Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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I'm going to be out of town for a week, but am hoping to return next weekend and be able to read about a forensics data dump & our expert's assessments of what's released. Dr G got my attention in the presser with her words:,0,1859200.story

"The manner of death in this case is homicide," she said. "The cause of death will be listed as homicide by undetermined means."

She added that "while I would love to explain the forensic aspects of this case to you... we must remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty."

"I will not discuss specifics of the findings in this case at this time.

I've been waiting -- doesn't the bolded sentence sound like KC is toast? :behindbar I've seen Dr G's words explained as just not wanting to compromise the case or try KC in the media, but I take her words as "something's coming in those forensics"..."

I'd like to join in the thanks to all the awesome astros here, our great mod, and everyone who helps make this the favorite forum of many! You're all the best!

They didn't allow my questions in the comments to LP but I hope he sees the 3-e-mail questions I sent to him for tonights show! Sorry I tried to sneak them in to the comments & it didn't work! I have his other e-mail to the office & if I have to I will call him for you Tuba, Soulscape, KAITLAND, Fifth etc. I have read in the main forum that he does answer his calls & likes to talk just as much as he does on NG. If tonights show dosen't get you the answers I will not give up.
If he dosen't answer the questions on tonights show I'll keep trying other avenues for you all! :blowkiss:
Hello all my fellow comes the Full peaking Moon and Solar Eclispe. I can see by some of the posts in the past 24 hours, that our emotions are stirred and running all over the place. Lots of 'home grown personal stories' being told.


Good to see we're back on topic today. It makes wearing the Moderator hat a bit more comfortable.
I'm asking you to keep in mind we need to remain ON TOPIC.
It's about Caylee, those people associated w/the crime and the events/activities that tie in.

If I don't maintain order and focus in our Forensic Astro Forum, as required by the WS administrators, I might get put in the dog house so help me out here.

Thanks for your understanding my friends.
I was tempted to chime in when i seen all O T but i fought it IM SO PROUD OF ME, my life stories and drama's are best left in my memorie and astro info is what we are all here for, keep up the good work and thank you fifth for keeping us all on topic
I'm going to be out of town for a week, but am hoping to return next weekend and be able to read about a forensics data dump & our expert's assessments of what's released. Dr G got my attention in the presser with her words:,0,1859200.story

"The manner of death in this case is homicide," she said. "The cause of death will be listed as homicide by undetermined means."

She added that "while I would love to explain the forensic aspects of this case to you... we must remember that everyone is innocent until proven guilty."

"I will not discuss specifics of the findings in this case at this time.

I've been waiting -- doesn't the bolded sentence sound like KC is toast? :behindbar I've seen Dr G's words explained as just not wanting to compromise the case or try KC in the media, but I take her words as "something's coming in those forensics"..."

I'd like to join in the thanks to all the awesome astros here, our great mod, and everyone who helps make this the favorite forum of many! You're all the best!

I took it that way to,i pray we are right
Oooops, I'm so sorry for O/T, FifthEssence.


You're fine SWEEPMOP :blowkiss:and ANGEL WHO CARES:blowkiss:...

The info on LP is necessary in order to make chart adjustments and we are glad you brought his talk show to everyones attention and it's ok to say, ' yeah, he's a good guy' or whatever.

The OT I spoke about earlier was NOT directed at anyone in particular; it had to do with the long 'personal' life experience stories that have recently appeared on our thread having nothing to do w/ the characters in this case or associated events and activities.

Carry on, we love having you're most certainly welcome to make comments, give opinions and ask questions. It's simply the 'private/personal' life stuff that doesn't belong here.
About the asteroid conjunctions in the prisoner's chart, Dihan: people who are born with Saturn in their Sun Sign may take themselves seriously but they are not full of themselves with puffed or inflated egos. People like the prisoner, with Jupiter in their Sun Sign have luck in life and know it and they are confident. Now you take an asteroid of conceit and arrogance like Damocles and add that and what do you have! A swellhead on stilts.
Then there is the other asteroid, Nemesis. He exacts vengeance and harsh justice for fools who don't appreciate the breaks they've had. Nemesis is all over this Piscean blowfish. She is already on the cold slab of the Orange County jailhouse and it's a tight fit, getting tighter. Hit one, Nemesis on her Mercury, hit two, Nemesis square her Mars, hit three, Nemesis square her Uranus, hit four, Nemesis is returning to greet the Nemesis she had at birth. She is a study in how to puncture a blowfish.
thank you so much tuba, i always have ? on your post but was afraid to ask ,now that you have answered me expect future ? :)
J. Leonard Padilla
Born: ~1939

Leonard Padilla was born in Soccoro and raised in Quemado. He received a degree from Eastern New Mexico University in Portales in 1979. He taught History, English, and coached basketball at Questa, Quemado and Carlsbad during a five year teaching career. Prior to that, he was a wildland firefighter and worked on a lookout tower. He received his law degree from Southern Methodist University in 1988 and practiced in Albuquerque before moving to Socorro in 1996.

Leonard's poem "Savannah Fireworks" has been published in the Southwest Sage, newsletter for the Southwest Writer's Workshop, and his article "Lawyers, Guns and Insurance Money" was published in the Winter edition of the Bar Journal. Like a lot of lawyers, he is working on a novel.

