Forensic Astrology - KRISTI CORNWELL missing 8/11/09 GA

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The following information may not be helpful in solving this crime but should be noted when charting it. The Intrinsic Degrees, developed by Mae Ludlam Wilson, tell us that the Sun is "containing a force". The Moon is "being noticed" and she rules H. 5 where we find Cancer, distress and the need for change in matters of love affairs, taking risks and children. Kristi does not have a female child and the Venus in H. 5 conjoins Douglas D.'s Sun, so the reference is to her love affair with him: it is a source of stress for her and perhaps for him as well. The Moon is in the H. of self-defense, protecting the self.

Uranus, the ambusher(s), is the irresistible force and operates like a lightning strike. The picture formed by these elements is one where as soon as seen, she is seized and bundled into the vehicle forceably. The Moon is always six Houses after one whom she upsets. Here, she is six Houses after someone at a distance, Douglas D. whose Saturn is precisely on the cusp of House 9.
Thank you Tuba. Thinking about why she would be stressed about her relationship with DD and why she would have to protect herself? Could this indicate the abduction was initiated by a female in DD's life? I just keep thinking about that statement he made about meeting her family but they not knowing who he was "by design". Why did they have to hide or deceive her family? Or am I way off and perhaps she had tried to end the relationship with DD and he was stalking her in one way or another?
The Moon had just entered the H. of self-defense so that need arose with the assault from the people in the car(s).
That Moon on the evening of August 11 was not void of course, i.e., making no further aspect before leaving the Sign of Aries. She was moving on to trine Pluto from 30° Aries while squaring the lunar node at 0:07 Aquarius (30°07' Capricorn). Three significators of casualty, fatality, tragedy.

One more caveat. Although true, Kristi had the benefit of a mutual reception, so did the ambusher. Therefore, he or they could commit this crime and then slip back into the day to day costume of normal life, looking as pedestrian as the man behind you in the check-out line.
We can't let Kristi go down as one more Georgia cold case. Progress is stalled, so there is that danger.

Zodiac Signs are a guide as important as planets and Houses. The night Kristi vanished the event was denoted by a Leo Sun. Leo has governance over affairs of children, of chance and risk, and of romance and courtship. This Leo Sun held a place in House 6, where decisions are made.

What decision might have been forming? What decision was announced? The parties at odds were Sun versus Jupiter-Neptune, the one was opposed to the other. Mercury, planet assigned to decision, was at the Descendant where we deal with marriage and intimates in our life. The decision was about those subjects.

The Moon of emotion at the event is asserting her independence in Aries and taking care of herself, not someone else, moving from House 1 to House 2. What situation is she acting upon ? Again, a love affair, House 5.
Tuba, we have not been able to confirm anywhere that the third marriage was finalized in a divorce. Your post above in my mind could be in relationship to either the aforementioned or DD. Earlier a friend of her's posted here, but she has not been back. I am so discouraged at the lack of progress and information that has been released. Even the interest in the missing/located thread has waned : (
Can we learn more about the former husband so as to determine whether he fits the group oriented profile? That, as you will recall from the previous page in this thread, is based on the nodes, on Aquarius, and on Uranus and on Pluto of groups. There are other connotations to Uranus aside from groups. See post #52. Divorce and a broken relationship is one of them.

An ex-husband is a partial fit but if the background of the man is also group membership, a much better fit.
This helps me think about that night on the road but it may not mean anything to other sleuths. There was a planetary aspect on the occasion that reflects stubborn resistance to compromise in the face of dire or dreadfully urgent emergencies yet we cannot guess if any concession would have appeased the attacker(s). However, the aspect was in play for quite awhile that evening, before and after the interrupted cell call, so one has to ask if yielding on some point or other earlier would have prevented or altered the abduction.

If we knew more truthful, accurate information about what was going on at 8 o'clock and 8:30, maybe we could grasp how a different attitude or different language would have placated the aggressor. The ruthlessness and viciousness shown by Mars square both Saturn and Uranus, Uranus being on the person in House 1 makes it hard to imagine any compromise would pacify this attacker.

This same aspect reveals that the attacker(s) has the habit of taking women on, quarreling with them and refusing to hear them out or allow them to have their say. Possibly this quality is known among Kristi's friends and family as part of a POI's description.

