Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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The magnitude 5.0 earthquake hit Ottawa shortly after 1:30 p.m. today.

Today's Earthquake in Canada and the U.S. NorthEast States was such a wide spread quake felt by many. Do you think there is great pressure right now in that area because we are approaching the Full Moon and an Eclipse? Here in California we've had a series of quakes and after shocks over a 100 since Easter. In general, earth conditions and weather seems extra wild, more so everyday. Will it calm down soon?

If it helps any, the Epicenter of the earthquake is designated as Val des Bois, Quebec (about 1 hour drive from downtown Ottawa); with the precise location in a heavily forested area between Lac Argile and Lac Echo.
My dad's cottage is located on Lac Argile only a few miles from the epicenter.
Thanks Intermezzo. That information should help alot.

Hope your Dad's okay. It sounds like a pretty area. I'm going to google map it.
Thanks Intermezzo. That information should help alot.

Hope your Dad's okay. It sounds like a pretty area. I'm going to google map it.

Thanks CM
Yes, it is a lovely part of Quebec, a very hilly area with a lot of lakes, hiking trails and off road biking trails.
There are a lot of camp grounds and cottages in that area.
Everyone was still in Ottawa working and schools have not let out yet so no one was up at the family cottage, or house on the lake as we refer to it.
Intermezzo, it's really beautiful there. Very green. Looks like a great place.

passionflower, that's a neat site. Thanks for the link. Stirring the pot doesn't sound too calm, huh. We had two smaller quakes already this morning but both 4.0 and under, but they're constant here since Easter.
Pluto conjoining a Full Moon eclipse produces transformative earth upheavals and tumult. But it's a big world and your neighborhood may rest unaffected. The stresses & strains on land formations were discussed earlier in this thread; that continues of course and the waters of the earth are charged with making up the balance. Rather a tall order.
I know that with a natal chart you have to have the birth time, date and location. Without the exact time you can use a sunrise chart but cant rely on the accuracy of the moon in the chart, but what if you only have a state and not a city, can you use the city they currently live in or is there anyway around it like with the birth time? In other words what if you only have the birthdate and state they were born, is the chart still accurate?
You know what, butterfly? There really isn't a way around necessary data. There are only poor substitutes. If you are trying to erect a chart for an individual and you only have a birthday and the U.S. State where he or she was born, try the coordinates, longitude and latitude, for the middle of the State. No, the chart will not be accurate but it will be the best you can do and it will be better than nothing. Doing sunrise charts means you are casting horoscopes not for one person but for a pool of people because many are born on the same day. Think about it! It is mind boggling. Say you are having a baby in Los Angeles. So are hundreds of other women, that same day. Naturally they are NOT all alike. Therefore, be very conservative in the opinions about character, personality & future that you draw from your sunrise chart of a person.
Okay. An intercept refers to one thing and one thing only. It is when a zodiac Sign is entirely enclosed within a House
and does not hold a position on any cusp. It is then squeezed or intercepted within a House that belongs to the Sign that IS on the cusp.

As for the filing, let us not proliferate charts. The papers are not worth what they are written on until they are served. Kaine could have failed to ever serve her or could have changed his mind. Once served, the axn goes forward. FYI, the rising Sign for the filing vs. the serving doesn't even change--is still Scorpio. The filing does not produce as good a chart. What we have meets the rules for an event because it conforms to event rules: the Sign on the ASC is where the Sun is found, in House 8, Scorpio's natural House in the zodiac. In the 3:50 chart, the Sun is conj. House 9--no match.

The court recognised the tentative nature of such a filing with its own statement of DISMISSAL regarding the future of the recorded petition in divorce if it was not served upon the respondent nor acted upon.

