Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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Hi All, First I want to say you guys are amazing. And Soulscape and Tuba, I always look for your posts. I've been reading this for a while. Too scared to jump in and show my "education":blushing:
I have a question about comparing charts can you do one for Haleigh's natal and the last search?

Here's the link to a post by our SOULSCAPE regarding the last official search of March 12th using a commencement time of 10:55a.m.
We are all students, so don't hesitiate to ask questions regarding any of the astrological charts, discussions, even the astro termiology used in the analysis.
Hi All, First I want to say you guys are amazing. And Soulscape and Tuba, I always look for your posts. I've been reading this for a while. Too scared to jump in and show my "education":blushing:
I have a question about comparing charts can you do one for Haleigh's natal and the last search?

Hello Violet,

Welcome to our Astro Forum.

In my post #270 on this Thread (link provided in FifthEssence's post above), I examined the Search chart and judged they were looking for a dead child. Post-search media informed us "nothing of significance" had been found (and certainly not Haleigh).

If we cast a Bi-Wheel with Haleigh's natal chart as Inner and the Search Chart as Outer, we can see more support that the searchers were indeed looking for a dead child and that she would not be found as a result of that particular search.


1. Event chart SUN is posited in Haleigh's 8th House of Death. This shows they are looking for a dead child.

2. Event chart MOON at 11 Libra is partile (exact) trine natal NEPTUNE (disappearance; invisibility; also modern ruler of Haleigh's 8th House of Death) --- this shows she would not be found.

3. Event chart NEPTUNE at 24 Aquarius is partile opposed Haleigh's natal SUN 24 Leo --- this shows "invisibility" --- they cannot "see" her; she will not be found.

4. Event chart ASCENDANT 26 Taurus is partile conjunct malefic Fixed Star CAPUT ALGOL, closely square Haleigh's natal JUPITER 27 Leo, ruler of her 8th House of Death. Additionally, Event chart ASCENDANT/ALGOL is focal point of Yod connecting natal VERTEX 26 Sagittarius and Event VERTEX 26 Libra. Notice exact degree (26). All of this shows she is dead.

5. Event chart Part of Death at 9 Leo closely conjunct Event chart SOUTH NODE. If you look at chart in post #270 you will see the NODES span the 10/4 axis showing what comes before the public eye and/or goal represented by event. This shows they are looking for a dead child and also promises she will not be found because the malefic SOUTH NODE conjuncts Event chart End of the Matter 4th House cusp.

6. Event chart JUPITER, ruler of Haleigh's natal 8th House of Death, is at 15 Aquarius, exactly inconjunct Haleigh's natal Part of Death at 15 Cancer. Another confirmation she is dead (as if we needed one...).

The Search chart told the tale with no reference to Haleigh's natal chart but now that we have made the comparison, we see some very obvious connections.

Thank you Soulscape. Seems like I did read this (duh) maybe I was l looking a different out come. This just breaks my heart.
Hello wonderful astros! Just a quick question. Earlier this evening some horrible allegations were made against RC on GR's show. They concerned an incident involving a witness or witnesses stating that RC beat RJ into a bloody pulp and that there has been ongoing physical abuse from RC. I find this extremely hard to believe. Is there anything in RJ's natal chart that would indicate if he was being physically abused by his father? As always, thank you so much for all you do! :angel:
Hello Violet,

Welcome to our Astro Forum.

In my post #270 on this Thread (link provided in FifthEssence's post above), I examined the Search chart and judged they were looking for a dead child. Post-search media informed us "nothing of significance" had been found (and certainly not Haleigh).

If we cast a Bi-Wheel with Haleigh's natal chart as Inner and the Search Chart as Outer, we can see more support that the searchers were indeed looking for a dead child and that she would not be found as a result of that particular search.


1. Event chart SUN is posited in Haleigh's 8th House of Death. This shows they are looking for a dead child.

2. Event chart MOON at 11 Libra is partile (exact) trine natal NEPTUNE (disappearance; invisibility; also modern ruler of Haleigh's 8th House of Death) --- this shows she would not be found.

3. Event chart NEPTUNE at 24 Aquarius is partile opposed Haleigh's natal SUN 24 Leo --- this shows "invisibility" --- they cannot "see" her; she will not be found.

4. Event chart ASCENDANT 26 Taurus is partile conjunct malefic Fixed Star CAPUT ALGOL, closely square Haleigh's natal JUPITER 27 Leo, ruler of her 8th House of Death. Additionally, Event chart ASCENDANT/ALGOL is focal point of Yod connecting natal VERTEX 26 Sagittarius and Event VERTEX 26 Libra. Notice exact degree (26). All of this shows she is dead.

