Forensic Astrology - HAILEY DUNN 12/27/10 Colorado City, TX

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I e-mailed the KTXS author as well. She could not give my anything more specific than "mid-morning". She did say the search was a "one day thing" so it would seem to me they were looking for something very specific and not just a needle in a haystack.

The earliest I could find someone posting about the search of landfill was 10:57am today. So It is probably somewhere between 8am-11am.(gets light around 7:30) Ill keep lookin to see if can narrow down closer time

I e-mailed the KTXS author as well. She could not give my anything more specific than "mid-morning". She did say the search was a "one day thing" so it would seem to me they were looking for something very specific and not just a needle in a haystack.

Found some more info on the landfill search today on the Help Find Hailey Dunn FB page.!/pages/Help-Find-Hailey-Dunn/141796342544494

This is an update from someone in the group Hailey's Angels:

OK 2 hours ago at the time I looked at this would be 6:17pm EST. If you take 45 minutes away from that, it would be 5:32 pm EST. Again, I assume these times would need to be adjusted for CST in Texas.

The earliest I could find someone posting about the search of landfill was 10:57am today. So It is probably somewhere between 8am-11am.(gets light around 7:30) Ill keep lookin to see if can narrow down closer time

It's perplexing despite all the news coverage we can't seem to get an 'official' start time of the 2/22/2011 Search at Big Spring Landfill, but without it, any chart I may cast could be misleading.

Thanks to everyone who worked / is working on tracking down the start time of yesterday's search.

It's perplexing despite all the news coverage we can't seem to get an 'official' start time of the 2/22/2011 Search at Big Spring Landfill, but without it, any chart I may cast could be misleading.

Thanks to everyone who worked / is working on tracking down the start time of yesterday's search.


Soulscape -

I've dug up some better information for you. This is from someone who was live and on the scene. Unfortunately, it was a reply to a private account of mine so I am not comfortable posting the actual message here. But if you need to see confirmation, I can screenshot the message and PM you.

They started yesterday (2/22) around 8AM and pulled out at 3:34pm. I can be exact on the 3:34PM part b/c the person was filming at that time and that was from the time stamp on his video. He also was told that they actually searched that same landfill the day before (2/21) as well but he didn't have any times for that.

BTW - These times that were given to me would have been his times and he's there in TX so it's CST.

Hope this helps!

Okay guys I got brave and called the landfill in BS 432-264-2383 to see if I could get the official start time. The guy that answered the phon said he didnt know anything about it? So I proceeded to ask him about the security of the landfill and he told me that it is not a closed land fill. I then asked him " you mean that if I came to the landfill I could go out to it" and he said yes..... I then asked him about what the official time was that the digging began yesterday and he went back to "I dont know anything about it" So it appears that he has been told to "play dumb" But hey I tried
Soulscape -

I've dug up some better information for you. This is from someone who was live and on the scene. Unfortunately, it was a reply to a private account of mine so I am not comfortable posting the actual message here. But if you need to see confirmation, I can screenshot the message and PM you.

They started yesterday (2/22) around 8AM and pulled out at 3:34pm. I can be exact on the 3:34PM part b/c the person was filming at that time and that was from the time stamp on his video. He also was told that they actually searched that same landfill the day before (2/21) as well but he didn't have any times for that.

BTW - These times that were given to me would have been his times and he's there in TX so it's CST.

Hope this helps!


Thank you, Salvarenga.

It's a little curious to say the least your source mentioned they actually searched the same landfill the previous day (2/21).

Why all the secrecy, especially in light of what Conniehu just posted?

Okay guys I got brave and called the landfill in BS 432-264-2383 to see if I could get the official start time. The guy that answered the phon said he didnt know anything about it? So I proceeded to ask him about the security of the landfill and he told me that it is not a closed land fill. I then asked him " you mean that if I came to the landfill I could go out to it" and he said yes..... I then asked him about what the official time was that the digging began yesterday and he went back to "I dont know anything about it" So it appears that he has been told to "play dumb" But hey I tried

If the 2/22 search was a continuation of a search conducted on 2/21, we would need to examine the chart cast for the 2/21 start time to get the correct information.

Hopefully either your source or someone they know can provide clarification about the two searches.

Thank you,
Maybe someone else can call and ask them about what time the records show the police arriving at the landfill on the 21st. They have got to have some type of records in order to know where & what trash was dumped or how would they know where to search. I cant believe that just anyone can just go trampsing around a landfill without a reason. Besides being unsanitary it would be down right dangerous. There are records kept.. I call BS on the guy acting like he dosent know anything!
Thank you, Salvarenga.

