Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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I've just gotta say that I learn so much from this thread and the mundane thread. Y'all do a great job of teaching us novices in a way that is understandable.

Now I understand why I have been reorganizing these past few days.

[ame=""]Watch out for the Super Harvest Moon TONIGHT - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Such a spectacular moon!
:croc:On Friday, October 8, Venus completes her station and turns retrograde, backward in apparent motion. This just isn't like you, Venus! For one thing, you do this twist from 13° Scorpio, a degree that opposes one of your own Signs, Taurus. And for another, you rule Libra, where we are now and will be in October and is this anyway to lead the band?

We are stuck with this new situation, however, like it or not. The degree upon which Venus turns is "Somebody tells a joke and no one laughs". Sandbach has compiled those degree meanings for us in the Chandra Symbols. Therefore, we cannot expect rousing applause for every cute move we make. Reception is a cold wind off the Arctic for the duration of this Venus period. Brace yourself and don't even bother to try harder. Since Venus will be conjunct Mars when she turns away, your audience may be secretly in a sniff about some grievance or even poised for vengeance. Or consumed with rapacious passion and amused by nothing.

Nonetheless, there is a New Moon the day preceding, with Mercury cozy to Saturn, so many are dead serious about protocols, manners, diplomacy and how people are meant to relate to one another: offending them is easy. Word.

Marc Edmond Jones & Dane Rudhyar also recorded and interpreted Elsie Wheeler's degree visions, both together & separately. The degree of Venus's turning is an inventor about to create something successfully in his improvised lab. He didn't achieve it but he was near. Venus is the planet of completion and she fell backward. So, in both degree legends, there is something that doesn't quite come off as it was meant to. We need to prepare for such disappointments.

Cases where 13° Scorpio is implicated, such a Gabiel Johnson's, will be most affected by this Venus station and retrogradation. Gabriel's Sun was just opposite. Of course, there are others.
Very intrestin Tuba.. I wonder what the venus retrograde means in Kyron and Haleihs case.
Is there anyway to tell if a person is a serial killer based on their chart? If so can you do it with a sunrise chart or do you need exact birth time?
The reason I am asking is the body of Lori Arrowood was found today and the man arrested in her murder lived next door to a girl who went missing a couple of years ago, and is with in a 50 mile radius of a total of 3 missing woman, one Lori was found murdered today.
Is there anyway to tell if a person is a serial killer based on their chart? If so can you do it with a sunrise chart or do you need exact birth time?
The reason I am asking is the body of Lori Arrowood was found today and the man arrested in her murder lived next door to a girl who went missing a couple of years ago, and is with in a 50 mile radius of a total of 3 missing woman, one Lori was found murdered today.

A time of the first breath or birth is very important when we have nothing else to go on. For all intents and purposes, it will give us at least the angles that may prove very worthwhile, to see how critical they may be.

Cayce and the Vedic Brahamin Astrologers agree that the MC is indicative of the soul's entry (as is Tad Mann's writings seem to concur) ..however, the most we are going to see I think is the "inclinations" and not the definite as it (life itself) is about Free Will and Choice.

Not everyone will fail, even IF they are loaded with a certain pre-disposition to do this ...a few will not.

Think of how hard it is to give up a bad habit. For instance, I smoked cigarettes for many years. They say it's worse then heroin for the addictiveness and I think it may be.

It is not easy then to change a habitual way of thinking, thus the aspects in the natal chart are usually indicative of how "strongly" one may or may not give into the inclinations built up into the natal this time around.
These are serious vibrations which are created by habit of thought and lives.

The Astrologer then reads these , studies them over time and in the observing of many (such as Serial Killers) there may be seen a certain "pattern" but again, we cannot say for certain that this or that one particular soul will "fall into line" .....for many rise above their own egos and their own habits and vibrations.

I think Cayce gave us a statistical breakdown, (but don't quote me on the percentages) which goes something like this:

About 75% of souls will give in to their natal charts and be easily read
About 20% of souls will not be read perfectly, as they are working on themselves and may overcome parts of the natal chart
About 5% cannot be read at all!

I may have the percentages slightly off, but that's the "gist" of it and it was similar to what the Greek fathers like Plato also suggested and I know I read this in Gnostic literature in the past.......but since I'm going on vacation I don't have the time now to dig it up again.

Take it from me, not everyone can be read, so we cannot say for certain who will be a serial killer and who will not.

We CAN say however the likelihood or not based on the percentages of actions and habits built up in the natal chart.

I always liked the late Astrologer Ryland Redd's book, "Towards a New Astrology" when he quoted Rudolf Steiner, a mystic and contemporary of Cayce's...and Astrologer himself, who said that the mind (subconscious mind) is like a flowing river with the nooks and crags of river rocks over millenia, that where the water flows will create niches in the crevices......

These niches and crevices then, are sort of what occurs in the minds of men and women and thus the aspects show what has been built over time (perhaps many lifetimes depending on one's beliefs)

These aren't any easier to switch off then, then stopping smoking a pack a day after 40 years.
But it CAN be done.

And people and their thoughts can also change.

I'll leave you with this treasure trove of statistical analysis, that I haven't really had the chance to study yet.

Perhaps they are further ahead with it by now.....but it's will probably keep your interest because I know from here, you like research too.

Part TWO: 2003 published

I do think this one however, may be too antiquated to be of much value today (1994):
(this was the initial work, but much has been revised I'm sure) Scorpio Moons do kill just as often as other signs do and this work was too spotty to find them. I did however want to show that people are working diligently just as we are here, to try and figure out what makes these folks "tick" like a ticking time bomb.
Say this neighbor of Lori Arrowood was born in St. Louis on month, day, year. So were many, many other babies. They are not all alike nor do they have the same future ahead of them. The neighbor's birth time will not be provided by police. Having the birth time would bring you to the place where Leomoon80 begins her discussion, with the first breath.

