Forensic Astrology - HAILEY DUNN 12/27/10 Colorado City, TX

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I've done charts for all available times - but the snag is, which one is correct?

Asteroid "Halley" was 6 CAP exactly conjunct Sun, 6 CAP in the 3pm chart.

Asteroid "Wells" is transiting 22:58 Rx in Leo, conjunct Hailey's progressed "Halley" 22:29 Leo. Yes, he did work for a company that had something to do with wells, but that doesn't account for Hailey having it on her Prog. name.

I can't see anything else that stands out. If only we had the birth time for Hailey.

SA has Wells 14:42 CAP with Mars transiting 14:54 CAP & opposing his natal Mars 14:18 Cancer.

I brought this over from page 5.
Yes, this search marks REAL progress. See the trine between the Leo Moon and the Sagittarian Venus. Part of Fortune is also trine the Outcome House, #4 (from H. 7). It does appear that it is evidence or items identified to Hailey that may be located in these searches and that the girl herself is at another locale. See Mercury, ruler of the child 5th House, aways off in House 8 and in another Sign, Capricorn.

There is a positive instrument or individual here that we are ignorant about, the just entering Sun at 0°23' Aquarius. This will be helpful and note also that Mars and the pepetrator are at solstice points of one another, which means that activity in a distant neighborhood triggers action by the one responsible for Hailey's disappearance. Why is Neptune squaring the ASC? One NG headline this week said the mother may know more than she is divulging but then too, the search party could be deluded about one particular that is important. The trans-Neptunian planet Admetos is at the ASC for this search party and search, sounding the need to look DEEP, in raw material (like dirt, compost, tar, oil muck, mud, etc.) in matter that is standing still but has its barriers and limits like next to a wall or containment or lid.

Tuba -

This was posted by a Sheik in the main thread. It made me think of your post here.

Acid can be used to clean up old wells in an attempt to increase production. The term “Acid Job” is common out in the field. Say a well’s production has declined over time; a service company would come in suggest a treatment plan that could increase the wells production. Acid is usually a key ingredient to the fluid that’s pumped into the hole. The total amount of treatment fluid pumped into the hole is calculated by the barrel. Once the fluid is pumped into the hole or also known as formation, they may allow it to sit there anywhere from one hour to several days. In order to bring the well back into production, it’s important that the fluid be flushed out of the hole. At this point they begin swabbing the hole in an attempt to bring as much of the treatment fluid back to service as possible. They drop a plunger with a line to the bottom of the hole and come up out of the hole, repeating the process until the well kicks off (starts blowing) or they can no longer recover any additional treatment fluid. The recovered treatment fluid is usually directed to a hole that has been dug into the ground with the ground eventually absorbing it. While you wouldn’t want to stick a bare hand in the fluid that’s been recovered, it’s not nearly as potent as it was in its original state. I doubt that the recovery fluid would be potent enough to cause serious damage to flesh and bone.

Acid is also used to perforate casing. Casing is the outer pipe that goes into the hole. Figure that once all the casing is in the hole, in order to bring oil or gas to surface, that casing must have some holes in it that correlate with the production formation. This is when they place a “gun” down the hole that shoots off the mixture that will open holes in the casing at the production intervals.

These chemicals are usually under lock and key at the service company’s yard and also monitored. Its doubtful SA had access to these chemicals unless he had the assistance of someone, which I also feel is doubtful. One never knows though. I am sure LE has asked for inventory and accountability of the chemicals at the place SA worked. Not to say he couldn’t have acquired them elsewhere though.

There is a lot of oil and gas production in the area that composes of several counties. There are a lot of county roads, back roads, etc. as well. Working in the business going from well to well, one can learn those roads, shortcuts, etc. very quickly. Many wells are off the grid and one must know where to go in order to get to them. Many well locations may contain open holes that haven’t been covered up. While most land owners make sure that’s not the case, it still does occur. Many locations have old abandoned tanks. These tanks can be anywhere from 15 feet high and up. While a person could not enter the tank from the top, there is a space on the bottom of the tank towards the back that is secured by several bolts and screws. This door is opened up when the tank is empty so people can crawl inside to clean, maintain, etc.

Cell phone coverage varies and is sparse in many places. I carry a satellite phone at all times because of this.

I am hopeful LE has/is conducting the following:

1. Asking Weaver Services (and other service company’s) for an account of their fluid inventory and who has access to it.
2. Obtaining a log from SA’s employers for the past couple years or so detailing each and every well site he worked on and that they (LE) are actively searching each and every one of those well sites along with the roads leading to those sites. Traveling those roads one will see old abandoned buildings, stock tanks, caliche pits, old style outhouses, drain pipes, etc.