It's a little curious to say the least your source mentioned they actually searched the same landfill the previous day (2/21).

Why all the secrecy, especially in light of what Conniehu just posted?

If the 2/22 search was a continuation of a search conducted on 2/21, we would need to examine the chart cast for the 2/21 start time to get the correct information.

Hopefully either your source or someone they know can provide clarification about the two searches.

Thank you,

Search started on 2/21 at 8:30AM and ended at 2:50ish PM. The media was asked to only publicize the last day of the search.

IMO, they went in after something specific on the first day and didn't want the media videoing what it was they were taking away. The second day was more of a go back over things and make sure we didn't miss anything type day so they were more at ease with having the media tape them.

**Disclaimer: The bolded part is my opinion only. That part was not told to me by the person that gave me the time info.**
Pisces Rising on the 2/21/2011 chart cast for 8:30 am at Big Springs, TX clearly mirrors the secrecy in which this Search begun. Few knew of it until well after the fact.


URANUS, associated with discoveries of all sorts, is rising, again confirming Authorities were focused on finding something that would be of assistance in resolving this case. We also note the sign Aries is intercepted within the 1st House, and the Part of DEATH is within, at 12:34. So is Co-Lord 1 JUPITER 06 Aries, partile square PLUTO 06 Capricorn, Lord 8 of Death.

URANUS rules the radix 12th House of all things secret. It also is the Turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child (Hailey). Note the SUN within House 12, as well as Co-Lord 1 NEPTUNE and Intercepted Lord 1 MARS. These testimonies suggest again searching in secrecy (12th House) for the remains and/or evidence of the death (turned 8th House) of a child.

MOON 18 Libra, ruler of the 5th House Child, is intercepted within the radix 7th House. This suggests she --- and/or evidence pertaining to her --- is hidden. MOON (Hailey) has just passed conjunction with SATURN RX, once again confirming a death (SATURN) in the past (separating aspect).

7th House gives a WEST direction, and the interception suggests something of import (if not Hailey herself) is hidden in a western direction.

***Before you even ask, no, I do not know if this symbolizes she or something related to her may be in the western area of the landfill or in a location west of the landfill***

Before the MOON can perfect the trine to MERCURY Lord 4 End of the Matter, MERCURY will have already entered Pisces, denying the successful ending. MisFORTUNE 11 Scorpio in the radix 8th House of Death semisquares the MIDHEAVEN (goal) and sesquisquares the ASCENDANT (Searchers), again suggesting a less than satisfactory ending, as does the Part of SUCCESS 20 Leo partile inconjunct VENUS 20 Capricorn, the dispositor of the Libran MOON.

I will check the continuation chart (2/22/2011 with 8:00 am start) later to see if any changes to the judgment above may be indicated.


article was updated with more info:

child *advertiser censored* and bestiality... is any of this shown in the charts? Also they say they are seeing if charges are warranted..... is any of this visible as well? tia

Both the computer and the memory stick contain images depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, said Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs.

Criminal charges could be filed regarding the memory stick found at the Dunn residence, Toombs said.

"We will have to get with the district attorney in Howard County to see if criminal charges are warranted," Toombs said about the images reportedly found on the computer hard drive.

article was updated with more info:

child *advertiser censored* and bestiality... is any of this shown in the charts? Also they say they are seeing if charges are warranted..... is any of this visible as well? tia


Please review the very first chart & commentaries in posts #1 & #2 on page 1 of this Thread and you will see that sexual attack is written all over it.

IMO, the charts clearly tell us Hailey is no longer walking this earth and who did it. The blatant subversion and aspersion's being thrown out by BD is what I find confusing. She seems to have garnered the support of Marc Klass, that also confuses me?

I know the subject is usually off-limits, but still, I feel the need to ask (sorry Fifth). Is this Mother telling the truth when she says she does not know what happened to Hailey?
IMO, the charts clearly tell us Hailey is no longer walking this earth and who did it. The blatant subversion and aspersion's being thrown out by BD is what I find confusing. She seems to have garnered the support of Marc Klass, that also confuses me?

I know the subject is usually off-limits, but still, I feel the need to ask (sorry Fifth). Is this Mother telling the truth when she says she does not know what happened to Hailey?

Knox, can you provide and/or confirm a public time/ date/ place where BD made comments that made you question whether she was telling the truth about what happened to Hailey?

Knox, can you provide and/or confirm a public time/ date/ place where BD made comments that made you question whether she was telling the truth about what happened to Hailey?


Would this help? It was on 1/31/11 at 9am, place was her front yard.

video & article + BD's version of the timeline that LE says doesn't match up.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The mother of the missing Colorado City teen believes her child was abducted within a six-block area of their home in the Mitchell County community.