As I hope is clear from the diagram below, there is regularly more than one Sign inhabiting a House. 6° of Sagittarius & 20° of Capricorn fill the space of the House in drawing #1. You simply do not find a House beginning with 0° of a Sign and ending with 30° in the House Systems in use. That would be exceptional, a fluke, a one off. In the second diagram beneath, you see what is meant by an intercept, a strict term of art. It means a whole Sign is enclosed and contained with no outlet to a cusp; the cusps being controlled by two other distinct Signs. If you read here, you also know that intercepted Signs have special meaning in Event Charts.


*****************EVENT CHARTS*****************

Let's pretend we are sitting around in more clement weather, talking philosophy. Humour me for a few minutes and imagine that.

Some time back, at least as far as 2009, it was posted in this thread that tipping over your bucket of mop water would not be the stimulus for an event chart, no matter how hard you cussed and turned the air blue. A sonic boom that blew out & broke all the windows on your block would incite an event horoscope, however.

To qualify as an event, a happening must provoke general interest or rise to the level of intense personal importance. In other words, if you watched a skulking figure trespass into your backyard and dig up some treasure buried there beneath the elm, even though this never made the papers and others never learned of it, we have an event. It is of intense personal interest to at least you and more essentially, it is not an everyday occurrence. It is in no way ordinary. Even dog bites man is too commonplace but man bites dog and gives him rabies calls for an event chart.

Astrology and newspapers do not have a lot in common. Well, maybe the daily Sun Sign column. The reason we cannot do event charts for anything & everything does not have to do with what sells newspapers or what subscribers would read. But there is that nexus of man bites dog and that, in the case of astrology, is for reasons having to do with the cosmos and the Universe. An amazing synchronicity occurs between the elements of life and matter and it registers. The airplane breaks the sound barrier, exceeds that speed, and unexpectedly, there are consequences on Pine Street. All the windows are casualties. You are going to see causal factors in the planetary alignment and the horoscopic wheel if you look.

Now if Aunt May travels from Lo Questo to Springfield on a successful flight that arrives at E.T.A., the same oddities in configuration are not going to be there if you look. You can readily reason that thousands and hundreds of thousands of actions are taking place during the 3 hours and forty minutes Aunt May flew. People are heating and slurping soup and washing up, walking the dog, repotting the Aspidistra, taking pepto bismol, changing bandages at Charnel Hospital, doing 3rd grade arithmetic, and so forth. Not one of these activities and their consequences calls for an event chart. If you cast one, the revelations would mislead you and qualify as gobbledygook. Why? There simply are not those angles that are meaningful to an event analyst. They are lacking. The time passed without incident in that particular place.

Our concerns are not the center of the Universe. Even when we are trying to help, to solve a case, to find a body or a missing person, to catch a killer. What is a vortex of energy is something awry like the head on collision of two trains. That registers! That is reflected in the firmament. Yes, in a very intense and also deep way. So if Cassius Evans left work at 5:10 Friday night, the night of the murder, he is definitely not the makings of an event chart unless he is the murderer or the victim. If he is peripheral to the crime, he is not to be charted and to do so muddles the case. Think about it. Human activity is buzzing with busy-ness all the time. To even consider charting all of it is folly of the silliest sort: what you would find is that Maude doing her knitting looks exactly like Simon shaving. Net net--zot and zero.

Therefore, we have to restrain ourselves, to impose limitations, to believe in the value of discrimination. Is it WOW! how could this have happened!?! Or is it the pizza delivery man. Once you have narrowed your suspicions to Cassius because he has defensive wounds on his hands and arms the next day, his phone was off the hook for the four hours it takes to get to Lawrence, Kansas where the killing occurred, and he left work at 5:10, then we start thinking about doing an event chart for the moment he was first questioned.
That was to open the discourse. Please address this with your own thoughts and contributions. Not a sparrow falls that God does not witness that and care. But no meteor accompanies it.
The question of symbolic or metaphoric death has been asked before, I think in connection with Gabriel Johnson but maybe also Steve Koecher: could he have assumed a new identity and be dead to his old self. The death signatures in astrology do not work that way, however. It is not that such a shift doesn't occur at times but you would find the indications in and through Neptune, not through tragic marks like Sun° = Node° or (D) aspecting the victim Significator.
There seems to be confusion over the portents of a natal chart versus the description of what has already happened, which is an event chart. It is true that what an astrologer sees in a natal chart for a human being is not pre-determinative. Not only free will enters into actions that the person will take but also inspiration, spiritual guidance, social reinforcement of a positive or negative sort, academic and self-education and more.

