Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #2

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I would like to add one thing on the 'noise' factor. I have not seen it addressed, so forgive me if I missed someone addressing it. It dawned on me when I was watching an interview with one of the family members and you could not hear them because of the trains that kept coming by. I assume they run at all hours so this could be one of the factors why you could not hear someone creeping around if they waited until a train came by. Please forgive me if my stupid is showing. ALL the astro's here are amazing and so many others that help to make this the best of the rest, thanks for all your hard work. It does just amaze me to watch how it comes together.

Absolutely could be a factor in why nothing was heard! Very good thinking, by and by! Wonder if we should research railroad schedules!

Nah, too much work, and wouldn't help identify the perp! But "the dogs going to the RR track", if verified by police, is very interesting!
I don't think train schedules are public, are they? Homeland security changed that maybe. I read on another post about little Junior woke up to police in his trailer and I am assuming detectives, thus might be an explanation for 'the men in black' he saw that he thought took little Haileigh.
housemouse, SS, Tuba, & all I posted in the time-stamped thread an Interactive map of Haleigh's neighborhood but will link it here too, since everyone is looking at the areas surrounding Haleigh's mobile home:

Interactive map of Haleigh's neighborhood:

I hope this helps everyone out some more even though I know you all are looking at google maps already...this one has points of interest marked in it! It has it marked where Ronald works, the mobile home, Haleigh's school, areas that have been searched, etc.


Off to take my much needed daily nap but wanted to post this map for all of you first!
I don't think train schedules are public, are they? Homeland security changed that maybe. I read on another post about little Junior woke up to police in his trailer and I am assuming detectives, thus might be an explanation for 'the men in black' he saw that he thought took little Haileigh.

A reasonable explanation to be sure, By and By. Your point is well taken and may even describe exactly what happened.

However, I can't help a disturbing image that has repeatedly cropped up in my mind as I examine & re-examine the 911 Call chart: namely, SATURN correlates with the color black, as does Capricorn, and to some degree PLUTO.


SATURN Rx partile opposite URANUS at 20 Virgo/Pisces prominent in charts examined, including this 911 Call chart. SATURN Rx in Virgo disposited by MERCURY in Capricorn (black) which is not too far from BLACK MOON LILITH in same 20th degree as SATURN Rx and URANUS.

SATURN Rx is the most elevated planet (closest to Midheaven) in the 911 Call Chart, amping up its prominence, and is in mutual reception with MERCURY in Capricorn. MERCURY is the natural ruler of thieves, and here in this chart is Lord 7, often assigned to perps in forensic horary charts.

Lastly, PLUTO of kidnapping/ rape/ complications rises.

If we were researching prominent colors in this chart, we would see a lot of "black" here.........

FifthEss is the bestest mod (and friend :p) ever in the world!! :blowkiss:

I'm BAAAAAACK thanks to her!!! Woot!! If you have subscriptions set to auto -- go there NOW and put it on 'do not subscribe'!! I had 10 pages of subscriptions, which is why I was lagging!! No wonder!
Absolutely could be a factor in why nothing was heard! Very good thinking, by and by! Wonder if we should research railroad schedules!

Nah, too much work, and wouldn't help identify the perp! But "the dogs going to the RR track", if verified by police, is very interesting!

I live right by a railroad track too and after a while you 'zone them out' and they don't wake you up, or peak your notice.
Absolutely could be a factor in why nothing was heard! Very good thinking, by and by! Wonder if we should research railroad schedules!

Nah, too much work, and wouldn't help identify the perp! But "the dogs going to the RR track", if verified by police, is very interesting!