All these and more should be searched. Over time by traveling these roads, SA could have discovered what he felt was the ideal hiding place.
HD's mom plans to hold a press conference today ay 1pm CST to discuss the timeline and a possible person of interest. *This is all her doing and IMO is not something LE has encouraged her to do.

Can we get a chart for this press conference?
Will she be in Colorado City, TX when she holds forth or in a nearby town?
good question Tuba... I have not heard that she has left CC... so I am ASSuming CC (stress on the a$$ in case I am wrong)

Information we can derive from the chart alone is complicated by the fact Mercury rules both Mrs. Dunn and her daughter, Hailey. Robert DeLuce always looked to the Moon for missing persons; the Moon itself will soon unite with Mrs. Dunn. What is troubling is that she (Moon-Hailey) must first square Saturn, ruling a distant desolate neighborhood and ruling the House of news, which is not good. By the time Moon reaches Mercury, they will fill the critical or crisis degree of 26° Capricorn. Mars will partile semi-square Uranus at that time and Mars is also // Pluto, a dire prophecy. Of course, the Moon passing through H. 8 is in grave danger or deceased. We know that occurred when she, the Moon, was conjunct Pluto in H. 8. The Sun and node were also with her.
Brief article at link below.
Billie Dunn To Hailey: "Please Come Home"
Mother Of Missing Girl Speaks To Media

By Laura Madison, KTXS News
POSTED: 1:29 pm CST January 31, 2011

'We will post her complete statement later tonight right here on '

REMINDER:Unless your thoughts are astrologically related to the charts and respective findings thus far including info related to CONFIRMED dates and times, please post those otherwise general comments and opinions out in the main missing persons thread for HAILEY.
[ame=""]TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #51 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thank you for understanding it's necessary to remain focused on ASTROLOGY in this Forum.


(click on YouTube like frame and turn speakers on...Thanks BeanE)

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 #52[/ame]
There is a transcript of the entire statement posted by Belimom if any of you need to refer back to it. I don't know how to link it. But I did want to point out that the only question she took was at the very end a reporter asked if she was still in contact with SA and she said they were "friendly". After that she said no more questions and walked inside.
A tiny bit O/T:

Can someone point me to where I can find SA's birth name and birthdate? I have looked in this thread and cannot seem to find it...

thank you :seeya:

For those who have not been following this thread since Hailey went missing, know that this POI has been discussed quite a few times (had been referred to as '630' /'MALE'/'Male630'), not limited to what points to his participation but the nature of the animal as well.
Analysis and associations are back at the beginning of the thread in the first 3 pages.




(this Tri-Wheel was discussed in depth earlier)
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - HAILEY DUNN 12/27/10 Colorado City, TX
He was born in Taylor County, which I believe would be Abilene.

Hailey: Scurry County, so Snyder.

You may already have it, but I wasn't sure...

Thank you, Belimom.

We typically use the Event Location with good results.

Thank you, Belimom.

We typically use the Event Location with good results.


Okay - I'm such a newbie here that I'm not really sure what is needed when... Still learning. Thanks for the patience... :)
Okay - I'm such a newbie here that I'm not really sure what is needed when... Still learning. Thanks for the patience... :)

We always appreciate any/all birth information we can get, Belimom, with the ideal being date/ place/ time.

I will always look at a chart with a known place of birth. Over the years, however, for the purposes of forensic Astrology, I've found that the relocated chart is valid.

Thank you for being part of our Forum.

Hi ASTROS! I miss you all!

Observation: In the 911 call that Shawn placed last year (February), he informs le that BJD took alot of pills, threatening suicide, and also took some of his Klonopin. They had been fighting/arguing, broke up, etc etc. There were numerous calls but 3 911 calls have been released, 2 from BJD & 1 from Shawn. In one of the 911 calls from BJD, she informs that Shawn is a bit MHMR, etc. I looked up some mental health (and drug) in/out patient rehab centers & Klonopin and Ativan are some of the drugs used for treatment. There are serious side effects when these types of benzos are abused. They are an anti-anxiety med, etc. Both are highly addictive but very useful when taken appropriately. I've seen on the web places where they can be compared to Wellbutrin. This is indeed not true and misleading. Klonopin is used for various things, but again it can be addictive when abused. Following still?

