Soccoro and raised in Quemado. He received a degree from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales in 1979. He taught History, English, and coached basketball at Questa, Quemado and Carlsbad during a five year teaching career. Prior to that, he was a wildland firefighter and worked on a lookout tower. He received his law degree from Southern Methodist University in 1988 and practiced in Albuquerque before moving to Socorro in 1996.
Leonard's poem "Savannah Fireworks" has been published in the Southwest Sage, newsletter for the Southwest Writer's Workshop, and his article "Lawyers, Guns and Insurance Money" was published in the Winter edition of the Bar Journal. Like a lot of lawyers, he is working on a novel.

I will keep searching to see if I can pin point the day he met with John Morgan. This at least narrows down when he arrived in Orlando!
The eulogy for Caylee that was published today and written by Cindy......can someone cast a chart for this eulogy. I would like to know if Cindy was the only contributor to this eulogy or if she had help writing it. I ask b/c although it has some nice sentiments in still doesn't seem personal enough (if that makes sense). It seems to be more about the living rather than remembering Caylee.

I share the same thoughts as you salvarenga! I feel she had a say in it but I posted a page or two back that appears written by B. Conway. (Cindy has to hold control of everything of course! The show belongs to her & her alone as sad as that is....) It seems to have the flavor of a lawyers penmenship to it. Exactly like you said not very personal if written by Cindy! JMO
Angel Who Cares, I am so sorry to hear posters had issue with your genuine compassion for Caylee. Caylee may not have grown under our heart but she has most definitely grown in our hearts. This case has drawn so many to WS and it is the warmth, passion, and support found here that compels us to return on a regular basis. Our love for little Caylee and our desire to see justice prevail keeps us all connected on this wonderful forum. I rarely venture to the other forums because all I need to know happens right here. Your posts are a light at the end of the day and your dedication to keeping us all informed is a gift. Your love for Caylee shines so bright on this site it makes us all want to come!

And to the silly poster who doesn't get why you and so many of us have been drawn here by this one case...pity to them they lack the capacity to feel so deeply. :blowkiss:
Did anyone notice how Lee A was presented in the eulogy? Everyone else was listed along with their relationship to Caylee...he was at the very end without a relationship listed. No....and her uncle, Lee A. I just found that curious.
Caylee Marie Anthony Condolences
&#8220;Marinade Dave&#8221; is a blogger who lives in the Orlando area and will be attending the service at First Baptist Church of Orlando on Tuesday. On his site, Dave says, &#8220;All messages will be hand delivered by me.&#8221; Click here to go to Dave's Blog and leave a message.
Dave also indicates, &#8220;Please, comments are for condolences only. All others will be deleted. This is a time to remember Caylee.&#8221;
Anyone who wants to leave a message of condolence must do so by 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2009.

Fifth I hope it was OK to post this here so that those who wish to leave a message to be hand delivered at the memorial for Caylee can do so if they would like to! I ws afraid if I posted it in the Caylee Time-Stamped thread it might be missed by those who might like to leave a message to Caylee!
Thanks Fifth! :blowkiss:

marlame Thank You So Much for your very kind words! I won't let it bother me any longer....:blowkiss: Caylee truly holds a special place in our hearts forever & a love for her that will never go away. She truly is a special :angel: that has brought so many of us together. I have made many new friends because of Caylee who are special to me & I'll stay friends with for them for life!
Did anyone notice how Lee A was presented in the eulogy? Everyone else was listed along with their relationship to Caylee...he was at the very end without a relationship listed. No....and her uncle, Lee A. I just found that curious.

Beck, Lee's relationship as uncle is noted. I think *Ruth and Lee Anthony* mentioned at end are great-grandparents from George's side of the family:

She is survived by her mother, Casey Marie Anthony; her grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony; her uncle Lee Anthony; and her great-grandparents, Alex and Shirley Plesea and Ruth and Lee Anthony.

:doh: Geeeez....I misread it completely! Thanks for the clarification, Soul...I appreciate it! <slowly easing backwards, looking left to right, hoping nobody else notices. He he he>
It looks like LP is going to be on live today at 6PM!

02/08/2009 at 06:00PM PST
Leonard Padilla will be live discussing and answering questions on the Caylee Anthony case. 6pm PST

Bulletin message From LPlive Next live Q&A on 2-8-2009 at 6pm send questions to maximum of 3 questions please
Link to live ustream:

How about getting a list of questions & all of sending some in? Being a max of 3 we could try to get the important ones answered for your charts maybe? Post them & I'll send in 3 ?'s of your choice that are needed! I know one to ask is what day & time to you meet with JM last week? !!!

Tuba I'm signed in to submit 3 ?'s could you post what you would like me to ask? I have it all set & ready to send I just ned to enter the ?'s!
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