I tried to to look into schedules but apparently unless it is a passenger train the freights can run their own schedules, so no set time. But please I do not know how to research very well and have not been able to verify time myself not saying it can't be done by someone. It seems when it passes RC's trailer area it is full speed, no stops so I doubt someone could hop a train at that speed or they would end up under it instead of in it. Yes I agree if verified by LE I am sure they could very easily get schedules.
I tried to to look into schedules but apparently unless it is a passenger train the freights can run their own schedules, so no set time. But please I do not know how to research very well and have not been able to verify time myself not saying it can't be done by someone. It seems when it passes RC's trailer area it is full speed, no stops so I doubt someone could hop a train at that speed or they would end up under it instead of in it. Yes I agree if verified by LE I am sure they could very easily get schedules.

bold by me. byandby, the one thing that needs to be noted is that there is a train track draw (draw rail) bridge just north of the Cummings' trailer. Zoom in on any map and follow the tracks due north...see it? There's no way possible that a train going north or south would be going full speed either before or after a bridge going over water. It's a rail bridge, the train would have to slow to a certain speed before entering a certain point in connection with the bridge - probably started slowing about a mile before the if the train was leaving the bridge, it would take time to pick up speed, therefore the train wouldn't be at full speed. I'm not saying the train would slow down enough to crawl, but it would have to slow somewhat, depending on the there's a curve just north of the bridge. The train could derail if it didn't slow when entering that curve (if it were going full speed). Speed (velocity) and weight are always detrimental in regards to engineered structures. This is why sometimes, if you're familiar with a subway, you'll notice they have to slow when approaching bridge crossings or crosstracks. Slightly o/t but a good example could be when semi (tractor trailer) trucks have to stop at weigh stations, especially the one's right before going over a bridge to make sure that the bridge is secure enough for it's load, and some are even informed to ride on the outside or inside lanes respectively b/c of the way the structure was built. It doesn't matter the structure, what matters is that each structure has strong points and weak points...the way they work together is what makes it a "sound" structure.
FifthEss is the bestest mod (and friend :p) ever in the world!! :blowkiss:

I'm BAAAAAACK thanks to her!!! Woot!! If you have subscriptions set to auto -- go there NOW and put it on 'do not subscribe'!! I had 10 pages of subscriptions, which is why I was lagging!! No wonder!

Thank You! My browser kept freezing up and shutting down!
housemouse, SS, Tuba, & all I posted in the time-stamped thread an Interactive map of Haleigh's neighborhood but will link it here too, since everyone is looking at the areas surrounding Haleigh's mobile home:

Interactive map of Haleigh's neighborhood:

I hope this helps everyone out some more even though I know you all are looking at google maps already...this one has points of interest marked in it! It has it marked where Ronald works, the mobile home, Haleigh's school, areas that have been searched, etc.


Off to take my much needed daily nap but wanted to post this map for all of you first!

Hope you see this when you awake! Thank you so much for the map above! It is so helpful to have all these markers, as it gives me a much better feel for the "lay of the land".

I need a nap too! Great idea.

Now not going to take one, because the resolution on this map is so much better than even Google Earth!
Yep that's what mine did too!! It was taking 5 mins to load a page! FifthEss told me and I went and deleted all of the 10 pages of subscriptions and then set it to auto and it's much better now.
A reasonable explanation to be sure, By and By. Your point is well taken and may even describe exactly what happened.

However, I can't help a disturbing image that has repeatedly cropped up in my mind as I examine & re-examine the 911 Call chart: namely, SATURN correlates with the color black, as does Capricorn, and to some degree PLUTO.

SATURN Rx partile opposite URANUS at 20 Virgo/Pisces prominent in charts examined, including this 911 Call chart. SATURN Rx in Virgo disposited by MERCURY in Capricorn (black) which is not too far from BLACK MOON LILITH in same 20th degree as SATURN Rx and URANUS.

SATURN Rx is the most elevated planet (closest to Midheaven) in the 911 Call Chart, amping up its prominence, and is in mutual reception with MERCURY in Capricorn. MERCURY is the natural ruler of thieves, and here in this chart is Lord 7, often assigned to perps in forensic horary charts.

Lastly, PLUTO of kidnapping/ rape/ complications rises.

If we were researching prominent colors in this chart, we would see a lot of "black" here.........


Soulscape, is there anything more we could do with Mercury if he is indicative of the perp? And, which chart (s) to check?
Soulscape, is there anything more we could do with Mercury if he is indicative of the perp? And, which chart (s) to check?


I was just about done with a reply and lost it, go figure!!