Having said this, if Shawn were addicted to Klonopin, and he either took too much or missed some days dosage, it would increase the opposite feeling. If it were helping him for anxiety, it could in turn make him "snap" if he went cold turkey. Going off of BJD stating that he's a bit MHMR in her 911 call, I'm wondering if there were more to what Shawn stated in the le interview while taking the poly. Remember it was noted when le asked him who they should be looking at, Shawn's response was "Both of us"?

So, I'm wondering if the charts show either BJD being involved, also, as an accessory to the fact...or...could Shawn have been referring to another personality? MHMR also includes BiPolar Disorder, that of which Klonopin could be prescribed as one of the meds used for treatment (along with others). I know the difference between MPD & BPD, only putting this into perspective for reference...

Also, I'm not attempting to diagnose, only asking a general question. I'm simply wondering if there could be more to Shawn's response "Both of us". I keep thinking about his interest in masks, horror masks. When I read some of his first posts on that Michael Myers site, it really wigs me out that he was so serious about that stuff. I'm not saying that everybody that's into horror & masks is scary, it's just that it appears Shawn took it to the extreme. I'm wondering if the charts reflect any of this...his personality, that is. I can't help but wondering if he has a split personality of some sort, or maybe bipolar and abusing meds caught up with him.
Jersey Girl, [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - HAILEY DUNN 12/27/10 Colorado City, TX[/ame]
Shawns natal , random thoughts;

Mars in Cancer, when quincunx[ inconjunct] the Jupiter in Aquarius can be FALSE BRAVADO RUN AMOK. A phony, overblown sense of self can be seen by this retrograde Aquarian Jupiter, filling his head with wild fantasies, and impossible dreams. He may be 'full of himself' as that Jupiter sextiles the Uranus in Sag, completing the Finger Of Fate. THe Jupiter and Uranus sextile is in a mutual reception. That strengthens the sextile, and it is buoyed by the Moon in Sag, which disposits his cancer sun and mars. In other words, that 'Moon/Uranus sextile Jupiter' has a lot of power over Shawns personality. He may feel that forces beyond him have some kind of control over his life and actions. He may have an overwhelming urge to become larger than life, and to be admired and even perhaps feared. The possibilities are endless when Jupiter and Uranus combine forces. But as a team they tend to run roughshod over any personal concerns.

His Sun and Mars in cancer are giving their power to the Moon/Uranus in Sag, which is inconjunct, or disconnected. His moon is the dispositor of his sun and mars. In other words, his own feelings and NEEDS [moon]take precedence in his life. [sun] His feelings[moon] dictate his actions and his daily life force.[mars/sun]

His sun and mars are at the apex of a yod. In other words, Shawn has a lot of power behind his inconjuncts. This aspect, 150 degrees, can pull people apart and even cause split personalities. He has prominent inconjunctions because they involve the sun, mars, moon, jupiter, and uranus. There is also an exact inconjunct between Uranus and the Lunar North Node @ 15 Taurus. So in some ways he may be trying to wipeout [uranus] his feminine side and yin instincts.[north node in Taurus] He most likely has a whole lot of inner turmoil and feelings of chaos, yet his Cancerian demeanor can mask much of that. Cancerian males can be very charming and nurturing. But not all of them have powerful outer planets forming inconjuncts and trumping their own personal needs.

The "Thanks" button just wasn't enough, Tuba. Thank you so much - I should have gone through the thread prior to posting.

Katy - Thanks to you, too.

When I read some of these analysis', I can't help but to think of VanderSloot.
"larger than life" "be feared" "his own feelings & needs come first" ... etc.

Oh, and one more thanks to Belimom, whom happens to be new but has given sooo much. Welcome to Websleuths, Belimom!
Clint will be doing a live radio show tonight. The station is in Lubbock but I'm not sure where Clint is, though - if he'll be there in person? I've asked and trying to find out. It will be 7:00pm EST:

Here's the link for tonight's radio show:

Here's the thread in the Private Forum (the Parking Lot) where you can discuss the show:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

It starts in 29 minutes.

Date / Length: 2/2/2011 5:00 PM - 2 hrs
Length: 2 hrs


Clint Dunn ( Hailey Dunn's Father) speaks out about his little girl tonight. We will also have 2 other special guests on with Hailey Dunn Case. Where is Hailey Dunn. Who is involved, Who is Who in this case. Clint Dunn will be here to set the story straight, and to bring Hailey into your hearts and let you all know Hailey through his eyes and his heart. LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) – On the 29th of January marks one month since 13-year-old Hailey Dunn was reported missing in Colorado City. Her mother's former boyfriend says Dunn told him she was walking to her father's house and then to friend's the day before. That's the last time anyone has seen her.
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