It is the particular 135° aspect between Moon and Mercury that reacts in this way and which also assures that matters will not work out as planned. See page 3. One thing we do know, however. Kristi was the Moon and D.D. was the Mercury and we can prove it because he was engaged with her on the cell at the time. That in itself says quite a lot.
This helps me think about that night on the road but it may not mean anything to other sleuths. There was a planetary aspect on the occasion that reflects stubborn resistance to compromise in the face of dire or dreadfully urgent emergencies yet we cannot guess if any concession would have appeased the attacker(s). However, the aspect was in play for quite awhile that evening, before and after the interrupted cell call, so one has to ask if yielding on some point or other earlier would have prevented or altered the abduction.

If we knew more truthful, accurate information about what was going on at 8 o'clock and 8:30, maybe we could grasp how a different attitude or different language would have placated the aggressor. The ruthlessness and viciousness shown by Mars square both Saturn and Uranus, Uranus being on the person in House 1 makes it hard to imagine any compromise would pacify this attacker.

This same aspect reveals that the attacker(s) has the habit of taking women on, quarreling with them and refusing to hear them out or allow them to have their say. Possibly this quality is known among Kristi's friends and family as part of a POI's description.

It is the particular 135° aspect between Moon and Mercury that reacts in this way and which also assures that matters will not work out as planned. See page 3. One thing we do know, however. Kristi was the Moon and D.D. was the Mercury and we can prove it because he was engaged with her on the cell at the time. That in itself says quite a lot.
Tuba, could this apply to the LE person that she had been posting about on the internet (that was allegedly rumored at in the general thread on this case)? The personality (and situation including what you mentioned about groups) similarities seem uncanny to me! For some reason!
This particular aspect applies to one person only, the one she was engaged with on the phone. Mercury is at the Descendant of the event chart: someone on the line at the time of the attack. That would be D.D. by his own actions and admissions and phone records. It is also true that D.D.'s own Mars, the one he has throughout life, was on the Ascendant of this same event chart.

We therefore know, no mistaking it, that he is the person described in the material you quoted: unwilling to compromise and prone to quarrel with women. That's why I concluded the material the way I did.
Lessons come in different ways
Monday, September 14, 2009 3:55 PM CDT
Sometimes lessons are the obvious kind, the ones that hit between the eyes like a sledgehammer. Sometimes they are the less obvious, the ones that force a look past the surface of something that happens.

Area residents have been faced with both types in the last several weeks.

First was the disappearance of Kristi Cornwell. She vanished, and is believed to have been abducted, while innocently walking along a country road barely outside the boundaries of Fannin County.

The lesson was all too obvious, we are not as safe as we think we are. This is not Mayberry. The truth is, the image of the town portrayed by the famous television show does not exist anymore. While Fannin County and the Copper Basin come about as close as is possible, Mayberry has vanished from all but old reruns and fond memories of the way things used to be. Cornwell&#8217;s disappearance brought that realization home. It taught us to always be on guard.

Killer's campsite not tied to disappearance
Monday, September 14, 2009 3:54 PM CDT
A hunter scouting deer signs stumbled across a campsite and cache of supplies in southern Fannin County Friday that was later determined to belong to convicted murderer Gary Michael Hilton.

Originally, investigators believed the site could have been connected to the disappearance of Kristi Cornwell, and Union County authorities responded to the scene along with other law enforcement personnel.

The site was found off Coopers Creek Road in the wildlife management area, said Investigator Justin Turner of the Fannin County Sheriff&#8217;s Department.

Turner said the hunter was scouting signs in advance of the upcoming hunting season when he came across the campsite and some items he thought might be stolen property. The man reported his find to U.S. Forest Service officials, who went to the site.

Latest leads produce no signs of victim
Monday, September 14, 2009 3:54 PM CDT
Now a month after her disappearance while walking near her home, there is still no trace of Union County resident Kristi Leigh Cornwell.

Cornwell disappeared while walking along Jones Creek Road, which is just across the line into Union County from Fannin, on Tuesday, Aug. 11, the victim of an apparent abduction.

Late last week, Georgia Bureau of Investigation spokesman John Bankhead said that although the case is still ongoing and investigators continue to pursue leads, there is still no sign of Cornwell.