I'll try to recap the gist of it:

In traditional horary astrology, MERCURY is the natural ruler of thieves (Wm. Lilly). Lilly says to take a malefic (MARS, SATURN) in an angle or ruler of the 7th as the "thief."

There are no malefics in angles*. Gemini is on the 7th House cusp, ironically ruled by MERCURY, natural significator of thieves.

* Lilly would not have used PLUTO, here in House 1, an angle, since PLUTO hadn't been discovered way back in the day....

MERCURY the perp is in mutual reception with SATURN Rx which also has the distinction of being the most elevated planet in the 911 Call chart. There is obviously a connection between MERCURY and SATURN Rx due to this mutual reception.

Were there two perps (Gemini, MERCURY)??

Did a younger man (MERCURY) steal the child for an older man (SATURN)?

MERCURY is about to enter critical degree (26 Cardinal), only 3 minutes away, and is disposited by SATURN Rx which as already discussed is exact opposite URANUS at 20 Virgo/Pisces with BLACK MOON LILITH in 20th degree Capricorn.

PLUTO rising (kidnapping, rape, complications) makes the chart even more sinister, particularly since MOON applies trine and VENUS the female child squares, separating, confirming she's already been taken.

If we have a verified time for the TES search (Friday 2/13??), I would check that chart.


I was just about done with a reply and lost it, go figure!!

I'll try to recap the gist of it:

In traditional horary astrology, MERCURY is the natural ruler of thieves (Wm. Lilly). Lilly says to take a malefic (MARS, SATURN) in an angle or ruler of the 7th as the "thief."

There are no malefics in angles*. Gemini is on the 7th House cusp, ironically ruled by MERCURY, natural significator of thieves.

* Lilly would not have used PLUTO, here in House 1, an angle, since PLUTO hadn't been discovered way back in the day....

MERCURY the perp is in mutual reception with SATURN Rx which also has the distinction of being the most elevated planet in the 911 Call chart. There is obviously a connection between MERCURY and SATURN Rx due to this mutual reception.

Were there two perps (Gemini, MERCURY)??

Did a younger man (MERCURY) steal the child for an older man (SATURN)?

MERCURY is about to enter critical degree (26 Cardinal), only 3 minutes away, and is disposited by SATURN Rx which as already discussed is exact opposite URANUS at 20 Virgo/Pisces with BLACK MOON LILITH in 20th degree Capricorn.

PLUTO rising (kidnapping, rape, complications) makes the chart even more sinister, particularly since MOON applies trine and VENUS the female child squares, separating, confirming she's already been taken.

If we have a verified time for the TES search (Friday 2/13??), I would check that chart.



Here is link to TES page stating they asked all volunteers to be there 8:00am to begin the search on 2/13/09
Soulscape, I wish we could find out if there are any named asteroids involved in these two planets.

Dave Campbell uses so many of these in his chart analyses, but only lists a few of them in his "Forensic Astrology". He refers to so many in the case studies.

Sure wish they were listed online somewhere. Going to google and see if there is any PC software that might be helpful, and how much. I am sure there is none for the Mac, because we are so few in number.
Soulscape, I wish we could find out if there are any named asteroids involved in these two planets.

Dave Campbell uses so many of these in his chart analyses, but only lists a few of them in his "Forensic Astrology". He refers to so many in the case studies.

Sure wish they were listed online somewhere. Going to google and see if there is any PC software that might be helpful, and how much. I am sure there is none for the Mac, because we are so few in number.

Yes, there is a site where you can plug in the date, time, Latitude-Longitude and it will spit out asteroids, transneptunians, planets up the yin-yang.

You must enter time in U.T.!!! 3:27 AM EST = 3:27 + 5:00 = 8:27 AM.

Check "First 1000 Asteroids"

You can select how you want to view them; I like Longitudinal Order.

