Forensic Astrology - HALEIGH CUMMINGS #4

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Agree, KhakiPants, your summary of the 'overall lifestyle and unsavory characters' has much to do with putting innocent children in an unsafe environment.

Going back to the 1st charts presented ( see Post # 1 of this thread), all indications as to the responsible party lead to the immature young caretaker, Misty. Although Ron has been known to be a participant in an unhealthy lifestyle and may have knowledge of and been associated at one time or another w/the many low-lifes in the community, the charts for that day do not show any activity/participation/direct responsibility on his part regarding the disappearance of Little Haleigh.
Misty and her activities THAT DAY & NIGHT brought about the demise of poor Little Haleigh.
Recalling Ron's promise made in the 911 call, IMO-if I was Misty, I'd find some strange comfort in knowing life behind bars will keep her out of harms way.
Thanks so much, all of you. Khaki_Pants, you said it beautifully and explained it very well. Same with butterfly and FifthE.

I've always believed Ron and Misty know much more than they are telling. Misty knows what happened before Haleigh "disappeared" and Ron knows what happened after the fact, before the 911 call. I do remember his rants from that call and the big crying production he put on for the cameras. While I believe his rage was real, I didn't think his tears were. Maybe some tears, but not what we saw on TV numerous times, including on one of the TV talk shows, Maury or Dr. Phil, one of them, or was it both?

Your thoughts about Misty and Ron holding back different things for different reasons makes lots of sense. Yes, I believe their lifestyle is a huge factor in the disappearance. How many times did Ronald say to stop looking at them and find his daughter? Lots to hide there. We also know it wasn't a stranger abduction, but someone known to the family. The charts told us that from Day One. Although I was wondering if the "accidental drugging" of Haleigh could have played a part, as rumored, but that wouldn't fit with an abduction, would it?

I was just wondering if we could have missed something in the charts, so I appreciate your taking the time to look at them and give a report. Knowing what the charts originally told us, and they are still correct in the eyes of the astrologers, makes me feel better about what we do in this forum. We get down to the truth. I just wish LE would listen and pay attention to what we're doing. I believe more cases would be solved.

Thank you again for assisting me with my thoughts and all the work done here. :clap:
Many Websleuths over the year have put up their opinions on what happened to this missing child. Some align and some contradict or veer but one thing we can all agree on, when the 911 emergency was phoned in, you could throw a stick and strike the location of this little girl. Venus was just minutes, not degrees, from the mobile. Venus was 5°, just as Haleigh was five years old. Venus rules girls and young women but the earlier in the Sign, the younger the girl. Venus is Haleigh. Venus is positioned right at the bottom line, the cusp of House 4 (also known as the nadir of the chart). Venus also ruled the House of the child in the 911 chart, just to make the message indelible & unmistakable. All the astrologers agreed on what we were seeing and non-astrologers can see it too.

What do we make of that? We have that affidavit saying Haleigh is in a pond and we had the anonymous letter saying she was in a well near the house. Either of those reports could hold truth if the water was close enough to the mobile. Or, if she was placed by the house and later moved. In sum, we know she was right there at the time of the call to the sheriff. We may not have enough information to allow us to make sense of it but it is true. I think we have a three pipe problem, Watson!
Would it be possable to do a chart for Haleigh today, and see how the location has either changed or could give us better location? I know we would need and event chart to compare her natal to, so could a chart be done for the time Ron was arrested or would that work?
When you want to pursue whereabouts for a victim, you need to look at charts particular to the victim. A year ago, we have follow-up charts that include but are not limited to the T.E.S. search and the sheriff's men search. You will probably want to go back to those event horoscopes to re-examine them. Put T.E.S. in the search engine for Haleigh's thread #1. About the same time, other astrologers posted other charts regarding her location after the fact.
Tuba, You are just plain AWESOME. I read your post and chills moved over me like a wave. Will this craziness ever end?
Welcome to the forum.

I love to read the natal chart analysis, I wish one could be done every day.
Gosh I wonder why the charts read that misty was out & about (outside), yet there is not one person to come forward and say she was driving around with them, or standing down at the end of the road hanging out....she's a kid ya know smoking a cigerette whatever?
the charts read that she was out in the open?
she says she never left?