Photographs of the missing woman along with more information related to her disappearance is available on a website set up by her family, which can be accessed at


What we are short on is not planetary information but her personal history. We need to find out about that recent rupture in relations, Uranus and who that party was. Through astrology we can describe the temperament of the person but the planets cannot provide a name. The individual is unconventional and does not only think outside the box but runs on high octane emotionally. He considers rules to govern other people, he breaks them willingly and deliberately. In an earlier post, I described the stress he felt that second week in August and tagged him a Type A. His imagination is a slum and should be condemned. The expression in his eyes is unusual. His manner is informal and his actions random, erratic, unpredictable. His physical constitution is imperfect but he compensates.

Only Kristi's associates would know who this person is, if even they know.

Thought I would bring this post forward to see if any of what Tuba describes is familiar or rings a bell with someone who knows her. We have a few new posters today who may be able to shed some light on this subject. If posting is uncomfortable, the info can always be relayed via PM.

Pluto shares in group membership ...Tuba, can you explain "group membership" please.
From #52

Kristi has the north node of the Moon on those two planets, Jupiter-Neptune, in her House 12 and that same node is inconjunct Pluto. Those indicators point us toward the convicts she worked with, internet associations and to a lesser extent, students met in the courses she was taking. The students do not fit Uranus who is in mutual reception with Neptune, however, unless one of them is insane. Uranus represents someone released after serving time, someone "freed" by divorce or break-up but the node relates to groups of people we associate with which brings us back to ex-cons and people met on line rather than ex-husbands. Pluto shares in the group concept.
For your consideration, the Fixed Star Epsilon Leonis was an active force on the evening of 11 August. The star is also known as Algenubi and as Ras Elased Australis. It is the southern star in the Lion's Head and called the mouth. The Sun, which had set, was conjunct this yellow star, which has been observed since the time of Ninevah, Assyria. The influence attributed to Epsilon Leonis is boldness & daring, bestowing arrogant, bombastic and cruel qualities. "He who rends." He is known as heartless, brutish and destructive, nevertheless giving the power of oratory or vocal expression and appreciation for art or what is artistic.

When you take into account the fact that any and all events are signified by the Sun, it is well to acknowledge the importance of the Sun's conjunction to a Fixed Star.
Soulscape's Chart; 3. I look to the SUN here located at 19 Leo in House 6 for information regarding the Event. This tells me there is crisis involving daily routine, exercise or health (all 6th House matters) and that in this instance, it worked against her because SUN is applying opposite JUPITER her significator. As we know, Kristi was allegedly abducted while walking for exercise near her home, something she did routinely.

Tuba's post; The influence attributed to Epsilon Leonis is boldness & daring, bestowing arrogant, bombastic and cruel qualities. "He who rends." He is known as heartless, brutish and destructive, nevertheless giving the power of oratory or vocal expression and appreciation for art or what is artistic.

There is a person who fits the bolded description.
Family hopes clues for missing mother will be found in East Tennessee
Posted: 6:30 PM Sep 21, 2009
A mother of two disappeared from a North Georgia country road about five weeks ago as she was taking a walk. Kristi Cornwell's case has been featured on network news, but all along her family has believed answers to her whereabouts may be right here in East Tennessee.

Richard Cornwell says that clue tells them her abductors were headed north.

He's a pilot so he's been flying over the area searching for vehicles that residents report seeing that night.

"Several routes, major routes from Blairsville, Georgia lead into East Tennessee-- especially Highway 129 and 411. Those areas in particular people need to remember where they were at late on August 11th or early on August 12th," Richard Cornwell said.


Tuba, Kristi attended a funeral for a family member two days prior to her abduction. I was unable to get the exact time of the funeral but I know it occured on Sunday August 9th some time after noon and possibly close to 1 or 2 p.m. I thought it strange that these two events happened in such close proximity to each other and was wondering if it is possible to see a connection? Could the perpetrator have been in attendance as well?
Someone in Blairsville has a program from the funeral or attended and remembers the time. See what you can do. The church or building where the funeral was held also has a record of the reservation.
Funeral Services were held at 2:00 PM, Sunday, August 9, 2009 at Townson Rose Funeral Home Chapel in Murphy, NC.
Good sleuthing, Etta. We would have been SO off base--not even in the right State!!!
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