5. Event chart Part of Death at 9 Leo closely conjunct Event chart SOUTH NODE. If you look at chart in post #270 you will see the NODES span the 10/4 axis showing what comes before the public eye and/or goal represented by event. This shows they are looking for a dead child and also promises she will not be found because the malefic SOUTH NODE conjuncts Event chart End of the Matter 4th House cusp.

6. Event chart JUPITER, ruler of Haleigh's natal 8th House of Death, is at 15 Aquarius, exactly inconjunct Haleigh's natal Part of Death at 15 Cancer. Another confirmation she is dead (as if we needed one...).

The Search chart told the tale with no reference to Haleigh's natal chart but now that we have made the comparison, we see some very obvious connections.


So does this mean she will NEVER be found??? :(
So does this mean she will NEVER be found??? :(

No, Debbie, not at all. This was a chart for a particular search, and the chart indicated she would not be found as a result of this search. That doesn't mean she won't be found.

I am hopeful she will be found. In the 911 CALL chart, Haleigh's significator VENUS is in the 3rd House of the Near Neighborhood close conjunct 4th House cusp (the home). The 3rd House is a cadent house which can indicate "hidden" and harder to find. However, because VENUS (Haleigh) is so close to 4th cusp and 4th is an angular house I have hopes she will be found. (When significators are in angular houses what or who they represent can be found.)

Hello wonderful astros! Just a quick question. Earlier this evening some horrible allegations were made against RC on GR's show. They concerned an incident involving a witness or witnesses stating that RC beat RJ into a bloody pulp and that there has been ongoing physical abuse from RC. I find this extremely hard to believe. Is there anything in RJ's natal chart that would indicate if he was being physically abused by his father? As always, thank you so much for all you do! :angel:

Petresq, this is a very important question. I will examine RJr's chart this evening and post my findings. If another Astro has time, perhaps she can comment sooner.

I just discovered this thread and find it fascinating. To all the astrologers that take the time to chart for WS and answer all our questions thank you so much. You are awesome!
Recently a very ugly accusation was made, that in the past, RC abused Ron Jr, "beating him to a bloody pulp" or words equally appalling. We look to their charts to see if this may be probable.

For something as serious as abuse, I am severely handicapped by not having the true times or places of birth. I have relocated both charts to Satsuma, FL and placed the SUN on the ASCENDANT (Sunrise chart).


The most afflicted planet in Ron Jr's chart is his MOON. Since Kaitland already spoke of this MOON, I'm bringing over that part of her post here:

... His Moon in Taurus (ruling all of the women in his life, his natural mother, the "step mom GF", and his sister (because it's in 3rd house), is severely afflicted: square to the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Neptune, and Ascendant. It is inconjunct Jupiter (opportunists) and Pluto (kidnappers). There is much sorrow surrounding women in his life. Note he has been living apart from his natural mother for more than half of his little life already. He feels this lack keenly. ...

Ron Jr's chart also clearly shows the parents' addiction issues, particularly with the MARS/NEPTUNE midpoint conjunct CHIRON opposed SATURN Rx. The NODES square, forming a cardinal Grand Cross. MOON is tied by her sextile to SATURN Rx and probable square to NEPTUNE conj. VENUS. We can't help but wonder, with the drug/alcohol/addiction elements, can child abuse be far behind? We know CPS has been involved with this family.

Still, when I look specifically for signals of abuse by the father, I am not convinced this has been happening.

Here is the Bi-Wheel showing Ron Jr. natal as Inner and RC natal as outer:


I note RC's SUN is close sextile Ron Jr's MARS. That is a supportive aspect. Additionally, RC's tight VENUS/MARS conjunction in Virgo is likely trine Ron Jr's natal MOON. This shows RC values (VENUS) his son and does not resent being his "mother." This is interesting in light of the fact it was RC who obtained custody of his two children alleging he was "the better parent" --- and a Family Court judge obviously agreed....

Wanting to be very cautious, I also ran a 90 degree bi-wheel (not shown) and noted no triggers between RC and Ron Jr's charts. I then ran an aspect analysis which suggests the same --- there really doesn't seem to be anything strongly suggestive of abuse to Ron Jr from RC.

This is not to say that Ron Jr. hasn't already undergone tragic suffering/harm in his young life because/ through the addictions of parents/guardians/caretakers (resulting in inadequate/ incompetent/ ineffective parenting, not to mention the abduction of his sister) ---- however, I am not seeing strong support of physical abuse by the Father in the charts and am wondering if the abuse allegations are just that --- allegations drummed up by a lawyer who may be preparing a custody suit for bio-mom CS.

I'll even go one further and state it is my astrological opinion, after examining both parental charts and comparing to Ron Jr's chart, that Ron Jr. would be better off with RC.