“I think some stranger came in and took her,” said Billie Jean Dunn Tuesday afternoon. “That’s been my gut feeling from the beginning”.

“I told her not to leave the house that day, but she did. She could have been walking to a store, or to play basketball,” Billie Dunn added.
When did Billie tell her not to leave the house that day? She says this two months after Hailey goes missing? It's been said when you are not speaking from experiential memory, your story changes ...

January 29, 2011

Billie Dunn said there is another person that may lead investigators to her missing 13-year-old daughter. Hailey Dunn vanished on the afternoon of Monday, December 27, 2010. She hasn't been seen since.

Hailey's mom now says she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasn't been found," said Dunn.
BD divulges this a full month after HD goes missing. Now she remembers that this person threatened she and Hailey.

Saturday, January 29 2011

Billie Dunn handed out a timeline (attached below) to reporters, saying she had information that investigators had not previously revealed. According to that timeline, Hailey was seen at 8:30 p.m. on Dec. 27 with the friend whose house she said she was going to spend the night at. The witness didn't recognize the teenage boy who was with them.

Throwing red herrings out? Why release something that LE hadn't deemed necessary for the public to know?

More discrepancies or changes in her stories here ...
Soul, there are WS'ers much more knowledgeable in Hailey's case than I, who could point you to better info. I have many things I can site from memory, that I gained through reading news and blogs as well as discussion in the main forum, but I would have to find links for them all. But fwiw, there are a few above. Not so sure they are chart worthy though.
Would this help? It was on 1/31/11 at 9am, place was her front yard.

video & article + BD's version of the timeline that LE says doesn't match up.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When did Billie tell her not to leave the house that day? She says this two months after Hailey goes missing? It's been said when you are not speaking from experiential memory, your story changes ...

January 29, 2011

BD divulges this a full month after HD goes missing. Now she remembers that this person threatened she and Hailey.

Saturday, January 29 2011

Throwing red herrings out? Why release something that LE hadn't deemed necessary for the public to know?

More discrepancies or changes in her stories here ...
Soul, there are WS'ers much more knowledgeable in Hailey's case than I, who could point you to better info. I have many things I can site from memory, that I gained through reading news and blogs as well as discussion in the main forum, but I would have to find links for them all. But fwiw, there are a few above. Not so sure they are chart worthy though.

Well she sure is changing/ embellishing her story, isn't she...

I just need a solid date/place/time of a recent 'announcement' by BD. Any of the above would do, but I need date/place/time along with the specific quote/ statement she made.

Date: 1/31/11
Time: 9:00am
Place: her front yard, 1804 Chestnut Street in Colorado City, Texas


This is the press conference fhc references above; at appx 7:00 minutes into the video ...

"at about noon I called DD on my cell phone that I had left at home. I asked him to text Hailey's friend with whom she had spent the night and tell her to come home. DD called me back and said the friend said Hailey had not spent the night. I told him to go over to Clint's ...." You can listen to the rest.

The reason I chose this statement Soul is because it never made sense to me. BD never spoke to Hailey's friend nor her Friend's Mom, not even directly to Clint. All this is being relayed through DD, her son. She immediately worries and leaves work to report Hailey missing. Huh?

She doesn't bother to call and check on her in the afternoon or the night she stays with a friend, but now without really validating any of the info from DD she is running straight to the police and is worried?

This is the press conference fhc references above; at appx 7:00 minutes into the video ...

"at about noon I called DD on my cell phone that I had left at home. I asked him to text Hailey's friend with whom she had spent the night and tell her to come home. DD called me back and said the friend said Hailey had not spent the night. I told him to go over to Clint's ...." You can listen to the rest.

The reason I chose this statement Soul is because it never made sense to me. BD never spoke to Hailey's friend nor her Friend's Mom, not even directly to Clint. All this is being relayed through DD, her son. She immediately worries and leaves work to report Hailey missing. Huh?

She doesn't bother to call and check on her in the afternoon or the night she stays with a friend, but now without really validating any of the info from DD she is running straight to the police and is worried?

It never made sense to me me either! Not to mention, she did not call SA who was the last person to have seen Hailey. Why no call to SA to confirm exactly where Hailey said she was going? Why no call to SA to ask if there could be anywhere else Hailey said she was going? :waitasec:
My first inclination would be that he must have misunderstood. I would be asking the last person who saw or spoke to her to explain word-for-word exactly what she said. Before I rush to LE to file a missing person report, I would double and triple check the details. That was the biggest red-flag for me! Just odd...:banghead:

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