I can almost see someone knocking on the door of that house, sleepy Haleigh waking up and Misty NOT there. Someone Haleigh new of....."I'll help you find Misty", and they (he) takes her to his house somewhere near.
When you want to pursue whereabouts for a victim, you need to look at charts particular to the victim. A year ago, we have follow-up charts that include but are not limited to the T.E.S. search and the sheriff's men search. You will probably want to go back to those event horoscopes to re-examine them. Put T.E.S. in the search engine for Haleigh's thread #1. About the same time, other astrologers posted other charts regarding her location after the fact.

The search T.E.S. didn't work for me..........but this one post was one of the ones I had saved:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - Haleigh Cummings #1[/ame]
with everything going on today, any new information?
is there any signifigance for March 11 2010, or can't that be read yet?
That is an interesting call. Mars will turn direct and Venus returns to the exact same spot it held when Misty phoned 911. As you know, Venus was Haleigh in the event chart cast for Misty's notification to the sheriff's office. Another feature of March 11 is the Moon's position in Aquarius, which is where the Sun was for the eclipse that coincided with the disappearance. That night, the Sun was at 21° of a Fixed Sign and the Sun ruled the intercept within House 8 of death. 21° Aquarius is a critical degree and therefore Misty was in crisis over a death but with Neptune conjunct the Sun in an intercept, she concealed and masked the truth with a false account. This cover-up is in Misty's House of self protection, House 2. What is driving this camouflage, ruler of the intercept? Uranus in Pisces, House 3: the telephone call itself and the order from Ron to report the facts to law enforcement. She had to convey some description of the disappearance. On March 11, the Sun will be atop that Uranus. Good call, whovillebaby!
This cover-up is in Misty's House of self protection, House 2. What is driving this camouflage, ruler of the intercept? Uranus in Pisces, House 3: the telephone call itself and the order from Ron to report the facts to law enforcement. She had to convey some description of the disappearance.

On March 11, the Sun will be atop that Uranus. QUOTE]

Misty was/is under serious threat from the other party, they took Haleigh, she could not protect her. They could come back for her.

Thanks a bunch Tuba!

Possible breakthrough for Haleigh!
This cover-up is in Misty's House of self protection, House 2. What is driving this camouflage, ruler of the intercept? Uranus in Pisces, House 3: the telephone call itself and the order from Ron to report the facts to law enforcement. She had to convey some description of the disappearance.

On March 11, the Sun will be atop that Uranus. QUOTE]

Misty was/is under serious threat from the other party, they took Haleigh, she could not protect her. They could come back for her.

Thanks a bunch Tuba!

Possible breakthrough for Haleigh!
The bolded part, what makes you say that, is there a chart somewhere I'm not seeing? and what is the significance of March 11?
I'm :waitasec:
The bolded part, what makes you say that, is there a chart somewhere I'm not seeing? and what is the significance of March 11?
I'm :waitasec:

Misty is a puppet to Ron, and he knows Misty couldn't control these people "drug dealers" taking Haleigh. I just watched the UC tape with Ron in the front seat as they are driving down the it again, I believe he may be telling what happened "Please don't tell anyone about this"
Do you have a link to that video? I pray there will be a break in Haleigh's case. It's been so so long. Thanks.
Thanks! I just watched it. I'm not sure what to think about this case honestly. I haven't followed it as closely as others. What do you think happened to this sweet child?
Thanks! I just watched it. I'm not sure what to think about this case honestly. I haven't followed it as closely as others. What do you think happened to this sweet child?

Maybe those crowning tight cornrows will help jog her memory.

If you'd like to catch up on this case through the eyes of our astrologers, go to the very first post in THIS thread and read the LAST SEEN charts and the Moonrise chart for that day. Analysis accompany each. After all is said and done, we find an irresponsible MISTY at the helm.
I have a stupid question, has anybody done a chart on just Misti for the morning Haleigh went missing I'm thinking what did she have planned that night that she did not want to babysit? I think maybe thats where this all begins. JMO Prayers that they find Haleigh
The moon is growing into the Full Moon in Virgo.
Full moon will be on Sunday the 28th.
(perfectionist, exacting, discriminating, analytical)
I am praying under this phase many crimes can be solved by LEO.
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