Soulscape.....In reference to several of your charts, and in particular #270, I see where they point to the fact that Haleigh will more than likely not be found alive. My question is......
Can another chart that is run sometime in the future with new data, contradict this and say there is a likely-hood that she is alive?
Thank you for your analysis of the RJ/RC abuse chart. This confirms what I was thinking. I am disgusted to see that the disappearance and search for Haleigh is turning into a nasty, mud-slinging custody dispute :( There is no excuse for making false allegations. Praying that Haleigh is found and that RJ will have his psychological wounds healed.

The Astros have been following this case since it broke. Our judgments have not substantially changed since Day 1, when we were working with a "questionable" LAST SEEN and only a Sunrise natal for Haleigh.

Here is Tuba's first post on Thread #1:


Here is my 1st post on Thread #1:

02-11-2009, 10:29 PM

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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Western New York
Posts: 760

Haleigh Cummings LAST SEEN
Haleigh Cummings, age 5, was last seen asleep in her bed by her dad's 17 year old girlfriend Misty Croslin at approx. 10:00 pm on Monday 2/9/09.

Charts here:

There are several things that strike me.

1. CHIRON (hurt, damage) is partile conjunct SUN in critical degree (21 Fixed) and both conjunct NEPTUNE (disappearance) in the 5th House of Children.

2. MOON separates from opposition to CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction across the 5/11 axis. This could suggest the danger comes from friend of the family (11th House of Friends). Because MOON is Void of Course and separating from the opposition, it's too late to stop whatever is in process of happening. If MOON could function despite being VOC, she would trine PLUTO, natural significator of kidnappers (along with NEPTUNE) in 4 degrees 9 minutes.

3. VENUS Lord 1 (Haleigh) is poorly placed in the radix 6th House close enough to 7th House cusp to indicate she is about to have a change in circumstances (changing houses). VENUS is afflicted by being in Aries, sign of her detriment, sextile to MARS (violence/rapist/murderer), square PLUTO (violence, kidnapping, abuse) and contraparallel URANUS (sudden change/ upheaval).

4. VENUS (Haleigh) is quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN, natural significator of Death, suggesting highly critical and unstable circumstances (remember SATURN is exactly opposed URANUS of instability).

5. I note that CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction is opposite Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo and is partile opposed Part of Sonia* in Haleigh's natal Sunrise chart. (The Part of Sonia placement is very speculative because I don't have Haleigh's place of birth or time of birth. Nonetheless, I found this partile opposition very *coincidental* to say the least!)

*Part of Sonia has been found prominent in death charts according to research done by Astrologer Lynn Koiner. I have been experimenting with it.

6. Event chart ASCENDANT 11 Libra is partile trine Haleigh's natal NEPTUNE 11 Aquarius (disappearance).

7. Event chart BLACK MOON LILITH, often active in catastrophes/tragedies/fatalities, at 20 Capricorn is in same degree as Event chart SATURN opposite URANUS.

8. Event chart NODES at 9 Aquarius/Leo are in critical degree (9 Fixed) and in same degree as Haleigh's natal SATURN (9 Cancer).

9. Haleigh's natal SUN (24 Leo) is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES) in her natal chart (NODES at 24 Taurus/Scorpio). According to Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, this always connotes a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality, both in natal as well as horary charts.

Unfortunately, this preliminary evaluation points to abduction by a pedophile. I will have to study the other charts to see if they confirm.



Since then, we have examined more verifiable charts, specifically the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 CALL charts and were provided with what we cautiously believe to be Haleigh's true birth time (6:49:30 am). Our judgments have not substantially changed.

1. This was an abduction.

2. The crime was exacerbated by "incompetent" and/or "inadequate" caretaking.

3. The crime was facilitated by the lifestyle/ behavioral choices/ associations of the "parents" (i.e., Ronald & Misty). In other words, Haleigh's existence was exposed to the perp through her parents' associations, choices of friends & acquaintances, lifestyle decisions, etc.

Could the motive for Haleigh's abduction have been revenge? Yes, it could have... She may have been taken in retaliation for a drug deal gone bad, money owed, anger/resentment against either or both of the parents, etc. Did the parents "sell" or "trade" her? No. She was abducted.

4. There is "family connection." The perp is very likely someone known to Ronald and/or Misty. It could be a family member, friend, acquaintance, neighbor --- or someone associated with any of the aforementioned persons. This person could be a registered sex offender, but it is just as possible the person is not registered and operates under the radar screen.

5. There is a sexual component in all of the charts.

6. There are strong death markers in all of the charts.

See my detailed post, Revisiting the 911 Call Chart - Part 4:

You will see that 30+ days later, my judgment is essentially the same as it was on 2-11-09.

As for your question whether she was moved or not, I suspect she was discarded in the neighborhood.

I apologize if this post has frightened, upset, disturbed or offended anyone who is reading it, for none of those things are my intention. Forensic astrology by its very nature is starkly black & white and I relay its messages as I see them.