None of these considerations play ANY part in an event chart, which maps what has already occurred. Various people have already exercised their free will when an event takes place. Natural calamities have damaged a scene. Accident coincidences have created collisions. Freak phenomena have streaked through a scene. Now a sleuth who is detecting or an astrologer who is analysing can misconstrue something on the ground but it has nothing to do with forecasting astrological weather because something has happened, past tense. Please, please, understand the difference. This has been taken up in the General Thread in the past.

What was also warned is that it is very wrong to ask questions about life and death of an astrologer if you know that the answer is unacceptable to you. Do not ask. Furthermore, horoscopes are considered incomplete if the Arabian Parts are omitted. Just because a chart is marked for (D), does not imply death has occurred. (D) also stands for dire, for damage, for disaster. Do not probe or squeeze for more, especially if you have composed a personal rejection of what is seen. That is a form of gross dishonesty. Just move along, doing your own sleuthing until you satisfy your quest for a solution but do not tweak nor tease the oracle.
Sunday morning, at 11 minutes after 6 by your clock on the East Coast, we see the first quarter of the Moon, Libra to solar Cancer. As seen in a current focus case, domestic and marital problems abound under this square. Word to certain investigations stuck in the stalls, you must take decisive action now.

Circumstances come together so that plans require alteration. Changes in direction cause an upset. Support your theory of the case despite whatever minor events irritate you because anything underway will continue to develop for good or ill and if positive action is not taken, the Full Moon will pull you up short. Time to act and to make decisions even in the face of resistance. Deal with conflict no matter what the struggle. The sesquare between Mercury and Uranus increases argument, friction and agitation. Take the essential steps.
A birth chart is the foundation for a life full of acts of free will. That is a category of astrology unto itself. What you and many other Websleuths ask us to do, yes in so many words, ask us to do is to determine whether a particular happening has occurred. Or, to look at an event and describe what happened within that set of actions and circumstances. That is a very different thing. Please consider and contemplate that difference. It is very possible that an inquiry is made, or often here, even a series of inquiries, on the subject of a missing person or a victim but where the questioner does not truly want to hear the answer--only an answer that spares a life and saves or recovers a victim. That is human nature in its better essence. Of course, we want the best outcomes for the lost. But search yourself before you ask because to come with two minds, "I want an answer but it must be the answer I want to hear" imposes an impossible burden on the person who studies and studies the subject and then delivers a long considered opinion. It is not only the astrologers who must act responsibly here. So must the inquirers act responsibly and with fairness and consideration. And both have to bear in mind that the victim's loved ones, in a state of anxiety, may also read here. This quandry and these ironies and inconsistencies are as old as the bible and the Greeks before them. There are some things we should have learned over three thousand years.

This set of issues arose in the Gabriel Johnson case but not for the first time. This was the warning posted at that time.
The focus is, naturally, different from last month's quarter Moon. We now have a Leo Sun and a Scorpio Moon. Whereas last month the accent was marital problems, domestic and family issues with a Cancer Sun and Libra Moon, we now have a Moon that investigates. One of her targets is death, also mystery. In case work, the subject will often be a crime against a child or a crime of passion between lovers. The Sun throws that over his shoulder, in passing. "Yes, remember, that's what I'm about when I'm in Leo."