What can be suggested by the neighbor's day of birth is the way he might relate to Lori Arrowood although the Moon positions of both rest unknown and the degrees of the inner planets as well. And then we have the fact of proximity and convenience, which makes likelihood more certain than if he lived across the country. So those are two narrowing or reduction factors: 1.) synastry between the pair of people and 2.) nearness to the victim.

As always in these circumstances, we have to be very conservative in our speculation because we are lacking important information, part of it being his actual chart (no birth time) and the unknown of how this person was developing, what he was doing with his life. We do know not all those St. Louis babies became criminals so there is no Killer Marker in what we are looking at--a sunrise or noon picture of people born that day in that place.
Egads! I am glad to hear that... I am/have a SCORPIO MOON!!!!

ETA: I have worked very hard to overcome my natal chart- I continue to do so and will always strive to be better.

I was born with a horrible chart (IMO) and do understand that much of it were circumstances beyond my control (generations worth) and MUCH of it is IN my control (past lives, as well as this life). I have teased for years (well before I even believed that we may have past lives) that THIS LIFE will be my last go 'round!

I will work hard to make that happen!

Sorry for the rant, thank you for listening!
October 1, 2010 and the Moon is occulting two asteroids today: #949 Hel, the Scandinavian Goddess of Death will be occulted at her position of 20°54' Sagittarius and asteroid #530 Turandot, 6°02'19" Cancer. In the opera Turandot, Prince Calaf provided the answer to the three part riddle. The secret word was LOVE. Both these occultations will be visible in the Northwestern U.S., not other parts of the States.
This is a time of endings and passings. There is a slight increase in crimes during this period but nothing like what occurs at Full Moon. Investigations downsize now. This is the phase of the Moon best used to restructure, dissolve partnerships, dismiss or demote personnel, cut pay, resign or stand down and to clear the planks. Tie up dangling threads and prepare the ways you will implement new approaches, new projects, test new theories at the coming New Moon, Thursday, October 7. Share the load~delegate!

Due to the turnaround coming from Venus, October 8, many endeavors we thought near completion, are NOT. Venus says, "Dropped a thread. Loose ends. Sorry!"
This New Moon in Libra on October 7 begins at 2:44 pm EDT (6:44 pm GMT).
New moons are times for new beginnings.
This new moon will be especially potent for relationships, sex, and passion.
No planetary aspects affect the New Moon itself, but Libra is ruled by Venus, which remains in conjunction with Mars in Scorpio.
This puts heavy emphasis of relationships of all kinds.
Even though many dread it, we would not be forgiven for failing to post that the New Moon is square the nodes, although the degree spread is 7° (not very close). There is a definite wobble to this New Moon, so unrest, upset and excitement accompany the phase.
October 1, 2010 and the Moon is occulting two asteroids today: #949 Hel, the Scandinavian Goddess of Death will be occulted at her position of 20°54' Sagittarius and asteroid #530 Turandot, 6°02'19" Cancer. In the opera Turandot, Prince Calaf provided the answer to the three part riddle. The secret word was LOVE. Both these occultations will be visible in the Northwestern U.S., not other parts of the States.

Let me apologize in advance if this is wrong to ask this here but you got my attention with 6 degree Cancer (my daughter's moon) and 20 degree Sag (her Venus). What do you think this would mean for her?
Whatever it meant, Deborah, it's over. Inside, she must have been all high drama.
Right now we think about and need to think about establishing our case objectives. We lay out what we intend to do. Ask yourself & others what the goal is right now and then start toward it. Now is the moment to initiate any endeavor whatsoever. Launch an investigation, a program, a project, a task, a campaign. (We got our new Websleuths server on this New Moon.) Identify the particulars of your vision and make some notes.
Prayers and powerful positive thoughts can help prevent the trouble coming from a New Moon wobble in our:silenced: relationship Sign of Libra while Venus turns away from Mars and moves backward in Scorpio. The combination could produce spousal abuse, date rape, marital homicide but need not. Let's pray these partners confine it to "How do I love thee, let me count the ways" because these aspects and Signs can prompt reflection like that, if used constructively. People look at matters from an emotional rather than a rational perspective now--all of us--and reactions must be more guarded than normal because lovers' quarrels tend to cause permanent breaks or permanent damage under the current influence. Re-evaluating is perfect but dumping it all out there is best left to a safer time when Venus is with us.

Venus and Jupiter both turn direct on November 18 with the Sun square Neptune. Don't be anybody's fool, therefore, but take it slow and tread lightly.
Tomorrow a 15.7 magnitude asteroid, Milboum, will be occulted. That is for Sunday, October 10, 2010. On October 12, Eos will be occulted and she is the rosy dawn (Aurora in Latin). She has a magnitude of 11.7 and the Moon will hide her. October 17, Athamantis, daughter of the King of Orkhomenos in Arcadia, Greece is occulted, a 12.9 magnitude asteroid.

Milboum is 3699, Eos is 221 and Athamantis 230. Asteroids are sometimes given only by their numbers. We will have to see what these emphases mean in terms of other celestial activity & our cases.
Tuba, I don't post much but read every day and I think you are truly gifted.

Just a question and I hope it's not off topic...but what is your thought on today being the 10th of Oct. (10th month) 2010, and tonight at 10:10 and 10 secs. so that's 10-10-10-10-10-10....?? It's pretty cool anyway you put it. Is that an omen and should we all wear tin foil hats to bed?
I had noticed some of those tens today but not all of them that you mention, like the times tonight. I think they are GOOD positive numbers. MOO
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