Leonard Padilla
Southern Methodist University - Law, DALLAS, TX, Class of 1988
Eastern New Mexico University, PORTALES, NM, Class of 1979
Quemado High School, QUEMADO, NM, Class of 1975

Now if I can find the day & month! I didn't know you all still needed this for LP.

We have his date of birth: July 10, 1939. Where is Soccoro? Is it in New Mexico or in Mexico?

The other Leonard Padilla, Esq., was born in Fresno and lives in Sacramento. Both cities are in California.
I've been coming to this unbelievable thread for quite a while. I am speechlees at the knowledge possessed by you all!
While this has become the very first place I come to each and every day, I am personally, sadly inept at anything regarding astrology! I do know my astrological sign is Aquarius! LOL! So, I am too dumb to even know how to make an intelligent comment here. I do want to tell you all that I love this thread and the people here. I think you are all perhaps the most beautiful and caring bunch of Websleuthers here! I really really mean this. Your compassion and love shines through in everything you say here. You're all the kind of people I would choose as friends.
Thank you for all of your dedicated work and for sharing your Gift! It is truely amazing, and it makes me want to learn more for myself.

I hated so much reading your post Angel Who Cares, of another poster replying to you in an ugly manner. I am sorry for thsi happening! That really upset me! Yes little Caylee has touched so many of us, and has brought so many together, and I have 3 children myself, but have cryed for and mourned over precious little Caylee as if she was mine. We all loved this adorable baby girl! She stole our hearts, and we will never ever forget her!
Oh wow, I haven't meant to just ramble on and on, but my main reason for this post is to say 'thank you' and say too 'all of you are wonderful'! Keep up the fantastic work! I'll be here hanging on your every words!

sweetmop, you've said it all! I feel at home here, and check here first thing in the a.m and last at night. Thanks to chicoliving, I'm now a reformed lurker!
All of you SuperAstro's are wonderful! Whenever anyone asks for a prayer, count me in! And I'll be with you during Caylee's Memorial Service on Tuesday a.m. as well. Thanks Tuba, for spelling out that last chart. I don't always quite understand all of the charts, but am learning a little here and there.
I'm a "'nuther newbie"!!!!!!!! That's me up at the top, doing the "dance of joy"
Angel, have you been to Ustream yet? Leonard's last show is there (25 Jan) but he doesn't come up in the search engine for the site as a program for tonight. I will just leave the page up, in case it fills.

sweetmop, you've said it all! I feel at home here, and check here first thing in the a.m and last at night. Thanks to chicoliving, I'm now a reformed lurker!
All of you SuperAstro's are wonderful! Whenever anyone asks for a prayer, count me in! And I'll be with you during Caylee's Memorial Service on Tuesday a.m. as well. Thanks Tuba, for spelling out that last chart. I don't always quite understand all of the charts, but am learning a little here and there.
I'm a "'nuther newbie"!!!!!!!! That's me up at the top, doing the "dance of joy"
:Welcome-12-june: Angelzgram!!!
Yes I really do love this particular thread. I'm learning here as well. These SuperAstros are super Gifted! They've inspired me to study and learn on my own as well.
Include me in prayers also on Tuesday morning, or anytime prayers are needed.

Angelzgram, I'm so happy you're here. Websleuths is a great place. And the people here are the best!
Angel, have you been to Ustream yet? Leonard's last show is there (25 Jan) but he doesn't come up in the search engine for the site as a program for tonight. I will just leave the page up, in case it fills.

Tuba I'm there now...I took a nap! LOL He came on for a minute no sound yet...Rob is trying to fix it! Sorry for not answering sooner.

Here's the link I'm at! He's ON!:
Most of the time it was possible to figure out what the questions were but at 12' of the hour, he answered, "Most definitely, there was a match between something found at the crime scene and some item taken from the house." It may have been photos. That is how it sounded but very difficult to make it out.
Here is Leonard's natal chart cast for Soccoro NM (Sunrise). If we are fortunate enough to get time of birth we can update it.


on the live stream LP did say we can e-mail himquestions & he'll try to answer them. He did say Tracy was interviewed by LE but didn't say when r what time... :( If all of you get together with a list of questions again I will e-mail the questions to him again. It can be more then 3 in the e-mail! Post them here and I'll e-mail him again tonight A.S.A.P.!
Most of the time it was possible to figure out what the questions were but at 12' of the hour, he answered, "Most definitely, there was a match between something found at the crime scene and some item taken from the house." It may have been photos. That is how it sounded but very difficult to make it out.

I caught that too Tuba! I'll send an e-mail to him...why don't all of you super astro get a list of ?'s to me here, PM me, r Fifth knows how to get a hold of me too! That way it is a nice complete list!
I'll keep checking his page to see when he puts tonights show up to watch again!

This is where you can send an e-mail to LP! Maybe we can get some of the needed answers that way...:waitsec:
Send Questions to:*****
on the live stream LP did say we can e-mail himquestions & he'll try to answer them. He did say Tracy was interviewed by LE but didn't say when r what time... :( If all of you get together with a list of questions again I will e-mail the questions to him again. It can be more then 3 in the e-mail! Post them here and I'll e-mail him again tonight A.S.A.P.! I'll try & invite him to the thread for a visit if it's ok with the mods!

1. Leonard, how certain are you that LE has enough hard evidence to convict KC of Murder 1 --- 100% certain? 90 certain?

2. Please provide the date and time female bodyguard Tracy was interviewed by LE.

3. We understand you were born 7/10/39 in Socorro NM. Can you provide us with your time of birth?

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