Any quarter Moon compels us to act and to move plans forward. We have to take decisive action and to contribute to the development of case solution now. Upsetting changes in direction or circumstances requiring alteration in plans likely occur at this time. Whatever your notion, idea, vision of the case, cultivate what you started despite minor irritating events of an everyday nature. Support your view of the matter because what was begun will continue to develop for better or worse and if you don't act affirmatively, positively, the Full Moon will bring a sharp wake up call. It is time to engage, so don't sit there, do something! Make decisions. Deal with conflict. Take the essential steps.
Today so many things seem to be happening..........MC hearing for drug charge
and BC quits representing the Anthonys..........let's pray Kyron is found!
OH no another 4 year old missing in Arizona.......did not catch everything on HLN.
At lunch in the Central Time Zone, the Moon comes full. 1°26' Pisces and a thoughtful pause in forward movement. Virgo being one of Mercury's Signs, the retrograde apparent movement of The Trickster is more significant in Virgo and when the Sun is in Virgo. Mercury today is 18° r. Virgo and Dark Moon Lilith is squaring from Sagittarius. We need, therefore, to re-think our response to enticements and alluring invitations and offers. When Lilith afflicts and Mercury is in reverse, all is not what it seems. It is in comether Lilith's nature to beckon and seduce and then to deny satisfaction. "Oh, he left fifteen minutes ago. He went out the door with some red head."

Retrograde Mercury muddles our head and presents conflicts that we have to resolve. Venus and Mars have been traveling together in the dating & relationship Sign, so many of the disputes will be male-female. The Moon just left Neptune before she came full, so the culmination today will expose fibs and lies and evasions of the truth. Calls will be missed and some statements misunderstood.

Inside our cases, there is a premature resort to the courts (Lilith in Sagittarius) before all the details are painstakingly dealt with and properly ordered (Virgo Mercury r.) After all, what we are seeking from the bench and from juries is not denial. Flawed presentations of perfectly sound work are another problem. Retro Mercury does not help us put forward the clearest assessments.

In terms of investigations, Lilith clouds the big picture and retro Mercury has us focusing on minutia. This is where Jupiter comes to the rescue. Jupiter repeats (until we get it), "Let's look at this from a wholly fresh angle, in Aries!" Some of the precise prissy notions and some of the evidence, Virgo, just do not fit, Aries. There is, after all, a sharp quincunx between the Sun now and Jupiter in Aries. Yes, all the weary work to do again, rebuilding foundations as Mercury retrograde requires us to do. Blast! But we do want results, don't we?
Friday & Saturday, August 27, 28 of 2010 saw Mars on the degree of arrest, 18° Libra. Illegal immigration raids in ten States arrested at least 370.

Also significant, though not in number, was the arrest of Adam Longoria, ex-con in his thirties, for the murder of Alicia Debolt. She was featured on Issues and on Nancy Grace this past week, after her disappearance from Great Bend, KS.
Projects, relationships, theories, strategies, objects tend to come apart, disintegrate at the dark of the Moon. You may notice resignations or choose to resign, yourself. It is time to review all endeavors and to correct mistakes, particularly with retrograde Mercury affecting us. Since this dark of the Moon is under the Sign Virgo, you will be able to catch even tiny errors and edit them, fix them. Reorganise for not only efficiency but for order that makes more sense. Go over routines to see whether there are habits that need to be dropped or added, even habits of thought. Now is the moment to control and reduce damage, minimize outcomes. You can dial down and have more ! impact. Less is more in the dark of the Moon. Reflect on the lunar cycle that is now ending and what can be improved in the New Moon beginning tomorrow, 5:31 a.m. or 6:31 a.m., daylight saving time on the East Coast.
Since this dark of the Moon is under the Sign Virgo, you will be able to catch even tiny errors and edit them, fix them.

I typed something 2 hrs. ago, and now the "edit" button is gone.

I noticed this anomaly is happening all the time now or at least whenever I am on.

IF anyone notices, the word I typed is or should be "encylopedia"

and there is a typo.
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