I've copied the output for 24 - 26 Capricorn (with MERCURY at 25:57). A little hard to read here, but not so bad at the web site:


223 Rosa 24 cp 10' 5" Asteroid
403 Cyane 24 cp 28'43" Asteroid
443 Photographica 24 cp 32'45" Asteroid
788 Hohensteina 24 cp 32'56" Asteroid
510 Mabella 24 cp 39'39" Asteroid
332 Siri 25 cp 8'35" Asteroid
161 Athor 25 cp 11'43" Asteroid
634 Ute 25 cp 24'19" Asteroid
242 Kriemhild 25 cp 30'27" Asteroid

Mercury 25 cp 57'22" Classical Planet

18 Melpomene 26 cp 6'39" Asteroid
982 Franklina 26 cp 24'53" Asteroid
714 Ulula 26 cp 33'22" Asteroid
328 Gudrun 26 cp 48'40" Asteroid
745 Mauritia 26 cp 52'21" -Asteroid

ETA: cleaned it up to make it easier to read!

#2 ETA Asteroids surrounding SATURN at 20 Virgo:

42355 Typhon 19 vi 6' 2" Rx TNO
650 Amalasuntha 19 vi 49'17" Rx Asteroid

Saturn 20 vi 21'21" Rx Classical Planet

548 Kressida 20 vi 48' 0" Rx Asteroid
95 Arethusa 20 vi 53' 1" Rx Asteroid
717 Wisibada 21 vi 1'26" Rx Asteroid
413 Edburga 21 vi 7'53" Rx Asteroid
201 Penelope 21 vi 9'19" Rx Asteroid
338 Budrosa 21 vi 33'49" Rx Asteroid
183 Istria 21 vi 51'39"

Soulscape, I wish we could find out if there are any named asteroids involved in these two planets.

Dave Campbell uses so many of these in his chart analyses, but only lists a few of them in his "Forensic Astrology". He refers to so many in the case studies.

Sure wish they were listed online somewhere. Going to google and see if there is any PC software that might be helpful, and how much. I am sure there is none for the Mac, because we are so few in number.


I did a search and came across the information below. Is this helpful? If so, I will post more and the links.

List of Saturn-crossing asteroids/minor planets:
A Saturn-crosser is an minor planet whose orbit crosses that of Saturn. The known numbered Saturn-crossers are listed below. There is only one inner-grazer (944 Hidalgo) and no outer-grazers or co-orbitals known; most if not all of the crossers are Centaurs.

Notes: † inner-grazer

944 Hidalgo †
2060 Chiron
5145 Pholus
5335 Damocles
8405 Asbolus
(15504) 1999 RG33
20461 Dioretsa
31824 Elatus
32532 Thereus
(37117) 2000 VU2
52872 Okyrhoe
(60558) 2000 EC98
(63252) 2001 BL41
(65407) 2002 RP120
Here are the objects surrounding VENUS the female child (5 Aries):

929 Algunde 4 ar 9'39" Asteroid
54598 Bienor 4 ar 14'24" Centaur
948 Jucunda 4 ar 26'28" Asteroid
224 Oceana 4 ar 27'31Asteroid
400 Ducrosa 4 ar 33'42 Asteroid
830 Petropolitana 4 ar 38'45 Asteroid
442 Eichsfeldia 4 ar 43' 4 Asteroid
535 Montague 4 ar 58'55" Asteroid
121 Hermione 5 ar 1'43 Asteroid
544 Jetta 5 ar 22'40 Asteroid

Venus 5 ar 34'36" Classical Planet

238 Hypatia 5 ar 39'16 Asteroid
516 Amherstia 5 ar 41'48" Asteroid
2938 Hopi 5 ar 49' 0" Asteroid
627 Charis 6 ar 4'48" Asteroid
848 Inna 6 ar 5'25" Asteroid
HOUSE 4 6 ar 8'23" House Cusp
615 Roswitha 6 ar 8'31" Asteroid
130 Elektra 6 ar 14'55 Asteroid
278 Paulina 6 ar 52' 3 Asteroid

I am hunting on Astrodienst and they have a massive list of asteroids that can be added to their free chart services.

Found some software for the PC that can be used on the Mac if I get some additional crossover software, that looks really good, called Sirius, by Cosmic Patterns software, but it is around $600.

Think I will try to use Astrodienst. I saw that there is an asteroid named Cummings. Going to see if I can get a free chart erected after I hunt for some of the other names we have on our lists.

later, will have my nose stuck in the Astrodienst website. If I am needed, SoulScape, ping me via the usual.
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