Thank you,

Hi Soulscape, I feel so honored to post to you as I know very little about your field of work. I sit here in awe. But am so thankful to have found your thread and have a comment. My sister is an astrologer but deals mainly with issues supporting women's and religious rights. She is 'Herstar'.

Reading through this post each Judgement you made, one after the other, brought a person to mind in Satsuma who we have learned about, and astoundingly so.

I can't bring over info that is not verified from the Parking Lot as it is private. You might already know about this person, yes, you probably do. We were told about him from a local who gave us interesting info, showing it is worth looking into.

If you want me to PM you with this I will.

Thanks for doing what you seem to know so well to help find Haleigh and bring her home.

No, Debbie, not at all. This was a chart for a particular search, and the chart indicated she would not be found as a result of this search. That doesn't mean she won't be found.

I am hopeful she will be found. In the 911 CALL chart, Haleigh's significator VENUS is in the 3rd House of the Near Neighborhood close conjunct 4th House cusp (the home). The 3rd House is a cadent house which can indicate "hidden" and harder to find. However, because VENUS (Haleigh) is so close to 4th cusp and 4th is an angular house I have hopes she will be found. (When significators are in angular houses what or who they represent can be found.)


Aloha Soulscape, this latest chart gives me great Hope! Will lil Haleigh be Found Alive?
Soulscape.....In reference to several of your charts, and in particular #270, I see where they point to the fact that Haleigh will more than likely not be found alive. My question is......
Can another chart that is run sometime in the future with new data, contradict this and say there is a likely-hood that she is alive?

Hello White Hawk,

Long time no hear from you.

Regarding my post #270, that chart was cast for the earliest time-stamped posting I could find on the Internet from a media source that a search would take place that day. It was not the exact time the search actually began.

If you (or anyone) can provide an exact (or even close approximate) time the search actually began, I am willing to look at such chart to see if it may contradict the 10:55 am chart. However, keep in mind, the 10:55 am chart correctly forecast that Haleigh would not be found (as a result of that particular search).

Please clarify your question whether a future chart based on new data could point us in another direction. To my best knowledge, we have been working with a valid LAST SEEN and a valid 911 Call Chart. Additionally all the charts we have run for the 2/9 - 2/10 time period give similar testimonies. If the "new data" to which you refer is taken from event which occurred after the 7:00 pm 2/9/09 - 3:30 am 2/10/09 time frame, then I can tell you flat out, a chart cast from such will not change probable outcome.

OHHH Jazzy...I so hope you are wrong here but if not then my prayer is ( many will disagree) that Haleigh has passed and is now resting in the loving arms of our Lord Jesus Christ... My reasoning for this is I can't bear the thought that she is repeatedly being subjected to such evil.. If she were my own flesh and blood I would pray for the same thing because to me I can't live with the thought that one of our precious children are once again being held and tortuered on a regular basis... I hope this does not offend anyone.. I only want what is best for Haleigh...I pray for Haleigh and her family and friends as well as all the lost and missing that we continue to hear about on a much too often basis...JMO...sweets
Aloha Soulscape, this latest chart gives me great Hope! Will lil Haleigh be Found Alive?

Aloha, Kolokolo,

I am hopeful Haleigh will be found, and can see from the charts this is a possibility. However, the charts all strongly point to death and I do not think she will be found alive.

Do you think that Haliegh might be in Florida?

At the time of the 911 Call, Haleigh was in "the near neighborhood" (3rd House) "close to home" (conjunct the 4th House cusp). I have no astrological reason to suspect she was relocated outside of Florida.

Hi Jazzy - that info you posted was a little strong for me, personally. While interesting, I admit I'm not putting a lot into the details given based on psychic feelings. I believe in intuition and often see its relevancies when several others have the same intuitive feelings. But I'm not much for psychic impressions. I have never seen them to be true and often find that they are very hurtful in some cases. The description of the perp is eerily similar to the unicycle man and he does seem to have a long driveway.

Based on the other asto charts here, I think Haleigh is still close to home, in the near neighborhood. I pray that she did not meet the violence you described, although I know it is possible given the circumstances of this case.

And I pray that the angels are protecting her where ever she is and that she will be found and brought home soon! Please Lord!

I am not psychic by any means and do not begin to even claim to be, however Jazzy I am very interested in the statement about the wooden cabin, because for some odd reason evertime I think about Haliegh I picture her in a small wooden something, shack, cabin maybe or an old outhouse, but nothing more. I dont look ever put to much into things that I might feel, but it really shocked me that you said that, cause, I have had the same thought. I just dont think she is out in the woods or anything, I think she is in somesort of wooden structure that may be in the woods.
Astro's is there anyway to determine from the charts if Haliegh is in a structure, out in the woods or in water? maybe that could narrow the search down some.
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